How would Spiderman fare in MHA?
How would Spiderman fare in MHA?
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one of the best heroes out there.
He'd do pretty well, but the question is if he'd bother with the hero system at all or go full vigilante.
What a hottie Spiderman
Depends on the Spider-person. Peni was backed by the government.
We quite clearly mean Peter Parker you mong
Peni anime when?
616 Parker has an on and off relationship with the government.
Top tier
easily top 10 hero
Hopefully soon. A Marvel Anime with Peni would be fun.
...I recognize this artist.
During Civil War comics Peter reveals him self only to take it back later.
He would be number 1 because Hori is a massive Spider Man fag.
O rly?
chose the worst spiderman
Chihaya best spider-girl.
What the fuck
No you don't.
TakaRie did great in the spiderverse japanese dub too. They really should think about doing an OVA or something.
Marvel admits that the Toei universe belongs to the Marvel Universe
>Emissary from hell, SPIDER-MAH!
I was genuinely bummed there was no reference to toku spidey in into the spiderverse
Apparently there was a brief shot of a drawing of Leopardon somewhere
There was a scribble in Miles' notebook, but honestly, they could have done so much more
Toku spidey is such bizarre idea, had such a bizarre execution(even for a toku sometimes) and was genuinely a cultural icon in Japan for some time(the american comic book section of Akihabara toranoana even has references to him). Wasted opportunity
I don't think he's quite up there with All Might, AFO and the USJ Nomu powerwise, but Spiderman is absurdly strong. People kinda underrate him because he's usually fighting street-tier criminals but he's not that far off from a base Hulk.
He would kill most characters from BNHA in 1 punch but he's not destroying entire cities like AM and AFO. Though that might simply be that he lacks AoE techniques.. he's still a character that stops trains and can lifts elephants and cars, I can't see them being unharmed if Spidey punches them in the face but he lacks the destructive power of anime characters.
High-End went around destroying buildings as if they were paper and Endeavor could still mostly match up to him and Spiderman should be physically stronger than Enji... I don't s see Endeavor just stopping a train on its tracks. But this is pure strenght speculation and anime can't really be compared to comics.
I declare Spiderman as just as good as Endeavor, powerlevels wise. He'd be a great addition.
Now, as a hero, he may get top 10 assumming the public really likes him like they do with Best Jeanist and Wash... or he'll have a really low ranking like 132 because he only protects his little city and isn't that well known
Spidey also uses his powers pretty creatively, and his webs are even stronger than he is
Dude he would wipe the floor with endeavor
He has precognition on top of strength and shit don't forget the spider sense
Also also
The biggest problem to spider-man is always balancing his life and secret identity and having to be a vigilante
That is also something that is gone and frees him up even more.
Yeah Enji would be somewhat weaker but I put them as equals because he has god tier Endurance and with his fire powers the precognition doesn't matter that much. Enji can just heat up the area so badly metal starts to melt and fire laser beams that turn buildings into cubes. The fire aura also hard counters the web.
They're both heroes, they won't fight each other. But I see it going either way, they both can do something to beat the other one. Spidey needs to spank him good a few times and Endeavor needs to hit him with his fire.
>he has god tier Endurance
Just peak human tier endurance
I am not trying to downplay endeavor but Spider-Man is not just as strong as humans can be
both pure physical strength and endurance
spiderMAN not spiderchild
better question
How would Sufferman fare in MHA?
My girlfriend Chi-chan would be the best and cutest MHA, that's all I know!
Pretty well I guess ?
He's peak BNHA human tier user, that's an entirely different thing. Even I find it retarded, but BNHA works that way. The guy has better defense than people with actually defensive Quirks. And we know All Might too can face tank City-destroying explosions without a defense quirk; One For All doesn't give any defensive capabilities which is why Deku gets broken and beaten up all the time. All Might too "only" has the peak-human-endurance that he trained for, but the peak in BNHA is stupidly high.
I'm assumming of course that Spiderman remains the exact same as in Marvel. Because if he became a BNHA human, the boost from the spider bite would make him stronger than everyone else here.
>BNHA human tier
No such thing
that is just human
I am so sick of people using anime and manga stylistic art choices to claim humans are somehow beyond normal humans
Its like saying everyone can transform just look at their chibi faces in this panel
that's a good point
That'd be denying the feats from the only real fight he has. Endeavor survived two free falls from the sky while he was flying over buildings. And he got used as a wrecking ball to destroy other buildings and got punched by the monster who breaks concrete with ease. And he could stand after all of that. They really aren't outlier feats, Endeavor is just THAT jacked and either beyond human tier or the peak in BNHA is simply that high, just like Krillin is "peak human" in DBZ but it's way different from Marvel.
"Normal" peak humans in BNHA would be the teacher Aizawa and the villain Stain. They are fast with martial arts and weapons and could tango with the Punisher or Captain America.
user you got the wrong thread, you meant to post here
Captain america would be able to survive whatever Endeavor survived in an anime or manga.
Yeah sorry. Let me delete it.
oh shit is spiderman far from shalom.
Peter parker is about to fight some towel-heads for Israel
>OfA doesn’t give defensive capabilities
It straight up amplifies all your human abilities to the insane levels. Also 7 quirks
>strength at the OfA lvl
>spider sense
>super agile
>shoots very strong, yet elastic when needed, web
And most importantly, the thing that Hori can't replicate in MHA
>is intelligent
>intelligent and creative use of powers
This, he would only be second to All might. He could be Mirio's mentor.
>He could be Mirio's mentor.
Now that the spot is open
Wow that is fucked. What a fucking power move. Who's going to have to balls to tell the manager that the snowman is actually from a comic where a little girl is graphically raped?
I just want an anime sequel to Supaidaman.
Maybe have a halfu protagonist like Miles with Black Panther as his mecha.
Lets see:
Not spiderlike anatomy, but spider proportional strength alongside spider agility. Both of these alone would be a amazing quirk in MHA, because everybody has these really basic weaksauce quirks.
So on top of that, Spidey has some kind of magnetism that simulators gripping surfaces. Which elevates his strength and agility entire tiers.
And thats without precog and spider reflexes stacked.
tl:dr everybody is weaksauce in MHA except One for All and All for One.
And spidey spends 99% of his time in comics jobbing to street level thugs
He knows how to hold back, remember when Otto took over his body and accidentally punched off Scorpion's jaw because he didn't know how strong peter was? Spidersense is also absurd, while not literal precognition, it might as well be. Peter also holds it back, but can easily take on 6 mid to high tier heroes without taking a hit if he really tries. Web shooters and all they can do would also be fair game as hero equipment and since the webs naturally degrade quickly, he'd be one of the more welcome heroes since he purposefully tries to avoid property damage
Tony Stark once tried to figure out how the sticking works after watching Peter walk across plate glass upside down. He proceeded to say he just kind of sticks to things and hung off the underside of Hulk's arm. It's also how his mask stays on, he uses his face to stick the mask to his face with the same force he uses to hang onto things, which is the same force Kaine used to rip someones face off. The only limit to his spider sense is that he needs to understand it as a possible threat so people like Aunt May or his allies don't set it off
>And spidey spends 99% of his time in comics jobbing to street level thugs
And then he just steamrolls a Herald of Galactus.
Mystique vs Himiko
who wins?
>>strength at the OfA lvl
Lets not get crazy. Spiderman is usually presented as somewhere between 20 and 50 ton range. He can lift cars, trains carts and sometimes even large tanks. His highest level feats have him at around building level strength. OfA, on the other hand, can create fucking miniature storms just by punching.
He has superhuman strength and reflexes so he would beat the shit out of most of the verse. Just think about for a second Spiderman is a god in Boku no Weaklings.
please stop posting these faggot pictures no one cares
Every Westaboo loves Spiderman.
the costume's good, the premise is very "normal highschool student by day", lean muscle aesthetic is basically every anime protagonist physique.
Venom is also beloved as an antagonist for the same aesthetic reason.
>Venom is also beloved as an antagonist for the same aesthetic reason.
Isn't he usually an adult, with big gains?
yes, I know you've never had sex before.
67 posts, 37 IPs and you ALL managed to get it wrong.
It's Spider-man, not "Spiderman". The hyphen is important.
>can create fucking miniature storms just by punching.
that comes from strength AND speed
Marvel Universe Official Reality Number : Earth-79203 Toei Universe
Peter Parker would legit be better than Endevour.
>Has literally once lifted a jet off it's stuck landing gear and once held up a whole subway car over his head while giving a speech
>Has reacted to Quicksilver when running so fast he was creating a vacuum and draining spider-man of his oxygen
>Has one shot Tombstone, someone who is constantly shown tanking things like rockets and punched through glass that is supposed to withstand mortar shells
>Has tanked buses being smashed into him, acid and god knows how many volts Electro dishes out
>Has a level of precognition
But more importantly. That's base Spiderman and people forget Peter Parker is a GENIUS.
If given the tools by the HA he would make an Iron Spider Suit that easily quintuples all those feats may even decatuple.
His only competition is Prime All Might
According to Marvel's official worldview
Precure is the branch world of Marvel Universe
>I-i dont care what he thinks so ill just post more to show him i dont care
How insecure?
He would be overpowered
Its one of Peter's worst features:
His abilities occasionally comes up. I.e agility, precog, stickyness, organic web, chemistry genius, strength, RAGE, social situation.
But they never stay relevant, and he returns to the status quo in the next chapter anyhow.
I do wonder how much of the original 60s Spiderman you can read before you hit the first status quo reset.
Whether you like it or not, you can't deny that Toei Universe is part of Marvel Universe.
Hori loves the MCU and especially spidey, he posts capeshit a lot in twitter. Or at least used to.
Bear in mind that I actually eventually agree with you, but I have to get something off my chest: I know using feats is the go-to thing when there aren't bios, but I always thought this wasn't the best measure because it always assumes writers knew what they fuck they were writing. This is unironically a lot better now after the advent of google and wikipedia(seriously), but it is still not nearly a safe bet.
Don't believe me? Check anything involving the flash and relativity while holding even a passing knowledge on the subject. Hell, the first origin story for the flash was that he was hit by lightning after ingesting hard water.
Case in point: spidey has a hard time breaking free of metalic binds or lifting cars sometimes, but he has
>Force landed an airplane placing the force on his spine
>Lifted an iron pillar while also sustaining watter pressure from a column of water 1 mile deep
>Punch a steel vault door clean off it's hinges
>Sustain the weight of a collapsing subway tunnel
It's the kind of thing that you know the writers didn't look into before writing in and only wanted to write a cool scene.
If you were to take strength feats seriously, there is no way spidey would have ever struggled against anyone Daredevil can also take out
And, in their defense, that makes sense, Hitchcock once said: "movies are greater than reason", that is, as long as it doesn't knock you out of the suspension of disbelief, it's just a cool scene.
Ultimately, though, I agree with you that spidey isn't anywhere near OfA in terms of strength because something I KNOW FOR A FACT writers know is how heavy cars are, and spidey normally gets touted, and touts himself, as someone who can lift a big car or 2 with great difficulty
But he's slick, looks edgy with good costume and is a good mirror to the hero.
People eat that shit up.
Joker really wasn't that popular in the east compared to batman because the designs aren't comparable enough.
Venom as scary spiderman is beloved.
At this point, literally nothing.
Marvel rarely does full scale universe wide reboots like DC, so events only get updated and retconned(Flash went to Vietnam, returned from Iraq for example) and Marvel has released full retcons of spidey's high school days as mini-series by this point, so in current continuity very little, if anything of 60's Peter's high school era spider-manning is still canon to current Marvel.
Bear in mind that in order to not do full scale reboots every couple of years, these updates are necessary. Wouldn't make sense for pete to be a 28-year-old and have grown up using 60's slang and with no cellphones around, for example.
Or getting out of college without student loans. Society changed a lot since then
616? Top tier if he acts as his friendly neighbourhood self. Utterly game breaking if he takes the gloves off and is given a lab.
He more than likely would have a lab because heroes are treated way different in BnHA when compared to the MU.
He'd be able to make it a full time career and someone like JJ making his life hell would be a hard sell because there'd be so many heroes, you could hardly tell me he'd be able to single out spidey that well. Or that he'd even have that big of a grudge against spidey and not the hero system in general
I think if they made another japanese spider-man, they should kinda try to make him his own thing as much as possible, with his own explanation for his powers and his own gadgets. That said, references would be fine of course
Hell, reference the toku series by making japanese spider-man a toku fan. He needs a reason to dress like that and it's not like wrestling (at all, but especially) with masks on is even popular currently in Japan or in the US.
Okay, an office worker hero with a skinny build and no offensive quirk managed to throw a 5kg weight with enough force to send a juggernaut-sized humanoid flying into a wall and break several bones.
Again, without any kind of offensive capability this "regular human" ragdolled the juggernaut.
Even baseline humans in MHA can train to Captain America tier with relative ease.
I thought it was common knowledge that Spidey is the King of street level shit? Everyone knows he's punching way the fuck down.
>At this point
Thats missing the question asked, by usage of a 10 mile boot. As i kid i have partially read translated 60s Spiderman. Peter changes personality, fashion, lifestyle and life situation. He even changes occupation.
Its not common knowledge unless you read enough MARVEL to realize how good his stats are.
But then you get baffled by him jobbing to stuff with 1/10 of stats, because writing. And you move on, because MARVEL won't survive scrutiny.
He meant to say Suffering-Man from the Spider-Man manga.
Depending on what Spiderman and how far along we go into the comics.
Maxed out Peter Parker?
Number 1 hero no contest.
Miles Morales?
Maybe top 10 and that's because of scrub heroes that are popular like best jeanist.
Peter Parker when he's unlocked his full potential and mastered his power is insanely strong, mainly due to how stupid his Spidey senses becomes.
Easily A tier, losing out only to powerhouses like hulk, Thor, or juggernaut
A+ tier, he's easily faster than most heroes or villains but some (Quicksilver, silver surfer, Thor flight and world breaker hulk) could move faster). His Dexterity is S tier.
Once again A+ bordering on S and only because he has to contend with things that are practically invulnerable (again hulk, Galactus, etc etc). Parker can easily shrug off the signature attack of almost any hero in the BNHA series (though USA smash might sound him)
S tier. Parker is a fucking genius and applies it when being a hero. He cause minimal property damage and does his best to subdue his foe in the most efficient way. Tony Stark is smarter, banner is better at physics, but Parker's general intelligence is absolutely top tier.
Again S tier. Parker is a likeable hero even when the news shits on him relentlessly. In the BNHA universe he would incredibly popular
Absolutely fucking God tier. This shit is one of the best powers in the marvel universe.
He lacks big flashy AoE attacks and would have a rough time destroying large structures like buildings. He's not a bunker buster and never has been(though if he had the iron spider suit it could be a different story). Some heroes like Endeavor have natural counters to his webs, which is a large part of his versatility, but Spidey senses and superior physical skills can account for this. Even USJ noumu would get rekt because impact resistance won't stop Parker from throwing jabs that could break a tank.
he'd keep getting new powers and tweaks every chapter and become a nonsensical mess of a beta cuck character as everyone else in MHA
> if anything of 60's Peter's high school era spider-manning is still canon to current Marvel.
They've recently brought up how 15 years old spidey created a device from dumpster diving that disrupted the laws of gravity locally.
Kamui Woods is basically a diluted Spiderman and he's already a top 10 hero
This is comparable to saying Deku beats Frieza because narratively the hero always win. We're comparing Spiderman to BNHA heroes, you have to point out that BNHA humans are much more durable than regular humans if you want to gauge Spiderman's relative strength to the pro heroes.
>We're comparing Spiderman to BNHA heroes, you have to point out that BNHA humans are much more durable than regular humans
Or they are not and Spider-Man who literally canonically exists in the BnHA universe is a bnha human
is he?