He uses the smith machine

>he uses the smith machine...

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My gym doesn't have a squat rack. What do you want me to do?

I want to drink her sweat

>smith machine

get a new gym

>no squat rack
go to a better gym.

>using machines in gym
Seriously, who wrote this shit? Then you will tell me they're deadlifting?

I'm not a faggot that goes to gyms, why would you need a rack to do squats?

I use the smith for ass to grass squats

Hey man, I'm just starting out, there's no-one available to spot me and I don't feel like hurting myself. Leave me alone.

Because in squat rack barbell is already placed at your shoulders level for safety and easy unracking. Or would you prefer to pick it up from the floor and throw it over your head? That would be nice way to break your back.

>he doesn't clean and jerk into a squat
Never gonna make it.

When I had a gym buddy we wouldn't rack the bar after a set, just stand back to back transfer it onto the other person's shoulder's.

That's not a very good idea for someone who's going to gym for the first time.

Then don't use enough weight to injure yourself.
If you use the smith machine for too long you will get a permanently retarded form.
I hope that you aren't paying to use that gym.

>going to the gaym because anime
LMAO faggot

you don't need a squat rack to squat. do front squats and clean the bar

It'll be a baptism by fire.

smith machine will fuck your shit up, stop it and learn the proper form before it's too late.

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I just use calisthenics and my body weight.

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>my body weight.
Why, they didn't have enough weights at the gym and you needed more?

>Thinks 2D = 3D
Dumb crossboarder.
This is animeland, where perfection exists.

Quick question how the fuck am I supposed to know what to do in the gym in the first place.
Let me be clear I've tried going to the gym before but dropped it because the gym trainer only gave a fuck about teaching women and guys that were already fit as fuck and I had no idea about what the fuck was I supposed to do or if I was doing shit properly so I stopped going.
I want to try things out again but how do I do it weeb/fit/?!

>to do bicep curls

The barbell sits elevated so you can walk underneath it, squat, and rerack safely and efficiently. It can also catch the barbell Incase the barbell comes crashing down on you.
You could clean the barbell onto your back but good luck cleaning lmao3pl8 for 5 sets for lowbar squats.

Squat bench deadlift
3 times a week
Start with the bar, do 3 sets of 5 reps each
Add on 10 lb increments.

change gym
find a new, dedicated trainer
do a little bit of research in dieting and basic workouts
reap the profits in 2-3 months

>using machines
>going to a gym
>paying money to exercise
>being a true, actual fitness cuck


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Is this going to be one of those shows where nobody discusses the actual show but just talks about the off topic premise?

This. I just do cardio and body-weight exercises and I'm on shape.

I'm sure there will be talk of the sweaty fit girls.


My asshole turns inside out when someone talks to me at the gym. I just did whatever and hoped girls didn't look at me.

Hit the gym and have sex, loser.

You will never be able to build trunk musculature without the proper barbell equipment for squatting and deadlifting.
>I don’t need to diddly 5pl8 ;)
And you don’t need to be strong either.

>he uses machines

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That's a hilarious, awesome joke, but your own body weight and leverage is all you need. The Ancient Greeks achieved peak physical condition and godly bodies with calisthenics alone, sometimes using halterers, or ancient barbells, but that's it.

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