Who is this for?

I read this manga thinking it looked like Jurassic Park with bugs. But this is just gore porn.
This poor woman died in pain begging for her life. Who the fuck is this for? It doesn't say anything about the world or characters, it's just there to make a person suffer a horrifically gruesome death.
This sort of thing pisses me off.

Attached: 13.jpg (844x1200, 300K)

Other urls found in this thread:


But is there rape?

>women diying in gruesome ways
Its for me

who hurt you, user

Yes but it's always interrupted

So are you going to tell me the name of this manga or do I have to ask?

Edgy kids like to read this kind of stuff
Is why a lot of horrors or series like the picture have detailed murder, rape or torture scenes

Plus a lot of men just like watching people suffer, so there's that as well

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Learn how to use SauceNAO already you lazy fuck

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For my dick

It's not worth your time. It's just cute girls being horribly killed.

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Too bad, the new artist just suck compare to old ones.

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Any artist that draws cuties suffering horrible mutilation deserves to have their fingers broken.

You just need to read a range of things. Some can do it more tastefully than others.

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But when the sole purpose is to show a cute girl die in agony in some overly gorey spectacle, it's never tasteful.
Some artists use gore to sell themes ands express the nature of their world, but stuff like the first few chapters of Mahou Shoujo of the end are just depressing.
I don't want to see innocent girls beg and cry while dying in pain.

Get over yourself.

>drawings piss you off
you gay?

Back to Yea Forums with your dark souls shit.

>I don't want to see innocent girls beg and cry while dying in pain.
Most of those sorts of series should be easy to avoid then. The Blood and Gore category on mangaupdates covers a lot of these series and it should be easy to avoid guro considering it's pretty unpopular.
Love of the Brute is mostly tasteful because the quality of the art though and it lacks the more trashy side of things like Himenospia or Ingoshima even though I like them as well.

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New artist sucked all the life out of this series. Old artist was the right mix of eroticism and edge.

That the anime is doubling down on the more cutesy art style just pisses me off but I'm still going to watch it. Wouldn't miss this trainwrecks second wind for anything.

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There is bug rape. I don't think any of the bad boys got to actually truly rape someone.

The girl who gets impregnated by bugs was technically raped by the one guy right before the bug rape. She consented but only after being threatened.

>poor woman
That teacher had it coming, she was a huge piece of shit and left others to their deaths so it was supposed to be especially gruesome. Notice how only the bad guys get gruesome deaths while the good girls/boys die in swift or manly ways.

Violence, rape, tiddies? Im thinking based.

Wasn't she that jealous bitch that tries to kill off the MC multiple times? It's karma.

It was the girl with the side ponytail.

>Wasn't she that jealous bitch that tries to kill off the MC multiple times?
Which one?


No one deserves what she got. She just wanted someone to save her.



Eh, i dunno anymore. She was definitely not on the "good girls" crew.

The author clearly didn't want any of the readers to sympathize with her. She got her just desserts in my view.

I wonder why the good guys/girls never killed off the obvious psychopaths before they could try to murder the survivors. It always had to be about the bugs getting to save the good guys's asses by killing off the psychos.

What's it about now anyway, didn't they got off of that island? I kinda dropped it because it's so retarded and edgy.


>she was a huge piece of shit and left others to their deaths so it was supposed to be especially gruesome
This brainlet tier reason is why we have trials

I think it ended. They got on a boat and the idol girl revealed that she fucked an ugly bastard producer for the sake of her career, then it just sort of stopped.

The first story ended and the sequel started up. They made it to a new island and spoilers, there's more fucking giant bugs and crabs.

Would I like this if I liked brain eater

What reason and what trials? I never judged her to death you bastard. just because I say someone had it coming doesn't mean I wouldn't hand her over to authorities, you psycho.

Really? Under the same title? I'd like to read it.


people who like hopeless situations where the consequence are dire

There's a certain appeal to seeing the helplessness in a symbol of innocence just before seeing it mutilated.

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>someone had it coming
is the sort of reasoning behind Mob Justice.
Being a natural reaction is why it is dangerous

Yeah, but mob justice simply doesn't exist in the civilized world for a reason. And that reason ain't because people suddenly stopped haven these thoughts. It's because governments reserve the right of force for themselves and force the average joe into obedience and not because everyone suddenly became an sjw.
Nothing of that applies to bug islands, btw.

Back to Yea Forums

Yea Forums use this meme? it's from snk though

I dislike it all the same, but every once in a blue moon i'll still get to read a series like this, like trash., Murcielago or Jinrou game or whatever

I always feel extremely bad at how they die, especially if they're girls, even if they're villains i never see it in a way "they had it coming, it's karma", i just feel bad about it especially if it's an extremely gruesome way to go or it happened to a character i liked
I always end up feeling like shit in a "why the hell did i read it, i knew it would happen", yet i keep doing it out of curiosity

>mob justice simply doesn't exist in the civilized world

Sometimes the Karma Police get the right person. Sometimes people who kill their students, try and develop a sex-like cult around them, and want to sabotage the only person who can actually navigate the minefield of natural predators grown to giant sizes. Sometimes they have a gruesome death coming because of their actions. I'm not saying she had it coming, but I am saying I didn't feel bad when she got caught up in her own twisted web.


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>Dave me

Lately the last few years there's been a huge spike in shitty gore&rape shock shloch trash manga. What gives? Some newfangled platform allowing shit any good editor and publisher laugh at?

I'm no expert on arcanids but I don't think they use their web to literally crush their prey, and especially not while its alive and kicking. At least it would have bitten her and injected poison and paralysis


>when she got caught up in her own twisted web.
I see what you did there.

>This sort of thing pisses me off.
so you are a chick huh?

That makes no sense

That one asshole in particular that betrayed them multiple times before his infestation death should have been taken out the second time he got someone killed. Story really kept him alive far longer than nessacary.

>Nothing of that applies to bug islands
Of course, because when there is no guarantee(or illusion if you are a cynic) of safety people regress back to survivalism, especially when outside of Civilization.
It wasn't my point, it is just that "she deserved it" can lead to a mindset where one can start finding deaths unsatisfying because the person should have "suffered more".
Either way deaths of fictional characters need to be treated differently from actual acts, but emotions are emotions, regardless if aimed at reality or fiction.

>suddenly became an sjw
"SJW" operate almost exclusively on Emotional Judgement and Guilty until proven Innocent.

>because people suddenly stopped haven these thoughts
Yes, that is why I said
>Being a natural reaction is why it is dangerous

> reserve the right of force for themselves and force the average joe into obedience
While that is a very cynical way of looking at things, people are obedient not because the goverment holds the force but because goverment uses this force to instill order. People do not need much to become complacent, but everyone has a line.

> doesn't exist in the civilized world
If a group of people decide to go beat up another person because of X or Y, that is Mob Justice, just on micro scale.

I understand the principle and its importance to stories and character arcs, but I don't think witnessing characters getting what is coming to them should make one feel like a spectator in a Colosseum giving thumbs down to a gladiator. Ironically, because characters are completely at the whims of their author, you could have and there probably have been debates on how guilty a fiction character can truly be, but that is meta discussion separate from work.

The sequel to this seems to have put more rape and less gore. I guess they know exactly why people read those.
But god, I can't believe this actually got a sequel.

I think the author wanted to make him an antagonist who'd pop up from time to time since he was already at the psychopath stage but he wasn't really all that interesting since all his tactics was generic thug shit which would require real stupid plot armor to keep his plans from falling apart since he really isn't a thinker.

>more rape and less gore.
There should be an equal amount of both

Miyazaki is the director of the Souls games

Dudeman, we are talking about a manga here. This isn't real life were every thought has consequences and every depraved act is as revolting as the real life counterpart. Of course people are more comfortable seeing spines ripped apart or pregnant bellies explode when it is presented in black and white and the characters "deserved" it.


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I read it for the bugs.

Well, you're not a majority, but you have good taste.

>but I don't think witnessing characters getting what is coming to them should make one feel like a spectator in a Colosseum giving thumbs down to a gladiator
I think you should lighten up about character death in a schlock manga about people getting murdered violently by giant insects. This is exploitative fiction not a work of philosophy.

Same honestly the smut is a solid second but is it odd what I find humoring is that just about every death is the result of no one listening to the person with proper information on the enemy they or dealing with or overacting to a situation like the teacher with the spider. She was just about home free till her pet started freaking out when they already discussed the plan to get her out of the webs with it being a success with someone they just freed.

anybody who gets dragged is a fucking idiot when you can just barrel roll to wind up the thread and mount the thing dragging you

you get pissed off over a genre you gotta be a girl

Are spiders really known for dragging off their prey like this when they think a predator is around? I'd think they'd be more likely to cut their losses than risk something slowing them down.

its made for faggota that like gore porn, fucking degenerates

Yeah, that makes no sense

Let's ask the big questions:
What was it?
It's pretty obvious Chitose thought she was getting raped again, but she denied that.

Attached: whatwhasit.jpg (764x411, 148K)

I just want to see my nigga Kai live through this
It's fun to see that atleast one character went full on survival mode and actually works towards getting out alive.

I wanna say Elfin Lied laid the ground and Akame Ka Kill built the foundation.
Both are just unabashedly edgy goreporn fests and are fairly popular.
I'm sure there are other contributors but those two seem like the standouts

>It's fun to see that atleast one character went full on survival mode and actually works towards getting out alive.
Yeah, Kai and the whore both made some good turns in character. I fully expect the whore to have survived an exploding ship and come back with an eyepatch and machete.

>all these anons hating on fun shlock gore parties

Yeah once she took that shotgun and said she wanted to lived I wanted to see where she would go from there kinda a shame she just died off like that it was a big redemption point for her since she kinda helped got one person killed earlier with her petty ways.

Gore is fine, I just hate seeing the people cry and beg and suffer.

Nah, keep the ultimate sacrifice up, it was genuinely my biggest surprise in all of this, I certainly never expected a whore that even got people killed and was somewhat of a rapist, just go full macho man and take on a giant centipede on a ship fully ready to be exploded.

No body = not dead

Someone knows where I can find all of it uncensored? It's uncensored up to chaper 19 and appearently again at 37.

Aoyama better not get eaten by beattles next chapter.

the raw for next chapter is up, she doesn't yet.
I wonder if she's actually going to live even after trying to rape matsumi, last character that tried that got one of the most gruesome death, and she's a far shot from a likeable character.

Hopefully she gets gangraped by beetles

Either she dies or lives right now, I think, there's no space to get raped anymore.

Necrophilia exists user, may not be rape but it's close.

There are lost of bugs that lay eggs in corpses dead or alive she gonna have babies.

Did anyone get injected with larvae yet?

I hope she comes back to be raped and impregnated by worms to make hybrids.
Roasti slut deserves more punishment.

Yeah one girl who got raped by a character who was due for the karma death for a while along with him.

Yeah I was into this until every chap was "let's kill a bitch in a super disgusting way". It got old. I loved the bot fly death though.

Blonde girl in the bottom left panel of this user's picture was attacked by flies that stuck their dicks in her pussy and mouth and filled stomach and womb with larvae.

Guess I have something to read now if I run out.

Island of the giant insects you basic fuck.

Did they eat her insides while alive?

wouldnt you?

Not into cannibalism. Just want him to do gruesome giant insect killings authentically.

There is always space to get raped when beetles are involved.

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she went insane, so it's not certain if she even felt any of it, but they burst out of her body which killed her

Think they're going to hold on in killing a character per chapter now.
They're working out with the same cast as before and they're a little low on numbers.

Isn't that what al larvae do with a host?

mutsumi is making them hit each other with japanese shipping rod techniques

>People don't die horribly in Jurassic Park

Her going insane is quite understandable I'd say.

Unless they are layed into a corpse.


>anything with insects
>semi nude girls in the portrait

serves you right for not paying attention to those red flags.

No more rape, I want consensual sex with the insents that don’t lay eggs in you.
A new era will dawn on humanity and insects.

Making them fight over OTPs makes as much sense as defeating them with a fishing rod.

And it took you more than 20 chapters to realize this? You're kind of dumb, user.

>consensual sex

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That looks retarded.

Hitler wanted someone to save him too.

He killed himself though.

Oh, yes, because a woman stranded on a giant bug island looking out for herself so she doesn't get eaten alive is comparable to Hitler.
Fuck off.

>looking out for herself
not really, just being a bitch, there's a line in there.

Bet you feel proud of this shitty analogy

Fear can make people do dumb shit.


Edgy fan service thread? Alright

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>but mob justice simply doesn't exist in the civilized world for a reason
WOW, you're serious?

>tl never ever

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>tl bobber jobber

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It's just an example brainlet. Nobody cares if you want someone to save you.

mahou shoujo of the end chapter 4

it was the most brainlet example possible

thank you so much I haven't laughed this hard in weeks

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>old artist died as soon as Mirei did
I bet he was only continuing for her and she got to go out with a blaze of glory thanks to him, what a absolute god.

>I'm not saying she had it coming,
But she definitely had it coming.

>Actually read this manga just now

This....is literally just porn

same shit, twice the lewd

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useless ojou-sama finally having a utility

I don't see any dicks

insects can be male too

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Except it's the females that lay the eggs so it's technically yuri.

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if there was more of this i would read it.