What will be the impact of summer Olympics in 2020 on the anime industry...

What will be the impact of summer Olympics in 2020 on the anime industry? How will the tourists react when they stumble upon the loli doujins?

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loli doujins are "illegal" now.

Your anime time slot will be replaced by Olympic reruns

I'm excited for whatever Sheena Ringo comes up with for opening and closing ceremonies.

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The fall of Japan as we no it, once the mass western sjw, and trannies enter and fuck your shit up forever changing the market because they were offended.Mass amount normalfags ready to fuck your shit up

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Summer 2020 is cancelled.
And this .

Probably nothing, despite what the doomsayers claim.
All serious efforts to “clean up” the pop culture industry are as temporary as China’s attempts to clean up Beijing’s air quality around the time of the 2008 Olympics

I can already see its effects
None of the girls in Luminous Witches, the new World Witches series idol anime, are showing any panties, like they normally would for Strike Witches
They all have skirts, pants, or really long uniform shirts
It appears that the series is trying to tone down the fanservice, most likely in response to a larger western eye on Japan due to the Olympics
Also the JSDF took down Strike Witches posters because a feminist complained about them

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Overtourism, murica and european will ruined Japan even more

>Against hardcore raging otakus who stalks and burn down houses
yeah good luck

I'm pretty damn sure 99% of those tourists don't even know anime is a thing. They won't give a fuck.

>not understanding the power of the Olympics has on a country.

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Brazil isn't any better last time I checked

We'll see some collab stuff, some episodes of stuff will be delayed or cancelled in order to show coverage of big olympic events, otherwise it honestly won't effect much in terms of content. Just look at some of the stuff lined up for 2020 already.

>Also the JSDF took down Strike Witches posters because a feminist complained about them
What? Source. I refuse to believe this cancer got to Japan already.

Dumb frogposter.

>Not knowing how insanely autistic they are
Hardcore otakus don't give a shit. If their market are threatened, they will do anything to hold it on until their last blood.

Neither is London, Athens, Sydney, or Beijing, if anything they've gotten worse.

They're gonna hide those, dipshit

1 month after the games are over everything will be back to normal. It's always like that.

This, nothing has changed.

At this point I don't understand why they fight for the "honor" of hosting it at all.

>Beijing, if anything they've gotten worse.
Disagree! The toilets get better!

Nothing good will come from it

Just airtime delays, mainly.

Remember how much Brazil cleaned itself up? The olympics changes everything!

Like Berlin in after the summer of 1936.

I'll never understand why people keep hoping/expecting some big shitstorm is gonna go down that will destroy anime forever. Look at this shit . Where are you guys coming from with these conspiracy theories?

Olympics games brings more problems than its worth

Nothing big or lasting, Tokyo will be pretty shit during most of 2020 which is why I'm glad that I'm going there on a trip this month instead of next year.

>if anything they've gotten worse.
Can you explain how?

People are dumb.

At first they defended themselves, but then they caved in and removed them

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I think it's more of parents and old people who complain about this.

Hosting the Olympics is ridiculously expensive and the cost is never recovered. The city has to pay for basically everything. This drains the city of money for the foreseeable future.

Wow, that is bullshit. Seems like nowhere in the world is safe.

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I don't care I want to see ass and titties don't take them away from meeeeeeeeeeeeee

Well this isn't exactly the image I'd like my country's military to project either.

>on the anime industry
Almost nonexistent, unless you think every single tourist is going to pay a visit to Akihabara. And even then, Japan has never given a fuck about foreigners' criticism of the anime industry in the past. Why should they give a fuck after the Olympics are over and everyone goes home? Isn't all the doomposting about how they'll change this stuff before the Olympics? They haven't changed anything yet. It's just more stupid fearmongering so people can find any excuse not to talk about anime on the anime board. The worst you'll see is delays while the Olympics takes screentime away.

Well, there's a lot in Akiba. Not to mentioned, Shiga is pretty "traditional" old-style prefecture. I'm not wondered if people there gonna hate this.

This looks more like a soccer mom complaining thing. Japan does still have those.

Yea Forums desperately wants Yea Forums to get cucked as badly as they are.

Everyone celebrating the return of best girls Mikoto and Kuroko. Because I don’t see it happening in 2019

Oh great, because the last thing a post bubble economy Japan needs, is less money.

Athens is backrupt
Sydney had a 25% jump is violent crime that hasn't gone back down yet
Beijing is Beijing full of commies and things that randomly explode
Rio's crime actually rose
London imported thousands of sand worshipers.

imagine being a respectable middle aged Japanese man and seeing your country being represented by some shitty children cartoon. It must suck to be a nip.

Is Japan dying? Is it turning into the rest of the world with average murridumb clone culture?

I think they would just ignore it.
In this instance, it’s actually a full on feminist who is looking for stuff to complain about
“Kazue Muta, a “gender studies” professor at Osaka university who has previously claimed that the prince from Snow White was a sex offender, complains that its “sexualisation” of young girls could lead to it being interpreted as child pornography overseas, and that they be should concentrating on filling their ranks with strong and empowered women instead.”

>Yea Forums desperately wants Yea Forums to get cucked as badly as they are.

Yea Forums and /pol/ is nothing but a cesspool of shit.

You seem to think everyone in Japan like moeshit. Which is not true especially on countryside prefecture like Shiga.

Japan has been dead since WW2.

They are already cutting down on loli mangas for the Olympics. It's why Uran went /u/shit since her manga got cancelled because of that shit.

>Only one literally who feminist
Who give a shit if it's only one. The thing is, there are several people in that area complained about poster.

It is extremely negative financially if the past several Olympics are anything to go by.

Skeeter Rabbit is the lewd manga out there right now. Dont start stupid shit.

>complains that its “sexualisation” of young girls could lead to it being interpreted as child pornography overseas
Wow. Who the hell cares what people on the other side of the world think? Americans don't care what Japs are going to think, and neither do Euros, that's for sure.

I don't think they would like it, but I don't think the average nip boomer would waste their time complaining about an anime poster (that is btw not sexualized at all) until the JSDF takes it down, either.

What the fuck are gender studies and what is it useful for?
How are girls that successfully fight literal monsters, while males in the same universe can not, not strong and empowered?

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> don't think the average nip boomer would waste their time complaining about an anime poster
They're not average boomers. They're mostly parents and old peoples. This is not the first time, they're complain about thing like this.

>What the fuck are gender studies and what is it useful for?
They're completely useless which is why they're mandatory in a lot of universities. If they weren't nobody would take them. It's like state bureaucrats who come up with new unnecessary regulations just so it can appear that they're actually being useful

>don't think the average nip boomer would waste their time complaining about an anime poster
Not an average salaryman boomer but in countryside prefecture like Shiga, there are surely one.

Why do people keep saying this? I was in Japan last month and there were still loli doujins on display in doujinshi shops. I saw no evidence of a mass coverup.

it's because you people are too naive, and think nothing is going to happen.

>calling something moeshit
kill yourself normalfag

When I had to serve my year I saw plenty of weebs there

Of course. Everything that has happened to those boards were purely domestic shit. Not my fault western developers are cucked as shit, but anime cannot be affected badly as we are not their target market. Those who are wouldbe willing to murder those who are complaining too

It's is. Doesn't mean i shit on it.

Because nothing is going to happen. Call me when COMIC LO gets cancelled and maybe I'll start worrying

It's less that everyone in Japan likes it and more like Japan doesn't care about it unless they specifically go to seek it out. That sort of thing is regulated to largely Akiba

IRC during ancient times soldiers would sometimes have pictures of cute girls painted on the inside of their shields as a way of dealing with the horrors of war.

you don't stumble upon loli doujins. You have to go looking for them.
When I went I wanted to check how bad it was, considering what the internet told me, and all I found, which was right after comiket btw, was shouju ramune dvds in the back of the adult video section of a store and some fresh of the press doujin in some stores adult manga section. (Which you can't even see its loli until you pull it from the bookcase, as the doujins are so thin)
It's not like they are on display on the entrance.

Them losing their shit over kf didnt go anywhere so I dont believe you.

Why do countries vote to host the money suck that is the Olympics?

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Some places are smart like Calgary. Fuckers knew that the Olympics would be a senseless waste of money, those who voted in favor literally cried at the decision and it gave me such joy

So they can justify expanding their budget. Of course when the Olympics are over they "forget" to readjust their budgets.

It went with the creator getting a better show to work on and KF2 getting completely panned


Literally nothing will happen besides BBC crying crocodile tears over some poor sap who smuggled vanilla hentai, and move on to bashing Trump within a week.
I’m not into loli, but loli content circulated before the internet, and it will even continue to circulate on and outside of it. Pawoo is already the alternative twitter many loli artists moved to. It's not nearly as big as twitter, but that's because twitter is still viable for "legit" artists. Before twitter though, the main way for hentai artists to show off was at comiket and other big events, and those still happen regularly in Japan; hell, Comiket’s gonna be held during Golden Week of 2020. In fact, that's how a huge chunk of Sadpanda’s content is provided, people scanning physical copies of doujins and manga bought at comicket via cash transactions. No payment processors or online platforms needed. Sad Panda itself has zero ads, it's funded largely by crypto donations and is supported by a peer node network of its super users. Ditto with hentai, ecchi, and fanservice. When there’s demand and a market, there’s a way.

Tell that to Brazil, China, and Russia.

There isn’t really any mention of them caving; Sora News is tabloid garbage. Literally who “Feminists” like Kazue are one in a million; actual feminists like Kumiko Yamada get shit done- pic related.

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why is this allowed here?

A lot of debt, empty arena space and regret over time?

It is not, but the mods are too busy shoving butter up each other's butts.

Sad Panda would delete all loli in under 1 second if it somehow became a problem in the pony fucker's jurisdiction.

>who has previously claimed that the prince from Snow White was a sex offender

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Dead girls can't consent.

I dont know why people is so fixated with Loli,but everybody forgets that school Girls are the 90% of the anime Girls and there are already confirmed a few Ecchi shows with underage school girls,olympics efects are minimal and after the olympics is business like always.

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im convinced that after event is ended we are going to witness the biggest ecchi boom ever

>What the fuck are gender studies and what is it useful for?
As it's department and field of study, it's absolutely useless. As a subset of history, it's a kind of interesting lens of interpretation.

So I should not off myself on new year's eve?
I want to believe that everything will be daijoubu, but everything keeps getting worse all the time.

Thats somethings that i can't tell.
Please no,we need more degenerates in Yea Forums.

Based uncle Walt knew his shit.

>So I should not off myself on new year's eve?
Stream it


Any businessman worth his salt knows that merch with a recognizable mascot character will sell 10x harder than something with some obscure nip slogan that can only be read by someone who knows moon. Considering that most of the people who will be attending the Olympics will be foreigners, which do you think makes more sense?


Japanese Anime industry's total income of 2 trillion yen per year,These Anime contributed 70%.

Only Anime watched by the Otaku is even less representative of the country.

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God I hope. Fuck Japan and fuck otaku culture.

>comiket date already moved to avoid Olympics
>doujinshi have been relegated to upper floors or back of the stores in akiba for a while
>no more porn in 7/11

>no more porn in 7/11
What happened?

This is the first time anyone ever said I was needed. I wish I was joking.

How do you make mixing right wing bullshit with pedo friendliness work inside your head?

Only the west sees cartoons as childish

Most nazis are pedo, didn't you know?

Blue Cat will steal the Olympic flame.

It’s planning to temporarily remove porn a few months from now.

That makes me mad

>opening ceremony in tokyo
>suddenly lights shut down at the stadium
>helicopters fly over the stadium and start dropping loli doujins
>lights turns on for a few seconds, light intensity is increasing
>jap team forms a giant loli butt in the middle of the stadium, lights are so bright now they burst

reminder the target of their shit is still JAPS THEMSELVES
now go figure, booby

>What will be the impact of summer Olympics in 2020
It's going to assure a Season 2 for "Danberu Nan Kiro Moteru?" How Heavy Are the Dumbbell You Lift?

Which is wonderful.

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Should I try saving up to Japan before the Olympics or is it already too late?

Oh cool they switched to hugtto

I wouldn't expect flight services into and leaving Tokyo, Japan during the height of the 2020 Summer Olympics which is being hosted in that metropolitan capital city, or the nightly hotel fees, to be very cheap user.

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Absolutely nothing will happen, I was at Comiket 95 and they had politicians defending freedom of expression and saying loli != CP in front of crowds outside.
Can't wait till the Olympics are behind us so these memespouting retards will shut the fuck up.

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pokemon and hello kitty? WTF?

Olympics tourists don't give a shit about the country/venue. They only care about the Olympics, so they won't change or even notice anything.

If there's anything you should hope for is that the opening and closing ceremonies of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics are great, as THAT has the most influence in terms of sharing a country's culture to the world.

Remember how much recognition China got after the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics?

Japan wants to outdo Beijing 2008.

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yes? they are literally the most popular characters in the world from japan , they are japan ambassador


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Nobody gives a shit

Go dilate

How did the anime industry and doujin scene reacted to the 1998 winter Olympics in japan?

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What does dilate even mean in that particular context?

I plan on going to Comiket 98 in Spring 2020. It'll still be unscathed by the effects of the Olympics which start in the summer, r-right?

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>As a subset of history, it's a kind of interesting lens of interpretation.

What do nip otaku think of the 2020 Olympics and how it'll affect the doujin scene?

Its 4 days instead of 3. East halls are closed for renovation so they have to use the smaller south halls.
The only actual difference so far that the Olympics have caused Japan is that 7-11, Lawson, and Family Mart conbinis dont sell porn manga anymore.

It won't be around long enough to affect anything unless we get stories of people going to Akiba

>no Ichigo
Bleachfags BTFO

>is that 7-11, Lawson, and Family Mart conbinis dont sell porn manga anymore.
Meh, those stores probably never sold loli manga in the first place anyways. I did hear Comiket 98 costs money to enter now though, but they didn't specify how much.

It's Yea Forums's new favorite catch-all "I disagree with this person" meme

I am responding to your post.

They use childish mascots to represent apartments for fucksake, I think they are used to it

They sold some magazines that had a few loli chapters in them but nothing like Comic LO or anything.

Is Bob Costas even hosting the Olympics anymore? I think someone else did the 2018 Olympics...

Didn't they fire him from NBC?

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Bleach hasn't been relevant to anything in like 3 years

Still part of the big three, when they are bringing up even older characters it makes it much more obvious that they excluded Bleach during planning for the board.

Yeah I get that, but in terms of an insult, what does the word "dilate" mean?

>Still part of the big three
You mean the thing that was only relevant in the West?

>the big three
This was never an actual thing except to westerners who had a very limited selection of anime to choose from

It's used to refer to the fact that trannys have to dilate the open wound the call a vagina to keep it from closing, so basically just calling you a tranny.

Something really gross
My suggestion is dont look into it beyond that.

To be specific, it's the Yea Forums response to "have sex". Don't respond to it, just report them both.

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Then why are you here

Trannies dilate so they can stretch their mutilated vaginas.

You'd be surprised, I was too pussy to take a pic but in the family mart across the hotel I was staying they had a manga porn mag with a naked loli on the cover

Meh akiba already gets stories of tourist to the point that its more common to see white people and chinks there than nips themselves

>What will be the impact of summer Olympics in 2020 on the anime industry?
>How will the tourists react when they stumble upon the loli doujins?
Why would they visit the weeb districts?

jews worked them into believing hosting olympic money drains is a status symbol

Why are white women trying to destroy anime?

Nothing. If anything, the 2020 Olympics will be the same as that. No one gave a shit back then in spite of a similar fear.

yes because it's not like japan has ever caved to foreign pressure in the past or in the present, you literal retard

Middle-aged neofeminist white women fear competition from foreign women, younger women, women of different colors and even cartoon women. Anything that deprives them of access to even one dick from their cache of multicolored dicks must be condemned and the men that like the object in question are to be vilified.

Really depends on the circumstances, but most of them have the sense to tell others to fuck off.

Even then, tourists usually only scrape the surface of Japanese degeneracy, so it largely goes ignored.

>women of different colors
I thought they love muh diversity though.

Why is it always about the lolis? Why doesn't any other fetish get attacked?

Japan sees something like 12 million tourists a year. An extra 2 million probably won't hurt.
I do think about it though, I wanted to go to Japan this New Year but have travel anxiety and was thinking of putting it off. I'll go if I'm convinced it'll be noticeably worse after the Olympics come through.

He's even bellow sankaku in terms of reliability, his entire gimmick is acting as offended as possible and bending the facts to suit his narrative despite supposedly being against outrage culture.

Just saw tons at super potato and at reitaisai last month, full of shit. Just bcause you don't see them on street level in akihabara doesn't mean they are banned.