why did this show suck so much? it had real potential but was instead wasted on dumb shit like fighting maids and those mentally ill children. Why were there so many episodes about that venezuelan kid? fuck
Why did this show suck so much...
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terrible writing. its jap-stereotypes the anime. horrible horrible shit. too bad cause the setting and a few characters are great.
Roberta's Blood Trail is amazing though. God tier action-flick-like anime.
I hate fun: the thread
New season when
I really liked the episode where they were exploring the sunken German submarines as the story switched perspectives between the WW2 military officers that died in the past and Revy looting their corpses in the present. But that's the only one that really stuck with me.
Reminds me of the lack of subtlety found in Hellsing. It's fun, but a retarded fuckfest that teenagers think is of high quality. It's edgy, cliche, and essentially westernized anime for those who are new to the medium. It's like baby formula for a newfags tummy. Summerfags go for this kind of shit when they have no clue what otaku culture is really about; masturbating to lolis. Revy is certainly no loli, nut Hansel and Gretel liked to cosplay as Gothic Lolita vampire edgelords that swap genders. I don't know what in the fuck Hiroe was thinking here, but he at least knew how to meld two horrible forms of entertainment and make it at least endurable.
I think the intro is catchy even though the Engrish lyrics are basically total gibberish.
I would tickle a Revy. Given she works out regularly, it must be like touching the skin of a 10/10 hottie.
Pardon me while I go rub one out.
Yes, these incel faggots don't know what good fun is.
I love Roberta's Blood Trail but why the fuck were everyone mad at Rock for actually trying to do something for once? Black Lagoon is good, but quite dumb.
MELL is great, who gives a shit about engrish if it sounds good? youtube.com
>tickling Revy
I think it'd be cute for twenty seconds or so but fatal after that.
I think it's pretty good, user.
>I love Roberta's Blood Trail but why the fuck were everyone mad at Rock for actually trying to do something for once? Black Lagoon is good, but quite dumb.
Rock was putting Garcia's life to chance so Fabiola was pissed about that, and he was trying to play it off as "Hey we won, right? No harm no foul." And if I recall correctly he was interfering with the mission the U.S. soldiers set out to do so if that mission was compromised then the U.S. government would get more involved which would upset the "peace" in Roanapur.
nah, you're just a plebeian
black lagoon is god
Incredible that they portrayed the German soldiers as good men. You would never see that in an American movie.
There was Valkyrie, showcasing a group of German officers and the attempt to assassinate Hitler.
But most media would rather stick to the idea of one side being good and one side being pure evil, rather than acknowledge the idea of war being made up of countless average Joes being sent to die for leaders who will never know their names.
The Japanese do that in general. Like Gundam and LotGH for example. They always show that war is not black and white, there are good and bad guys on both sides.
maybe in a few spin-offs. zeon are literally unredeemable space nazis
That's why you don't stop user
>won't stop
>the danger escalates as you see the deep-seated rage slowly rising behind the surface of her mirthful laughter
>can't stop
probably next year since the manga picked up recently