Dont watch the redubbed eva

Tiffany Grant was a better asuka VA than the original japanese seiyuu. She understood the character better than anyone else. Netflix replaced her with a VA that only understands that Asuka is a 14 years old girl, but none of her personality remains. Where is the fiery redhead that had bite to her tone? The new va makes the character sound less and less of the narcissist she is.
Don't get me wrong, the original japanese dub is superior in every way, but tiffany grant brought some quality to the table.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>watching dubs
I want newfags to leave.


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>Watching dubs

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fucking CHECKED

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You can't say you truly like a show until you've at least watched the both the original and English (or whatever your native language is) dubs, assuming the show is old and popular enough to have gotten one.


Very nice trips. Very nice.


Fuck off dubfag. The best part of the new dub is how it BTFO you retards and those obnoxious burger VAs who think they're THE VOICE of the characters.

best girl coming through!

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Not every show gets a dub, dumbass

Plus many dubs won't have the original voice direction and don't benefit from working in the language of the native work. This is true for any dub of any media from one language to another.

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>Not every show gets a dub, dumbass
Whoa, wait, really? I thought I... wait... I wrote something at the end of my post. What was it? Hmm

Dubs confirm Shinji is best girl.

you didn't watch with Yea Forums did you? that was fun

>Tiffany Grant was a better asuka VA than the original japanese seiyuu
Those are the only good dubs

Tiffany Grant made Asuka sound like a raspy 30 year old women, absolutely disgusting.


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I worked with a woman once who, when viewing a subtitled video, had to quickly read each subtitle out loud as they went by. She evidently couldn't process the words by eye alone.

I imagine she's far from the only one.

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What nationality was this person?

You already know the answer.

Impressive. Very nice!

only people with literal autism could think that the old dub where PEOPLE READ EVERY LINE REAL LOUD LIKE THIS TO SHOW THAT THEY ARE ACT-ING is better than the new dub where people actually show human subtlety and nuance
don't watch dubs but definitely don't watch ADVshit

What is Shinji saying at the end of the Netflix version?

down syndrome mode: activated


>26 posts
>14 IPs

>caring about dubs at all
Get the fuck out of Yea Forums.

i cant believe how bad netflix did

The actual Japanese line, as it should be

I cant believe they censored the only good part of the late series.

Perfect example of Soul vs. Soulless

>Tiffany Grant

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If you watch dubs then you simply don't like anime

t. reads subs

t. Netflix shill

>Tiffany Grant was a better asuka VA than the original japanese seiyuu
That is literally impossible, since any dub can only be judged in relation to how close to the original sounds.

El Hazard and the Magnificent World begs to differ

have you heard the hack job netflix did?

learn to read user, he said that jap va is the best but for dub its grant

I don't think that's true. Maybe you're mistaking localizing a show and doing a vocal performance with someone trying to do an impression.

Would Eva have been better if Shinji was a girl and it devolved into hardcore sex with Kaworu halfway through the show?

>You can't say you truly like a show if you've watched the dub

Leave it to cancerous asukafags to be dub supporters

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The Japanese dub is the author's original vision of the show. It is how every character actually sounds.
You can't say a character sounds better than what the author intended for them to sound like.

I'm quoting him directly:
>Tiffany Grant was a better asuka VA than the original japanese seiyuu.
>She understood the character better than anyone else

>Don't get me wrong, the original japanese dub is superior in every way, but tiffany grant brought some quality to the table.


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>The Japanese dub is the author's original vision of the show. It is how every character actually sounds.
>the author intended for them to sound like.
I think you fundamentally misunderstand what the process of going from script to performance to final cut is like if you believe that original dubs are inherently a pure perfect vision straight from the director's brain.

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english sound so cringe in anime

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He's saying the Japanese dub is better (which I'm not disputing) except for Asuka, in which case he thinks Grant did a better job than the Japanese seiyuu.
Read the whole post.

Even if it's not a pure perfect vision straight from the director's brain, any non-original dub is even further removed from that pure perfect vision, so my point stands.

Shinji doesnt have to be a girl for that to happen. Kawo just has to live longer.

Leaving aside dubs = shite, modern VAs don't have one iota of the ability the old ones did

shinji is a woman confirmed

>Even if it's not a pure perfect vision straight from the director's brain, any non-original dub is even further removed from that pure perfect vision, so my point stands.
Not necessarily. A dub could chance upon a vision that is closer to what the original director had in his brain. If you could somehow objectively analyse a dub and read the mind of the original director and you found that an English dub better matched with his vision than the Japanese dub, would you not accept it? Or are you a hypocrite?

they dont know how to act or research lines. they were just spoiled kids who got parts due to the current political climate.

Yes, it's much closer to the original Japanese audio, which is the only valid criterion

no it isnt, the VA sounds like she is acting the new dub sounds like shit. She cant even sound german when saying german lines. She is fucking awful.

>would you not accept it?
Depends. Voice acting itself is only one of the reasons why foreign language dubs are inferior. In many cases the original intended meaning of the lines themselves cannot be totally preserved due to the fact that no two languages are alike. This is usually (not always) less of an issue with subs since they are not intending to appeal to a wider public and therefore don't need to rely on localization so much, and, as a fallback, TL notes can be used. Provided that wasn't a problem, yes, I would accept it.
That is just a thought experiment however, as it is extremely unlikely, not to say impossible, for such a thing to happen.

The new VA cant show any emotion. Even the japanese va has more emotion. The new va just cant fucking act.

What the heck.

that user only cares of how someone sounds like the original VA, knows nothing about acting and is an idiot.

You seem to think acting is just yelling all the time

That was directed at Tiffany Grant's acting, not user's post.

Evangelion truly is an anime that people argue about 20+ years after its airing date.

you seem to think projecting is yelling.
Its also called emotion, not a monotonous drone from some bitch who cant act.

Tiffany is a hardcore Asukafag as well.

and? my point still stands. Some fag who cant handle loud noises isnt the type of person who knows what acting is

Emotion isn't real

thats why its called ACTING you stupid fuck. and it was more real than the new va who couldnt do anything.

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No, user, I think it's you who doesn't understand what acting is.
That is not good voice acting. It's not realistic, it's over the top and sounds foolish.

>No fly me to the moon
>No kaworu love
>Worse VAs
Answer: jews

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I agree.
Also miss the German she injected in.

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Has ADV ever bothered to explain their acting process? I feel like Tiffany Grant is good because she used method acting to become the character.

The Netflix Dub Acting sufferes from having to follow the script literally with no way to take liberties in handling certain scenes.

>It's not realistic, it's over the top and sounds foolish.
hahah god you are dumb. Its realistic in the environment they are in, not some highschoolers rendition of how to be realistic. Realistic is also based on the world they are in and Auska she better sound like Grant bececause there a giant alien monsters attacking tokyo 3. You dont know what acting is, acting like a bored teenager who cant express emotions when needed isnt realistic. Its just lazy. You are a moron who is also lazy who has no clue what acting is. Not only that The Japanese dont realistically talk like that just so you know. so its not realistic, its just bad acting.

Only autists watch dubs because they don't understand what emotions the actors are trying to portrait without being told literally what they are saying.

its called being a performer user. Acting process is simply projecting some ones voice and reacting with the right emotions needed.

lol they all sound way better than english

Whatever, there's really no fixing dubfags.
If you want your anime to sound like an american kid's cartoon, be my guest.

>The way we do our production is different from a lot of companies which only lead in with 'beep beep beep, record your line'. We build an ensemble. Every character that records is heard by the next person in line. When you are doing a scene the first person is hearing the raw Japanese and by the time it's finished you're hearing almost all English except for the parts you're recording yourself. People get into the natural flow of the dialogue.

there is no fixing your stupidity or your shit taste. You arent an actor so its obvious you cant understand. Sadly enough even people who dont know how to act can tell grant does a better job than the new chick by expressing emotion. You might as well stick to the yugioh st morning dub since you are so fond of that.

She wasn't supposed to express emotions in that scene the way Grant did, though. That is what you don't understand. You shouldn't change what's in the original script even if you think it's "fun" or "creative", otherwise you're not just changing the language, you're creating something that's not the original anime.

Breaking news. All translation requires re-creation.

>She wasn't supposed to express emotions in that scene the way Grant did, though.
yes she was
>You shouldn't change what's in the original script even if you think it's "fun" or "creative", otherwise you're not just changing the language, you're creating something that's not the original anime.

she didnt, she did what she was supposed to do. "Sounding like" the jap va isnt acting its parroting and the new va couldnt do that either.

I'm not him (I have good taste). But just look at Misato:
>Original: soul
>Netflix: souless

i saw it. it was like the life was sucked out of these characters. I by all means dont believe ADV didnt have bad acting which it did, but netflix sunk to a new low.

The biggest factor in voice acting quality is being in a room with the other actors like this. The next biggest factor is the time the cast can spend with the script, practicing their characters before they record. Modern dubs don't do either of these. They have one recording booth with a single mic, and they call people in one at a time to read only their own lines, which they've never read before and have no context for, because they're listed in alphabetical order. AAA games are done this way, and now dubs are done the same way because it's cheaper.

Misato french voice is too sexy

But what the fuck is the recording booth echo at 50 seconds? Ridiculously bad tech.
New Asuka sounds like a cute tsundere, old Asuka is just a cunt.

is it like that now? I think they still do have some studios where it isnt like that.

>there is no fixing your stupidity or your shit taste.
An actual dubfag trying to tell me I'm stupid or have shit taste. Priceless.

>You arent an actor so its obvious you cant understand
Ah, so that's what it comes down to. You're an actor who's upset he doesn't get to pull stuff out of his ass. Did I get that right? I hope I did, as the alternative (someone who defends that and is not even getting paid for it) is even worse.

>You might as well stick to the yugioh st morning dub since you are so fond of that
Why would I stick to a dub when I've been saying since the beginning of this thread that both the old and new NGE dubs are crap and people should watch it subbed? If you haven't noticed yet, you are arguing with two different people, and I'm not defending the Netflix dub nor do I think it's better than ADV, not by a long shot.
Honestly, you sound like you have double digit IQ.

>New Asuka sounds like a cute tsundere
she sounds nothing like that


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They added an echo effect inside the entry plugs.

>An actual dubfag trying to tell me I'm stupid or have shit taste. Priceless.
i aint a dub fag, I just know whats better acting
>Ah, so that's what it comes down to. You're an actor who's upset he doesn't get to pull stuff out of his ass. Did I get that right? I hope I did, as the alternative (someone who defends that and is not even getting paid for it) is even worse.
no its called be directed. It was intentional but since you are fucking retarded you wouldnt know that. Face it, the new va and even the director didnt know how to do their jobs.

>Why would I stick to a dub when I've been saying since the beginning of this thread that both the old and new NGE dubs are crap and people should watch it subbed? If you haven't noticed yet, you are arguing with two different people, and I'm not defending the Netflix dub nor do I think it's better than ADV, not by a long shot.
>Honestly, you sound like you have double digit IQ.
sounds like you got caught being stupid and now you are trying to save face.

she was chosen through politics thats it.


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Both industries (game and anime) are trending in that direction. It's cheaper. Nothing else matters.

All voices were chosen blind by Khara so it's probably Anno being an Asukafag and mandating that the English VA sound like a cute.

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I kind of like the new dub though. Sure it wasn't Tiff, but the actor behind her sounded competent

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haha I remember you, i read those articles and NOTHING indicates khara did anything but have legal issues with Netflix. You are full of shit

i heard her, she isnt.


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>sounds like you got caught being stupid and now you are trying to save face
No, it really sounds like you're incapable of something so basic as keeping track of a discussion on an anonymous uzbek puppet show imageboard and need to read this whole thread again. It's even more clear since the entirety of this last post of yours relies on the assumption that I'm defending Netflix's dub, and not simply trashing ADV's, which is not true.
Again, I suggest you go back to the top of this thread and follow the reply chain once again so you can see that I have not done that even once. To make it easier, this is my first post in this discussion: I'll be more than happy to continue talking to you after that.

>dubs? Of course I watch anime with them. My ears were made for listening to movies and eyes for reading manga, not the other way round.

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>doesn't want dubs
>gets trips

tsundere magic

because you did
learn english and make better arguments

I use my eyes for watching movies too. So this nigga doesnt know how to watch a movie.

>because you did

>learn english
How is that supposed to be an argument? Are you really so buttblasted that you've resorted to looking for small grammar mistakes so you can point that out and ignore the rest of my post?

t. 3.0 piano scene

If you learn to like yourself, you can learn to like others and understand new Asuka is cute

Based tsun power.

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You FOOLS! You slighted my attempt to revise Evanglion for the last time! My my WIll as Anno I swear to you that 3.0+1 will have an ending so strange and anti-fan that I'll crash this franchise completely. The police will drag you out of your Otaku Holes and beat you in the street for possessing NGE merch after I'm done with this film!

So swears Anno!

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 998K)

tumbling donw tumbling down tumbling doooowwwwwnnnn.

holy shit

Just give me a decent Eva game before it comes tumbling down. Fighting game, eroge, anything.

Khara wanted Shinji to be a tranny?

khara didnt want any of it, user was lying.

Think the core fanbase will not be surprised at all if the last Rebuild does that, cannot really fool us twice especially after 3.0 was a trainwreck of a plot.
And the less caring audience will just keep eating up the 2.0 based part of the series.

If anything, it would be more drastic and base breaking for 3.0+1.0 to have an ordinary ending

just play Gundam sd

>shinji marries pen pen
>asuka kills herself over something really really dumb (something like shinji's zoophile marriage)
>rei is now a feminist
>kaworu gets naked
>mari gets turned into a zombie and eats gendo

it's called a "voice actor", white boy

Hey Tiffany. Your waifu is shit.

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I can't fap to this. It's 3D.

Why doesn't the NGE community put together their own dub if the existing dub/translations are so bad? There's so many fans of the show, at least a small handful must have suitable voices, right?

because that would be chaos. so much fighting that they would just fuck around and make poop jokes instead.

Cant wait for 12 year old shinji and male asuka.

>utter miscast
>but they still try their hardest & put their soul into it
I'd watch it desu

so prove it and end this cancerous back and forth once and for all

Best dub

>kaworu gets naked
But that would single handedly make the fanbase go happily rapid over it

That is basically what abridged series are these days, I'm sure several shitty ones exist for Eva

google Khara and Netflix dub
thats what was sent to me by this dude who was lying. So i did, polygon did an article but it said nothing about someone who translates from Khara did the casting. in fact all it had was that Netflix went through a plethora of legal battles with everyone that had something to do with Eva.

>kaworu gets stepped on by 01 that is being piloted by pikachu

CHexk rn

>>rei is now a feminist
Would you?

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I want to take Rei-II's glasses and break them in front of her, and see if that could actually make her cry.

now she is forbidden therefore i must have my seed in her

>kaworu gets naked
Literally Rebuild.

Attached: Kaworu_-_Tabgha_Base_(Rebuild).png (1920x1080, 820K)

only if she's a libfem, and very carefully because that's still not 100% safe

>watching western dubs where every female character sounds like a 30+ year old tranny


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but its only english dub that has tranny

>One too high

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I wish i had a dick so i could RAVAGE HIS ASS UNTIL HE FUCKING BLEEDS

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>CTRL+F yzvIn0mdXtY
>0 results

Keranen confirmed it but deleted the tweet, preserved here:

Dubs are cancer.

Nice digits

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Neon Genesis Evangelion and The Sopranos are different interpretations of the same philosophy.

Some key similarities :
>Tony is Shinji
>Gloria is Rei (reminds the protagonist of his own mother)
>Gloria is also Asuka (low self esteem, manipulative, usually bitching, is choked by the main character)
>Carmella is Misato
>Livia is Gendo
>Johnny is Yui (idealized but is also the cause of many of the main character’s inner torments)
>That Vegas girl Chrissy used to fuck is Kaworu

>Both shows are heavily influenced by Freudian psychology
>Both shows use innovative and/or unusual narrative and filmmaking techniques to portray the subconscious
>Both shows deconstruct their own respective genres
>Both shows rely heavily on religious symbolism

Speculation :
"The Many Saints of Newark" is basically going to be the equivalent of the Rebuild movies. If the film is commercially successful, Chase will give us sequels.

Chase and Anno are also both notorious trolls.

>Some uncanny similarities
Shinji meets Kaworu/Tony and the Las Vegas girl :

Shinji chokes Asuka/Tony chokes Gloria :

Shinji's alternate reality/Tony's coma dreams :

Vision of the Virgin Mary/Rei flashforward

Attached: chrissy_shooting_asuka.jpg (596x595, 52K)

Imagine the amount of autism that went into this post.

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The only dub worth watching is Ghost Stories


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>150+ replies
>56 posters
Man this thread is inbred, you motherfuckers need to get your damn priorities straight

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There is nothing more gratifying than seeing dubfags seething over redubs as if their dubs weren't already redubs of the original.

you cant argue with it

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The guy who oversaw the FUNimation subtitles for Khara also is here. I don't think it's coincidence.

Imagine being this much of a brainlet tool.

Does anyone know the rationale they had behind redubbing the english VO? Did they ever explain why they did it?

Attached: 1561850750555.jpg (693x720, 364K)
>yfw you are your own waifu

Didn't the VAs for the three pilots end up marrying the VAs for the three bridge staff? And all three marriages ended in divorce?

Attached: asukafags.png (320x240, 143K)

is the new italain dub still not done?

She's a looker

They didn't want to license to old dub

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Trips of truth, Asuka best girl

Do we know any details? Was this another example of Matt Greenfield and whatever remnants of ADV he still controls overplaying their hand in negotiations? That's how the live action adaptation planned in the mid-2000s was (thankfully) scuttled- at the time ADV still controlled all the US distribution rights and was asking for an obscene licensing fee (despite being bankrupt and desperately in need of cash).

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>And all three marriages ended in divorce?

Attached: curse of eva.png (720x540, 212K)

You read everything aloud subvocally.
It'a biologicially impossible not to.

>Didn't the VAs for the three pilots end up marrying the VAs for the three bridge staff? And all three marriages ended in divorce?
Yes, but I think Grant was already dating Greenfield before then.

>Trips of truth

The joke here is that the Netflix redub is to anglos what the original dub is to non-anglos. Now you know how much of a downgrade english dubs sound like to everyone else.

>I imagine she's far from the only one.
in America no, you all have the same disease sorry

Rent free

the french dub is fine thank you very much




because it was shit

THe 90s dub was a bad dub. To be fair the main cast starts to do okay at the end of the show, but the ADV dub has a lot of cheesey bad line deliverables and all the side characters sound like they have down syndrome.

There is a lot of selective editing from the ADV fags. It's really easy to find important scenes where the bad voice acting in the ADV dub is really noticeable.

case in point:

newfags cant write a post without contradicting themselves kek

Based as fuck

>don't watch dubs
No shit, retard

Reifags why isn’t best girl in this thread???

Rei deserves better than being in a dubthread.

Not much to discuss about Rei in the dub, anyone can do quiet monotone.

because mari is best girl

I don't say this very often but... based

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based as fuck

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Except now you have Rei in a dub thread.

There is one 33 posts in

Rei 1 is a brat and doesn’t count

Rei is much better in the new dub, she is over-acted and strangely aggressive in the old one. This is clearly not the intention and renders Shinji's behavior confusing.

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What's with the influx of dub apologists in the last year?

Her Netflix English VA sounds around 5 years younger than Asuka actually is. A lot of people don't like Netflix Misato but I find this Misato less derpy than the other Misato during dramatic moments. Additionally, Shinji is less derpy overall.

I still agree that Tiffany Grant has a really unique voice that can't be replaced. I wish they didn't force Asuka to constantly lapse into German, though. Everyone knows deep down it didn't work very well.

Way to go, buddy. It took us 3 days to make that dub. 3 DAYS.

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Might have something to do with the influx of good dubs. What I will say, though, is that the Netflix dub's translation is really fucking literal and boring. There are some lines from the ADV dub that I wish survived into the Netflix dub, just acted better. For instance, when Naoko Akagi chokes Rei I, she says in the ADV dub "You little bitch. You're replaceable too, don't you know that Rei? You're just as replacable as me!"

Op is a faggot

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I actually liked the new Misato dub a lot more than her old one. She sounds more mature, but doesn't have the over the top punchiness of the old misato during less serious moments.

Still, I like the Rebuilds Misato the best, her actress really sold it, and I think that will be my favorite performance of her.

Attached: Kubrick-Neon-Genesis-Evangelion-RARE-Misato-Katsuragi-Anime.jpg (300x400, 15K)

Best girl already is, see

Point of order: that's the director's job, not the actor / actress.

Amanda Win Lee returned to voice Misato in the Rebuilds and she was a better actress by that time.

Not bad.

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Yeah I know that. That's why I liked it, she really honed her craft by the time the Rebuilds rolled around

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I do want to interject a bit of a caveat here. Not everyone from the ADV films dub cast was used to reprise their roles in EoE. In fact, during that scene, with the exception of Jason Lee (the long haired bridge bunny) all of the bad acting sequences were the new cast chosen by Manga Ent's team to dub EoE. Asuka, Rei, Shinji, Misato, and Kaworu were the only original cast used in those scenes, and all of those scenes were well acted because the actors understood the characters as they had been doing them for a long time. The rookies didn't, and it showed. Of course, your mileage may vary on Spike Spencer's scream, as it often is for people, but the rest of the ADV cast did EoE wonderfully.

That was Allison Keith. Amanda Winn Lee does Rei / Yui.

Spike Spencer's scream is different from the japanese dub, yes, but still encapsulates the same horror. The japanese dub is slightly more of a shriek but meh, it conveyed the same emotion

>watching dubs on the first place

Why do people watch anime in english? Are they literal brain dead inside?

Imagine being this triggered over a Japanese cartoon.

Have sex, you dumb gay manlets.

Oh I thought she did both for some reason

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Literal faggots

I really liked her German...

Nice desu ne

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go back

>Not getting 9S to do Shinji

Oh come the fuck on.

mentioning Yea Forums-tier seiyuus

You didn't have to tell me not to watch a dub

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first post AND second post best posts

Still one of the best modern game dubs.

Why didn't Ogata or Miyamura get lucky and get put into a forever long running series like Pokemon or One Piece. Hayashibara still gets new roles while everyone else doesn't do anything.

I will never understand why you faggots get bent out of shape over dubs. Nobody who watches dubs gets bent out of shape over what you watch, but your anus apparently cannot handle the load of a dub discussion. I have never understood why you care. There are dozens of other threads to circlejerk to your own preference. Yet you show up here.

Look, in the old days there was a decent argument to be made on the dub / sub debate because various US distributors (notably ADV and Viz) would charge MORE for subtitled VHS copies than they did for dubbed copies, a business practice that continues to boggle my mind. However, once DVDs hit, where dual audio options existed, the argument should have vanished. Instead, this old fucking argument has gone over for over three fucking decades. Nobody cares you don't like dubs. It isn't going to change anything.

>a business practice that continues to boggle my mind
wasn't it part of the licensing because japan feared reverse import?

Put me on the screencap

All I know about the old NGE dub is that Asuka dub VA is loved, Shinji dub was snarked upon/neutral at best, and Rei's old English VA was good but is a sociopath

> ratio of posts /IP is 2.5

Was it? Maybe. They were charging $29.95 for a VHS episode that had 2 episodes (I recall one of the Viz advertisements emphasizing that it was "two whole episodes!" once). I know that Japanese VHS / Laserdiscs back then were uproariously priced (which continues today) but I don't think reverse importing was ever an issue. Maybe it was.

Old dub was way too 90s

Isn't 2B voiced by Runkachunk in dubland?

is it just me or does tiffany grant sound completely unlike asuka. It just doesn't work for me.

That depends on what you think Asuka sounds like. If you're basing it off the original Yuko Miyamura, well no of course she doesn't. If you're basing it off the new dub VA, well no of course she doesn't. If you're basing it off something in your own head, then you'll have to describe what that is.

All Hail Best VA

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someone that doesn't sound like a raspy 30 year old woman

New Asuka is better in every way

this photo brings a strange sadness, I don't know why.

That is actually pretty good for one of these threads.
An earlier thread was so fucked up early on the ratio was 5.0 at one point.

Miyamura is in Conan, Ogata and Ishida are more prevalent in vidya series

It's cuz Tiffany is a cute but time goes on. Also anons are being mean to her in this thread.

Akira Ishida is still in a bunch of random anime each year. Ogata's last big thing was Danganronpa, which was a while ago. You got me with Miyamura at least.

I would not describe Tiffany Grant's voice as "raspy". You're the second faggot... actually you're probably the first faggot trying again to bait... to mention that her voice sounds raspy, and you either don't know what raspy actually sounds like or you are trying to force a new meaningless meme word.

Probably because you can't see her even bigger Hello Kitty collection. She's a freak for that shit.

Yeah, I hear Ishida pretty frequently in seasonal Anime. Even more than Hayashibara.

They should be put in the same Anime more often, like with Rakugo. That was amazing.

Miyamura also contracted Grave's Disease then had children and more or less bowed out of doing the job. Fun fact, Tiffany Grant is the godmother to Miyamura's children. That's how good of friends they are, bonded by both playing the same character. I am sure that while Tiff isn't pleased with the new dub of Eva, she'll most likely reach out to Stephanie McKeon to form a similar solidarity.


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>Tiffany Grant is the godmother to Miyamura's children
Source on this?

From Grant herself, I'm afraid. I don't know if anything of the type has ever been publicly stated anywhere.

Considering how the new Eva dub turned out, that's a good thing.

It hasn't, rather everything I've heard has been the opposite.

Have you heard american kids cartoons? Most of them sound pretty great. DCAU still sounds top-notch to this day.

Dubhaters just haven't moved on from those days it seems. You can tell they haven't watched anything in english since the 4Kids days.


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Well now you've got me wondering. I'll have to email her.

It's ok user,maybe someday you will get some taste

Where did all of these 'people' come from?

yeah Japan made the decision, didnt mean studio khara was involved. It is a misleading tweet

How do you deal with all the gaijin speaking english on a daily basis?

same way we deal with mexicans speaking spanish

Seriously, you're never going to change my mind, so why are you bothering?

>ever consider watching dub

You're the lowest of the low


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>Tiffany Grant was a better asuka VA than the original japanese seiyuu.
Miss Grant, please go and stay goed.

Is this the dubs thread?

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>religious iconography has always given me the heebie-jeebies (mainly crucifixion).
>thought this would be an issue watching Evangelion
>the thing that ended up making me most uncomfortable was the Tanging in EOE

Why is it so fucking unnerving

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I have. Most dubs past 2012 are phoned in or are huge monkey's paws (bad show gets unironic effort in acting)

stop watching children shows then.

So what’s the rebuild situation now? Everyone hates the new dub and Netflix has a stronghold on the og series

I just read Amanda Winn Lees hissy fit on Twitter. Really strange stance to take. She admits to being liberal with the translations and thinks the same people are now bitching about literal translations.

So she basically admitted she fanfictioned her version and it’s inaccurate.

The lesson, just watch the new Netflix version subs and have Fly me to the Moon cued up somewhere.

Lol she literally sounds like she's reading off a worksheet in German class or something. I wouldn't even mind the new VA so much if she sounded a little more aggressive all the time, like she did with the "STOP!! I'VE HAD ENOUGH!", but most of the time she sounds like a character in a kiddie show or something.

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All dubfaggots should literally fucking neck themselves immediately. Miyamura Yuuko is the voice of Asuka, you pathetic fucking sacks of reddit shit.

>Tiffany Grant was a better asuka VA than the original japanese seiyuu
You're an incredibly fucking tasteless piece of garbage and you need to immediately fuck off back to whatever phpbb forum you crawled out of.

She only did D&R and EoE though, right?
Honestly the only lines I prefer from her version are I'm so fucked up, baloney poney, and in other words, I love you


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What's wrong with her stance? She admits they were somewhat liberal translations, but the point is that people bitch about liberal translations back then, and now they're bitching about literal translations now. I think she wants people who are bitching to make up their fucking minds and I'm right there with her.

Yeah, only the two films, but the Kaworu line is from the TV series, not D&R. There were some other things they did as well. I watched the commentary track where she points out some of the stuff they did to add some flavor. The scene where the SEELE people are using a flamethrower on people not seen, they added a line where one of the SEELE guys says "hit 'em again!". There was no line of dialogue there in the original. She thought it added more impact to an already harrowing scene. Like, the SEELE people weren't just doing their jobs, they were also horrible monsters. I suppose you could argue that wasn't the point, but using a flamethrower on NERV personnel was intentionally over the top, so I suppose it fits.

Not to mention Tiffany nailed Asuka’s German lines while the new one sounds fake as fuck. I haven’t even read any of the responses in this thread yet but I’m sure it’s full of contrarian faggots who think it’s cool to shit on the ADV dub because reasons.

nice trips

Fuck off to Reddit with that postmodernist bullshit.

lol this crazy bitch can just dance naked again for attention on twitch
i'm sure that she never bought all of this shit and retard like you offered them to her like a fag

no its the monolingual

>make up their fucking minds
>everyone that complains is the same person
Very reasonable stance you have there.

Based and checked.

What other Japan is there? Did PM Abe tell them to ditch the gay shit? You know who was in control of the translation.
There is no cure for autism but there are support options available.

Walter Benjamin already BTFOed her """localization""" plebshit.

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It feels sad to deny such an otaku her role in the new dub. Almost like a betrayal.

>he thinks some random opinion can BTFO somebody
This is such horseshit. Everyone knows there are two camps of thought when it comes to translation, and neither is more “true” than the other.

If I'm gonna read something foreign then I expect some thing "foreign". That's the whole point of me reading something foreign to begin with.
There's no point if you're "localizing" it and ruining the original feel.

This is why fan-scanlations are most of the time better than official translations.

>neither is more “true” than the other
Fuck off cunt.
Translation is translating it literally without changing shit.
Changing shit for no reason is what is known as the degenerate american art of "localization"

i hope to god none of you niggas ever get writing jobs.

Cool your autism, nigga

Is this the power of Americans? Thank god I'm from a country that doesn't dub stuff so I haven't ever had to sink to this level of depravity

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>faggots got it removed
Plebs didn't understand the magnitude of what they got because they were too busy shiposting about big boy words making them fell inadequate

I don't get why they were so eager to waste money on a new dub in the first place. Big corporations are so wasteful and full of shit.

Because Khara are a bunch of faggots that don't understand how the english language works.

Companies used to hire actors with talent and experience, not the first half-dozen people who turned up

Netflix did a new dub for legal reasons. Anno got into a legal battle with Gainax over Evangelion, and ADV films collapsed.

But ADV sold their assets (including the rights to their dub) to other companies.

t. Cannarsi

Watch rebuild.

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was gainax too weak to fight it at that point?


3.0+1: First Ancestral Race appearance or bust!

anta baka?

hay ore wa weebu deska

Just turn the series into the last arc of Gurren Lagan and have Shinji kill those precursor bastards.

Fly Me to the Moon plays in the background as an instrumental track in episode 17, you dunces

>Don't get me wrong, the original japanese dub is superior in every way
And in what way is it better? How would you know when you don't understand the language. Jesus you unironic weebs give the rest of us a bad name.

Then merge with Unit-01 in the LCL and come out the first of the New Race. Asuka can come to.

Are you well? Do you have brain damage?

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>closer to the original Japanese audio, which is the only valid criterion
Literally no one who actually works in the industry thinks this way. Not even the Japanese. Have you heard the Japanese dubs for shows like Spongebob or King of the Hill? Several characters sound completely different to their English counterparts. You're just saying that because "JAPANESE GOOD ENGLISH BAD"

Does anyone know how to add an audio track to a video file? Also subtitles. I want to add the netflix audio and subtitles to my video files I already have. I would also like to add all the other language dub versions to them and their subtitles to have a fully complete video file of all audio and subtitles for evangelion.

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we know the english dub is shit thats all ypu need to know monolingualfag

Why don't you learn the language you worship? I can answer that: because you're a fucking retard.

i already 4 languages boy, its 4 times more than you'll ever dream to know

"I already [know] 4 languages boy. [It's] 4 times..."
How about learning the basics of 1 language to start. LOL

the term you're looking for is muxing, look up an mkvtool tutorial it's not that complex. you can also just load external audio tracks

Thank you for the info user

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Because only retards watch dubs, I assume. Why put in effort to make a product nobody with a brain would watch anyway?

>>She understood the character better than anyone else
Where's the lie here though? Miyamura never even liked Asuka since inception.

Just use seph's shit. He already has a billion subs in it and the correct (and superior) adv dub audio files in his mega if you want to put those in. You will run into trouble trying to put in the netflix files, since netflix fucked with the ending track making them different lengths, and whatever method you're using to extract the files might not give good quality.

What is seph's shit?

>What is seph's shit?
You do have the bd release of the series and eoe on your drive, right? There are a couple other ones like 2d4u but you should at least know what the seph release is if you've looked into them.

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These are the ones I have right now. x256 versions of the bluray version so its probably based on the seph ones. Same for EoE (x256)

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This has to be a troll.

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How? Whats wrong with it?

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I'm watching for the first time and using the Netflix dub and there is nothing you can do to stop me.

shinji sounds like a 40 year old lesbian.

I can't even tell what release that is, aka who encoded those files from the massive raw bd straight off the disks. Less than 300mb file size at 1080p is literally dogshit, and it's already dual audio so that's taking up even more of the size making it even shittier for that size. h265 doesn't make a difference when it's that low quality either. There's also the issue of vlc but I don't really care about that.

Just look up a good quality bd release, I shouldn't have to tell you where to find it. There should be two major ones with thousands of downloads each and I've already told you what both of them are. A high quality bd release of a 26 episode series and a movie should be like 50gb, which nge definitely deserves because of the quality of its animation and art and the fact it was before the digital switch with tons of grain and artefacts from the master film.

You should already be aware of all of this if you're trying to create your own second hand release. You would want the best quality possible if you are putting in effort to mux in other languages, although you didn't even know how to do that either.

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did you try the others dub just for fun?

I did actually.

i heard the latin spanish was good LOL

But the 4kids One Piece was great

suck Sanji lollipop fag

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What're you, stoopid??

I love how campy, silly, and funny the ADV dub is. Probably my favourite dub. But I guess this is what people are referring to when they say "I enjoy it ironically".

calm down man I'm just working on improving what ive got. Whats the problem with the quality you mean? Can you take some screenshots? Mine look crystal clear. Also yeah VLC but I dont usually use that for watching videos just to open some stuff quickly.

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That's completely irrelevant to what you quoted.

Some dubs are objectively better castings and performances than the original jap, or at least partially with some of the characters. Very few, but they do exist no matter how mad you get at the idea.

Download an episode and see for yourself. Take some initiative and do your own research and make your own decisions, you've already been spoonfed enough.

never existed you're delusional or burger

Dont worry, I'll never watch any version of eva

Alright here we go with the better ones.
>yyh is not only good and better dubbed, the sub is actually bad
>spice and wolf
>desert punk
>dragon ball but only frieza with chris ayres, maybe goku if you hate the granny enough but sean is a fag
Then there are many dubs that are roughly equal to the subs to the point it comes down to personal taste. A lot of it is already western inspired or themed.
>cowboy bebop
>space dandy
>black lagoon
>db kai
Then there are those that are only a small step down from the sub or have enough of an entertainment factor they make them still worth watching.
>code geass
>death note
>squid girl, yes really
Those aren't all of the ones I've listened to and enjoyed dubbed. Ranma, Golden Boy, HxH 2011 especially the ant arc, adv nge, and a lot of movies are at least interesting. I know Yea Forums is about being elitist to keep the shitters out, I've been here for a decade now and agree with that. But when it comes to dubs it's a whole other world of entertainment you're missing out on without even giving a chance. You really should look up a few clips of chris ayres' frieza and the squid girl dub, which I think used to be on netflix and was better than any western kids show.

I have unironically always loved the idea of Sanji sucking on lollipops trying to look cool pretending they're cigarettes

I liked FMA2003's dub better than FMAB's. If we're talking only about the merics of the dub and not the content of the shows, I rank English FMA2003>the Japanese of each>the English FMAB.
Pretty good list overall, user.

Who is this brown cutie and where can I see more of her?

Switch to Japanese and see that he’s not meant to sound that way. The other dub’s Shinji is whiny but at least sounds like a boy.

You've gotta be squidding me

I like Squid Girl’s puns. They’re a good replacement for her ‘ika’ talk in the sub.

The first youtube result and it is amazing. I also recommend looking up some of the chimera ant characters from hxh which was recently finished on toonami, especially the king and his royal guards, although some of the main cast isn't that good and drags down the show overall.

I could never get into 03 or take it seriously. I hate dante and the changes they made to the plot and characters. I prefer subbed but some of the brotherhood dubbed characters like Mustang and Ling are great.

The United States and Japan are the only two countries that matter as far as anime is concerned. Other languages should abolish themselves since you all speak English anyway.

>literally fucking neck themselves
Nig leave

I don't shit about japanese grammar and complex worldplay, but I'm pretty sure like 90% of her jap squid puns was just slapping de goso on the end of every other sentence. I think some of the subgroups took a lot of liberties and actually put way more effort into the puns than the jap audio ever did, same with the dub. Some subgroups just left degeso at the end untranslated or didn't even bother referencing it.

lol only Japan, China, Korea and France know anime and care about manga culture unlike you capshit sucker

Capeshit comics are actually way more nerdy and difficult to keep up with than manga if you knew anything about them. Not that that's a good thing, it's the opposite.

>I could never get into 03 or take it seriously. I hate dante and the changes they made to the plot and characters
only people who didnt read the manga like this bad version

i see why they dont sell outside the US then

The difference between subvocally and vocally are heaven and earth.

yikes, someone get this hothead outta here.

Imagine having to follow half a dozen different releases that all concurrently run by different writers and reference each other under different titles and storylines, and having to read all of them to fully understand any of them. Imagine having to follow the same characters over the decades being constantly rebooted and retconned because the dumbass writers take their fantasies to the extreme with massive powercreep, or just simply dropped because nobody cares about them anymore regardless of how important they were. And imagine all of that and the art and dialogue are still really bad and there is an increasing political slant being forced on them with each passing year. It's just awful. There were no politics in the past and issues were typically easier to follow back then with proper numbering and such, but the writing was even cheesier and the powercreep magnitudes higher. There are a dozen different versions of superman that would put the madara copypasta to shame.

Is Netflix getting the rebuilds too?

If they did it would be different licensing issues. The series was by adv but funimation did the movies, although funi did use some of the same voice actors like asuka and shinji. Khara fully owns the rights to both so it's possible, but the rebuilds are shit so who cares.

prepare your anus this saturday

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>Listening to subs Asuka mangle the German language.
Faggot confirmed.

I bought a ticket to AX just to go see this

Based and Grantpilled.

What this guy said. Honestly, you don't even need a tutorial, mkvtool is so easy to use. Just make sure the length of your audio and the episode length match lmao.

So I've been showing my other half Eva in 8 episode batches while saving the final night to be 25/26/25'/26'. It's fun to watch someone who has never seen Eva before go through the mind fuck it unfolds to be.

As soon as I have the BRs for 2.22 and 3.33 it should be fun to cover all 3 rebuilds next.

desu i'd say split up the tv endings and eoe so that one doesn't overshadow the other

Old dub was good, you're all just contrarians

Asshole, us oldfags, us original NGE fans grew up with Spike, Allison, Tiffany, and Amanda. They ARE those characters to us who were fans before this board even existed.

Get. Fucked.

Autism. Kill yourself you retarded gaijin.

Kid, I was importing VHS tapes of raw anime before you were fucking born. I can't think of anything sadder than considering yourself an "original" NGE fan, given you weren't even in fucking Japan at the time, had no idea how popular that shit was, and you had to wait 2 fucking years MINIMUM to have seen that shit dubbed. Hell, if you didn't even buy the tapes, you didn't watch it until past the millennium.

Imagine being a "fan" of japanimation for ~20 years, and still not know the language. You're an embarrassment, dude. You were a newfag 20 years ago, and you're still a newfag today.

Imagine being a big enough autist to actually learn the language

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Why is this thread still here
OP you are autistic to still be seething about this


my senpai is too based

Did you misclicked and you wanted post on Yea Forums or Yea Forums?

Which real-life artists who look like Asuka?

Only a vermin would unironically enjoy dubs. If you see a dub thread like this one it's very likely to be a crossboarding faggot.

Miranda Cosgrove

idris elba

chelsea manning

Oh wow one episode? Instead of a different thematic version for every single fucking one? Netflix zoomers are hot fucking garbage for even trying to defend this half baked cash-in.


Asuka is shit. In fact all the characters in Evangelion are shit except Gendo

Youre forgetting best girl

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I love how people think that subs aren't altered from the original meaning too, if you really wanted to watch it as intended you would learn Japanese.

some high pitched kawaii uguu voice actress does not fit Asuka

liar! we all know that Pen Pen is truly best girl

This, you can't really say you've truly watched a movie unless you try it the original way and then with the russian voice over