Yea Forums is for Yea Forumsrmpits

Yea Forums is for Yea Forumsrmpits

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>Yea Forumsarmpits
>OP pic is not Reimu
OP is a massive faggot and this thread is cursed.

armpit fetish is weirder than feet if you think about it

Yea Forums is also for p/a/nty you fatherfucker

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Being gay like you are is way weirder than both combined imo

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You rarely ever see Touhou on this board anymore ever since the split. I wouldn’t be surprised if a handful of people here don’t even know what it is.

Only hairy ones.

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This. Hairy sweaty armpits and pussy is kino


Finally, an user who understands me.


The under arm is one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body, a blade can bypass the entire ribcage and enter the heart from there. I assume the allure is the vulnerable area being displayed along with the pheremonal cues associated from the area, culminates into an unorthodox, but albiet insatiable desire to fuck.

Just, like, have you tried it? I used to molest my older sister's armpits all the time and I guess it depends from person to person but it smelled great.

You're lewd, user. Makes me wanna fuck your ass.

Your gets match, you should.

Hope user's butt can take my cock, I'll have to make him my boiwife.

hairy armpits+shaved pussy >>> hairy pits+hairy pussy

so much hotter

Kinopill is hairy armpits + hairy pussy + hairy asshole.

Fuck I swear to God if I could erase one entire group for existence and there were no lolicucks nor niggers i would extinguish every single mistake that believes a female armpit is hotter when it contains hair

Hairlesschad rise up

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How about the superior miko instead

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I thought furries are not allowed in Yea Forums


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You get sideboob from it, feet have nothing except for feet.