Armin will kill Eren.
Shingeki no Armin will kill Eren
Other urls found in this thread:
FG is cute and canon.
May I have the attention of Paradiscucks? Yes? Good.
One of the most iconic moral ambiguities in this series is the conflict between Eldians vs the rest of the world. This post solely exists to explain to you why the extinction of the Eldian race is completely justified and their defenders delusional.
>Weapons of mass destruction
This is what Eldians really are. They are merely subjects to the Founding Titan and his whim. The FT can turn anyone with Eldian blood into a huge, brainless, zombified titan. Every single actions will be guided by a simple order of the FT, essentially making every Eldian a slave.
The counter-argument to this is that WMD such as nuclear warheads will be an inevitable technological milestone in-universe. What Paradiscucks are ignoring is the versatility of such strong weapon. There are hundreds of thousands of Eldians who can be sent off undercover into different major enemy cities or military bases and be turned into Colossal Titans. This is a power far, far worse than any hydrogen bomb we have invented in our modern world.
>Eternal Slavery
Unless you are a shifter yourself, Eldians can be brainwashed, genetically edited or be turned into a titan.
Being an Eldian essentially means you CANNOT be free and are entirely dependent on your country's ruler.
There have been more than 150 holders of the FT, but NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM has improved the populus' intelligence or creativity to benefit the race as a whole. Everyone was just cattle playing along the King's wishes.
Annie was made for Bert's cock
>Implications of the great RUMBLE
Many EDGERENSELFINSERTERS wish for the destruction of the world because they view Paradis as the defenders, rather than the aggressors of the current war. They think because the whole world will eternally be hostile towards them, they have the perfect justification to end every single nation in existence.
Let me elaborate on the implications of this scenario:
>Almost everyone but the Eldian race is extinct
- The global population is entirely dependent on the inheritor of the FT. If he turns out to be a tyrant, or worse, someone with similiar views as Zeke, he could genetically edit everyone's heart to experience a cardiac infarction and fall to their death, practically EXTINGUISHING human life on Earth, or most of it.
- If he turns out to be just a tyrant, Eldians have to fear for their lives. The FT has a monopoly of power noone else could possess. Other shifters cannot compete against a horde of mindless titans and non-shifters will be brainwiped just for the thought of rebelling.
>b-but you need royal blood for this to work in the future Eldian empire
If you're assuming that EVERY single drop of royal blood will extinguish after the death of Historia's line, then there is still the unpredictably stupid powers of Ymir who is probably going to place royal blood into some idiot through PATHS. Remember that titan powers are inherited by random babies if they're not eaten by other titans. It wouldn't be too farfetched to think that Ymir will somehow reintroduce royalty who can make use of these powers.
Cute siblings.
Here to remind you that AA is cute and canon
Yeah, sure.
He crazy.
It is now proven that AAchads aren't the Gabipedo
Falco will die next chapter. Gabi will shoot him after he eat Colt.
>muh multiple device
>spergs beruanism while namecalling a tumblrina
>quoted the BAspic with the Gabitrash
Kill yourself AAshit
stop bullying me or i'll fucking kill myself
t. BAspic
Is Zeke really so stupid as to trust Eren? You know as soon as he has the chance he's going to use the founder to activate the rumbling. Crazy bastard. Hahaha.
>berserkucks making pedo bestiality edits
I knew you guys were edgy, but seriously?
Well i don't know but you are retard for sure, zeke also wants the rumbling.
>Kaji Yuki: You are free.
Imagine the threads
No he doesn't. He wants to use the rumbling to defend the island while the last remainder of Eldians are dying.
Eren wants to use the rumbling to destroy the world.
I just want Jiiku to be happy.
>Zeke wants to use the rumbling
>No, you are wrong zeke wants to use the runbling
Yep retard as i said.
t. AApedo
>arguing about semantics
How to spot a retard on Yea Forums.
>Falco will die.
Kek. And Gabi will kill Zeke.
Ok retard
>Farmer-chad: You are free
Imagine the threads
>he doesn’t collect his nails
You’re the weirdo desu
EHfags would be gone so itd be better off I suppose
EHfags and AAfags should kill themselves and stop ruining threads
EHchads are ETERNAL
I keep pressing the update button in hopes for a non-shipper post, but it isn't coming.
Isayama=Yoshikage Kira
Maybe he read too much Jojo in childhood.
This is why AMfags are the best shipfags while the others just harass and spam
Ragnorak soon
Das right
you guys arent shippers
youre just a bunch of faggots
Predict the characters for the next installment of the Adventures of School Shooter-kun
Annie x Mikasa is a lot better than the AAshit
Those have spent years in autistic fights with Jeanfags
119 ch
>the one losing waifus vs the waifufag
What part of him being out of commission don't manletfags understand? You'll see him only after all the action, he's less significant than Connie.
I hope we get Punknnie
Cope, shitletfag. He'll be irrelevant for the rest of the manga.
>Eldians are Jews/Nazis/Niggers
What's next on the list
>That feel when Hange is experimenting on Levi's naked body literally right now
Eren and Manlet probably won't interact again
>MA > AA and BA spic shit
>manlet goes full emo asking him to let him die
>Hange ignores him and injects him
I rabu Piku
You see, the thing with AA is that it isn't just your typical cute ship, like AM, EAr, YH...
No, because unlike those ships AA is actually confirmed to be canon, which makes it automatically the superior ship.
Post your cutest Historia in honour of our queen
>muh promise to Erwong
>muh genocidal freedom
>muh globalism and peace
>muh rock
>Being born really isn't all that special. Almost everything in this world is meant to die. In this world, a life born is nothing more than an insignificant speck and shouldn't even be counted as an existence. Death is natural.
Eldians are gamers.
master race
Have a cutestoria!
It's implied he drank the wine, though.
Eldians are cute
He already said niggers.
>145 cm
>42 kg
Just imagine
Remember when people thought Reiner wouldn't job because he was making that confident face? KEK
Eldians are hot
The canon one
she's so beautifull user
It's a garbage ship but the rock cumming sessions is more than all other Armin and Annie pairings have got going on for them
got any more? take this rare Hisu
She’s legal
>self-hating cucks
If he had then he would have transformed with Zeke's first scream
He felt the same "twitch" as Falco.
So damn kakkoi...
The rock talking sessions cements their love story as a tragic one. It's almost like a Shakespearean love story, two lovers that are so close but at the same time so far away...
Well it's not like i expect them to live a happy life, this is shingeki no kyojin afterall, I just hope that Isayama explores their relationship in more detail.
Why do you find childish proportions in particular to be attractive?
No, he didn't
Falco, Nile and co. didn't transform because they were too far away to hear Zeke's scream, while manlet was surrounded by 30 other drinkers that did shift.
So either manlet doesn't drink or it doesn't work on Ackerman, my money is on the former.
>EHfags and Arminfags are pedos
We know, Pock.
For comfy snuggles
For rough anal
>tiny manlet hand
EHfags killed the hype
woah hahaha... its really weird how marley looks like germany in the 1940's and they like, persecute eldians and force them to wear things on their clothes to signify they are second class citizens (haha just like the star of david JEWS had to wear during hitler time) and like, you learn that in fact marley are the good guys and are justified in hating the eldians and there is even a secret shadow government in marley that rules the world and is at fault for everyones problem (kinda like JEWS irl) haha woah pretty based and redpilled managa... so deep...
Eldians are a weapon sent by god to prevent nuclear weapons from ever existing
screencap this
ok i did it
ppedo went full meltdown from last chapter
what would happen next week once ZP was confirmed canon again
thanks fren
Yeah except Jews can't transform into mindless zombie cannibals you fucking retard
>tfw no pieck gf to ride to pizza hut to buy pizzas with.
Because Jews already are mindless zombie cannibals.
He probably just doesn't drink on the job, which was more or less the whole month in the forest, while everyone else did. If manlet was even the slightest bit impaired, Zeke could have escaped because we all know no one else is capable of taking him down.
>actually im tall but my hands are bigger than what they should be for my height.
Don't they have a higher IQ on average, though?
If they are mindless zombie cannibals then how did they plot 9/11?
YHWH gave them the plan.
>Annie sleeping in jelly
Just caught up and just wanted to say these threads are absolutely garbage.
All Jews are connected through SHEKELS.
I might've realized something just now. It was said that Frieda lost to Grisha's titan because she was "inexperienced", but isn't that just a really lazy reason? Do you think it's possible that Frieda let Grisha eat her so that they could get past the first king's vow binding the royals? Maybe Grisha's speech made Frieda realize that this is wrong, but she couldn't do anything on her own, thus "losing" to Grisha despite having the Founding Titan's powers.
What do you think?
You make a good couple
How did Grisha even infiltrate all alone without being spotted? If there were any MP nearby, Frieda could have easily turned them into titans for assistance.
or, she lost because there weren't a bunch of titans around she could command
Well Grisha was by all indication just as inexperienced as Frieda, if not more. It's possible the king's will prevents the holder from fighting back even in self defense. I don't think it's likely Frieda allowed herself to be devoured since she had no way of knowing the requirements to activate the coordinate in a non royal, and her death also resulted in the deaths of most of her family.
*kisses you*
Why is Karl the Cuck hesitant to fight for his ideology? Grisha destroyed his plan.
his plan never was to fight
Rivaille's wife *____*
>It's possible the king's will prevents the holder from fighting back even in self defense.
Uri fought Kenny just fine
Uri didn't really do much. And in the end he prostrated himself before Kenny anyway.
Future girl best girl
I-Is t-this how K-king Crimson w-works?
LHis is connected through PATHS and thus transcends beyond time.
Why did Owl know the names Armin and Mikasa? Was Owl time travel Eren? Repeating time loop? Or are all titan owners memories somehow linked past and future?
you answered your own question?
But Lady Tybur is dead.
sorry i'm on shitty wall maria wifi
imagine the doggystyle
all eldians are connected, for all we know there's a time loop every 2000 years and there's always an eren/mikasa/armin at this period in time so he's actually recalling the past
Issue is, I can't imagine anything BUT doggystyle with her
PATHS don't work on 4channel posts, it goes against the canon rules. WIT just gave up (and transferred their consciousness into the 4channel servers).
Cart titan is a pretty dumb concept desu along with female titan.
What’s with all the pedo talk? I mean it’s 2D
And older too.
When a person in this threads likes a character that you don't, then he is a pedo. It's as simple as that.
Fuck off,pedo(Ehfag).
>he is unaware
>he lacks the knowledges
>he doesn't know
>he lacks critical informations
GODvi has STRONGMIND and plot armor STAMINA
He will come back for his REVENGEANCE after Hange the genius fixes him with robot arm and modified Katana
You brainlets aren't ready for Punished GODvi, prepare to cope
Bros I just discovered a plothole. When you look into space you're actually looking at what it looked like years in the past because light takes time to travel to you from so far away. So Ymir and Zeke should have seen the same PATHS sky since they were in the PATHS realm within ~10 years of each other (and most celestial bodies are much further away than 10 light years). But in the manga, Ymir sees two converging paths (AT + FT) whereas Zeke sees three (WHT + AT + FT). On top of this, Ymir should've only seen 1 path since Eren had gotten the founder very recently back then and the light from the new PATHS wouldn't have had time to reach her. Hackayama DESTROYED.
>Eren is the only one whose eyes are visible
Controlfags BTFO
Dumb roastie
Since Ymir was talking to Historia in the letter, maybe the paths were Hisu's an hers, since they were about to meet in the future.
Isayama is so dumb lol I prefer attack on titan over shingeki no kyojin anytime of the day
not happening anymore tho
Paths defy the rules of space/time. Trying to apply logic to what is essentially magic is foolish.
I like how that Flosh guy told Eren, Mikasa and Armin how shitty their characters are, that was some self awareness from the author.
who is the girl in PATHS? the original Ymir?
t. Erenpedo
honestly this cover is kinda lame.
post your favorite volume covers
What is this
AM are shit, Eren is not user.
Most likely
Floch should have been on Porco's spot in Eren's side and Dindupon should have been in Floch's spot
Early Eren yes, he turned based after the timeskip.
For me, it's the McChicken.
Promo for the upcoming final exhibition
this was wholesome
So this cover confirms that edgeren isn't a meme. And that he actually thinks all the things he said to AM
wonder what the alt cover will look like this time
>PPMCRZFYL drawn as NPCs
What did Isayama mean by this?
it doesnt confirm jack diddledoo fricking heck.
Marlowe spotted in the background. I missed him the first time I saw the cover.
Yup, and SLAVEren was already confirmed here
So what the fuck is up with Louise? She must have some role coming up.
early Eren wasn't that bad, manbun Edgeren is the worst.
You know that Floch view isn't supposed to be the truth™ but just another position, right.
Cope more Armongpedo
Just imagine how Gabi's tiny body would react to Eren's massive giant adult cock jizzing on her cute face.
>whos like Louise, Porko and Kolt are there, but no AMJC
fucking based
Same person
But that is manlet
Isyama must have really liked the moments with Eren and Pieck with the gun.
New chapter when?
I liked them too
>next chapter
Mikasa's wife.
AMJC aren't Jaegerists
Good, they suck anyway.
la esposa de eren
He is controlled by his future self who is controlled by Historia's pussy
>We are born in this world, made men by this world, undone by this world. Our eyes are yet to open...
what did isayama mean by this?
Jiiku deserves love.
The only lame part is not having the same number of characters on both sides
>Pieck presses the trigger
Well that was easy
based, zekucks are TREMBLING
>Floch view isn't supposed to be the truth
It is tho.
Ok Eren.
it's the same thing
Sniffing Mikasa's turdcutter
Why are these threads always so bad
That doesn't confirm shit you fucking retard.
Are paths an actual place? Titan flesh and blood come from there right?
Kino cover.
It literally isn't. He himself says that he doesn't know Armin, so he wouldn't know all of the things he did and why he could be a valid alternative to Erwin. Also he has a idealized idea about Erwin being a devil that will protect humanity, while in reality Erwin could have lost all of his drive after reaching the basement.
Eren is a fucking HYPOCRITE
ThanksAT A best.
Post a ship and a song that reminds you of it
They are probably connected to a pocket dimension, the one where lolimir is.
this looks like an underground fightclub
>this shit
Eren's will is too strong, unlike pigmin
>Erwin would've lost his drive
how do you know?
>It's a beach episode
that's a cool gif
Then why the fuck is Eren acting like a retard in front of Pieck. If acting all retarded is part of Eren's plan then he deserves a fucking Oscar.
s-stop it user
Eren is so cute projecting his insecurities onto Armin here
Gabo is for..
Why can't brainlets understand what Eren is actually trying to say. You probably think Armin truly loves Annie.
>why he could be a valid alternative to Erwin.
That's only armongfaggotry from Eren.
The truth is Erwin was the logical choice being the commander and a experienced soldier, that's the truth.
Eren, Mikasa and Levi made their choice based on feelings, that's the truth.
>Erwin could have
And this is especulah.
>t. shitren uchiha self inserter
Posttraumatic stress disorder
Just one fuck would turn Gabi over to Eren's side to be his cunny wife to have many beautiful Eldian children with.
eren strong
armin weak
Sorry, Gabi is for Falco and Falco is for Gabi.
So cute!
that scene was T-KT though
forgot link i'm retarded
Y-yeah Eren is totally an ignorant idiot like Armin right bros?
Based Erenchad
Based as fuck but the problem is that isayama can't bring levi back so soon because he is simply too strong and would make the fights uneven for who he is siding with
At least there's suspense now
Falco is a little boy Gabi needs a powerful big strong man to fuck her virgin vagina, mouth and anus.
Sand is flash and blood.
Practically the same song.
if dubs, it's finally over...
>being edgy = being wise
Sorry but FG is canon.
Cry me a river, you pedo.
No Eren breeding Gabi is canon you delusional kid.
Sorry pedo, Gabi will remain pure until she is 18 years old, when she will have marital sex with her husband Falco.
How will Annie react when she wakes up and finds out Armin ate Bertolt?
I think that YH is cute.
She is the property of Eren as well as all young Eldian girls in the Wall and in Marley as he is the king and the king only deserves the best most fertile pussy.
It is cute
>german names
>german architecture
>nordic ancestors
>nordic berserker titan forms
>but they are niggers/jews bro because muh armbands
imagine being sub 120IQ
At least the female titan comes with a good power set and you could see how it could be a part of Ymir. /d/orse titan seems pretty pathetic compared to everyone else. Especially when they had the Green Lantern titan fucking about in Marley all this time.
She will be lost without the sole purpsoe of her existence(Bert cock).
>nordic berserker titan forms
I think she won't care at all.
Gabi is for Falco, Armongpedo
Actually, they are pic-related.
>annie: ok, so?
Eren is only devoted to one woman. He has no interest in girls like Annie and Gabo.
If you think about it YH is creepy. Some 60 year old hag stalking a young blonde girl and becoming obsessed with her.
Impossible, that would mean that those girls aren't FREE.
>despite being only 2% of the population, gays account for 40% of US pedophiles
Why doesn't Zeke just aim to wipe out the royal bloodline? The rest of the Eldians would never be able to be randomly titanized again if he just did that.
I don't care about shartmong BAfag, i'm responding seriously.
At least Ymir was physically and mentally the same age, unlike Annie where there's a physical and possibly mental age difference now.
t. AA/LEpedo
t. Edgen Shartchiha selfinserter
that's what i said in the last reply :(
is this true? the gay thing
But i like YH.
Why did King cuck give the titan powers to Marley if he wanted Eldians to stop killing?
>Ymir is Norse for "Screamer"
>Ymir created the titans
>berserkers come from Norse mythology about warriors who transformed into wolves and bears and fought wildly
are most SNK fans complete brainlets to not see the obvious inspiration for Isayama? Titan and berserker are almost synonymous
here's a template if you want to make your own
Funny, since he literally looked like king crimson when flashbacking
Canon Ships
Delsional Shit
What is this font?
I understand this didn't really fit anywhere in this season but I still wish we could've heard it, I fucking love DOA from season 1
Chadren's cock
>''Who is Bertolt?''
this is totally pre-Paradis Gabi's theme
>Griced_Braunie is the BAfag
Just read chapter 91 after the anime, is Jaws Ymir's titan passed down to another lad?
oh fuck it could be
>>Where is Bertolt?''
Yes, his name is Porco.
Eren x Gabi is endgame, just accept it.
>Yelena checking out shirtless Zeke
t. marleyan cuckdog
Why does he look so different then Ymir's one? Did Isayama not know what to do with titans and didn't give them unique characteristics when writing Ymir?
>bryce papenmeme
SF wonder comic, it's not perfect but it's close enough. I used photopea web app to make it
>Yelena and Pieck fighting for Zeke soon
Has Armong grown in this 1 year, and then stopped growing completely?
How fucked is the rest of the world if Paradis goes total war?
>Naturally defensible location
>Essentially infinite natural resources
>Titan manpower
>100% zealotry
>Armin/Annie best couple
The most important BA interaction to date
Do anime only fags know that theyre in for almost 50 chapters of political intrigues again with minimal titan involvement?
>Infinite natural resources
Eren was made for Historia's cock
Who wrote this, Armong or Hans?
Arminpedos killed these threads.
They were made for each other
All of the major titans look different when they have different hosts.
Fuck rereading the uprising arc lmao
>it is my duty
Sounds like Hans
Krueger / Grisha / Eren looked similar
Colossal looks similar form what I've seen
Mikasa is upset because she realized Louise is 15
Armin, obviously. Hanji isn't relevant.
>Another name for Ymir in some Old Norse poems is Aurgelmir (“Sand/Gravel Screamer”).
different people's titan forms look different, Armin's Colossus is way skinnier than Bert's
I agree, only Jean and Hansi take responsability for their actions
>Gary Stumin is not irrelevant
and manlet too, but he's more violent
Nobody would fight over this cucked faggot. Trannylena can have him.
They both still have the sharp teeth and the claws (Ymir didn't have those when she was a mindless titan). Though Porco and Marcel's jaws (not the Titan form, but specifically the Titan's jaws) look different.
Explain why Annie smiled after seeing Armin.
FG is just as delusional as LH and EH.
Falco will die next chapter, also Gabi does not like him.
Levi is already dead and Hanji didn't care for him more than the most op soldier.
Historia is lesbian & she was impregnated by the farmer, and Eren thinks she's cattle.
she enjoyed scaring the shit out of him
That was the part of the justification for Marley prepping for an invasion. To claim all those resources. We know they've essentially endless fossil fuels at least, and that's how they've always had gas for their vertical maneuvering equipment, but I think it's also implied they might also have rare ores, potentially even radioactive ones.
It's one of the two that exist
Hanji or someone else that uses "watashi".
>what is perspective
Hey, don't lump in us LHfags with those crackships. We support EM, EG and YH.
they've already implied that iceburst stone is some kind of miracle fuel source or useful structural material, since the notJaps made a plane with it
God I want her to eat me.
Stop for 5 minutes Arminfag
I came while reading this
in other words based
Post more.
Was this played anywhere? It's great. Would have fit perfectly in a training montage from Season 1 or something.
Krueger Attack had a boyband fringe.
Grisha attack had a beastly hairy chest.
>Everyone i don't like is the same person
>Oh, this little twerp survived this long? I'm impressed.
Me too
The smell of Pizza Hut pizza, combined with the box itself, forms an aroma akin to feces. Pieck probably wants 4* and up on yelp local pizzeria and no less. You and her are both pizza connoisseurs.
Hey, shipfags I don't know what kind of faces you're making right now, but you fags really are the worse pieces of shit. I bet no one in the history of manga has shipped anything as retarded as you. I've gotta erase you. You shouldn't be allowed to post anymore. What the hell are you thinking? I've never felt so revolted before. Just thinking of you and your retarded ships is making me want to vomit. You big damn pests. It's time to exterminate you.
You fags are neither intellectuals nor patrician. You're just retards. You're psychotic mass retards who've killed countless innocent threads that never did anything wrong. That's right, I'm still too naive. I've gotta do what I can. Do what I can to make you fags suffer and die in the worst way possible. You've got it coming.
Get away from me shipfags. I'll kill you all.
Im 'bout to start the manga from the end of S3, how would you rank the manga only arcs compared to the animated ones? Better?
How dare you impersonate me
basado extraordinaro to hell and back
why was backpack titan a girl
Warriorkino is based, Gabi is best girl
Fuck off hongoloid
Do yourself a favor and start from 51. That arc had a lot of cuts in the anime. At least read the first half of it for all the government stuff and some characterization. The next arc after RTS is the best in the series but you have to give it time. The one after is great but it's only like half done.
Because Isayama is a waifufag
Start from ch1 or just wait for s4,faggot.
holy based
>Pizza Hut
Sorry, Papa John's is where it's at.
Did he asked her to make his dick bigger?
>been putting off the series for a long time since it gained the rep of mainstream trash
>finally get down to watching the shit, bingewatch until ep 47 as of now
>completely fucking awestruck, the char development, Kenny's final words and flashback, the CUTENESS of Historria
>but most importantly, Kenny's final words, the whole shit about "being drunk etc etc, want to live but chose to die bla bla not cut out to be a father"
>come check out this thread to see if theres some meaningful in-debt discussions about the deeper philosophical shit, or atleast just some fan-craze about the char-devving
>it's just memes and waifufaggotry
Don't know what I expected...
Pii probably isn't picky with pizza but I will concede that we should ride to a nicer local pizza joint.
>come check out this thread to see if theres some meaningful in-debt discussions about the deeper philosophical shit, or atleast just some fan-craze about the char-devving
Why do you always post the same thing?
Is there a more pathetic human being in the existence?
Reminder that the world pizza is a code talk for pedos.
Cute Floch.
fak you reiner!
And how would you know that
not him, but to be fair everyone is ignoring that post to resume their shippingfaggotry. He posted his plot points before but he rarely gets someone to discuss it with him.
/pol/ tier baits doesn't count as discussion
Eren should have fed Armin to Floch a long time ago, they could have nuked every city in Marley within a week
I discussed with him and he ignores me and keeps posting the same thing. I just think he just wants yous
For you.
if you go to Yea Forums or Yea Forums and post a bait thread with an SnK image, you'll get far better discussion than anything in Yea Forums SnK threads
Sorry for ignoring you, then.
Could you repeat whatever you wanted to discuss?
Barely ever posted anything on Yea Forums at all you little shit, and I belive that will prove itself if I post more, I literally have no idea about the etique and phenomenons around here. I'm /fit/ and /out/, nothing else, so I have no idea who you think I am.
Well, that's something, ty.
Did you ever have any discussions around Kenny tho? I'd love to read some in-depth theories on why he did what he did, and if there ever was a deeper meaning behind the whole "everyones drunk on something (even I), but I'm gonna chose death anyways".
Or am I just overthinking it because it was so emotional?
Because this is already the fifth time. He needs to bring something new.
>also Gabi does not like him
Yes, he did.
Eren will save Armin and Mikasa.
Mikasa is probably already saved. Armin's case is a little more complicate.
he is cute
>Zeke: First rule of the fight club, is "we don't talk about the fight club"
Literally everyday there's a post with the same structure as yours.
>Just discovered the series
>Though it was very cool
>I decided to come into the threads
>Waaaah, it's full of shipperfags
Anyway what did you expect, all that could be discussed has already been discussed. Now we just wait for new chapters and in the meantime we shitpost and fight over waifus.
>EHfag from leddit
>also Gabi does not like him.
>the pedo finally lost its mind
I keep posting that to stand out from the shipperfags and enable plot discussion. It did create discussion before and I have had people telling me that they challenged their perspective of the overall situation.
The issue lies in shippers drowning out any viable story-speculation in their meta drama and a fandom that is mostly comprised of uninterested readers who just come here to root for their favorite football tea- I mean ship.
how kino will it be when Falco eats Gabi and has to live with that when he gets turned back into a human?
armored titan is built for suffering
The problem are two falseflaggers falseflagging and samefagging. Any discussion gets lost.
Gabi is Chadren's breeding cunny you need to realize this already.
Don't pretend your shitty bait isn't as bad as the shippers.
Based EHbro.
Chadmin get cucked Berthold!
>can't counter the claims
>"has to be bait"
HOOO BOY, ty lad. That's exactly the kinda answers/theory I was looking for.
Yeah I know I'm kind of a faggot for barging in asking dumb shit when I haven't even caught up to the show.
Historia a cute, Eren a shit. Don't ever call me an EHfag again
But user, chadren literally killed people for trying to sell a little girl. In fact if he existed he would probably beat you to death.
Multiplied this shit x20 and you get these shitty threads because the Armongpedo lives here
>Shitty bait
If you want a discussion you can join us and tell us what you disagree with and why.
It is not Chadren's fault little girls want to sleep with her, why his own brother had sex with a litlte girl in the Paths dimension. Its is a constant of nature for little girls to have sex with Yeager chads.
Does anyone really fall for that falseflag? most people just ignore him and he replies to himself anyway
user, if EH happened its not our fucking fault. Stop doing this shit
Hans a cute
What it confirms is that Eren's not on the side of any of the people he chose to associate himself with to carry out whatever plan he has.
Kys Hongoshit
It's 2019, user. Everyone is a pedophile. Don't you watch the news?
That's the stuff! I'll use all these theories to annoy the shit out of my normie "weeb"-friend once he finishes the show!
>He himself says that he doesn't know Armin, so he wouldn't know all of the things he did and why he could be a valid alternative to Erwin
Bro what if we hunt titans at night?
>Fall of Shiganshina arc
Anime: 7/10
Manga: 5/10
Isayama's drawing style used to be garbage. Don't be surprised when you start with chapter 1 and see these scribbles.
The anime does the series alot of justice when it comes to sound design and animations, which is why you'll see it rated higher most of the time.
>Battle of Trost District arc
>104th Training Corps arc
Anime: 7.5/10
Manga: 5/10
The story picks up, but the anime keeps its advantage. The characters feel bland, but there are very kino moments involved. The overuse of flashbacks remain a constant pace-breaker, IMO.
>The Female Titan arc
Anime: 6.5
Manga: 6
Best girl, but the anime gets very filler heavy here. Not a fan of it. Isayama's art starts improving (slowly).
>Clash of the Titans arc
Anime: 9/10
Manga: 8/10
Side characters become main characters with fleshed out personalities. The manga's art style improves considerably and the story takes alot of unpredictable twists.
Definitely one of the best arcs. The anime adaptation did it even more justice by including Ymir's backstory (which is introduced 2 arcs later in the manga).
>The Uprising arc
Anime: 5/10
Manga: 6.5/10
Here is where the anime takes a nosedive and the manga slows down. The Uprising arc is heavily politics focused and tries to rely on intrigue, rather than action (which is still prevelant to some degree).
The anime is inferior due to major cuts.
This is one of those arcs that get better the more you re-read them.
>Return to Shiganshina arc
Anime: 8.5/10
Manga: 8/10
Kino. Pure kino. There is no other word to describe it. Serumbowl has the best voice acting I have ever heard in an anime. The fights were great. Erwin's charge was great. Zeke's appearance was great. The ocean was great.
Ymir letters was a lazy cop and the tranquilizer gun a very unnecessary plothole in the anime.
The manga also handled Grisha's backstory better.
This bait isn't funny
Reminder that Chadren did absolutely NOTHING wrong
EA is still much better
>Crack dead ship
BAAAWAHAHAHAHAHAHA. So fat trolling. 0/10
Based, fuck shipcucks who bring nothing to the table
These threads have been so boring lately.
falseflaggers spamming and AAshit vs BAshit
Imagine being this much of a dumb dyke
I personally find Annie and Armin's twisted dynamic way more interesting than Annie and Eren's. Since this is SnK, both relationships are messed up in their own way, but with Annie and Eren I have never gotten the feeling that they are on equal footing. Their relationship is always framed in the "mentor-student" perspective, where one individual inherently wields more power and knowledge over the other, and that imbalance is something I find off-putting.
With Armin and Annie, I kinda enjoy the weird mixture of respect and apprehension that they seem to hold for each other. They are such polar opposites in most regards (one is a talented fighter and the other is more of a bookworm) but both of them are so very mentally sharp. The idea of Armin suspecting Annie since Trost, Annie knowing Armin was suspicious of her for months, and both of them just dancing around each other the entire FT arc was so amazing. In a way, despite them being on opposite sides of the war, it highlighted just how vulnerable and scared both of them are. Annie never wanted to kill Armin, since she had feelings for him, and Armin never wanted to confront the reality that the FT was someone that he loved and wanted to trust. In another world, I think they could have been happy lovers.
cutest cyclops
t. brainlet filtered by the argument for the elimination of Eldians
It works better with Eren. Their fight was intense.
Guys this is hilarious, check this out!
>When you look into space you're actually looking at what it looked like years in the past because light takes time to travel to you from so far away
Paths is like another realm, it isn't in our world so our physical laws don't work there. I mean Zeke's body was literally created out of sand but you are bothered by this weird "sky".
Why is floch such a colossal tryhard faggot?
Gabi is so sexy I want to fuck the shit out of her.
Best girl
Lmao anyone else notice this? Was it intentional?
Same person
my sides in orbit
Is Kaji Yuki the name of the farmer?
Cute, guess YH wins in the end.
I love this level of autism:
>anticipating how the fight might be when its finally animated.
Holy shit I thought that he just copied the frame from the show but he actually did it from the manga
delusional Anti GODvi-fag BTFO
It must suck being so paranoid all the time
why is armong like this bro
t. retard who loves endless AA, BA shitposting
Levi's choice was also clearly concerned about Erwin's dream (or lack thereof) going forward. How he may not be the same after the basement.
Erwin was still the right choice but the emotional side of the decision was not as simple for Levi as it was for the brats.
For a big brained nibba with +500IQ, Armin is pretty bad at being a peacefag.
Eren is king because hisu is his wife.
Eren isn't Hisu's husband
chuch secret marriage
Frankly many people want EH to happen because Hisu is literally Eren's last hope
True, Historia is Eren's wife
being honest, hisu is the last hope of eren for a moral issue.
Eren is hisu's last hope because he has no one else since he lost Ymir and Frieda
eren is historia's wife
>separating world based on natural mountain ranges and swampland.
This. This is the only correct answer.
Remove the Historia factor and Eren is at high risk of been nothing more than a genocide
Maybe not him but Eren definitely gonna die like Lelouch.
Fujoshi? more like FujoSHIT!!!!!!!
how do you know?
>Eren is hisu's last hope because he has no one else since he lost Ymir and Frieda
is actually sad when you think about how all the people Historia has loved, is destined to leave her behind and she ends alone until she finds another person she esteems, just for the same to happen again, it's like she is cursed
Armin will bring a half dead Reiner to Annie so she can eat him.
Armoured Female Titan Vs Eren.
We will learn that the Female Titan power is to be resistant to the control of the founding titan.
>secret marriage
How would that work tho, they can be considered married if it's secret?
nick's purpose was to show how they take their secrets to the tomb
Question: can the Founder's Titan's scream turn Pure Titan's human again?
We still don't know about that.
I guess someone with royal blood could. How else would they be able to create titans 1000 years ago.
Man, the other thread is terrible.
Man thats amazing. It's coloured too goddamn
There has to be some limit to it's power for story reasons, but we don't know. If that were true, it would support grisha's narrative that titans were used to build infrastructure and fuel the economy. You could turn people into titans, use em like big ol' robots, then turn them back at the end of the day. How fun.
Why 2 threads at the same time?
This guy would make better animation than OPM S2.
m*noids can't handle the bantz
Both are at post limit now so it's about to be three.
Is this the snk season 4 sneak peek?
Last for JM.