
Episode is out, and there is no thread? Let me fix that.

Attached: Tejina-senpai.jpg (1280x604, 126K)

Other urls found in this thread:


i'm waiting for "proper" subs myself and i'm sure most others are too

You don't need subs to enjoy her massive honkers.

Attached: 1553567118219.jpg (1920x1080, 244K)

[ok] it's just CR rips. Same as HS or Erai though.

Attached: 1408562120530.jpg (478x352, 39K)

Is this a superior or inferior version of Hotaru?

It's the mahou shoujo alternate timeline version.

shitty dagashi copy

Yeah, I think she is perfect.

Attached: [ok] Tejina Senpai - 01 [Multi-Subs] [1080p].mkv_snapshot_01.43_[2019.07.02_12.24.37].jpg (1920x1080, 559K)

>quality in OP
no thanks

>flesh fang

Attached: 1334343351.jpg (462x442, 26K)

It's magic Hotaru.

Imagine the smell

Attached: mpv-shot0001.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

>short episodes

Attached: 1505040716537.jpg (1280x720, 36K)

there is nothing wrong with shorts

is this the new Dagashi Kashi?

Damn, sempai looks like that?

Attached: [ok] Tejina Senpai - 01 [Multi-Subs] [1080p].mkv_snapshot_11.43_[2019.07.02_12.37.02].jpg (1920x1080, 869K)

semen demon

with Are You Lost, and now Tejina-senpai, so far this season has been great for short anime! I loved the first episode, and I'll definitely watching it

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What magical ritual is this supposed to be?

What a fast paced, uninspired adapation. Pretty fun.

Attached: 00276.jpg (1280x720, 177K)


Attached: J1pyZxA.gif (960x540, 1.53M)

>flesh fang
picked up

Attached: bc9bca5f2327b06cde8a5090633fed96.jpg (1280x720, 139K)

Having watched the episode i would've much preferred full length episodes where the pace isn't at breakneck speed.

You guys saw the fang changing places the first time the character met?

does the manga have nipples?

8/10 brainless fun could be better with longer episodes

Some stitches.

Attached: [ok] Tejina Senpai - 01 [Multi-Subs] [1080p].mkv_snapshot_03.56_[2019.07.02_12.40.23].jpg (1918x1935, 1.19M)


Attached: [ok] Tejina Senpai - 01 [Multi-Subs] [1080p].mkv_snapshot_04.32_[2019.07.02_12.40.56].jpg (1786x1988, 1.06M)

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Attached: [ok] Tejina Senpai - 01 [Multi-Subs] [1080p].mkv_snapshot_06.22_[2019.07.02_12.42.40].jpg (1680x2267, 991K)

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Attached: [ok] Tejina Senpai - 01 [Multi-Subs] [1080p].mkv_snapshot_09.13_[2019.07.02_12.34.18].jpg (1916x2161, 1.12M)

Attached: [ok] Tejina Senpai - 01 [Multi-Subs] [1080p].mkv_snapshot_09.27_[2019.07.02_12.44.43].jpg (1920x2010, 1000K)


Attached: 2019-07-02 12_07_51-[ok] Tejina Senpai - 01 [Multi-Subs] [720p].mkv.jpgCu.jpg (846x1080, 275K)

Attached: [ok] Tejina Senpai - 01 [Multi-Subs] [1080p].mkv_snapshot_10.53_[2019.07.02_12.48.17].jpg (1915x1707, 944K)

If its CR rips, why havent HS or Erai put out theirs? Not that it matters I guess.

Attached: [ok] Tejina Senpai - 01 [Multi-Subs] [1080p].mkv_snapshot_11.03_[2019.07.02_12.49.16].jpg (1660x2232, 1.09M)

Last one.

Attached: [ok] Tejina Senpai - 01 [Multi-Subs] [1080p].mkv_snapshot_09.21_[2019.07.02_12.50.29].jpg (1920x1752, 978K)

They are always late at the beginning of every season. Especially HS.

Erai is usually pretty on time even at the start. Maybe it settles down in a week or something.

Well, this was actually not bad at all. Nothing special really, but I'll watch it.

I want to make appear magically a baby inside senpai's womb.

Wake me up until she does more escape magic

>short form
It's superior dagashi kashi

its dagashi kashi with panty shots.

pantsu with heavy plot

Dagashi was a short too for a while.

Attached: 1536968447819.jpg (1280x720, 292K)

Just finished the first episode of this and I love the magician senpai, she gives me a magical boner. Definitely looking forward to the other girls especially the red/orange haired chick

>especially the red/orange haired chick
She is only into fat ugly bastards.

>She is only into fat ugly bastards.
where do you think you are

I thought this show would be more popular.

Attached: 14878850477073.png (297x186, 57K)

the manga isnt popular

Just saw it, and while Sempai has some big shoes to fill in the wake of the semen demons of Hotaru and Anna, if she keeps up this Ueno-esque silliness and lewd bits at a rapid pace she might just make it yet.

I came here for the stitches.


Attached: [Ohys-Raws] Tejina Senpai - 01 (MX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_10.26_[2019.07.02_18.04.52].jpg (1280x720, 122K)

this, i felt like i was just reading 4 koma manga panels. it lacks all the charm that i usually expect from anime adaptations, which is a shame because 4-koma comedies often make really good anime. the 12 minute format is a mistake, at least for this show.
Still going to keep watching it because Senpai is cute.

She's quite literally retarded. I actually felt bad for her during the whole ep.
What the fuck japs.

Ok, just seen it, I'm sold.

God I cannot wait for the lewds.

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same author you dumb fuck

no it's not you retard

t-they drink together or something, they do make ads for each other on twitter

Attached: 1514311678682.jpg (540x304, 30K)

It felt a little too quick

I thought it was pretty fun. Senpai is cute and stupid, OP is pretty good, MC makes for a good tsukommi
It really doesn't need to be spectacular it's just a silly little show

>Senpai, you look a little off today

Attached: 1532339957141.jpg (1920x1080, 210K)

it needed ~8-10 more minutes to cover the transitions between the joke scenes. We don't even know if he got forced into the club or if he joined it because of his obvious boner for her.

Tejina-senpai "humor" only works in manga format, you should expect a mediocre adaptation

What is it that makes dumb bimbos so attractive?

They really should have put more effort into the shot that the fucking OP ends on

Just watched it, thought it was a great adaptation. Even though i've read the manga it still made me laugh. Looking forward to more.

Everything went into the best part of the OP.

Attached: 00277.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

By me.

Yea, the transitions were pretty abrupt and the dialogue/jokes were too fast. Also the title cards were distracting. They should've made it more continuous

Her ageing, silver hair look terrible with the blue/cyan school uniform. Sometimes adaptation need massive redesigns for fix the character same that Dagashi Kashi S2

She looks stupid. Her design is stupid. No taste. Flesh fangs are stupid. Her bolt on boobs are, I don't now, nothing special. It doesn't save her at all. Dropped. I got rewatch Ueno instead.

Coffee > Sugar = Magic tricks

The anime looks like shit, the manga is no masterpiece or a work of art but it looks so much better.
Even the fanservice looks horrible.
I'll stick to the manga, Senpai deserved better.

Attached: HiNvT3l.jpg (708x1000, 592K)

anyone said coffee?

Attached: 141254235540.gif (540x701, 2.58M)

His 2hu books were pretty good desu.

that was almost Teekyuu speed

Attached: mpv-shot0002.jpg (1280x720, 160K)

There's an anime? What?

She could break her back by doing this with her lack of ass.

Boy, she's such a turn off. Not erotic at all.

Attached: 152344623544.jpg (533x551, 71K)

maybe if you're gay

subs are okay, but

>not a show about gay boys doing otome or shounen things
>flesh fang within the first 2 minutes
Picked up.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [720p].mkv - 0002.jpg (1280x720, 140K)

Attached: Image00008.jpg (1276x1800, 833K)

I'm ok with this

Now I'll have to fap each ep.

Attached: melon.jpg (1000x563, 62K)

This is a crime.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.53_[2019.07.02_12.56.02].jpg (1280x720, 106K)

>first 2 minutes not quite over
>barfing cute girl
This is definitely a good show.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [720p].mkv - 0004.jpg (1280x720, 151K)

Is 1000 yen like 10 dollar?

Only in Israel.

Makes your semen disappear from your balls

That's not a real place.

dagashi is garbage itself and only good for cousins.

Super effective.

Im here just for the magic tricks

Attached: 1341843814_preview_image.jpg (720x720, 116K)

Stitches have already been posted, lad.

Will she be able to perform the ultimate trick?

Making my boner disappear

i'm blind

Like the 1000 yen trick you mean?

>seducing her kouhai with bondage
I like it.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_04.41_[2019.07.02_14.08.28].jpg (1920x1080, 185K)

Oh shit, you're right.

You have a mega where you keep everything like the other stitch user?

how about you just google 1000 yen in dollars, champ

>no saya clone
it's shit

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [720p].mkv - 0005.jpg (1280x720, 141K)

How much of a bimbo is she? I like her (despite the huge tits) but I wouldn't like if she essentially stays stupid the entire time and "needs" the guy. I prefer strong and independent women who need no man and who are virgin.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [720p].mkv - 0007.jpg (1280x720, 161K)

go back

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.47_[2019.07.02_14.19.31].jpg (1920x1080, 193K)

this show is great, i've been wanting another short comedy after ueno. also sempai is a cute!

Attached: 1561624398346.jpg (633x673, 112K)

Im starting to get worried. I dont want this to be the norm for lewd shows.

>strong and independent women who need no man and who are virgin.
usually those "independent" women are the biggest whores of them all

You go back, faggot

This needs a disney channel wand effect

Anyone got a webm of this?

Based commentary, now I want the same dessert.

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [1080p].webm (1228x1080, 546K)

Attached: 1502938560310.jpg (600x747, 171K)

I have a magic trick for Tejina-senpai. It's called the disappearing penis.

Attached: Assman 2.jpg (640x480, 232K)

>you will never be hairy one punch man who's jealous of a bird

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [720p].mkv - 0015.jpg (1280x720, 172K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [1080p].webm (946x1080, 478K)

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [1080p]uuu.webm (746x624, 154K)

No, but by the end of the season I will put all the stitches in an 'imgur folder' like I did for some series from last season.

that's a pretty good trick

It's magic, they don't have to explain shit.


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [720p].mkv - 0022.jpg (1280x720, 300K)

I wish I where a bird

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 eat up.jpg (1920x1080, 202K)

>there's a flatty
Fuck yes!

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [720p].mkv - 0020.jpg (1280x720, 267K)

Cute sempai.

>New season already


Milk straight from the source.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_08.55_[2019.07.02_11.41.49].jpg (1920x1080, 202K)


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [720p].mkv - 0016.jpg (1280x720, 126K)

Sempai/Hotaru double paizuri when?

Attached: 1471733536932.gif (500x549, 1.18M)

where are my impregnation doujins

I know, right?

Attached: 1553184891207.png (384x384, 183K)


Being tied up by Sempai!

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_05.19_[2019.07.02_11.38.11].jpg (1920x1080, 268K)

> 3 months just fucking disappeared like that

Attached: staypositive.jpg (640x640, 27K)

I honestly feel like I need a longer break

absolutely cute and thick

Attached: Tejina.webm (1280x720, 1.11M)

so, what's her name?

>crazy eyes
Muh dick

It shows areolas from time to time, pic related came yesterday

Attached: 519efd6dadb916397219c0f4314bd341IMG_119.jpg (1134x1613, 410K)

manga really does look much better than the butt ugly anime adaption. it's so bad.

>translations for the manga stopped

Magical webums.

Areola are better than nipples desu.

Attached: Tejina-Senpai-c032-046x2-v03-mix-Rakuen-Translations_Tejina-Senpai-c040-v03-p072-mag-Rakuen-Translat (1127x1600, 811K)

Looks like a perfect mother for my children desu.

Attached: 1556260604705.png (1280x952, 1020K)

I'm no genius, but I'm PRETTY SURE there was already a doujin by Aoi Manabu about just that. Unless it didn't have one, been a while since I've read it.

I'll watch the episodes featuring the glasses girl I guess.

>only 4 areola shots in almost 100 chapters

Attached: 5.jpg (1438x2048, 704K)

And here's the forth one

Attached: 6.jpg (1438x2048, 599K)

>Sweat puddle

Attached: PANIC.jpg (568x606, 100K)


Attached: 1557202365989.png (244x356, 73K)

I know, right?

Attached: [ok] Tejina Senpai - 01 [Multi-Subs] [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.32_[2019.07.02_21.21.44].jpg (1280x720, 410K)

big bouncy boobies!


>7 months have passes already.......

Attached: nope_01.jpg (225x230, 19K)

Why did they have to change the art style? Anime looks absolutely hideous, the girl is not cute at all.

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_02.07_[2019.07.02_14.11.17].jpg (1920x1080, 188K)

This dudes got it good. Not only does he not have to do shit in his club, which is exactly what he wanted, he also gets to hang out with his thicc senpai who flashes her pantsu 20 times a day

Too bad he is still an annoying faggot.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [720p]5.webm (800x450, 280K)

>Not only does he not have to do shit in his club
I think she'll actually make him do stuff as her assistant, but it's worth it to hang out with that thicc dummy.

It got licensed.

Damn those doujins look good, thanks lad.

Attached: 1523119745167.jpg (512x512, 56K)

To you.

Honestly, I’m just here for screencaps and webms. Manga was a lot better.

oh god my dick

Good I'll look out for Cinderella balls in the next thread.

Attached: maaaagicalll~~.png (1000x1480, 1.67M)

Cute mom

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_07.34_[2019.07.02_14.10.10].jpg (1920x1080, 205K)

Because of the obliviousness to their lewd bodies.
The unintentional teasing is more stimulating than straight up teasing due to the combination of innocence and perversion.

pretty straight forward and no real flair but given it's 2-4 page chapter adaptation no helping it. assistant's voice will take some getting used to. also megumeme as shark teeth senpai i suppose they will introduce her early to get her in faster.

it was cool in the manga, but it looks FUCKIN WEIRD in anime form


Is it Senpai or Sempai?

Attached: 1560019798171.gif (500x402, 378K)

she looks like a bug alien

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_02.50_[2019.07.02_13.27.08].jpg (1920x1080, 254K)

>notMob and notHotaru with cringe magic humor
Fuck it, it's only 15 minutes.

Attached: 1532272918721.png (393x505, 214K)


Not everything is cringe user, maybe you should learn some new words, you know, expand your vocabulary and such.

no, I meant the point is that it's actually cringy watching a magician fail. It's in the same vein as watching Nathan for You or Curb Your Enthusiasm

Attached: 1535134874293.jpg (274x448, 74K)

You really have to go back.

Fair point I guess, but it didn't feel to me like you're supposed to actually sympathize with the titty magician, maybe that's why it didn't feel that way to me.

It's adorable. Get a better vocabulary, retarded fucking Olivia poster

Your not sympathizing with a cute titty magician who fails at all of her tricks?

Why would I? I bet if I were a magician, I'd be great at it and never fail.

Attached: Versus.jpg (1050x1492, 103K)

and thick

This combination is too perfect.

Who wins in a fight?

We do.

5 melon pan

That anatomy is fucked

12 minutes feels really short. I enjoyed it but I don't really like these 12 episode shows.

In before "just watch each two episodes" is not the same than weekly.

Watch this and then watch Sounan desu ka immediately after

Is he our guy?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.26.jpg (1280x720, 112K)

Most shows start next week

>12 minutes feels really short
more like an eternity, why is Tejina so fucking boring, apart from the two half-assed fanservice shots

My dick.

I-Im not sure well how I feel about this, I don't know if its incredibly hot or incredibly disgusting

Attached: [SallySubs] Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de - 02 [BD 720p AAC] [0F51A762].mkv_snapshot_05.46. (1280x720, 163K)

I need a magic trick to let clothes disappear.
Oh wait, I know one.
*unzip dick*

More like if you did that she would put more clothes on.

picked up
>flesh fang
aaaand droppped

Urge to bully

picked up

Attached: 1535572750614.jpg (1920x1080, 737K)

they're half-length, 12 min episodes rather than "proper" shorts , 3,5 mins ect

Fucj she is so fine. The doujin write themselves.

>"For my next trick, I will make every man in the room magically unable to stand up without hunching over"

>"For my next trick, I'll make a baby appear out of thin air, give it some time though! I'll need a volunteer."

There's already several doujins.

A new contender appears.

Attached: 1559477167484.jpg (800x800, 96K)

She acts legit retarded, I find it hard to masturbate to her since its like taking advantage of a mentally deficient person

>hisasi lower lip combined with a fleshfang
I do not like this. You've combined too many tropes.

Attached: ako mom.jpg (1200x675, 78K)

I'll watch it when the gyaru joins

Imagine the blowjobs though.

What a homo.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.00_[2017.10.17_22.47.03].jpg (1280x720, 113K)

>already halfway into current year +4

Attached: 1451197303725.gif (500x300, 1M)

Very cute.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_09.51_[2019.07.03_07.27.28].jpg (1920x1080, 863K)

Does the manga have any pee scenes?


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [720p].mkv-00_03_59error592.png (1280x720, 880K)

Oh boy I can't wait.

To see pochi ruin another manga.

Attached: true ending.jpg (1280x1826, 557K)

The second day of the season and we already have a clear AOTS.

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Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [720p].mkv-00_11_24error861.png (1280x720, 680K)

I don't remember, but I do know it has nipples

>that Miyamoto Issa one

Attached: 1500259197184.png (691x801, 475K)

Can't say I care for the VA.

They told me this was a magical girl anime. This was NOT what I was expecting.

Attached: 1546807448435.jpg (500x500, 176K)

>Miyamoto Issa
I love his work. The limins series made my penis erupt.

But without nipples boobs are pointless.

Attached: carlos.jpg (600x600, 35K)

>he doesn't know

>male MC has a functional penis
Very nice.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.25_[2019.07.02_19.00.46].jpg (1280x720, 152K)

just means were closer to tor/a/dora christmas

Attached: 1526842430405.png (273x305, 177K)

Say it

Cute fish

Attached: [AnimeFreak] Tejina Senpai - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_12.11_[2019.07.02_17.46.57].jpg (1920x1080, 224K)

Reddit is over there, I'll agree that MC feels like not mob tough


Why don't the translators know how to spell senpai?

Attached: 1530877492102.jpg (1712x1712, 2.27M)

What kind of magic trick requires a fish costume?


Attached: 1552812122978.jpg (664x720, 54K)

She will always be making those expressions?
This show is gonna be great

>tor/a/dora christmas
That's the way I see it. The magical time of the year is coming.

>ambivalent guy
>overly genki girl
Somehow this trope never gets old for me. Especially when it's lewd.

Attached: 1541630960493.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

Good lord, that ending makes my dick hard.

Attached: [ok] Tejina Senpai - 01 [Multi-Subs] [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.46_[2019.07.03_00.50.13].jpg (1280x720, 565K)

She sure is sweaty, I bet she's as smelly as Ueno

Attached: images (1).jpg (468x656, 38K)

Should I watch it? I dig her design

now put "you're a faggot" in the white space to the right

Attached: unknown.png (759x709, 433K)

>flattie is a shark

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.52_[2019.07.02_19.14.14].jpg (1280x720, 233K)

Attached: [ok] Tejina Senpai - 01 [Multi-Subs] [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.43_[2019.07.03_00.50.05].jpg (1280x720, 521K)

i still need to watch this grill's show
is it worth?


I want to make a baby magically appear in her womb.

Attached: [ok] Tejina Senpai - 01 [Multi-Subs] [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.59_[2019.07.03_00.51.17].jpg (1280x720, 449K)

That's it.....I wanna nut in her

There's something about that face.

Attached: [ok] Tejina Senpai - 01 [Multi-Subs] [720p].mkv_snapshot_12.22_[2019.07.03_00.53.33].jpg (1280x720, 551K)

>fuck, marry, impregnate

Fuck left
Marry middle
Kill right

What this guy said

Me in the middle

Attached: mpv-shot[HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [1080p]0001.jpg (1920x1080, 214K)

Fuck left
Impregnate middle
Marry right


The battle of the century...Hotaru vs. Senpai...whoever wins, we win

Attached: D017BFF6-E875-49AB-9CB1-E5CD8AC37B8E.jpg (1058x1507, 1.42M)

That sharkteeth loli does things to me

Attached: 4.jpg (1438x2048, 532K)

Dialled up fan service aside, the joke rather felt flat due barely any build up.
Animation is serviceable and the art is fine, though I expect some serious QUALITY in the future.

Attached: 1542837647157.jpg (552x514, 180K)

I like the timing of the jokes in this one. It's essentially just the 4-koma animated, and i'm fairly ok with that.

Attached: [ok] Tejina Senpai - 01 [Multi-Subs] [720p].mkv_snapshot_12.21_[2019.07.03_00.53.29].jpg (1280x720, 429K)

God you're so hot.

they were actually saying sempai so it was subbed as sempai
makes sense don't you think


I love this girl.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.08.585.jpg (1280x720, 471K)

Attached: Senpai.webm (800x450, 850K)


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_10.42_[2019.07.02_19.09.22].jpg (1280x720, 89K)

Hopefully the causes more porn to be made.

I want to join the magic club.

Who's her VA?

Is her name uvuvwevwevwe onyetenyevwe ugwemubwem ossas?

look on anidb it ain't hard

She voiced sakura in zombieland saga

Well I don't care for you.

Attached: b83dedf07b2dda9dd76bb5933bba328c04f541a1d0cbe8f126c9ad18096a427f.jpg (1920x1728, 942K)

Attached: e7438656-b679-4f34-993e-1a8467d81742..png (527x738, 205K)

I'm getting trap vibes from the black haired one.

Now I'm worried about a future Nagatoro anime.

Whoever wins, we lose. And by that I mean they'll do a double paizuri and end my life from happiness.

Attached: BONE.png (983x274, 501K)

she clearly has tits they're just small

I want to perform the magic trick where I shoot milk all over senpai.

Attached: [ok] Tejina Senpai - 01 [Multi-Subs] [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.20_[2019.07.02_21.00.27].jpg (1280x720, 110K)

is it bad that i want to blow a FAT LOAD inside senpai's hairy poosy?

You know it's going to be terrible when not even the OP looks fine.

He isn't the only one who has one

Attached: 709851209385.jpg (197x466, 26K)

I have bad news, user.
You might be straight, faggot.

It's a comedy so it's okay.

except everything else is good

too slow

I wonder how many chapters/parts they'll cut

Attached: 8.jpg (1127x1600, 598K)

Is Senpai a year above him or two?

i missed sempai and thought her series got cancelled when her manga disappeared
sempai pulled a magic act by turning into an anime!


I dont know why but that makes it hotter

I want her to ride my face

What chapter of the manga, assuming this is official?

Third impact

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_10.26_[2019.07.02_19.01.44].jpg (1280x720, 72K)

*Inhales deeply*

> official

Attached: fL1rBu2.png (648x223, 24K)

I want to fuck senpai.

How long until it becomes canon and Assistant ends up breeding Senpai


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_01.14_[2019.07.02_22.12.04].jpg (1920x1080, 1.05M)

This shit too. How is this allowed?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_10.08_[2019.07.02_22.26.56].jpg (1920x1080, 1.12M)

wait for erai
horriblesubs bot is shit at ripping

Attached: Fairy Gone HS v Erai.png (1920x2160, 3.17M)

look that fucking tits to waist to hips ratio, goddamn she needs to do porn

When the fuck will horriblesubs fix their bot?

we just don't know

And for her next trick: disappearing forever after 12 weeks!

It looks like the problem is with CR this time around. HS has always ripped from CR just fine and only fuck up with non-CR sites.

she needs to vomit on my cock

who's the target audience of this show?

People who are sexually attracted to women

thirsty teenagers

titcow lovers?

thong straps riding high on wide hips is my fucking kryptonite holy shit

Men of taste.

The manga is published in the same magazine that ran Prison School, so whoever is the target audience of that.

assmen and piss fetishists?

that and sweat



I love flesh fangs

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_01.43_[2019.07.02_14.12.50].jpg (1920x1080, 178K)

Dumb zomblers.

how are those related?
as far as episode one tajina is pretty hilarious

Will Bahamut come back? This is important


>HS has always ripped from CR just fine
No. Just look at Cinderella Nine last season. Stop downloading HS.

Yes, in the fall.

Attached: Lyria.png (750x900, 555K)

Anyone else think uzaki?

Attached: 9781642753363_manga-uzaki-chan-wants-to-hang-out-volume-1-primary.jpg (854x1200, 361K)

Hotter design than Uzaki I think. However the Tejina source material isn't necessarily better overall.

This. Fleshfang only works because it implies that they omit detail. Adding detail to the lip makes it seem like she literally has a deformed mouth.

Finally we might get some actual good porn from this demon

Attached: 1549371667115.jpg (1283x1432, 1.08M)

Did we ever get how old hotaru actually is? That body does not belong to a kid and wasn't coconuts just starting highschool?
Probably Hotaru. there are multiple pages of her doing martial arts.

>flesh fang
into the trash it goes

Wait, is her name actually "Sempai"?

that might not be her real name but it appears to be her official title

Attached: Hhu01gl.png (818x59, 13K)

But that's "Senpai" which is how I have always seen it translated before. I was asking if her name is actually "Sempai" or if it's just translated incorrectly for some reason.

it's probably just crunchyroll fuckery
sempai / senpai both mean the exact same thing and are equally valid if i recall correctly it's just the m variant is a lot rarer

This anime is so dumb

>decide this thing for me that is highly dependent on subjective tastes and that would take me 10 minutes to check out myself
Fucking retard. Does your mommy still wipe your shitty ass?

Be glad it works at all. It's a miracle that it does.

no need to be glad, erai works just fine

Uh oh I think you did the trick too hard user.
As soon as you took your dick out, the whole girl disappeared, not just her clothes.

So senpai is what would have happened if the egg had lived and decided to do magic instead of becoming an idoru?

Attached: Dumb egg.webm (1280x720, 617K)

NTR porn


she looks super weird, but for some reason it really makes me want to watch this show

Agree. Fanservixe is fine and dandy but the developers made it look like there is absolute nothing to the show except the fan service despite the manga has some good jokes.

I want to attack her with my Red Eye Black Dragon


I like it when anime character has eyes that pierce into your soul, be it bright iris or unusual pupil

well you're in luck because that mommy gf isekai is airing this month

I want to activate Berserker Soul and proceed to draw monster cardo and attack her repeatedly 50 times in a row

why does she call him Yoshi-kun?

>Instantly recognize Eiji/Mitsuru within seconds of MC talking
Please god give him more rolls. One of the most soothing male voices there is for seiyuu.

Aren't boobs really bad for a magician though? How is she going to perform escape tricks well? Or any trick that needs a swap or some exact body positioning? Her whole career is already ruined.

I too applaued at her being helpless and tied up.

Attached: tejina shibari bondage.webm (960x540, 2.91M)

wow even lelouch is posting about it huh

She has fangs.

Been reading the manga. Her misfortunes have been going long enough that I feel nothing but pity for her. Let her win, at least once.

I like VAs but some of the jokes and music are terrible.
AA spoiled me too much.

>That cape
>That fang
She's fucking Dracula

>Ignore because chestlets are useless

Who does it better?

Attached: 1454505808913.webm (542x720, 367K)

Senpai and Hotaru, I'll make both mine!

Is this really the guy that did dagashi kashi? Her design seems really...subpar.

I'm afraid Hotaru is unbeatable in many ways,

Not the same guy.

And what did you expect from a school setting? Full body dress armor?

I hate her fucking sweater, its the obnoxious kind of blue and those stupid white dots they put on her tits makes it look like its made out of plastic, it bothers my autism so much.

fuck s2 had a garbage art team compared to s1

Attached: 6825948A-158F-4A71-B381-F491C18071C1.jpg (356x317, 107K)

Pretty much, yeah. He's peak autist and thinks himself an ubermensh.

I do not know if I should be proud or disgusted that I can remember that doujinshi just from that one panel

Hey, I've come to accept my sub-human nature

They are all semen demons. Even the flat shark

When is assistant going to start dating her?

end of the manga

sempai + pantsu obviously

I’m put off by her weird pudding textured cardigan-boobs. Why can’t anime girls have realistically contained big tits

Because reality is imperfect

That makes no sense in response to my question but okay

just watch your gf tits if you're that desperate about realistic breasts

My wife Chi-chan is so cute!

>Who wins
Hotaru, she possesses the Rinnegan

I'll enjoy magical aho girl.

Attached: k0JDVUc.png (1200x674, 852K)

No one, and I mean NO ONE, could be as dumb as that literal ape. Not even joking about that. Tejina can at least go to school without having a retarded shitfit over the guy she likes.

Attached: AhoGasm.jpg (300x168, 8K)

It's great if the audience is so focused on the boobs that they miss the slight of hand.

My brain is saying 12 minutes seems to long if its a 1 magic gag/story per episode but my dick overridden my brain just by looking this ass.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.58.538.jpg (1280x720, 419K)


I love her lower lip, but her flesh fang is off-putting

Attached: 1562090008799.png (1280x720, 691K)



Gigantische milch fabrik!

Attached: hitler-5.jpg (618x410, 63K)

You won't be a real person soon, Palestinian

>them digits

Chestlets are worthless.

Who the fuck decided that giving fangs no separation line and making them skin colored was a good idea? It looks like some awful but easily fixable birth deformity that her parents for some reason refused to get her surgery for.

Dumb helpless big tittied girls is my fetish.

God I wish I was Dracula.

I'm too lazy to write down the full explanation, but some japanese words have shifted towards replacing 'n' with 'm' if followed by 'b' or 'p' in the spoken language. E.g. senpai is pronounced sempai, kanpai -> kampai, shinbun -> shimbun.

When transcribing to romanji, both versions can be used. It depends on whether the transcription wants to be closer to the written or to the spoken language. The only exception is shimbun where the version with m has become the "official" transcription due to all japanese newspapers using it for their names (e.g. Asahi Shimbun and Yoriuri Shimbun).

I like that the MC only joined the club because the magic autist is hot.


What is the source of this cuteness?

Why is glasses girl so prominent in OP and ED when she appeared in only few chapters?


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [720p].mkv-0003.jpg (476x646, 35K)

please kill yourself

calm down bro, she's 16

A little bit on the older side but I ain't discriminating

Haven't you had sex with a gf when you were 16 and she dressed like a slut for you?

Attached: 1461708354306.jpg (1280x2880, 365K)

Attached: 1436571784028.jpg (160x255, 27K)

Who is autisticker?

Attached: wut.png (294x452, 239K)

Super gay

Ladies and Gentlemen~!

would you bring your attention to me?
for a feast for your eyes to see
an explosion of catastrophe

>flesh fang

Is this the Dagashi Kashi thread?

If Senpai is like Hotaru, will she paint her nails too?

Attached: 1535896341680.png (1280x720, 754K)

I hope so

We meet again

Attached: 1548112685435.jpg (1440x810, 98K)

Attached: file.png (1440x810, 892K)


Sexy armpit



Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.10_[2019.07.02_18.59.13].jpg (1280x720, 159K)


he did. the fang was delet.

a better dagashi kashi user

She's pretty cute.



Attached: 1452793984681.jpg (1440x810, 196K)

Attached: 1562175805526.jpg (1280x720, 301K)



Attached: 1552323383882.png (415x367, 142K)

so... magic hotaru?
im onboard

Is the fabric around her tits made of a different material or something? Why is it so shiny?

Thei gravity is so intense it bends the light

I can't wait to get more Sweaty-Handjob Sempai doujins.

Attached: titty sempai.jpg (1274x1800, 392K)

>My brain: This show looks terrible
>My benis: :DDDD

>two years older than assistant
She's 17 at the youngest, faggot.

Magic boobs.

Picked the fuck up

i actually thought it was funny

Attached: 1561308923181.gif (1000x1030, 1.19M)

Big titty magical girl?

>tfw loved Hotaru and all the paizuri art
Instantly picked up, even if the animation quality isn't good

Attached: 1552793764733.png (626x223, 124K)



What is this show?
Porn for virgins?

Attached: __shidare_hotaru_and_tejina_senpai_dagashi_kashi_and_etc_drawn_by_aoi_manabu__e043b8a2129b5c302580c4 (708x1000, 689K)

A very efficient newfag detector. Looks like it caught another one.

I'm sorry lads, I already claimed retarded magic sempai. Look for another show

>Tags: Birth
How did this get aired?

impregnate right
impregnate middle
impregnate left

>impregnate right
You can't impregnate boys.

You're not reading the right doujins.

Maybe you can't, I can.

Then you're not trying hard enough.

>mysterious disappearing semen trick.jpg

this girl is just asking to get dicked


Lewd senpai

It's like, she's built for sex.

i need full fledged fanart of her wearing this with a focus on her ass, THAT FUCKING THONG

Everyone is comparing her to candy slut but all I can think of is this cunt.

Attached: 1552519681011.jpg (570x557, 55K)

The cast itself makes me think of Haruhi. Not exactly the same, but similar enough.


She was also built for sex.

>this cunt

Attached: [gg]_Binbougami_ga!_-_03_[043DB898].mkv-2012-07-20-09h57m34s108.png (1280x720, 1.37M)


oy vey

Attached: 0044.jpg (690x388, 218K)

>>flesh fang

He hates it!

The whole show is better not be about bullying a retarded girl. It honestly got sad and pathetic pretty quickly. I felt bad for her when Bahamut flew away.

same body really, I miss tittyko

I miss her

Well half of the chapters is essentially bullying her.

>The whole show is better not be about bullying a retarded girl.
Oh boy.

Sempai! I love her!

Attached: Ggg.jpg (608x493, 36K)

i drew sempai!

Attached: 32166.png (477x501, 213K)

I want her to sit on my face

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [720p]-0006.jpg (1280x720, 158K)

>not even animating your stitches

Attached: two.gif (1280x1314, 765K)

>animating this for no reason

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tejina-senpai - 01 [720p]-0004.jpg (1280x720, 168K)

makes it somewhat nicer to fap to

You need more confidence in yourself, my dude.

She's built for paizuri though.

>Those dick sucking lips
No clue how he doesn't have a raging boner being around her all the time

Attached: Sempai.png (1043x513, 435K)

Her greatest magic trick is creating boners wherever she goes.

Do you think she'll perform a magic trick to make white milk come out of people's dicks? Like mine, h-haha...

Speaking of busting a nut ... youtube.com/watch?v=3L4iRXNL9d4

Person who wrote Botan manga.

learn the japanese language
there's no distinction between "senpai" and "sempai" in written kana