Dr. Stone

The only kino looking anime this season

Attached: file.png (320x341, 196K)

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>caring about superficial things

>I don't know what "kino looking" means
Kino looking doesn't just refer to the visuals, it refers to the plot, the concept, VA and the kinography.


Fire Force looks better and is better too

There is just something so charming about the artstyle.

Thought it had potential but dropped it around the time he got to the first village.

>Muh magic firefighterz
it's going to have great animation that's for sure, but it's absolutely not gonna be kino in any other department. maybe music.

so, page 40?

>11 volume
>Only 2M in print
Bochi sucking Nak the Hack cock doesn't work huh?

>The only kino looking anime this season
Crunchyroll shills started working, I see.

Attached: D-eJRgHXsAAa4bK.jpg (768x1024, 176K)

Post a kino looking anime then, faggot.

Attached: kinolandsaga.png (1280x720, 535K)

he said kino looking, not homo looking

I tried to read the manga and I have never, NEVER, read something so fucking boring as Fire Force. I'm amazed at how much I dislike it.


Same thing.

Yorifags already got a taste of me. You're next. Prepare yourself, Crunchyroll.

Attached: 1532212778355.png (1021x1035, 1.33M)

Looks like fucking shit compared to SnK.

you can go back to Yea Forums any time now

That's right, fellow VEGfriend. Together we'll destroy the right.

>the right
I mean the shills.

given is the best sanime this season

>Muh magic science
>Muh 1D characters
The only good thing about Dr. Flop is the art.

I think the one from WIT with vikings looks comfy too

>Dr. Push

The fuck?

I wouldn't call it kino as there arent any mindblowing battles but it sure as fuck is a fun series to follow with some kino moments

Origin died so Boichi could focus on drawing this piece of shit
Fuck it.


Anime flop will finally kill this brainlet series, lmao

Its shit like soul eater.

>we got this instead Sun Ken Rock

>implying sun ken rock would get an anime

>Preemptive seething because Fire Force will outshine Dr. Push

i mean, they choose the literally who series instead the good one

fire force is garbage

>vinland kino
>dr. kino
>fire kino
>mama kino
summer season looking good

silly me forgot about fitgirl kino

Why does he have the same hair as Gon?

It's Einstein-esque hair.

I can 100% guarantee you that more people have heard of Dr Stone than Sun Ken Rock

Dr. Stone has some pretty lit moments.

Attached: 16-17.png (1763x1300, 613K)

Spiked hair isn't exactly rare among shounen series.

well, they definitively have now

I'm sorry, but my husbando is getting a season 2

Attached: Anon's husband Nishikata.png (1280x720, 893K)

SE is good. Fire force is trash

I want to hold Tsukasa's hand. And then cheer him on at a MMA match.

Attached: Dr. STONE V1 (2018) - Page 115.png (1400x2100, 3.96M)

>Fire Clover

First half of the first episode.

Tsukasa a cute.

Attached: Dyh2VuhVYAACJik.jpg (960x690, 89K)

Is the MC a chad?

He's an 18 year old divorcee so yes.

Attached: Dr.jpg (1315x1920, 1.63M)


Attached: 17.png (926x1300, 479K)