Dude let's believe as a complete fact the stuff some literally who wrote in some books lmao

>Dude let's believe as a complete fact the stuff some literally who wrote in some books lmao

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>a literally who

>guy who had a titan power and assassinated the secret royal family as soon as the country was attacked
>literally who

Everything in Grisha's books was more consistent with what they learned about the world than the King's propaganda. What would be a better alternative? Obviously they're going to seek out answers for themselves, but Grisha's books will function as a guide in that endeavor.

>some literally who
Are you actually retarded

but its confirmed by eren's memories

>Eren's memories conveniently come back at the exact same time they find Grisha's books.
What a coincidence.

Are you implying this absolute normie shit has bad writing?

Are you braindead, Eren's memories don't come back randomly, they need a trigger like when Historia touched him. Holy shit literally commit suicide nobody cares about you

>a literally who

God is dead, though.

Eren confirmed that what was written was true. Have you watched the show?

Speedwatcher pls. Eren gets data transfer when triggered by external stimuli, like touching the books or Historia.

Fuck off, fedora
Crazy Old Testament aside, Jesus is literally the #1 most influencial person in history. You can remove all his miracles and his story would still continue to influence civilizations

>God is busy writing books and conveniently gives them not to every human but to only chosen one dude that totally not lying and not trying to get power over you and lead you hell knows where


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Are you fucking retarded? He gave Eren the titan, described the 9 titans and everything they know from what BR have said fits into it, if that doesn't give him credibility in your opinion you should kill yourself.

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>Jesus is literally the #1 most influencial person in history
There isn't even a consensus that he really existed.

You can't fake a wisdom that permeated for 2000 years, user.
Also, trial of John the Baptist was recorded and excavated

>a fictional character can't influence people

Characters aren't people.

based and faithpilled

cringe and heathenpilled

He is confirmed to be a real person. Now, did he really do the miracles? That's where there is no consensus.

John the Baptist's bones are sealed in a Bulgarian Church and was confirmed by scientists to have been from a Middle Eastern Man born in 1AD

Then why did he see the future in ep 1 while daydreaming? A royal blood butterfly landed on him?

You are one of those people who unironically enjoy Mahouka.

By Christian """"scientists""""

Yeah sure because the photograph, something that didn't exist inside the walls and that the characters recognized as being too detailed to be a drawing, was totally not a proof.
And because outside knowledge totally doesn't match how the ""literally who"" that mysteriously appeared outside the walls one day had advanced medical knowledge to save a village from a plague unknown to every other doctor.

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wow have sex, nerd


It was peer reviewed and available to any who academic person

>Holy shit literally commit suicide nobody cares about you
Noone deserves death, especially when they are innocent. You are a bad person for writing this!!


>the absolute state of brainlets

>The informations from that books are really bounded with the one they already have, the guy who have written them was a titan and literally killed the royal family to give his powers to his son, plus is son confirmed the accuracy of those books by the memories he gained.......also they have the photograph as proof of how tecnological the world is impruved compared to them.

Im pretty sure that those books are pretty attendible.


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Are you impling you have just an hate-boner for a series who actually showed that is possible being WELL WRITTEN and POPULAR at the same time, but you are too idiot for accept it so you will continue to hate it until your own death.

>an hate
Hahaha and you have the nerve to call other idiots?

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He is just a Snk-hater, literally one of the lowest kind of sub-humans existing in the modern world.
They are human who hated the show and the manga right after the first 2 chapters/episodes, so they got an hate-boner and will alwais say shit on it even if it would be recognized as the next Lord of Rings .

>an hate

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Oh sorry, im just a italian who trying to arguing in english with brainlet people who aren't able to accept the series they alwais hated because "reasons" is actually good and well written.
But probably is because you are some kind of god , able to trascend the comprention and you will alwais say that Snk is shit while TRUE shit like Naruto,dragonball,bleach and all the others SHONENSHIT are good.

Tring to evindence writting errors just because you have no arguments to actually have a cultural and fair discussion about this series eccept "SNK IS SHIT BECAUSE IS POPULAR AND BECAUSE I SAID IT 1111!!!1111".

Stop, you're just embarrassing yourself at this point.

How? explain me why im embarrasing myself.
It look like you are just trying to find excuses to cut down this discussion because you can't managed an actual and objective discussion.
Am i right?!

I don't know?!?!
Are you?!!111???1?2?



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>implying God wrote the bible


Christianity is literally a meme that was too successful. Despite its global influence it still remains and will always be a meme (and soon to be a dead meme).

Yeah, fuck off.
It's a story that has already survived the test of time and would continue to share its teachings for as long as people can read its texts.

And please be more specific
Is it just Christianity that would die or the entire Abrahamic faith which includes Protestants, Jews, Mormons, Menonites, Catholics, Islam and many more branches.

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It was a woman lying about an affair that went way too far.

Religious people can’t be scientists now? seethe harder atheist.
Every major invention is by religious people.

Science itself was funded by religion, actually.
When Rome fall, Christian monasteries rigorously devoted their time preserving and duplicating Roman scrolls and was responsible for the development of modern medicine

Dividing science and the church was deemed absurd until the Age of Enlightenment.

Funny enough. the more you learn about quantumn mechanics, the more you would like to believe that a god exists. Takes more faith to be an atheist.

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