Summe 2009

Discuss Summer from 10 years ago

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Those were better days...

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Haven't realized monogatari shit has been going for 10 years

God I'm so glad Hetaliafags all died out, one of the most obnoxious fanbase to ever exist.

Bure > Rumba > Ringo Mogire Beam

Fight Ippatsu! Jyuden-chan! was possibly the most garbage anime I have ever seen.

rumba rumba rumba RUMBA

Remember when Shaft didn’t have infinite monogatari and madoka money?

Princess Lover
I love the OVAs. if you know what i mean.



fuck bake turns 10 tomorrow time does fly
>not having everything to do with hetalia mentally blocked out

What a shit season it was.
Only Shaft delivered and Umineko turned out to be such an disappointment.
Aoi Hana was a snorefest too.

I hope this one would be better, At least it has more shows to try out

Umineko animu was such a disappointment. Worst VN adaptation since Tsukihime.

Akaneiro iro ni Somaru saka was the worst Kugimiya Rie tsundere animu.


It's eight of clock!


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Canaan was a very good /k/ anime. Accurate shot counts, magazine reloads, different guns, and the attention to detail was nice. Also Canaan is basically Shiki with guns.

Cute feet.

Dumb pan magician

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I just remember how trash the Umineko anime was

Yeah, Oishi's grasp of digital was really ahead of its time.

Tsunetsuki>Every other girl

>Akaneiro iro ni Somaru saka was the worst Kugimiya Rie tsundere animu.
But it was also one where she lost, in a decade where she did nothing but curbstomp the opposition.

I went into that show thinking it was going to be a comfy show with countries joking around with each other, but no, it was just fujonigga shit

Underrated masterpiece

I miss chartfag. His charts were top notch, and it was interesting to watch his skill grow from season to season.

>Ongoing Great shows
Spice and Wolf
>Surprise Great Shows
Taishou Yakyuu Musume
>Shit But I liked it Anyway
Sora no Manimani
Gendai Mahou
>Actual Shit

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Element Hunters was great.

>Spice and Wolf II
>Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
>Clannad AS
>Kodomo no Jikan
>Hellsing Ultimate

Holy fuck, summer 2009 was great.

Same here it was really nice to see how the charts evolved, its a shame hes gone but seeing how this place is going nowadays i dont doubt him.

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That must have been a wild time to be on Yea Forums

SZS S4 when

what a shitty fucking season
and people complain about modern anime

why do I see a dark spot on the left?

It really wasn't. If anything, it was like a modern season where there's a bunch of hype shows and then shit fizzles out over time. Especially with Needless

It should be illegal to make OP/ED like this one when the actual show is completely different.

People still do OH DESIRE memes and post Beato faces. You can't pretend it doesn't exist

This was the last chart he ever made. And it was probably the best.

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>You can't pretend it doesn't exist
I can say it in Green, can you said it in Red?

You already know


Gets me every time.

2014 was a really good year.

I watched Weib Schwarz, Bakemonogatari and Princess Lover. Someday I have to watch Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei and Spice and Wolf.

>still hasn't watched SZS or Wolfonomics

What the fuck are you waiting for?


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God tier for SZS alone! Time for a reread and rewatch. Such a great series. Easily my favorite.

>watch boring dreck like the Bakalakalakalakalakalaka series
>still hasn't seen Shaft kino and /biz/ the anime
Get off my board.

>Zetsubou Sensei
>Spice and wolf 2
>Tokyo Magnitude 2
>Underwater Ray Romano
>Higurashi Rei
>Hellsing Ultimate
Where's my monster zero, that was a good season. Umineko and Hetallia were guilty pleasures too.

>all these people ignoring Kanamemo
It's nothing special, but it was a good slice of life.

SHAFT has been continuing the same shitty show for 10 years now and can't do anything original anymore. No wonder it's falling apart and lost more than half its staff lately.

In my defensa I was young and stupid.

Different person.

>a time before DP's JoJo
God no

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