
What did Toi mean by this?

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Enta fucks cucumbers.

aniki did NOTHING wrong, did EVERYTHING for toi and I will ALWAYS miss him

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That's old news

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That he needs to succumb to his desire of wanting megane shota dick

Wedding manga extra when

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i really want to fuck enta lads

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Official art has got you covered.

>dressing up 14 year olds in tuxedos

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He is, and will always be, best boy.

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Now and forever Reo is best boy

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I'm glad he got a happy ending. Pretty surprising given how much suffering came beforehand.

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Is Reo hoverhanding Mabu again?

I think they got off light for all the killing, kidnapping and attempted murder they did, regardless of the previous suffering. Also reviving them right after giving them a huge dramatic episode was dumb.

Most of the murders were because they were literally being forced on the threat of death to do so. They were warped beyond recognition, which is why I think Keppi said as much.

But yeah, I feel like reviving them so quickly was a mistake and giving them an Utena-esque ambiguous epilogue at the end might've been better.

There's no more episodes left to revived them. The one week wait is long enough for a 11 episode show.

I just didn't like that there was no reconciliation/recognition that they healed and got past their problems. I get there wasn't time for it, but they came across as completely different characters when they woke up again.

You still won't see it either if they were left with an ambiguous end or not even revived.

The wait is only for someone who watches it on TV though. Anyway, got it right, just showing their backs in the crowd or something less blatant about them being together and ok would have been better. Just have Sara take over their role in the finale, I think her saying their catchphrase would have been pretty cool and a good nod to their manga relationship.

It's made for TV not Netflix. It's obvious they will get back together so there's no point in being restrained when they're already not getting much focus in the last episode.

I'm fine with them being revived, but it is a little silly that Keppi only needed to hold onto their rings for a few minutes to bring them back from the dead with no sort of sacrifice, despite death always having a cost in the series up to that point. Maybe Keppi regained enough of his princely power to revive them from beginning his fusion with KuroKeppi, or maybe life and death is supposed to work differently for kappas, it's just abrupt.

I think I'm one of the few that would've preferred something like both of them forgetting all the memories they had together and working to start the relationship again, or something like Mabu forgetting Reo and Reo has to be the one this time around to make him remember. Some sort of sacrifice, at least.

>I think I'm one of the few that would've preferred something like both of them forgetting all the memories they had together and working to start the relationship again, or something like Mabu forgetting Reo and Reo has to be the one this time around to make him remember. Some sort of sacrifice, at least.
Losing their memories sounds awful to me, and it doesn't fit the themes and messages of the show. People need to be willing to connect despite the potential hardship involved, and need to be able to overcome that hardship to maintain their precious connections. Reo and Mabu learning from their experience and moving forward together, stronger, is better than a reset where one or both of them learns nothing.

Reo (and Mabu) betrayed the Kappa kingdom and he also threaten Keppi so there's no assurance that Keppi would reviled either or both of them. Which is why Reo went for the plates instead of trying to contact his former master when he saw that Keppi was alive. Keppi decided to save them by his own will.

I could honestly have read the cop dad adventures for another 10 volumes. It was just so precious.

Side question do we know when the other spinoff manga will officially kick off?

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There's no other spin-off manga but there's the official manga which has the first chapter out.

This has nothing to do with the post I made. It's no surprise that Keppi revives them. He doesn't blame them for their betrayal at any point. Reo gunning for the plates instead of seeking Keppi's help is understandable as well.

Enta Maji Tenshi

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Ah thank you user, I misunderstood what was up with it.

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If I became a zombie, Together They're Sarazanmai volumes 2-100 would be my desire.
>Reo and Mabu fixing their relationship
>Reo and Mabu starting a new job
>Reo and Mabu seeing the kids around
>Reo and Mabu being constantly harassed by Enta just because he can

Enta fucking with Reo and getting free stuff out of both of them by using guilt is perfection.

I mean these are all 100% acceptable options. Especially the last one because I just feel like Mabu would let Enta's harassment completely slide and would find it oddly charming/cute while Reo would be really angry that his new job doesn't let him carry a gun anymore.

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what's the manga gonna be about

I'm sure that a healed Reo doesn't want to have a gun anymore. He didn't want to shoot kids before he went nuts.

Three boys turn into frogs and collect plates to grant their wishes.

An alternate telling of the story of Sarazanmai. Chapter 1 plays out just like Episode 1 though.

>new timeline
Guess I should have just skipped the show

>But Reo, you did shoot him, and he reminds me of myself in some ways

I thought it was going to follow the same plotline as the show, but with extra scenes/different framing.

Me too, user probably got the alternate thing from Migii (?) saying some scenes will be added or removed.

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It’ll look ambiguously like a wedding for Reo and Mabu, and I bet the boys will be dressed in edgy ugly tuxes, kuroshit style.

You can already tell that Enta has rolled up the legs of his pants and is wearing lace-up boots. At least Kazuki isn't wearing his shitty pink water shoes.

I was expecting Kazuki to be in the middle of the picture and only realised it was Enta because his head was so round. Kazuki's shoes will be an ugly pink instead.

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>pink oxfords
I believe it.

>Oh, this is- this is nice, this is the end. Where exactly am I? Um, oh good, here’s the song. Um... there’s some things that are still unresolved here guys! How do I stay connected? What happens with Haruka? Was Toi my childhood friend or my soulmate or, hell, was this all in my mind? What’s a shirikodama? Is that sort of a Freudian thing or? Uh, am I real? Does the gay cop rickshaw run through here? I mean, I’d like to go home now, but, oh god, where’s home? Okay, okay, okay, I want to connect, I got that, good. Now, if I didn’t want to connect, let’s analyze that. Where the fuck would I go? I’m connected in a giant circle! Uh, is this how you end a series? I mean is this where we go from here? The novel better sure as hell make up for this, I’m telling you right now, because I’m stuck in a depressing future! You ran out of ideas too, didn’t you, you bastards?

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When did the Enta hate become Enta lust?

When the Entahating shitposters left, leaving only the fags who liked Enta from the start.

Please, Enta is going to be in shorts with knee high boots and it's going to be fucking glorious. Toi, will have his pants tucked into his boots, and Kazuki will be the only one dressed halfway passable as decent.

There is only so much Enta harassing you that anyone sane can take before they would want to pop a cap in his ass though, let's be honest.

We need Mabu giving Enta cooking lessons as a sad attempt to get Enta to win Kazuki's heart over... of course, it doesn't work because Kazuki is the definition of oblivious as fuck, and Enta while annoying deserves better.

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I never hated Enta. Like he's the definition of a dramatic gay mess and I find this little fag entertaining as hell. I relate to him and his delusions way too much.

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>no mention of the other half of the golden combi
Truly Kazuki

>Enta is going to be in shorts with knee high boots
Look at the art closer. His pants are bunched above the knee as if they're rolled up, and his boots are mid-calf.

Yea Forumsnons were just tsundere as usual

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>enta asks mabu how he got reoo to know he wanted that D
>mabu admits it was long years of pining before their first leak where mabu leaked his big gay crush
>but i already did that

Praise Sara.

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I'm not the most perceptive person, but Enta's pants look like pic related to me.

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Enta has to explain to Mabu that Kazuki thought his kissing him was just a prank that the soccer team had put him up to. Mabu who is straight gape moe retard is left speechless because he thought he was an oblivious dumb fuck himself.

True. Maybe it's a pair of like peddle pushers or clam diggers, Enta is the kind of fashion tragic I can see fucking around in clam diggers. Then Again in the series in his uniform in the series he is wearing a cuffed pant, and he cuff's his sleeves before diving into the water. Enta just likes a cuff.

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Toi an Entafag

Is there a stitch of this pan?

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They're too long to be pumpkin shorts like those, but I suppose I can see them being a longer sort of cuffed short.
I wonder how long it'll be before the artwork is revealed.

It'll be tomorrow or a few days, I'm sure

It's a collaboration with a fashion line or something, I forgot, and it's going to be released in autumn.

The lack of Sara merch is appalling

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The difference must be that Mabu owned up to his feelings afterward, unlike Enta who let Kazuki misunderstand him. If Mabu had let him, Reo could probably have mistaken Mabu rolling in his still-warm futon after he gets up for a shower as a Mabu-specific quirk, like needing to be naked to cook.

Bless you mspaint user. Enta could present his bare ass to Kazuki and that boy would have no idea what was going on. It's just best if Enta moves on.

Pumpkin shorts would be too voluminous for that picture. Whatever it is, Enta is wearing something that is a fashion disaster.

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True. When Mabu goes all in he goes all in.

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Enta is also an emotionally constipated 14-year-old. Honestly, I can't see him being OK with owning up to Kazuki that he's in love with him. That's Enta having to lay out on the line that the person that he considers to basically be his only friend that he's in love with him and that's pretty heavy. He's afraid of rejection, you know. And WHat Mabu picked Reo up out of a dumpster right?

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>if only I knew how bad things really are

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In the novel, Enta seems like he'd almost rather be rejected than continue to suffer with not knowing. Maybe that's just desperation coupled with anticipation the worst though. Enta doesn't seem to want to hide his feelings to keep them safe, but he also isn't brave enough to speak them.

I really need to buy the novel one of these days. I'm curious how much insight there is in the characters' minds compared to the anime.

>emotionally constipated
Not Enta. He feels everything, a lot, and he's empathetic. He holds back his crush and his jealousy from Kazuki, but that's not what it means to be emotionally constipated.

I wish they would have explored more in the slow though. Honestly, the show really needed more episodes so we could have gotten more of the characters interactions in internal monologs and stuff. I love the manga expands on that stuff.

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It's not even a matter of episode number desu just some things were dragged on way too long or events that were in the end mostly useless and could benefit from lasting five minutes instead of ten.

Source on the art?

Never mind, found it

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Ikuhara needs more time or a better editor. We been knew this, but I still would have like more episodes mostly because I'm so tired of the fact that anime I enjoy so rarely get more then like 13 episodes, so I'm kind of being selfish here too.

I honestly couldn't tell you, I got it from an user on here a couple of threads ago, sorry.

Anikibros.... I still miss him

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More aware of his emotions than the other two, also. Like the novel chapter where he figured out why he was being unreasonably bitchy to Otone earlier that morning. He's the most internally mature of the three, even though he outwardly acts most immature.

Too bad he had to turn to a life of crime man. Like I mean I know he was doing what he could to keep his bro a live but like imagine him having a quiet life in the country with Toi and just yeah; still upset.

He just doesn't want the world to know that he's gay. Like I can feel that. Once Enta gets over that and comes to terms with the fact that he wants to choke down cocks his life is gonna be great. Wait until Otone buys him his first dildo and he starts jerking off the rest of the soccer team, he'll still be a fashion disaster but at least he'll be happy.

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One thing that always stood out to me was Enta regretting he hadn't thanked Toi when he beat up those bullies because I found it a bit weird that he didn't do it in the show. Did he do it in the end? I can't remember.

He was upset the bullies didn't get to double team him

They should play up how big of foodies Reo and Mabu are and make an Asakusa food guide with reviews by them both.

Have another of those tours like they did last week. Pancakes, ho

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Then a cookbook complete with Mabu’s retarded handwriting and drawings

This is my wife. Please do not touch. Thanks.

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>He just doesn't want the world to know that he's gay. Like I can feel that. Once Enta gets over that and comes to terms with the fact that he wants to choke down cocks his life is gonna be great. Wait until Otone buys him his first dildo and he starts jerking off the rest of the soccer team, he'll still be a fashion disaster but at least he'll be happy.
This sequel and a prequel of how he came to accept he was a homo/bi when? He is pretty secure in his sexuality at least, even though he's still suffering from being in the closet. I read somewhere that Entahaters are mostly straightfags who don't get it but his sexuality is for real what makes him interesting.

Even mini Entas instinctively reach for long, rigid body parts.

>Mabu's handwriting is so shit that he has to draw out the ingredients and instructions
>this makes it even less understandable

>features translations by Reo

adolescence of Sarazanmai would be so great. I don’t think the show made enough to convince Ikuni to give up his thing against making sequels though.

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Idk how anyone can be a straight fav and be watching an Ikuhara series. It’s like the kids who were watching Sarazanmai and legit surprised that Reo and Mabu were confirmed To be a couple by the end, it’s like they had never seen anything the man has made before. He’s a good character and there is a lot for him there.

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I’m calling the cops.

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This would literally be the only way Enta can get a clear arc too without playing second fiddle to every other major character. It will never happen though, I doubt Ikuni has any more inspiration left for the next few years.

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I thought he had a ton of character development but his arc had such a weak, flat non-ending. Honestly as a whole the show had a rather weak ending.

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Future Enta is going to be sleeping around with faceless nobodies regretting he never confessed to Kazuki. I don’t want it.

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That he did, but I can't help but compare it to the big ass resolutions/climaxes Kazuki, Toi, Reo, Mabu, even Haruka and Keppi and Sara had. To be honest I think the whole getting shot shtick was more of a disservice than anything.

Enta is so impressed with those big sausages!.

Honestly, who knows what Ikuhara is going to be up to next, If his inspo sheet from the expo is anything to go off of I'm guessing he's got some kind of idol boy band something up his sleeve. We'll see in 5-10 years.

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I don't think that's a good idea, user.

All this, and I meant straightfag as in their lack of empathy with him is supposedly because they are straight and don't know what it is like. I can believe it since some of them claim he has nothing to suffer from unlike Kazuki and Toi.

He exists as little more than a satellite character to Kazuki honestly. His entire character revolves around him.

Toi should've been the main character of this show. Kazuki's issues felt completely irrelevant by the end of it.

>idolshit anime
How gay are they normally?

Idol anime is always extremely gay (whether they're male or female) but they never ever actually make characters have real romantic relationships because that triggers the purityfags.

>mfw someone actually wrote the Enta harassing Reo post series fic

Based and gaypilled

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first nice dubs. That's so stupid to me though. Like even if you're straight you should still be able to relate to having a crush on a friend and not wanting that friend to know about the fact that you are lusting after them. Like idk why straight dudes are such garbage at empathy when it comes to homos and females but what the fuck ever.

Toi I can empathize with, even though my parents never killed themselves and I don't have an older brother who joined the yakuza. I grow pot but that's for personal consumption and it's legal for me where i live but I can empathize with a character wanting to be close to his sibling.

I can empathize with Kazuki even though I think he's a sack of dicks who has a shitty way of showing affection towards his little brother who's wheelchair-bound. I don't crossdress and push away my younger siblings while acting like a distant douche canoe.

Enta is the one who has the most common struggle out of all of them too if we're being honest.

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Kazuki himself felt like a non character by the end of it. Felt like he wasn’t driving the show, the show was driving him. Felt like he wasn’t driving the show, the show was driving him.

Kazuki drives his conflict in the same way Haruka and Chikai drive Kazuki and Toi's conflicts, but none of the trio are satellite characters. They don't exist solely to move some othe character's plotline forward.

But Ikuhara thrives on triggering purityfags, let's be honest.

Imagine an Ikuhara series deconstructing idol culture though like it could be the Utena of idolshit.

I would sacrifice every other idol anime there is for an actually realistic version of what goes on in that industry and for Ikuhara to tear it apart.

Toi cared about his friends and his brother. Kazuki cared about his friends and brother. All Enta cared about was trying to ram Kazuki’s cucumber down his throat. He didn’t care about his friends, especially not Toi.

Agreed, but there was something that bothered me about it. Probably because Kazuki was also a main character with his own separate story or because he mostly ignored Enta until it was almost too late and then the revelation was also about him. I'm not sure what it was, mostly the latter I think, since we see Kazuki and Toi spend time with Haruka and Chikai and it being quite a deal, but not Enta and Kazuki.

>22 IP
I think you guys exhausted all the topics this dead show has. Even the nip fujos moved on.

I don't know anything about the idol industry, but if it's something like coked out idolboys being brutally exploited by shady pervert producers, you may be underestimating how many people could fap to an anime of that.

Then make an idol anime about both male and female idols such that everyone is uncomfortable and no one's getting a hard on.

Go away, seasonalslut. If a show is good or just good for posting I'll happily 2 IP it if necessary.

Agree, Enta was a essentially a good character setup with almost no execution.

But he did care about Haruka, for example, it's not like he was spending all that time with him waiting for a reward. The moment he made a step forward in his friendship with Toi the show just decided to fast forward and do the group sarazanmai then timeskip.

There are 10 Eva threads. Why don't you go bitch about the fact that there are 10 threads for a series that is more than 20 years old and let us contain or discussion to one a week and a half old on one thread?

I don't think there is much coke in the idol industry, though I could be very wrong (and I mean the thought of Ikuhara doing a series with a bunch of coked out boys is very appealing to me -- not going to lie) but I mean it's an industry where there are a lot of purity clauses and the people are worked very hard and not given and autonomy to be themselves. Like they're basically putting on this squeaky clean facade and it's very exploitative. I know there was that series last year that was an Idol anime that was trying to be an Ikuhara but like I want Ikuni to do his own take on it.

Or like Ikuni handling a boyband would be pretty baller, what with his being inspired by GLAY (yeah they're not idol but they're a boyband and I do love me a boyband).

This sounds perfect.

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user, are you baiting or were you watching at the speed of light?

>this is how Toi sees someone who bullies him through the whole show

Toi confirmed for M.

Does Enta really look like a dom there though?

He likes being nagged and verbally abused.

manga better incorporate the sns scenes

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>the people are worked very hard and not given and autonomy to be themselves. Like they're basically putting on this squeaky clean facade
Isn't that par for the course in the Jap working world?

You're in luck, he wants to be fucked

The difference is that Kazuki is extremely retarded while Reo is only mildly retarded.

Retard Kazuki >> batshit crossdressing Kazuki > 'pass me the ball bro' shota Kazuki >> 'nice dab stranger' shota Kazuki >>>> * > 'I hate Haruka' Kazuki >>> * >>> final form Kazuki

Toi is absolutely an M. Kazuki started teasing him and bossing him around and he was instantly smitten. Toi and Enta are pretty much Kazuki's bitches for life.

>nerdy shota looks
>innocent boy scout personality
>moralfag rulefag

>literally everyone agrees he wants his slutty hole pumped full of cum
Explain this

What's to explain?

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He has a slutty, hungry hole, user.

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Reo is somewhat self-loathing though, at least in his youth. He could convince himself that he doesn't deserve Mabu, or that Mabu doesn't feel that way about him, if he had room for doubt.

Why was he so eager to Sarazanmai when his leak would reveal he sabotaged everything?

His hole is just that hungry.

The most straight-laced and vocally rule ranting ones are always the sluttiest.

>innocent Boy Scout
His overwhelming desire for cock kickstarted the entire conflict in the second half

Is Mabu covering up Reo’s tits?

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You now realize the reason the boys stuck together is because nobody else wanted to be their friend.
>a delinquent
>crazy faggot
>retarded asshole

A waste of time. Reo's always got his tits out.

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>Ywn be pounded by a sweaty brown shark after a long day in the cucumbers fields

Do you think Enta has come to terms with his eternal friendzone?

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Why live?

He's thinking about how much bigger Kazuki's cock would feel in his tiny kappa hole.

I was waiting for Toi to slip up and tell Kazuki but it never happened. Instead we got Kazuki ambiguously figuring it out in the hospital and it’s never addressed or touched upon despite them being alone together for the whole episode after that.

Yes but only because he's using Toi to relieve his stress and frustration.

Toi and Enta take out their sad Kazuki lust on each other. Kazuki never notices.

>no doujin of Toi and Enta poking each other's shirikodama's while Kazuki is in the background unaware

Everything about him just screams "fuck my tight hole" and I want to oblige him.

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They’re going to stay together forever, bickering the whole time.
>invite Kazuki to the wedding
>wow, you guys are getting married on the same day? What a coincidence!

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Kazuki not crossdressing in the second half of the show is some fucking bullshit. That's when he was most bearable.

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>this kind of kiss
>that kind of kiss

Trapfags btfo. But yeah he was insufferable but entertaining in drag. Without drag he’s just insufferable.

Flaunt them if you got them

I wonder how Mabu contained himself.

His crossdressing in the beginning was just to get trapfags to watch the show.
Once the actual gayness of it was established, they didn't need it anymore.

I can't believe that in the first draft, Enta ordered a gay porn vid from Kappazon

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Wasn’t he also an elementary school kid in the first draft?

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Who says he did?

Sounds about right. Someone must have warned Ikuhara about possible jail time.

I forget, does kappa zombie Mabu’s markings loop around his nipples?

are you insinuating that mabu did things to reo without his knowing?
thatd be illegal and cops dont do illegal things

>Mabu I am home now
>And I am looking so handsome and also my shirt opened?

Reo looks like the kind of tanned, shiny, long haired hunk from the cover of a Kappaquin romance novel.

All the kappa must be jealous Mabu picked up a literal kappa stud with a huge dick from the gutter

best boy

Worst boy
Enta an ugly slut

>implying his abusive and neglect filled relationship with kazuki hasn't made him start to get aroused by demeaning comments like yours
>implying he doesn't fap to angry anons insulting him

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Fuck, I really want someone to draw that now.

The Enta-hating weeks when KazuToi seemed endgame must have been rough on his dick

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Enta may be a slut, but he isn't ugly. He's a cute slut.

He isn’t even a slut though. He’s loyal to one cock to a fault.

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I may be working on something special for these threads. Please help me come up with preferably short gags or scenarios relating to Enta receiving advice from Reo and/or Mabu. I want to play up Reo's neurotic and empathetic sides, the person who would write "world peace" for his new year's resolution. Additionally, I am a faggot, so I will be rendering them in a less fujoshi-attractive style, but I hope that you can please look forward to it all the same. Thank you very much oTL

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would pay for translation

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>I am a faggot, so I will be rendering them in a less fujoshi-attractive style
samples, I'm curious

Are you asking for a sample of my artwork in general or a sample of how I will be tweaking the character designs to fit? I don't want to change too much, but I don't find the in-anime designs as appealing as they could be, or reminiscent of how normal men look to my internal method of image-idealization. All anime depictions feature idealization inherently, as does my art, but the shape if you will of the idealization differs depending on the intended audience and tone, et cetera. Consider the main and prominent stylistic differences between yaoi and bara in Japan, or female character designs in shonen vs. shojo magazines. While each artist has their style, certain trappings of audience taste tend to remain influential. Yaoi tends to exaggerate what one may term feminine features, while bara masculine: the men of yaoi are frequently slender, delicately fingered, their faces either cribbed from depictions of females or else rendered with harsh angles and lines, whereas the men of bara are frequently chubby and-or muscular, fingers strong and relatively stubby, faces both round-featured and strong-jawed. Female characters meant for female consumption as in shojo oftentimes feature plain-yet-beautiful design and slender, skinny features. Female characters meant for male consumption as in shonen frequently feature more striking designs and
a certain volume or fleshiness that appeals to the female-attracted male mind, a sort of distinction between characters meant to be viewed primarily as pretty or characters meant to be viewed primarily as sexy, or, in less formal terms, 'life goals or wife goals.' Reo and Mabu's designs in character were created to appeal to fujoshi for the purpose of selling merchandise to a large and established demographic much more pervasive and willing and-or able to spend vast quantities of money. For my own interest, however, I will be redesigning them into my art style to make them more appealing to myself and other faggots.

That's what we did.

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well do as you please
but reminder a ton of BL mangaka are men and geicomi mangaka are female with pen names

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really makes me think

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The interview quotes just said porn, not gay porn.

That was before the first draft, back when Otone was a middle schooler and Sara was a normalfag

That wouldn't surprise me. Being a female lowkey yurifag it seems western fandoms are forever labeling things I like as fanservice for straight men, as if women are supposed to be allergic to tits or something.

a lot of BL mangaka and readers are lesbians, Morishima Akiko and the Lesbian Experience mangaka are BL readers, people are just like that
Look at Ikuni he seems to be into absolutely everything

in my own experience, westerners strangely seem more able to wrap their minds around lesbians liking BL than women of any sexuality liking yuri that isn't wholesome declarations of respect with skirts down to the knees, or men of any sexuality liking BL. Ikuni probably confuses the fuck out of them.

or it might just be that the west is still a lot more rigid about sex, promiscuity, and homosexuality than the far east is, and it comes off as off-putting because of it

Ikuhara is more of a shoujofag than anything and it's been obvious until Sarazanmai which seems more shounen than anything else. Didn't really work in its favour.

wtf kind of shounen are you watching
this series is as bl as it gets

The far east is overall more rigid for 3D but since this is about 2D you could be right

Not that user, but are shounen and BL mutually exclusive? Never thought about it before

Szm isn't a love story and it's not BL in that sense. I agree with user, it does seem more like a (extremely unconventional) shounen with the transformations, the cool monsters, a kid trio etc. Ikuhara himself said he wanted the show to have a shounen-aesthetic.

It’s a magical realism show that’s coming of age. Ikuni loves coming of age and magical realism I dare say he likes those things more then lesbians at this point.

>Please help me come up with preferably short gags or scenarios relating to Enta receiving advice from Reo and/or Mabu. I want to play up Reo's neurotic and empathetic sides, the person who would write "world peace" for his new year's resolution.
Reo probably needs to make amends for shooting people before he can go on to world peace. Maybe he can explain to Enta that he and aniki were just fucked up assholes and Enta had rabu more than they did.

Holy shit, I just realised Enta got almost killed twice.

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That's just in one episode. Later you have the otter brainwashing him to possible doom and Toi threatening to let him die in exchange for aniki.

Reminder that Enta is closeted so when he's flexing to Toi about all the kisses he's experienced he's trying to convince him he's a slutty pussycrushing chad even though he knows Toi has seen his Sarazanmai.

Ikuni is Japan's most precious treasure.

I got so used to the rough draft the finished version looks weird to me now.

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Looks good.

Enta has to know that Toi knows he is a total homo though right? Is Toi just polite and pretends that he doesn’t know.

He could be bi but the Sarazanmai made clear his dick is in a cage named Kazuki, and you'd think he should know that Toi would realize it.
I guess having It Was A Dare-kun as his only friend has set his expectations for the perceptiveness levels of assumed straight boys.

I mean true, but Enta doesn’t have Bi Energy. If any of the main fro has Bi Energy it’s Toi. Kazuki is the only one who comes off as oppressively heterosexual.

>crossdressing every day for kind of a shitty reason
>oppressively heterosexual
He’s like oblivious late bloomer at best and insecure closetfag at worst.

Dude this is a full-blown fujo show, if you come here for anything other than token discussion of the "plot" or boy lewds then you're gonna have a bad time.

This is the guy who thought kidnapping and then masquerading as an idol was a good idea. He's just a brainlet in general. I want to see him react to a girl's confession, what would he even mistake it for?

*tink tink*

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Speaking of that whole kidnapping, why the fuck did Toi go along with that? Like he’s potentially putting himself, and by extension Chikai, in danger to help some weird trap keep up an elaborate lie to his cripple brother.

Cross dressing has absolutely nothing to do with sexuality though, especially since Kazuki’s motivation for crossdressing is to connect with his little brother because he’s dumb to try and have an actual conversation with Haruka.

They could throw us a bone though, I'm sure fujos wouldn't mind a couple of mochi Sara phone accessories. It's a little funny, especially since the show itself is oversaturated with Sara merch. But anyway, this is the fate of series with mostly male casts.

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Can't remember, wasn't it precisely because of the brother thing? He also gave up on chasing Nyantaro when Kazuki told him he's doing it for Haruka. Toi has got his brain eclipse moments too or maybe the writer didn't give it too much thought and wrote it for shits and giggles. Kazuki's and Toi's fun adventures are treated as mostly gag anyway, despite them heading into actual crime territory.

Wonder how Sarazanmai is selling. Is Ikuni making enough banks this time around?

He probably made some from merch licensing.

>but Enta doesn’t have Bi Energy
He does for me, especially the matter-of-fact attitude to being secretly in love with his bro, falling in love with Kazuki because he's the one who was nice to him, and the Disney princess fantasies. Then again I don't know how common any of that is for full gays.

Is Reo grabbing Mabu's belly?

From the sketch they might be holding on to each others arms.

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I think it's safe to assume.

See, shoving phallic objects in his mouth and huffing sweaty man musk is pretty peak homo to me, a dirty homo.

Enta is just jelly, so he's trying to flex and say he can kiss Kazuki better than Toi can. Bitchy little faggot.

Mabu is pregnant.

He can't help it, Kazuki cursed his dick.
I think it has something to do with Kazuki being a big brother. Subconsciously Toi wants to fuck Chikai, and Kazuki is a lot like Chikai.

Wasn’t there some recent Ikuni interview where he was musing about whether Kazuki’s crossdressing was a perversion or self expression?

I wonder if he’s talking about cross dressing in a general sense because he purposely made it very clear in the show that Kazuki only cross dresses for his brother and drops it as soon as he can.

>very clear in the show
It's still open enough to interpret. To me actions speak louder than words and Kazuki could have done a multitude of equally retarded things that didn't involve dressing up as an idol. He didn't need to act so cute and girly when obliviousness obviously runs in the family and would Haruka probably have accepted him even if he scratched his ass and didn't shave.

I think he's just naturally kind of girly. Like that pink frog outfit, Jesus Christ.

Kazuki is whacked in the head. He remains hilariously so even in the second half of the series. Maybe he’s genuinely transgender.

He's definitely nuts. That's why he's less likeable than the other two. They're just a brocon and a homo.

Kazuki is kind of dumb and when he starts doing something in earnest, then he gives his all, including acting girly. He knows Haruka's obsessed with Sara, so the logical next step for him is to get dressed as her in order to interact with his brother. The whole premise is absurd anyway, but I think that's the point.

He's an idiotic fourteen year old. Just because he could have done other stupid shit instead doesn't mean you need to read into the stupid shit he chose to do when there's no substantial proof that the subtext you're looking for is there.

His mom literally dresses him.

That he is in fact, Jean-Michel Basquiat.

Now that I think about it, Kazuki was at his most likeable in episode 1, before we found out he was crossdressing. He then becomes a different character after the first leak, changes again in episode 7, goes full shit mode in episode 8, then starting episode 9 he becomes the sort of boring hero we see everywhere.

>not liking lunatics
>not liking subtext
in an Ikuhara show

He’s so inconsistent and that’s why I can’t enjoy his character even if I’d like to. He changes around and his final form is so disappointing and bland for an Ikuni lead that I can’t really like or dislike him

Honestly there’s more subtext that he’s effeminate and straight like Ikuni than that he’s gay. He literally cannot even comprehend the idea of a same sex crush to the point that it’s almost hilarious.

Unless that's confirmed, Haruka seems like the one who he'd let tell him what to wear

He should have gone for Toi's dick. I know it's there subtextually, but making it explicit would have made a better ending.

The family stripes thing. Which seems like the kind of thing that would screw your kids up. He is a grown ass 14 year old. No wonder the young people in Japan aren't reproducing.


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I like Reo’s nutty ass. Kazuki isn’t that lovable

toi is secretly a sub, they'd have to hire a couple cucumbers to make it work

I can agree with this. I was going to say he seems more asexual because he's never shown interest in a girl, but
>He literally cannot even comprehend the idea of a same sex crush to the point that it’s almost hilarious.
really is classic straightfaggotry.

Relatable in these hot summer days

It's obvious though.

No, I think it has nothing to do with being straight (though I assume Kazuki is), but with sociopathy and an inability to empathize with people

Most people are sociopathic and unempathetic to some extent. The gay ones would still most likely pick up on it

It would’ve made Kazuki a lot more likable imo. “Hey best friend sorry I’m ignoring you but I think this other guy is hot” is more excusable than “Fuck you Enta I’m gonna go hang out with this edgelord I’ve known for a week that tried to stab me the first time we met.”

I mean, in a show that didn’t even slightly shy away from showing same sex attraction, I think they wouldn’t have stuck to subtext. I think if anything Toi is attracted to effeminate faggots but Kazuki is definitely straight or asexual.

Kazuki is mentally stuck at 10, he just goes after the new shiny thing he finds and starts crying when things don't go his way.

enta should wear a disguise (take off his glasses) and introduce himself to kazuki as an exchange student. Sopping wet kazu-pussy in a matter of moments, a week tops.

My galaxy brain theory is that he’s actually unconsciously super empathetic, so he acts like whatever he thinks the person he’s interacting with will like the best. Toi likes effeminate faggots, so he acts like one. Enta likes heroic chads, so be acts like one. His brother likes girly idols, so he goes all out. Maybe all the MPD behavior is what’s making him crazy.

Dude, look at the scene where Toi calls Kazuki and tells him he's leaving, and Kazuki begs him to stay. Kazuki definitely wants that dick. He's just too retarded to realize it.

>implying it's not contrived drama

I kinda think that the reason why Kazuki picks literal stranger's company over Enta's is his self-hatred.
In episodes 1-6 Kazuki hates himself so much, that being around Enta, who despite his moralfaggotry still loves Kazuki no matter what, must have been unbearable.

Contrived drama about wanting the dick.

>Toi is attracted to effeminate faggots
I won't disagree with you, because you are right, but what about Aniki

Dude, in his most homosexual series yet, Ikuni still dropped your ship squarely in the friend category. think it’s time for you to let go.

Aniki is slightly effeminate but probably torturesexual.

I guess that's a way to see things. I always thought he hated himself only in relation to his family though.

All memeing aside, Toi is not attracted nor even obsessed with his brother. He has that emotional Stockholm syndrome.

Just like Utena and Anthy were only friends, since they didn't kiss in the last episode.

>implying Ikuni has a problem with any gay ship, canon or not
There is still fujobait

Kazuki's reaction was driven by the need to move the plot forward by the authors, they didn't have time to do it in a more gradual way, so even though it looks fake and exaggerate as fuck you are supposed to believe it and to not question the genuinity of his feelings towards Toi.

Didn't he say his type was "someone obedient?" Dating him would be continuous hell.

I don’t know about comparing a non-ship to Utena and Anthy, friend.

Utena liked being dicked.

Or maybe he and Toi just want to fuck.

Right, that’s my point. It’s bait at best. If Ikuni wanted to go that route, he had the ability to go all the way and chose not to.

>toi and enta spending enta's birthday together
>toi taking candid pics of enta
I would give all my fujobucks for an adaptation of this.

Kazuki and Toi have potential but they aren't anywhere near Utena-Anthy canon level, unless you're talking about early season 1.

Comparing Utena and Anthy to Kazuki and Toi is blasphemy

Or maybe he just wants to add Toi to his love slave harem along with Enta.

Not if you are into that kind of stuff.

Ikuni just likes leaving things open to interpretation.

So then why did the show friend zone them? Utena and Anthy were framed romantically from beginning to end, even though the manga author hated the idea of them being lesbians. Again, if Ikuni wanted to go for it, he would have.

Is this a challenge about who is the most delusional?

He didn't use his runtime well enough to do anything desu

You’re grasping at straws. He’s always been pretty explicit about who romantically likes who.

A melodramatic love triangle seems right up the directors alley. The fact that he didn’t go for that surprises me, but also confirms that it was never his intention

You think you're going to get BDSM but he just sends you out to sell weed all day.

Ikuhara being unable to help himself and adding the micanga of UNMEI was such a fuckup because you've got a trio, not a duo, so Enta ends up looking like a third wheel, matchmaker, outlier, you name it, who is also in love with Kazuki, who barely sees him as a blip on his radar but is very attached to Toi, who got hilariously emo over a three minute meeting from when he was ten.

Not defending comparing fujo subtext to canon, but according to some con panel or interview floating around somewhere, the English dubbers of Utena originally didn't even realize Juri was in love with Shiori and no, I didn't accidentally transpose those names.

Both Kujibros are codependent as hell.

No, the series never says Utena and Anthy are lesbian for each other, despite the Juri/Shiori stuff being explicit. It's all subtext.

How do you even fuck up that badly? I'd understand Utena and Anthy, but Shiori and Juri? Just how?

That’s why I honestly expected it to be some kind of romantic thing, and then when that was blown out, I wondered why the hell Enta even existed in the first place. The trio really have the most hard to believe and poorly done relationships.

I mean, micanga of unmei is a thing that connected Enta and Kazuki in a first place too, because Enta wasn't sold on becoming Kazuki's friend until he saw it.

The connections are hilariously the weakest part of the show. A show made to sell the merch.

2subtle4you then, but it's definitely the framing. Non-explicit isn't the same as subtextual, and Juri/Shiori never say they're gay for each other either.

Dubbers in the US in the early 2000s not understanding subtlety doesn't negate the fact that when Ikuhara wants to establish some kind of romantic feelings, he does it

Still hot, not gonna lie.

It’s almost funny how bad Ikuharafags shill him as this arthouse director but the show is being pushed to sell untold amounts of cheap plastic crap like it was some highly popular fujo franchise and not a blip on the radar seasonal show.

Kazuki does the whole "I need Kuji" thing in the early episodes because he needs someone willing to do bad shit for him. He knows Enta won't do it easily.

Went back to check and it was Crispin Freeman who said it, but the tumblr link I saved is dead. Maybe some other Utenafag can dig it up. I think he said he/someone mentioned Juri being in love with Shiori to a dub director/staff who had worked on episode 7, and they were surprised and incredulous, or something like that, but I don't remember very well.

Any scenes of these two properly bonding would really be welcome. Toi's desire to be close to Enta is super clear, but in the anime, you could take most of Enta's behavior toward Toi as negative.

In terms of direction I still think 9 > 1 > the rest, which is a shame because I was expecting the last episode to look really good since Ikuhara was directing it.

You mean there's a lot of couple imagery? Because

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Ikuni's got to eat too.

Toi and Enta really do run circles around Kazuki, who has to literally be explained how important he is to the person who just threw himself in front of a bullet for him. I really wish they hadn’t gone in the dense, all-loving idiot hero direction with him.

>Toi's desire to be close to Enta is super clear, but in the anime, you could take most of Enta's behavior toward Toi as negative.
Other way around as well. Most of Toi's "I don't want to forget" memories are Kazuki, and he's constantly yelling at or threatening to stab Enta.

>He knows Enta won't do it easily
>later in the show Enta is shown littering and helping wanted fugitive escape
>he also smooches unconsious people, steals clothes to sniff them and licks recorders
The machinations of Kazuki's mind are an enigma to me.


Ikuhara also went to untold lengths to beat it into the viewers head how jealous Enta was getting so he could set up that betrayal later. The fact that the romantic framing got completely dropped along with the cross-dressing is telling, but I doubt there’s any point in trying to reason with you.

Fair point, but it's more like Enta -> Kazuki and Toi Kazuki. Get what I mean? We're basically missing Enta telling Toi 'your faggy bracelet helped me make my first friend and my second I guess' which isn't much better anyway, but it can't be helped.

Toi stops getting mad at Enta for anything after episode 6, Kazuki even threw a fit over it.
Enta continues to be a dickhead for longer but comes around and gets mad AT Kazuki. I wish I knew what Kazuki was doing besides being self-centered and ignorant of other people’s feelings.

It's tell me you can't pick up on "show don't tell" storytelling.

Because Ikuhara dropped the ball. His attachment to recycled footage sequences was stronger than his attachment to good writing.

>we could have had a good honest conversation between trio in episode 11 instead of a fucking opening
Ikuni pls

Enta is an orderfag until his homosexual feelings take over. Kazuki doesnt understand.

Kazuki doesn't really know Enta too well, really, although I'm sure he was just used to him being a good kid and didn't even think to ask for his help and went straight into ignore mode. They'd been friends for four years and he'd only just found out about Enta's parents being abroad and shit, not even mentioning the Haruka stuff.

Literally what does merch have to do with storytelling?

>Ikuni shows us explicit scenes confirming KeppiSara as a couple
>Ikuni shows us explicit scenes confirming ReoMabu as a couple
>Ikuni throws in like ten uncomfortable scenes beating Enta’s romantic and sexual feelings for Kazuki into our heads

But he suddenly went the subtle, show don’t tell route for the main character?

I mean, I’m pretty sure Ikuni would have gotten really explicit with UtenaAnthy but Chiho Saito threatened to quit if they kissed. Look at what he did as soon as he had full control. Naked luging makeout.

Enta is a honest to god moralsfag. Remember how he had a problem with killing people?
And was it the novel or the promo material that contrasted him to the other two by saying he lives within the rules?
What, also even Kazuki's deranged mind wouldn't connect that to willingness to kidnap.
>helping wanted fugitive escape
Kazuki is surprised by that.
>he also smooches unconsious people, steals clothes to sniff them and licks recorders
Kazuki sees this as proof of how honorable he is to uphold this end of the team's dare.

I'm now remembering that author's note in Utena's manga where Saito talks about his experience with Ikuhara
>Saito-San what color should Utena's uniform be? Rose or black?
>I'm going for rose
>Black then

*her experience I meant

I thought that original micanga was supposed to represent trio (given to Kazuki by Toi, connects him to Enta), unlike Enta's micanga, that is strictly a duo representation. Since the endgame is 3P, Enta's micanga gets stolen by a mouse and is forgotten.

closeted self-hating gays pretend to be moralfags to compensate

>enta slowly stops being a moralfag as a show progresses
Can you smell the budding self-respect.

Do you think he’s finally come out in the timeskip? Maybe the higher the cuff rolls, the more powerful his homosexuality.

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Nah he's a true moralfag. He never asks for credit for things like helping Haruka.
He's surprisingly self-accepting for a middle schooler who doesn't know any other gays, I'd like to know why

Yes? Twitter obsession with "is it queerbait or is it real gay representation" is not something I think Ikuni cares about. He's just trying to tell a story.

Maybe he gets some courage after observing Reo and Mabu.

Him falling for Kazuki and making his first friend happened at the same time, so it looks like it just came naturally. Then he got so used to it, he probably didn't even think about it too much. Remember how he's mad and confused at himself for actually acting upon it after he kisses Kazuki.

It has literally nothing to do with western twitter, what are you talking about?

Ikuhae has the perfect opportunity for a melodramatic love story, the kind he loves to do, and he even has that heart-wrenching self sacrifice “I just want the person I love to be happy” angle. If he wanted to write Kazuki and Toi as a couple, he would have.

*Ikuhara, sorry

That makes a lot of sense, actually.

>They'd been friends for four years and he'd only just found out about Enta's parents being abroad and shit,
Was Kazuki just never that into Enta that much, or did Enta fall in love so early that the origin story became too tied into the 'how I fell in love with you' story to share.

>he'd only just found out about Enta's parents being abroad and shit
Are you reffering to the conversation he has with Otone when Enta is in hospital, when she tells him that their parents travel a lot, or is it confirmed somewhere else, that Kazuki really doesn't know that?

Kazuki doesn't seem to go beyond the surface when it comes to friendship, he also had no idea about Toi's soba restaurant or even his phone number. Enta doesn't look like the type to go into detail about himself unless he needs to and he was probably so all over his newfound friend he didn't even consider sharing any bad memories or anything.

Imagine the smell.

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Does anyone have a handy screencap of Haruka copying Sara's "good morning"?

>observing Reo and Mabu
Enta "observing" ReoMabu gay sex looking through their window or catching them in an alley, when

how long before entchad has had enough and decides to put kazuki in a collar and turn him into his breeding sow?

>the higher the cuff rolls, the more powerful his homosexuality
Adult Enta just wears tube tops.

I don't know, that's how I understood it. Why would that even be revealed to Kazuki from a story point of view, especially since it was framed with the 'you never tell me what's important' and the talk with Haruka if he already knew. It could've easily been added in episode three when Enta has his monologue about liking Kazuki. Or he probably already knew and I misunderstood.

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Hes a j.cole fan

Why was this character so useless and annoying? I want to punch him until his face becomes like a dried plum

No, he commonly leaves things ambiguous. Sarazanmai has a deliberately open-ended ending.

>took a dip in the river earlier
>then spent a day running with his bros
My goodness, how pungent.

Reo, calm down and stop hating on literal children.

Harukappa was not useless, you take that back.

Kazuki could kick Enta in the face and he’d probably love it, so I’m guessing never.

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Reo doesn't hate children.

Enta appreciates the fact that Mabu looks similar to him, because it helps with his fantasies, but I don't know how he would feel about Reo.

Right, and the user's point is that it's not a canon couple relationship, not that it could never happen.

Thank you.

All I said was that there was subtext. Which there definitely is.

It wasn’t ambiguous. Friendship ending was what he chose to do. In fact, rather than dropping any hints that Kazuki and Toi might have something romantic in the future he decided to make Kazuki look like a prick once again and give up on Toi and Enta. It’s not a direction Ikuni went in or even implied.

But Enta eventually learns how to be more assertive and critical of Kazuki, I wouldn't put the whole scenario off the table.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sarazanmai - 10 [720p].png (1280x720, 645K)

Enta finding the guy who shot him actually kindasortareally hot is amusing. Without the fear of death clouding the air, Reo is handsome.

No, it's pretty heavily implied that Toi and Kazuki want to fuck.

I think you got baited, friend

>we will never know if Enta ever gets to leave the closet
This stung
He understood the Ball Zombie for a reason

I think you’ve started to mix up your twitter headcanons with what really happened, fujo.

Yeah, I like to think he's gained more self respect in his relationship with Kazuki, otherwise his entire character development would be wasted.

Enta does love abuse and he does love Chads.

I see, I guess you're being mixed up with this guy

Right, Ikuni just never bothered to show it because it was more important to have three or four separate scenes revolving around Enta’s thirsty homosexuality.

Baited by a lot of obvious subtext.

More than the person Kazuki wanted to connect with, he was an object to advance the plot until episode 6 and give Kazuki some "depth", then stopped being important in the second half. Chikai and Toi had a full-fledged, sincere connection, the best of this poorly written show. Even Enta's connection was completely ignored and was never settled.

He’s still a bottom bitch through and through. Adult Enta is probably going to be living in booty shorts and tank tops like a proper flamboyant fag.

It's not that Ikuni forgot to show them kissing. It's an open-ended story. We don't know who will end up kissing who or if they'll even stay friends.

Male bonding isn’t subtext. I’ll give you the fake dating scene, but literally nothing else happened and the romantic overtones got completely pulled off, so again, if it was meant to be a thing Ikuni sure got rid of it fast.

I want to see Enta self-loathingly slavering over the sight of the huge dark dick belonging to the man who tried to kill Kazuki.

>haha look at this homo's one-sided love
>now I'm going to have his crush and the new kid on the block fuck
Well duh.

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>Chikai told Toi that kisses are the devil
What did he mean by this? Is Aniki a kissless virgin?

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Yes, many other things happened to imply they are in love. It wasn't subtle.

Loosen your fujogoggles. Ikuni friendzoned all three of the trio.

>bottom bitch
I can understand why Enta fell for Kazuki since he was his knight on a white horse, but why does he fantasize about Kazuki being more assertive, taller and manlier than in real life? Being dommed by a ball kicking girlfriend like that zombie dude is one thing, but what appeal is there being dominated by a chad version of your best bro?

He probably made a joke when they were kids and Toi took it seriously. He tends to do that.

What's up with KazuToifags today? You okay there, bros?

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Nice fanfic

I think that it's more related to the fact, that Kazuki used to be a chad before the whole shit with his family happened, so Enta desperately clings to the past, when Kazuki paid attention to him.

Friends who kind of want to fuck.

His type according to the character profile is someone obedient. He will brutally facefuck someone in love with him but deny them the kuss they're too timid to ask for.

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As far as I can tell it's just one user insisting they canonically wanted to fuck.

>it’s subtext, Ikuhara doesn’t confirm things you guys

What is this form called? Are they like anthropomorphic dogs?

Because Enta is likely really, genuinely gay. Not BL gay for one person but a full homosexual. Chad heroic guys are his type so his delusional fantasy Kazuki is going to follow that type.

In KeppiSara, who's the top?

Keppi but also Sara sometimes


Frankly that sounds exactly like what he'd do.

more frog books

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They look like something Tezuka would have drawn.

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At this point I just feel like it's a bait.

Sara, Keppi wants to have his hole stuffed.

But I need it.

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Sara, of course.

Toi on the phone with Enta: You and Yasaka should be happy as the golden duo. I wish you all the luck in the world.

Toi on the phone with Kazuki: literally can't talk because it's too painful.

Source. Is it porn?

In that case all three of them are definitely fucking.

Are gay guys who are into chad types a real thing? I thought it was a straight guy fetish

Not particularly. Complicated romantic relationships are not something he shies away from.

I’m assuming so. It could also be that Enta makes Kazuki out to be way better of a friend and person than he ever was and in the end he has to cope with the disappointment of reality.


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They might, eventually.

No, but he implies romantic feelings without characters necessarily becoming an official couple.

He did that with Enta.

That’s just like, your headcanon, man

He’s explicit about it with Enta. He’s explicit about all romance in Sarazanmai. Little silly to think that he totally meant for KazuToi to be a couple but got shy halfway through and made it all fujobait subtext.

You're allowed to do it with more than one character at a time.

I think in the end each of them created a sort of hero version of each other: for Enta it's Kazuki being a chad, for Toi it's Enta as a pure maiden and for Kazuki it's Toi as his saviour, despite the reality that all those 'heroes' were shitty to the other at some point. Utsumi or whoever it was did mention that Enta would have fallen for anyone that had helped him, and I think that applies to all of them. That's why Toi got all emo all of a sudden, not because he was prioritising Kazuki, but because Kazuki didn't remember the dream he'd been 'entrusted' with. This reminds me, did Kazuki remember more than the dab and the micanga? He remembered Toi wanted to play football, right?

He could have. He didn’t.

He wasn't that shy. I think it's pretty obvious. When they're both on the edge of breakdown at the idea of being separated, that's probably a clue.

I agree with your interpretation. If there’s one thing the ending did well, it was making the point that if they wanted to remain friends they needed to accept each other for the people they are, not idealized versions created out of a desire for something.

Why did the future have to show Kazuki as such a dickhead though?

I think that again, you’ve strapped your fujogoggles on so tight you’re going to interpret everything they do as romantic so there’s no point in arguing about it. The show already has romance, but it’s not where you want it to be.

I can't tell if this is a joke or not. Ikuhara probably just assumed the audience wasn't stupid and didn't need every detail spelled out, but apparently he was wrong. wasn’t his intention and you’ve interpreted things the way you’d like them to be. Cope harder.

Not that user, but why would it be a joke? Do your goggles extend to reading Yea Forums posts?
>Ikuhara probably just assumed the audience wasn't stupid and didn't need every detail spelled out, but apparently he was wrong.
Have you considered the possibility that you're the one who isn't reading Ikuhara's mind as well as you think?

Rebuild of Sarazanmai coming when?

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I've got some pattern recognition. Ikuhara jerks off to the idea leaving things ambiguous. He did the same thing with Chikai. We're never told if Chikai loves Toi or not, we're just given some hints and left to figure it out. The more important the relationship is, the more likely it is to be left ambiguous.

>He did the same thing with Chikai. We're never told if Chikai loves Toi or not, we're just given some hints and left to figure it out.
I don't see any ambiguity in Chikai loving Toi or not.
>The more important the relationship is, the more likely it is to be left ambiguous.
Nobody's saying KazuToi's relationship isn't important. That doesn't mean they're canonically a couple or wanting to fuck.

>we’re never told if Chikai loves Toi or not
Did you not see episode 9? Ikuhara is pretty in your face about Chikai and Toi. He’s not even really going for subtle in Sarazanmai. The whole show is pretty straightforward. Just accept that KazuToi is a friendship. You know you’re allowed to ship things that aren’t canon, right?

>Why did the future have to show Kazuki as such a dickhead though?
Because that's one thing that will never change unfortunately. No one is allowed to have fun unless it revolves around him.

>throws a photo of his friends winning the World Cup or whatever into the trash because he wasn't there

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Toi and Enta having fun as a golden duo looked like karma kicking Kazuki's ass, and it felt so good to watch.

OK, so did Chikai love Toi or not?

Are you retarded?

Kazuki truly a worst. Everything always has to revolve around him and his wants.

It's a legit question. The show is never clear.

Kazuki is always the first person to ditch on his friends, I’m not sure why the show wants to convince me the other two are just falling over each other to connect with him.

So again...did you watch episode 9?

To be fair, you have to have a really high IQ to understand Sarazanmai.

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Yes. Does Chikai love Toi or not?

Or episode 4 or 8.

I don't think he's really a prick, but haven't you seen how hot people get treated in real life? A shit ton of people will join the attack force on behalf of some famous stranger they'll never meet if they're handsome/beautiful enough.

If you're answering "yes," then why did Chikai nearly shoot him in the head? Why in ep 11 did Toi say he knew Chikai was just using him but he didn't care?

He’s pretty plain though. I think it’s less “he’s so hot” and more “he’s the main character and it’s the direction we want to go in”.

>Chikai is an explicitly conflicted antihero character and the show establishes that even though he loves Toi and Toi loves him, he’s not a good person and Toi is better off without him
>so by that logic KazuToi is canon


you're going to be responsible for a suicide user, quit before you drive it off cliff

Chikai believed that he was doing Toi a favour by removing him from this world, since Toi was a good person.
Toi didn't care about being used, because he used Chikai too, it was a codependent relationship, but there was a love that got twisted by circumstances.

If Toi's an M and Enta's an M, then who's driving this plane?

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Enta likes bullying Toi, they are going to be fine.


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Enta doesn't seem like an M, despite how good he looks while beaten up and his gluttony for social punishment.

>wanting to be topped by Kazuki (boy) of all people
M'est of M's.

aniki was a good boy who loved his brother and I will always love him!

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Liking Kazuki is just shit taste, not being M, user.

Chadzuki can take turns destroying their boipussies.

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I thought the headgun was a fakeout to make Toi leave him since he finally fully realized Toi was too good to deserve this life. His dying words were giving Toi money to live on and talking about how hard it was to stay connected.

Bottom =/= M.

>Aniki will never plow Toi and Enta while Kazuki looks on, confused

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This shot kills me, he even scratched himself out.

How many nights do you think this picture kept Chikai hanging on over the years?

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You'd have to be an M to enjoy Kazuki topping you

I think it's supposed to be ambiguous. Either interpretation fits his character.

Chikai wanted the best for Toi.
It's just that his vision of 'the best' was kinda wack.

What's the difference when it comes to 2D ships?

Enta is an M for Kazuki and an S for Toi. Toi is entirely M for both of them.

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>barefoot sailor shotas
there's money in this idea

How to make this show go from a 7/10 to 10/10:
1. 12 episodes
2. Toi is the main character now and his arc is the primary focus of the first half instead of Kazuki
3. Remove Haruka and all his ultimately pointless plot threads from the story
4. Develop Enta and Kazuki's relationship as an actual give and take rather than have it be so one sided. Develop Toi's relationship with both of them.
5. Make Enta/Kazuki a stronger parallel to Mabu/Reo
6. Put all the cut ReoMabu scenes back in to give their relationship more context
7. More Sara

sara is a joke character with an inhuman personality ghat nobody can relate to

>Chikai considered kicking Kazuki out, but nothing gets Enta more horny than Kazuki watching, so he gets to stay

canon brocon too, right user?

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but she's cute

No broocon, only a fucked up relationship that tests the limits of Toi's ability to connect with people.

Yes, but Chikai still dies.

chikai looks, smells, and sounds like you'd find him being sold amongst old dusty rugs in the back of a stripmall thrift atore towards the corner where the old shop owner barely gets around to sweeping anymore; the type you'd haggle about the price for since there's some obvious wine and mildew stains, and even after you get him home and vaccuum him there's still a slight odor and a realization that he doesn't tie the room together like you were hoping, so you roll him up and put him by the curb despite there not being trash pickup in your town, but just hoping some poor desperate soul will sling him in the back of their pickup

The same as the difference otherwise? Not all bottoms are masochistic.

I don't think M necessarily means literal masochist, at least for 2D.

>not wanting a scummy, used-goods, dirty, yazuka bastard bf
thank you for that user I laughed quite hard

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This, yakuza husband is the best husband.

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8. More Otone

literally who

>Kazuki sits there and texts while Chikai destroys Enta’s guts

I don't know, this makes Toi feel like the outsider now.

>episode 8
>shorten Chikai's and Enta's meeting
>Enta and Kazuki confrontation halfway through, they manage to have a talk and make up finally wrapping up Enta's arc
>Reo steals the plates without shooting anyone
>the two decide to go for the dishes

>episode 9
>less Chikai and Toi wandering around
>add back in more cops and kappa kingdom stuff
>Otterzuki optional

>episode 10
>Mabu dies
>Toi comes back much earlier, kills Reo
>the last plate is lost or fucked up somehow
>Toi still gets tentacled but the story goes on until he tries to kill his kid self

>episode 11
>operation rescue Toi goes on as usual except that Enta actually gets to say something
>Sara comes to the rescue instead of the cops
>show the aftermath, the trio gets to say goodbye, add in the lost Otone scene somewhere
>don't play the OP
>show Kazuki and Enta have different happy reactions to Toi coming back so they actually feel like themselves
>show cops in the crowd somewhere, make it obvious they're together and happy but not in your face
>the end

I was thinking having Reo and Mabu die in episode 9 would make their fate more suspenseful, but we also need Chikai to die. Also, Enta should go through one of those ア.

It doesn't mean straight-up plain English masochism, there's nuance to it. It's a JP-specific kind of masochism/submissiveness. It's still not interchangeable with top and bottom. A bottom is not necessarily M and a top is not necessarily S.

Best oneechan

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cut the plates from 5 to 3

This S and M talk makes me want Service Boy's SM ReoMabu doujin already. Waiting for porn blows.

>not waiting for someone to draw sailor enta x wolf toi
you know not true suffering

I mean when I was a kid my sibling and I literally wore the same exact outfit everyday until I was 12. Same hair too but parted on a different side; I think that sort of thing is kind of normal until you hit puberty and are allowed autonomy. The Nips aren’t reproducing for other reasons.

Haruka is literally dressed by his parents he’s in a wheelchair and only wears sweat pants and velcro shoes for a reason... as someone who’s had to dress invalids I can tell you it’s because it’s easier to get them in and out of that stuff then anything else.

It’s OK Toi moves in with Enta when he gets out of Juvie and they make up for lost time.

God yes and they will put up with so much bullshit it’s just sad.

Of all the lewd Entas out there, nobody has managed to take advantage of the bunny or sailor outfits. I’m disappointed fujos

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>wolf Toi

>Enta blowing Chikai, while Kazuki is texting Toi, making plans for a dinner and saying that Enta probably doesn't want to go with them because he just ate

I think they've meant Cheshire cat Toi? He kinda looks like a wolf.

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Toi is a Cheshire Cat, not a wolf

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This sounds pretty reasonable, but also a litle bit less exciting? Somehow?

>parents kill themselves at a young age, abandoning you and your younger brother
>get involved with yakuza in order to keep your family's soba shop open to keep little bro happy
>what little family you have left disowns you
>little brother now resents you for doing shady shit, says he wishes you were dead
>take the rap for little bro's murder, further outcasting you from society
>barely get to see your cute otouto's face for more than a day or two at a time
>get blamed by gay cops for a crime you didnt even commit
>die without being able to express how you feel to your most precious person
>otters rape your corpse and use it to manipulate your little bro into despair
Why did he suffer so much?

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>says he wishes you were dead
Wait, he did that?

Episode 4, he says he wishes Chikai had been the one to die instead of their parents

Oh fuck, poor Aniki.

I'm always ready to learn more. You have an example of a character who's a top M or bottom S that I can look up?

wolf would be better for predator/prey roleplay and for biting

It's pretty sad desu. Staff has said that Toi's opinion of Chikai only changed on the night of the murder, Kujibros are so shit at expressing their emotions it wouldn't surprise me if aniki died still thinking Toi resented/hated him.

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How do we fix Kazuki? How would YOU fix Kazuki if given a chance? Should shirikodama extraction have been relevant? Should Keppi have been secretly using the boys?

toi enta and haruka should beat the shit out of him

>Should Keppi have been secretly using the boys?
Fuck no, Keppi is perfect as he is.

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BRAVO! I agree with all of this

Kazuki would work well as a side character and have his issues not be about family connections (which was really, REALLY weak) and instead transfer those miscommunication issues to his relationship with Enta.

Or just say fuck it and actually have the crossdressing thing be more than just something to trick his brother with and trigger the shit out of Yea Forums.

Have him stop being retarded after episode 6. His actions after that are stupid and deny his character development, so if he really has to be the one to hold them together, stop making him a petty hypocritical jackass just for the sake of drama. It would still make him bland as fuck, but at least an honest kind of bland, not 'let's ignore everything bad about him' kind of bland. This or because it makes me laugh.

Can kappa see dead people?

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It would have been much more interesting if the shirikodama were the equivalent a soul gems like in Madoka, the story would have gotten darker and darker. But then Ikuhara would be called a hack.

>Should Keppi have been secretly using the boys?
No. Sad how the magical animal actually being good feels like more of a twist nowadays than them being bad.

I don’t mind Kazuki being a flawed character, but I was waiting to see that character development and growth where he actually learns from his communication issues and develops a stronger bond with the other two. That’s satisfying to the viewer. Instead the narrative just shoved the characters in the direction the story demanded.

Kazuki crossdressing for real would give an another layer to Enta's affection for him and it could be interesting.

I assume they can, since they exist between life and death themselves.

>ass ball=soul gems
Kinda hard to make that sound too serious.

Keppi never cared that much for the boys and was even ready to sacrifice Kazuki

Aniki haunting time.

I thought the ass balls were literally linked to their existence.

my assball is the only reason I get up in the morning

Their human existence

I thought it was supposed to be a test. Kazuki almost failed