Life changing works

Can you identify any manga/anime that has had a major influence on your own life?

On my case it was Ten, by Fukumoto. It was relatively recently, but it allowed me to finally feel serenity for the first time in many months. It was also a catalyst for one of the major breakthroughs on my psychotherapy, and more generally on my growth as a human being.

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I don't really have one desu but good on ya bruh. Hope you get better

Ten, Saikyou Densetsu Kurosawa and Kokou no Hito

What did you enjoy about Kokou no Hito? I was thinking about reading it.

Thanks, man. All the best for you as well.

Second for KnH. One of the most inspiring series I've ever read.

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I'll ask you the same question I asked the other user:

Closest thing is Strongest man Kurosawa and Haruhi


It's just very intensely focused. The MC is a climbing autist, literally doesn't give a fuck about anything else, and his progression towards harder and harder climbs is very slow and dramatic. The content is all very realistic and informed, and the difficulty and danger of the climbs is portrayed with great detail. It's a great story about one guy leaving humanity behind in his pursuit of a goal.

Despite the big differences in treatment it has similar themes to Fukumoto works, trying to achieve worth and freedom in an existential level that's doesn't just come from external circustances, but at the same time not being alienated enough to ditch any societal custom because they are also part of you.

And why do you consider it to be inspiring? Did it make you think positively about the prospect of abandoning humanity/society for focusing on yourself? Because I'm not sure if the road to chosen loliness is very inspiring, but maybe more tragically beautiful. I'm genuinely asking, not trying to be a smartass.

Ok, I might unexpectedly give it a try. Thanks

Definitely Touch by Mitsuru Adachi

From reading a small description, it seems like a typical sports shōnen. Why did it affect you so much?



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Akagi and Ten

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Anyone went to learn and play mahjong after reading akagi or ten? I haven't, but I've been thinking it might be fun, but not having a way to play it that's not online makes it less interesting.

your lie in april made me want ti start playing the piano even though i never considered it before

have you learned how to do it? do you still play up to this day?


I didn't expect to like it so much from the premise, myself, but it was the best coming of age story I've watched.

Freesia, Ichi the killer and homunculus got me full nihilist/misanthrope

Kodomo no Jikan