Has your country been portrayed in anime?

Has your country been portrayed in anime?

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Other urls found in this thread:


yes and we have the best girls

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We got
>Selamat Pagi
in Nichijou but I don't think we have a character/place in anime. Maybe Taufik Hidayat was mentioned in Hanebado, but I am not sure.

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Is Guile an anime character?

Flip here. This is the only time I remember my country being portrayed in anime, and maybe a snippet at the end of Charlotte.

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apparently this CHAD came from Poland

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post karen sitting on my lap while lifting her head and smile ambiguously

flips are literally malays larping as spics

Indeed it has, user. Indeed it has.

Attached: Darjeeling.webm (854x480, 1.24M)

If we had qts like her, I might not want to leave this shithole.

Attached: Shining, Shimmering, Splen.jpg (466x658, 34K)

You also have Arisa Akohainen and (technically) Ann Takamaki

First of all, what the fuck is that meant to be on the bread? Marmite?

Secondly, where's the bacon, the sausage, the fried tomato, the baked beans, the mushrooms?

Third, where's the cup of tea and/or orange juice? I see what might look like a mug at the top of the image, but how do I know what it is?

Fourth, that egg looks overfried as shit, and the black pudding has way too much fat.

Fifth, she's clearly dismissing British food while eating the black pudding, which is arguably the most polarising constituent of a full English. She either has shit taste, closemindedness, or both.

I left when I was just a kid, but when I came back a lot of people looked like literal goblins. I can understand the sentiment, brother. Then again, 3dpd.

hes but xhe said best girls

no korean anime characters
lol nip monkeys are so butthurt we surpassed them

as big tiddie cooking waifu

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wrong. all GuP characters are Japanese larping as foreigners, not actual foreigners

yeah we got this sick cunt

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Darjeeling is the spirit of England incarnate hence England is being portrayed whether she is English or not.

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ravioli ravioli don't lewd the dragon loli

Fellow Indonesiafag?

Yes, way too often. Half the battle highschool harems and fantasy anime either take place in, or are directly linked to notGermany. But I am a bit surprised how few characters are actually stated to be from Germany. Most are from notGermany, because Germany was chopped into pieces in the universe the story takes place in. Still bar none the most commonly referenced country.

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No idea desu. Probably not, other than random minor references? Haven't seen any, anyway.
Would like to know if there's some.

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The land of the leaf is where inconvenient women get exiled to once they've served their purpose in the story

yup, and she is the best

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Why is Nipa sad?

Both Italy and not!Italy settings appear a lot, I wonder if meisaku's Marco is partially to blame.


>Still bar none the most commonly referenced country.
Murica comes up more often. Britain probably comes up just as often as Germany as well.

Americans are portrayed as BLACK BVLLS

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>Britain probably comes up just as often as Germany as well.
One thing it has is the amount of series that are actually set in England or at least visit like in K-On and Kinmoza.

Attached: [RyuujiTK] Han-Gyaku-Sei Million Arthur - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.39_[2018.11.19_19.09.00].jpg (1280x720, 659K)

Not even remotely. But whatever suits you.

A couple white guys leading a bunch of black guys is actually an accurate depiction of the average football team. They did their homework.

An Irish fairy who speaks a few words of Gaelic in a flashback if I recall correctly...

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Out of every Italian out there, you picked the only Japanese one.

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Even though the dutch were the first western nation to trade and befriend the japs
We even gave them bodypillows
And we dont have a single cute girl in anime

>He doesn't know

Attached: karen sitting in lap.jpg (773x859, 84K)

big tiddy commies

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You're from reddit?

But user, those are just Russiaboos.


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Poland is apparently full of gypsies. According to code geass at least

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Honestly, this image is a bit disingenuous. No self respecting Englishman would allow a Fry-up to be served to him like that. That shit is frankly insulting. I mean

>No Bacon
>No sausage
>No tomatos
>No mushrooms
>No beans
>No hash browns

And dont get me started on what would happen to the person who served marmite on the breakfast toast.

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Yes. Very accurately, I feel.

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one of these days I'll watch it for her

There is only one best girl in that picture.


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Klara is actually Russian.


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pretty well surprisingly, but more would be nice

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this and Avdol from jjba, idk about any other egyptian anime characters

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Background character in international politics. The only time there's ever actually Leaf characters is when figure skating is part of the story, like in Yuri on Ice

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Kind of.

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Why are Finns such a paradox?

Truly khorosho.

We have all the hot dominant and secretly perverted nazi girls. Also all our men are either old military dudes or crazy scientists.

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Us germans sure love beer.

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Layton managed one episode in Scotland.

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Junge, du etwa nicht?
Kommste aussem Saarland, oder was?

Nicht er, aber Alkohol ist für Untermenschen.

It's fine. But more importantly I wanted to reference yakitate!! japan.

Hallo Mohamed.
Wann ziehste zurück nach Kinderfickerstan?

Poland. Nothing that I know of which would be as cool as karen. There is an increase in jap (or chink can't tell them apart LOL) tourists from what I am noticing so maybe someday.

The only half decent girl there is Eila, the rest are shit also you missed the best Finnish girls.

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Hell yeah, and we got lucky!

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Auch kein Mohamed, aber Döner ist definitiv besser als Alk.

I met japs in Malbork on my summer vacation,so maybe there's hope.

Can't think of any at all. Closest thing we get from representation are anime girls eating french fries.

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Schischa > Döner

In High-Score Girl

Don't indult Nipa she is my wifes friend.

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The cutest

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Yes. There are probably more well known examples but I don't remember any.

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The Netherlands has one dude in Samurai Champloo and random appearances on maps of the world.

I don't know and I don't want to know.

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Everyone is named "Häkkinen" or "Räikkonen"

There are a few characters.

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We have a murderous hivemind alien and a cute JC who says “SO NON DESK CAR” a lot. At least.

Polan has this dork.

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>Ann Takamaki
She isn't Finnish, she just lived there for a time when her parents were working there.

The strongest jobber

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dumb sexy polak

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Ey aweile awa, mensche mir dringe hie keh Bier oda wat? Du Lausert!

Is this what ebonics looks like in German?

Bitte geh dich weghängen.

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kanker moffen


I'm cheating since I'm half Finnish, but other half also got some.

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Attached: papa tutu wawa 02.webm (640x360, 2.81M)

Sehen uns dann bald. Deine Leber wird das schon für dich übernehmen.

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more like redneck german

Is ironic as Pedro was the only decent father figure in Koe no Katachi.

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Cute JC, and cute armpit.

Germany has rednecks?

Kurwa perkele :D


>when your ancestor is credited with the first German aircraft shoot down in WW2

Can't wait for her Strike Witches version.

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Are you Polish?

What terrible parents would call their child "eggs" unless they have twins?

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I can't think of a single swecuck female character

I guess The Netherlands in Hetalia and those guys from Samurai Champloo.

No actual characters but at least the Black Lagoon crew visited my country. Better than nothing I guess

One of the best known 70s anime is a version of Anne of Green Gables, directed by pre-Ghibli Isao Takahata and also involved Hayao Miyazaki. The popularity of the original novel (which has been read in Japanese schools on-and-off) and the show make PEI a somewhat popular tourist destination for the Japanese to this day.

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Chile has never been represented in anime unless you count Easter Island as Chile (which it really isn't)

t. PeruANO

I know, right? A true Englishman would put a toast between two non-toast slices of bread. Now that's peak cuisine.

I'd love to see an anime set in England UK Britain but in the modern day, sick of seeing it only portrayed in medieval or victorian times

I find it really interesting how anime locations are straight ripoffs of real life japan, I'd love to see the same done in my own country

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>what's K-On movie

I don't want to see anime girls get raped and chopped up into kebabs by "asians"

literally the K-On movie

>there aren't enough pakis in my anime
Fuck off.

Where was she from again?


Oh I didn't know this existed, I'll watch it, thanks user
I'm sure anime set in Japan cuts out the unpleasant parts too, if I made an england anime it'd be all british people and everyone would drink tea at 4pm

AYAYA Clap cute thread


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Japan is a really clean, low crime country. They don't have a lot of gangs the way we do, because they frankly don't have niggers, spics, and towel heads. And I don't think they have as huge of a drug crisis. Their organized criminals tend to stick to themselves.
A lot of it's negative aspects are depicted in anime, like the existential dread and fear of death that's become prevalent in postwar Japanese culture. Their corporate overwork culture. Their large swath of population feeling disconnected from the world in adulthood. The overdemanding nature of their work in general.

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This based motherfucker

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weon culiao

I don't think I've seen their aging and soon to be shrinking population depicted or referenced too much, possibly the biggest pressing national issue they have.

never have I ever seen an anime even refferencing any of the former yugoslav countries, let alone my of all

There were some Dutch characters in Hikaru no Go. Seriously though, how did we manage to have so little effect on Japanese culture despite being their only outside contact for the entire Edo period?

Klara is from Frankfurt.

Attached: klara.jpg (564x423, 48K)

I've not watched it yet but Hero Mask on netflix is modern London that but with that being said. This.
>what's K-On movie

Frankly, ghiaccio is the most accurate depiction of Italians in the golden wind

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In golden wind*

Bullshit. Italians are more like Mista or Narancia if we go by stereotypes.
I for one am nothing like Ghiaccio.

Post more cute Karens. AYAYA

You got that big gay

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>the spirit of England incarnate is not English

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That's one unfortunate gene combo, my condolences.

Once or twice.

Attached: [AnimeRG] Mobile Suit Gundam 00 S1 - 09 'The Honor of a Great Power' [1080p] [x265] [pseud (1920x1080, 327K)

Is that a giant mech behind the Canadian presenter?

Nevermind, it was for the concert.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Senki Zesshou Symphogear G - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_15.09_[2019.07.02_23.55.23].jpg (1920x1080, 175K)

>low crime country
Street crime*, domestic violence is rampant in Japan (ministry of justice estimates 25-33% of Japanese women suffers from violence by their husbands and/or parents) as well as child abuse.

beautiful mongolian women

>four different ancestries
>two from europe
>two from asia
>one from middle east
>one from south america
I don't even know anymore bros

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Little Witch Academia pulls a few places directly if you don't want to see London from K-on.

It isn't directly stated, but Maria from Zetsubou Sensei was probably a Flip. She was an illegal immigrant to Glorious Nippon, where you guys are one of the largest immigrant groups, and had a Hispanic name despite being from SE Asia. Best brown girl.

Attached: maria.png (1280x1706, 2.39M)

Everyone is a gay stripper but yea

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>still no comfy traveling /out/ animu where girls go backpacking on a roadtrip around Australia
also doesnt Australia rule the Earth/Universe or something in LotGH?

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>he hasn't watched Samurai Champloo

Probably not. People tend to forget Austria even exists.

any anime depicting hitler counts

Plenty of times.

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that makes it six

Which is strange, because Austria was probably the most powerful and influential country at one point. People talk a lot about how countries like France, UK, Italy, and Spain, but at least people still remember and talk about those countries. Austria has the sad distinction of being one of the only countries that was a Great Power for much of the early modern era that are no longer even in the top 25 economies in the world. The other is Portugal.

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Not a whole lot of times, but when it does happen it ends up being surprisingly accurate (though we don't have vampires like in Fate/Zero).

stfu klootzak

Checked and also Sucy from LWA

Our best representation is in MHA because we're not negatively portrayed for once.

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I like how the UK is portrayed in anime, they always seem to have a rather sweet expectation we might be more like them than we really are. Its a shame really.

>el abomimacion can't even count properly

ayy wkwk

Are you sad about AFA?

Technically, the anime adaptation of Christie's Poirot should count.

A classic

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Cute mongs

What's wrong with beating your wife when she doesn't behave?

>What is Kinnikuman

user, even your 3DPG are the best in the world...
cheers from Tacoland

Attached: 4Chan - Reaction wife quit.jpg (673x960, 88K)

There is literally no Albanian anime character

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I really don't remember ever seeing a Nigerian.

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The twins from Black Lagoon.


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Based paella man

your mom sure does

There's only like 20 of you fuckers how come you seem to make up 50% of this fucking board? Is it true that you're just a nation of shut-in NEETs watching anime and playing runescape all fucking day?

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>no korean anime characters
nigger what the fuck?

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The one that I remember is Choi Gu Seong.
There must be other gooks inside THE GLORIOUS NIPPON ANIMASHYONNN!!!1!1!1!!!

FUCK karen

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we make nice coffee, thats all

I don't think that there have been any for Mexico.

Any chance you guys know any?

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You're retarded

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The Marina Bay Sands' infinity pool I can understand, but I cannot understand the fascination with the merlion.

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stand back cunt, we have a fucking national hero right here

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I know man.

I know.

Maria is a common as fuck name here. Maybe due to Spanish influence. I knew like 5 Marias growing up.

Fucking nips shit talking other's countries breakfast when they eat shit like natto

Kate is great
Never lets the nips forget how dumb their writing system is
English might be a fucking retarded mess of a language but at least the latin alphabet is rock solid.

That goddess from Kobayashi, Chad is half mexican, that guy from D.Gray-man. Those are who came to mind.
Also there was a king from One Piece that was based on Mexico.

As for my country, Uruguay, I think it has only been mentioned in Kuroko no Basket. Sad!


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>Tfw he has the same name as my older brother, uncle, and grandfather.

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Austria lost a lot of it's mainland European territory, the others did not.

>English might be a fucking retarded mess of a language but at least the latin alphabet is rock solid.
except not really, since it has obvious flaws.


I tend to forget Albania is a real place to be honest

south africa gets portrayed all the time in anime

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In LOGH Brisbane is the capital city of earth.

>tfw debating galaxy wide politics next to the brown snake sinking mangoes.

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I miss youtube statistics. It was super interesting.

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good post

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-Hungarian wine in code Geass
-Hetalia of course
-in 11eyes the opening scene are in Hungarian. Episode titles are in Hungarian too.

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I'm Italian, Japan loves us

England is more mutt than USA now so it makes sense

suomi stronk :DDD


How could you forget?

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Calling all Finanons, Why do finnish waifus always have retarded names or male names



because japs don't care

My country controls the world, which means it controls Japan, ergo, it controls anime itself.

nice one shlomo

why do japanese waifus have male names
mika for example

Oyy veyy

You'd also get this dork if Kaiji gets more seasons.

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No, Canada

>be french, have Japanese people butcher your language every once in a while.

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I don't remember any swiss characters or any anime taking place here.
All I can remember is one of the girls in Upotte was based on swiss rifle, but I'm not sure about it.

This is a very offensive portrayal, every good italian would be screaming

A-any from Liverpool?

G Gundam's Mexican guy had a Cactus-shaped Gundam wearing a sombrero

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Jojos if I remember correctly also Unbreakable Machine Doll

Not sure she counts, since she's only half Danish if I remember correctly. Japan only really makes Swedish characters when they wanna portray Scandinavia. I am guessing it's because it's the biggest one.

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It’s called the Tequila Gundam too. G is a goddamn goldmine.

Punch-Out tier innocuous racism that nobody ever calls it out on. I love it.

You've got Heidi, Girl of the Alps.

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What is with Japan's obsession with Finland?

I find it weird Japan still think the UK is in some sort of Victorian era social mobility, just odd but a little funny.

It's been twenty years and I still have trouble associating this, Red-Haired Anne etc. with Japanese animation. I even tried watching Heidi in Japanese and it's just jarring

Regardless of what was or wasn't on the plate, I've been to your country and your food is shit. As far as I'm concerned, this is an accurate representation.

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Bayern ist Ausland.

The event that best encapsulates Austria's fall from grace from world power to third-class country is Mussolini briefly becoming "Protector of Austria from the Nazi and Socialist menace" for a few years. Austria, Italy's historical archrival and oppressor gets treated with all the dignity of Belgium or Albania in less than 20 years from WW1. Virtually a non-entity.

I guess it's good in that any qualms and blood feuds between our two countries have effectively become non-existent because of this, but Christ.

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The Renato brothers from Gundam Build Fighters

Bro you have Amuro Ray the fucking original Gundam pilot

If you sincerely have trouble looking for an image just ask.

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japan here
we love finland more

Elohim loves you.

No. Some of our food is mentioned, especially kebab but no roachbros in anime.

There's this qt. Her brother pilots a badass fish robot with a trident too.

Attached: [xPearse] Mobile Fighter G Gundam Episode 29 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_08.49.664.jpg (1440x1080, 156K)

How come the president hasn't still made a good flipanime?

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that's pretty fucking surreal seeing my city in UMD, thanks friend

Finland is not Scandinavia.

Attached: Finlandia.jpg (1080x766, 203K)

I really don't really know if there are any thais character in anime but I sure don't really mind that much

why are scandinavians so racist to finns

Yeah, multiple times kek

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>little to none asian characters
>tons of european characters
another proof that anime is jew-jap propaganda to brainwash western people

And very gay.

Is Thunderbolt Fantasy anime?

>>little to none asian characters
most anime characters are japanese

...You're not referencing *that* naval mishap, are you?
If yes, fucking kek.

I only recall the beginning of Nobunagun, but there's probably a few more. Rip ojii-San

But I like Fins, they just aren't Scandis. They are way closer to Slavic than Scandi.

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We mitigate arctic darkness depression by living in the Internet. And fairly good relations with Japan I guess.

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>initializes everything
>little tactless

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Coastal finns are more Swedish than swedes themselves nowadays.

But you're kind of right in fact that Scandinavians are determined by either the language type, thus excluding finns, or the Scandinavian peninsula, that Finland is barely a part of. If you want to add the country to that fully, it'd be called Fenno-Scandia.

member jormungand?
if you mean a main character , then we dont

Attached: Aharen-san wa Hakarenai - Vol.5 Chapter 47 - 10.jpg (891x1300, 214K)

I am actually the first one that noticed lake Bled in B: The Beginning. It's identical; a small island with church in the middle of a lake. That's also probably the only famos attraction from Slovenia portrayed in anime.

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I am well aware.

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What the fuck does this say, I understand all the other German posts
t. British GSL (DZS?)

This, saying Finland is part of Scandinavia is like those Estonians larping as Nordics.

swedish brainwashing

I don't think anime could portrait a country with a 40 murders daily

Mexico or Norway?

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This is no Bavarian. It‘s more like how low-IQ Berliners speak like.

he is too busy killing drug addicts

Be German, have Japanese people butcher your language all the time.

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I agree. Savages who call it "culture" to pour milk! over perfectly good rice and perfectly good tea don't deserve to complain about anything. They're a mockery of everything that makes humans humans.

>all the time
I wonder which country between the UK, France and Germany has more anime characters desu. Also, don't underestimate the nips, their pronunciation of French is awful even more so than with German.

Attached: greetings.jpg (1046x1910, 433K)

Found the Bavarian. You chicken fuckers sound exactly like that.

Girls with male names are cute, so why are you complaining?

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I classic porn manga Slut Girl, one of the girls is 'from Australia' but has a french accent for some fucking reason, besides that don't think so

Names ending with -a always indicate female. Except in your weird Eskimo language.

Switzerland is represented in Hetalia, there are even a couple of episodes entirely dedicated to him and Liechtenstein. That's kind of cheating though.

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Only ever in a dub sadly. Weird how there's not more Irish references in anime considering the empress is an eireboo youtube.com/watch?v=DZt11sTveuY

So was Slovak Republic in any way ever portrayed in anime? It's always the czechbros who steal all the spotlight. Not fair.

He was in lucky star
>10/10 would salute a boat

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>Ey aweile awa,
Unintelligible Bavarian noises. You'd have to live in one of their incest valleys for at least three generations to fully understand this.
>mensche mir dringe hie keh Bier oda wat?
This Bavarian is getting angry and irritated because it couldn't drink any beer in the past 10 minutes and sees itself in serious danger of sobering up.
>Du Lausert!
The Bavarian accuses the conversation partner of being infested with lice. A very common hygiene problem in Bavarian households, you hear it all the time. Always remember not to wear anything around Bavarians that you're not ready to burn.


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>Aztec god

Here's someone from an anime/manga nobody seemed to like or care about

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Are you a Turk? If yes you have this guy from Cowboy Bebop called Siniz Hesap Lütfen Appledelhi

He's technically Dutch ig. Not much else.

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This. I love Italia. But we can't mention Italia without the references to the (Not) Pope and the religion of (Not) Catholicism.

Attached: the-pope-the-rising-of-the-shield-hero-116655.jpg (300x415, 24K)

Congrats, the worst character in Yuri on Ice is Swiss.

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Yeah I'm a Turk and wow, I remember that guy but had no idea that was his name. I like the creativity.

For Turks there should be the Shoukoku no Altair anime

mika misha sasha all males name but people think its for woman

Had no idea something like that even existed. Gotta watch it sometime, thanks.

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Jormungand has not! Serbia

>if we go by stereotypes
You got that right, Mista and Narancia literally represent the stereotypical obtuse, naive southern italian, which is not accurate in most cases. Ghiaccio seems an accurate portrayal to me because of his short temper and excessive grammar nazi behaviour.

*Entre dos Aguas plays in the background*

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>bongs are getting upset they are made fun of
>bongs don't have really any representation except literally Alice, any other "bong" is either half-jap or something else like Darjeeling
Fucking subhuman scum, I can't wait for all the bongs to die out like the niggers they are.

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probably germans

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Wac was raised in the mountains of Peru. After losing everything due to severe weather and having no relatives, he chose to join the Annex Project to pay his debts and get a better life.

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>Ey aweile awa,
Hey, jetzt aber,
Hey wait,
>mensche mir dringe hie keh Bier oda wat?
meinst du wir trinken hier kein Bier oder was?
you think we don't drink beer here or what?
>Du Lausert!
Du Bengel!
You brat!
How does that sound bavarian in any form? It's Saarländisch aka Saarbrigga Platt, one is a flat german dialect, the other is a high german dialect. The voval and the consonant shifts are completly different.

well if he's nigerian, i guess his father is nigerian as well so you're right

Attached: am nod saging it waz banis.png (882x797, 129K)

Darkness in the winter, melancholy and commonplace antisocial/shy behaviour leads Finnish people to discover the joy of internet, and especially imageboards.

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Literally Hitler

Do you Walk Like an Egyptian?

>french girl drinking wine from age of 8
>german girl drinking beer from age of 8

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Schloss Neuschwanstein

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The Vatican is not Italy though.

Yes and he's a literal homosexual weeaboo.

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I think France wins with The Rose of Versailles. Nadia : The secret of blue water also starts in France if my memory is good.

Gochiusa also takes place in a french city (Colmar), I used to live there, the adaptation of the city is very faithful to what it looks like irl.

Attached: gochiusa.jpg (2122x3579, 526K)

Also Maria the virgin witch.

cant think of anything else.

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Is there my wife Chino, who is very cute, in Colmar?

There's even my city. let's kick the beat

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>Vlad Tepes of Wallacia

>muh superior food country
you retards are even worse than the frogs with the broken pasta

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The number is around 60 actually. Thanks Americans, very cool of you consuming drugs like madmen, outlawing them, making us outlaw them, and then selling guns to our cartels.

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Here is another turk

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Nice, thanks

Well, if you didn't want to be bullied into submission throughout your entire national history, maybe you should have picked better neighbours.

Don't give them attention. Bongs are attention whores through and through.

Nothing to do but alcoholism and shitposting out here

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no problem

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>Only get a few mentions from the little to no japanese that know this place even exist because of baseball

Only a very few times, there is that Dominican team in The major series, that one scene in Otomatsu-san where they went to DR, aside from that apparently there is this guy from Hakata Rokutsu ramens who apparently is Dominican. who also raped another guy too

Attached: Jose Martinez.png (700x731, 442K)

>thread full of /int/fags shit talking other countries
Why am I not surprised.

I think that Worstguay appears in Supercampeones too.

>Puerto Rico

Highly doubt it

They are loved here in krautland too.

Is not too common, but we are referenced time to time in anime. And they seem to really like older Brazilian music genres, such as Bossa Nossa.
Also, we have the biggest Japanese community in the world. They are really present in the states of São Paulo, Paraná, Pará, Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso do Sul.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-08-21-02-09.png (1280x720, 605K)

Does Brazil have a significant jewish population? Wouldn't have expected it in a south american country.

Basiert und rotpilled

Brazil dominates the world in UC Gundam and is part of the Capital State in G-Reco, too. The EF flag in based in ours, btw.

Attached: 1553659884547.png (1920x1080, 119K)

Yes, there are at least a hundred thousand of them here.
But, in Brazil, they are not that rich. The Syrians and Lebanese are way richer

*captain tsubasa

The more you know I guess. Did they flee there during WW2 or is it from the colonial days?

Latin alphabet means nothing if a language doesn't utilize it correctly. The less exceptions to rules there are the better it works, so with a language like English you might as well use kanji while with a language like Finnish there's nothing to complain.


I know it's Wikipedia but the info is overall correct

Attached: This(54).png (1080x1080, 701K)

They arrived here in the XIX/early XX centuries.
Not that many arrived here as refugees of the WWII.

Thanks for the info, but it was more about this post.

Ele estava falando sobre a comunidade judia brasileira, meu anão conterrâneo.
Parece que ficou curioso ao olhar o colar da Behoimi (a personagem perto daquele "mapa), que tem uma estrela-de-Davi.

Ireland is an unusual case. Our mythology crops up all the time, but characters from here or the nation itself appearing are extremely rare. I suppose a black Irishman like me appearing is as unlikely as a black Irishman IRL

Blame bong attention whores.


this is either pan-asianism or not realizing that most japanese characters are nips, both are equally retarded

Derp, this is what happens when you speedread threads
Funny cause I was actually reading about immigration on another tab

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*crickets chirping*

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Relatable, anão.

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But Anderson's a scotsman.

My wife Chino is so cute

>tfw my family is known for being witches and shamans

yes, and king arthur is welsh

Highly agreeable digits

I'm amused but not very surprised that a Finnish guy is the first person on the line when it's 'tell me about your country' time.


Attached: DvsmpKTW0AE.jpg (4053x1520, 1.57M)

>mistakes /pol/chads for /int/cels
get in the oven

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>>bongs don't have really any representation except literally Alice, any other "bong" is either half-jap or something else like Darjeeling

It's pretty easy to find British anime characters. If you can only think of Alice, you probably just don't watch that much anime. If anything, I just wish there were more Irish ones.

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Fuck yes.

Attached: 33CD7662-584A-426E-8A2A-9D1E9FD8D8D0.jpg (330x448, 25K)

Alright, I'll list them.
-Alice who is actually british, from Britain and can speak english
-Karen, half british and half japanese, can't speak english or japanese well. Is more japanese than british
-Darjeeling isn't even british nor any of the GuPs
-Mari who isn't british
-Alcott who is British but its barely part of her character
-Saber, not even close. She's supposed to be from Britain but apart from "being from britain" she doesn't speak the language at all or show any culture or anything. She's literally japanese king arthur with King arthur being her name and japanese describing everything else about her.
-Strike Witches character who is so forgettable I forgot her name, probably the only one who's close to british but doesn't even speak British, again.
Done. Here's your representation. A fucking joke most of the time. A good thing too, bongs are a fucking joke.

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lotte är finsk

Is it cheating to use heroic spirits?

Right, also possibly Sami

Off the top of my head you also have
>the supreme Dio and some of the Jojo's
>the main character from Negima,
>all the British Kancolle ships (and soon Azur Lane when that comes out)
>that one useless gun from Upotte
>Seras from Hellsing

Plus plenty of more obscure side characters like that Chainsaw girl from Black Lagoon. If you limit it to characters who actually speak their language in the show, the majority of characters in this thread wouldn't count. Only Irish guys I can remember off the top of my head is a driver from Black Lagoon and a couple from Fate/Stay (Rider best girl).

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Is this an ashita no joe reference?

>British Kancolle ships
You mean the Japanese LARPing ones?

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JESUS FUCK tell me this isn't real?

it isn't, it's a drawing

Only if you've first tried every semi-prominent series that has aired since 1990 first.

I dunno but it is true. 30C feels like blazing hell, 80-110C in sauna feels nice but 50-70C in sauna feels absolutely freezing

Please point to the doll where England colonized you.

Don’t think so apart from that one song in Zankyou no Terror

We’re going to receive a proper portrayal this July 8th though

>if you complain about bongs and how annoying they are on the internet, or how they claim that they have good representation you are just a former colony
At least try to make a response that doesn't make you look like a butthurt bong.

Right here. And tomorrow, we celebrate kicking the shit out of them!

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Does "Kort el fes Gunginir" really translatable as "Go to Gunginir", or did Google fuck up?

but is it a drawing from a real show or is it a fake

Found 4 Brit characters you missed.

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>tfw jamaican

because weed is illegal in Japan, they're very strict about enforcing it too

wtf no one even does weed anymore over here

like it or not it's all you're known for

it hurts bros.....


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absolute GOAT murrikan representation in anime

Props to the dub for getting real British actors to play them

Attached: Diaz_Argentina_(DT)_1.png (512x512, 129K)

It is real.
Everybody knows French ""culture"" is watered down or plain stolen Italian culture.

It's from Dagashi Kashi

>blood sausages (aka black pudding)
>not good

El Cazador de la Bruja is entirely set in Mexico. It's one of my favourites

And the brothers Neil and Lyle Dylandy from 00.

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>French ""culture"" is watered down or plain stolen Italian culture.
>Says that even though the only culture Italy ever had was during ancient rome.
Fuck off, Italians has ceased to be relevant when Rome's empire fell apart. In comparison France has pretty much built modern Europe/world's history (from its very first king Clovis I to its colonies and the revolution, or even the UK). My motherland has had so much impact that it has shaped most of the countries you see today.

Why does your motherland have such an obsession with importing negroes?


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>Can't think of any at all.

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BASED wheelie bins!

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Shiki is half-Romanian.

Attached: Shiki_EV.png (640x680, 330K)

turns out the cuteness and funnyness was inside each and everyone of us all along

Mexico is one of the countries with most representation in anime

Attached: Divergence-Eve.Luxandra-Frail.jpg (640x1136, 235K)

Freezing actually has. Even in the anime.

Attached: Su-Na-Lee.jpg (561x700, 81K)

I don’t even speak German and I know that’s some google translate shit.

Watch Total Eclipse. He even has the voice of Rikiya Koyama (Kerry Emiya).

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You forgot Lotte.

My cute wife, Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Vallière, the main girl from Familiar of Zero is practically a Belgian for all intents and purposes. As are several other characters from that series, since it mainly takes places in fantasy Belgium.

Technically, she's from an alternate isekai world where her country iscalled, 'Tristain', but for all intents and purposes it's Belgium. It's the same way you might count characters from Tanya the Evil as German even though they come from 'The Empire'.

As if a true bong would be so barbaric as to spell colonised with a z.

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>French nigger

We need more anime about "Noble Witches".

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The god she's based on was said to have nordic features so it's not that far off.

what is venezuela?

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Weren't you banned?

why? someone fucked up and tried to range ban everyone here again?

I don't watch it to be reminded of my dumb country, and it hasn't, so it works out

karen best girl

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Was it Belgium or just general Frenchy-European?

Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the Dawn)
Also, you're the only people on earth who think you've surpassed them

How do you figure, fuckboy?

Far better than the mayor of london

the mayor of london represents new caliphate of london very well though.

Also Lancer from UBL?

>Also, you're the only people on earth who think you've surpassed them
It's ok for Koreans. They have their own "Aryan ideology" with pure Social Darwinism.

I highly doubt there has even been Northern Irish representation.


>low-IQ Berliners

Belgium. The Frenchy part of that Universe is Gallia to the South West, and Germania is to it's East. Island to the North West is the Eternal Albion.

It's technically like the United Kingdom of the Netherlands back when you, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg were one country. That said, Louise is more on the South Western, Frenchy side of the country, as you could guess by her surname. There's also a Grand Duchy in the very bottom point of Tristan which is pretty much Luxembourg, so even they get a character representing them.

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I am Punjabi, so no (unless you count pic related).

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The next line is the MC calling her an idiot for mixing up France and Italy

Nice. I've been to Vienna. Great city.

Czechia > Slovakia

Come on, we both know he doesn't want to know about that.

Some proxy guy on Yea Forums almost got you guys rangebanned for cp or something like that

Vinland Saga starts soon and will be the first time I can think of that an Anime will actually be even partially set in Wales.

There are some welsh characters already, basically anything to do with Arthurian Legend (seibah), the welsh dragon was in one show that I forget.

Attached: vinland-saga-137249.jpg (800x1163, 124K)

Wasn't he Japanese?

It's something that neo-cons say to make socialists go away.

i haven't been paying attention. is Vinland Saga actually historical? because if so I'm excited

It wouldn't surprise me if he already succeeded and I just got a lucky ISP, and wouldn't be the first time, happened 2 or 3 years ago too.

It is to a great extent still with some artistic licence though, sometimes the fighting physics gets into shounen territory too.

basato e rossopillato

that's a tranny, isn't it?

ep 1 of machine hayabusa was set in 'straya

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oh that's great then, im fine with bullshit fights

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Full english is rank, British food has always been about root veg, roasts and pies.

Soviet Union checked

I love marmite and I'd never have it spread on toast that thick on its own.

Every time you see americans or japs or whoever trying marmite they do it wrong and get a totally warped impression.

And I say this knowing it'd probably be polarising even if they were doing it right. That's how they market it after all.

>space australia
kek, saved.

>I don't remember any swiss characters or any anime taking place here.
While it's not literally set in Switzerland, Sora no Woto takes place in a fictional nation called Helvetia, which borders the Roman Empire, speaks French, and is inhabited by people with German, French, and Japanese names.

Attached: the-roman-soldier.jpg (1280x720, 42K)

I think they are all nicknames

It is known that Vikings were the first Europeans to visit North America, although there is only proof of them reaching Canada. And Quetzalcoatl was said to be blonde and with white skin.
The fact that Aztecs originated from the north of the Gulf of California and that recent investigations suggest that Quetzalcoatl was originally mean to refer to an illuminated person, sort of like Buddha or Christ makes it very reasonable to think that (the first) Quetzalcoatl was a viking. However, the Mayans originated from Central America, and hey too had an older version of Quetzalcoatl (Kukulkan) complicates things

I just came back from a job in El Centro. Holy fuck, how do people manage to work in this shithole, /río/ represent


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She is P E R F E C T

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the pilot in Yuru Camp is aus as fuck

what about the ekka tho
do they still have dagwood dogs and strawberry icecream
dear god I hope so

Kiki is Swedish?

there was that time in full metal panic where they control the cartel, and have base is mexico.

literally did in full metal panic last year.


Just found this.

Kobayashi dragon is our best representative. There's also the Quetzalcoatl of FGO

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Armenia so never

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I though you all got genocii.... oh wait you are not real, stop larping.

Nah it was never genocide.

Turks just didn’t realize that unlike them we can’t live months without food or water

is that simon bolivar?

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That's the old version m80

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There is a manga set in Switzerland. Wolfsmund.

meant to reply to

>only 5 Marías

An African or a European swallow?

In the latest index anime, there were these Mexicans with Aztec names. They count. I think one was named Tochtli

>the Jap translating our posts doesn't understand cuck memes
Stay gold Japs, stay gold

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Hi Japan.

can someone explain globalist to me? how does trying to turn all countries into shitholes make you richer? won't the crippling reduction in production eventually leave you behind non-conforming countries? there's no way in hell you can have a qualified work force under that shit and there's no way in hell globalists don't know it
what's the point?

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only time I can recall

Attached: 07 - Mois, Her First Time Destroying the Earth.avi_snapshot_08.28.933.jpg (640x480, 63K)

It's a third world shithole meme country so no

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i cant think of any irish examples other than the dullahan from durarara
the "geass" in code gay ass is actually a concept from irish mythology however (geas). it's essentially a sort of spell/curse put on a man by a woman in which he is obliged to do a certain thing (always something stupid like not being allowed to ask for shelter from a swineherd or declining to play a song on a wednesday)
if you don't follow it you'll suffer divine retribution but if you do it will bring you power

When has Malaysia ever been shown in anime? No, selamat pagi does not count.

>296 posters