I can't decide!
Left or right?
Other urls found in this thread:
Left. Women with short hair might as well be gay men.
When you can't then both
Lily is the purest of maiden.
Yukiaze is trashy whore.
Cowtits are shit!
>art I like
>disgusting plot and everything
Everytime, fuck you artists
OP, you always gotta pick the cowtits.
Never question it.
Why do the best artists develop the most degenerate fetishes?
>Artists makes disgusting unrealistic tittymonster art.
>Not liking the unrealistic and disgusting rape games that they come alongside with.
Being a vanillafag is suffering, no worries my mayonaise-eating amerifat, I'll enjoy them in your stead.
Fuse them into ultimate milf waifu
I know right is lily's mom but who is left?
Yukikaze's mom
Lily doesn't have a whore for a mom!
Fuuma Saika from Taimanin Asagi Battle Arena
Not really a fan of shiranui.
I like Rinko more when it comes to big titty sluts.
aren't Yukikaze and Lily the same person technically? They just look somewhat different and have a different name because alternate universe? At least that is what I have always thought.
Thanks. I can't find her on the Taimanin Asagi wiki though. Is she actually a milf? VNDB doesn't tag her as a mother.
Don't ever talk about something like that!!
no she's not a milf. I compared them because they have the same hair color and similar outfits
user that seems to know tons about Lily. I did some research after you corrected me but I am confused. On the wiki it shows Lily as a son that fights monsters? mahou-kaiju-series.fandom.com
I can't find any of the material he makes an appearances in. The only one that is actually documented takes me to 70s anime. Also it is made by Toei? Makes no sense how a family friendly company would canon-ize the lore and son of a character from a sex vn and then champion said character. Please enlighten me .
The fuck?
That looks like error.
I'm pretty sure that's just a fanfiction wiki, hence all the shoddy fanart and crossovers.
>roll gacha for swimsuit ingrid
>see rainbow
>it's shiranui instead
fuck gacha
post more mommies
RPGX sucks, but man are the CGs great.
It'd be fine if it weren't for the scat