Tenki no Ko - Special PV


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31 songs in total. 5 vocal theme songs + 26 instrumental ones radwimps.jp/news/10473/



Shinkai says the movie (ending?) will be divisive twitter.com/to_mato867/status/1145985567403831301

Maybe this will force him to finally get a writer once this movie tanks.

Finds a way.

I wonder what about it could be divisive

Don't know, there are people who hate 5cm/s' ending while others think it's one of the best ever. So it could be anything.

He's going full Anno

maybe instead of falling in love they end up hating each other more and more

maybe the feminine looking one will have the penis


the neko is cute

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The weather girl dies.
No Taki to save her this time though.
He didn't find a way

how long until bluray, december?

At least 6 months, maybe more.

I hope the anime is at least watchable in case it tanks

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I thought he learned with Kimi No Wa that people aren't into bittersweet romance.

I hope they show this in theatres where I live. Missed out on seeing Your Name on the big screen and I regret it.

Where do you live? SEA (Aug/Sept), HK, KR(Oct), and US(early 2020) are confirmed I believe.

Finally he gets what I want from his movie. Just fucking blueball me so hard this time to make up for Kimi no na Wa

>SEA (Aug/Sept)
Oh my oh my

Probably an open ending again? Shinkai is doing this a lot.

Probably will trigger conservatives.

Australia. I imagine it will be shown here. Your Name was but I only realised on the day it stopped screening.

Any news of a Taiwan release date?

No. It will trigger the libs, own the libs.

Trump is being investigated in this timeline.

Will there be phone shenanigans involved again?

He's being investigated in any timeline tbqh.

No collusion, no obstruction. How can you obstruct an investigation of crime that didn't happen? Trump2020.

How long before this is added to Crunchyroll?

He's involved with Intel here this time.
Watson AI business or something

Just check the Chinese release date.

5 years.

full-blown, openly NTR end

The guy dies at the end


>no press screening scheduled as the movie is still very much in production

QUALITY theater run incoming?

The guy is a dragon who got stuck on earth and basically uses the girl to get him back up to skies.

5cm ending incoming

Nah, Shinkai was working on Your Name til 3 days before Anime Expo. It'll mostly be subtle polishing.

It'll be fine. The footage from today's trailer is from 1 and a half months ago. It'll probably finish production sometime next week or a little after that.

I’m a elite weeb who hates anything popular take my bait please

I was thinking it was going the way of Children who chase lost voices but the trailers are progressively more interesting
they also did 2 commercial tie ins

Attached: keit-ai 2.webm (768x432, 2.5M)

So it was basically already done less than 2 months before theater release.
That's reassuring.


No, that's just Shinkai savoring that sweet sweet TOHO funding he kept on bitching about from his last work.

If I don't get a happy ending like Your name I'm going to riot

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It will not earn more than Your Name.
It might not even cross the 10 billion yen mark

Cute weather girl

isn't the novelisation out already?

The day before the movie comes out, but it's ready.

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gonna be a 7/10 meme movie calling it now

Well, maybe TOHO shouldn't be such jews and just give him the money since it's probably going to be the biggest movie of the year in Japan.

They are
That's probably why it's still on production.
Shinkai's sucking them dry

>Spoil yourself with a glorified script booklet before watching the movie
Who approved this?

This is what happens when autismbux are spent correctly.

And confirmed for AOTY.
Not like anything else had a chance.

Is this another movie of Shinkai? What is it about? Aside from the usual boy falls in love with a girl

Will this movie finally prove that Shinkai is not a hack and KNNW wasn't just a fluke?

Homeless boy meets airbender girl
Guns and a supposedly divisive ending are involved

Weather girl controls weather
Government does not like that
Manhunt begins.

The people who buy these always get them after they’ve seen the film

>Boy meets girl

>If there is a god, please let us be this way forever
What did he mean by that ?
If they don't end up together I will legitimately riot

>What did he mean by that ?
The girl becomes a government experiment
They will never meet again.

There's nothing wrong with that though, it's like saying all action films are bad because
>good guy beats bad guy

It's all about the execution.

hmmm i seem to recall another anime where a boy meets girl-turned-government-experiment/military-superweapon. i wonder what was its name again?

The twist is the girl was a government experiment to begin with

Is this from the last decade?

i was pretending to be retarded, but come to think of it, i did actually forget a different but similar something that is pretty old

Whispers of a Celestial Object

SaiKano is a more precise fit though

>Boy meets girl
>Yet another mystical bullshit narrated by grandma
>Another attempt at plot twist
>Another attempt at bittersweet endings
Tell me why I won't be watching a Your Name reskin this time

t. kyoanigger


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Can relate. I still hate that ending, it was extremely stupid.

It won't be the same as keit-ai though.

imagine the GFD

The movie is still in production, I was at the Annecy Festival last month and it was still in WIP.

Why would they show an unfinished movie to a critical audience of animation buffs? I don't understand this industry sometimes.

But it was screened nonetheless?
How much was shown?

Shinkai had made that too

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They show the 4 first minutes and the last 30s were storyboard.

But everything else has been animated?

There needs to have a new 5cm/s to have a payoff similar to Your Name in his next work.

Yeah I also saw Haku in the trailers

Yes, but some part were just drafts.

That wouldn't be divisive, more like unifying, after all, all men have to a degree a little bit of cuckholding fetish in them, no matter how much they deny it due social pressure or plain fear of being seen as lesser men, despite fapping to porn where a third party male/monster/animal fucks a girl and not them.

Good thing it was not in the running then
What an embarrassment

>Garden of Words - feet
>Your Name - spit
What will be Shinkai's next fetish?

As a Shinkaichad myself, I must admit that I teared up a little bit on the montage at the beginning. Especially when Takaki and Akari were going for the kiss and the sun pulled them apart.

NTR ending confirmed

The theme to this one seems to be running around water, so... watersports perhaps.

>once this movie tanks
Like Your Name ? hahahahaha


>Sleeveless FeMC/support cast
It'll be armpits.

The joke here was that Your Name made a gorillion dollars you pleb

No one expects Your Name to become that successful not Shinka or even Toho.

But why did he quote me?

Thought you mean he still needs a writer despite Your Name earning fucktons of money.


How did I get hyped from this?
I was doing pretty good already ignoring the earlier trailers

Good to know he finally admits all his movies are essentially remakes of the first two.

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No Tenmon again?

Was he even in denial?

How can Kyoani even compete?

maybe they both die and fuze with the weather, so they can be together forever

How does he get away with it

Literally Darling in the FranXX.

Damn, all his movies look the same

Kino realistic unhappy ending incoming all the fags who only watched Kimi no nawa are gonna be furious.

she cute

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it'll get an NA theater release so you'll be able to watch it sooner

that'll be 1st qtr next year at the earliest.

the novelisation of your name was pretty good expanded on taki's character a bit more

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I can't wait for the fan art and pngs of her when the blu ray is out

>I was thinking it was going the way of Children who chase lost voices
But that's Shinkai's best work

it's ambitious but bland and unfocused

literally shows more personality than Mitsuha
and this is just from a fucking commercial

The only thing I got from the novel is that Taki did try calling her.
Wonder why Shinkai didn't include that in the movie.
Could've lessen the shitposting.

Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard.

iirc it goes into some detail on his backstory/family and he does call her after the date and there is a clever cut to the festival comet scene and back

coma NTR, calling it

But he is being investigated though.

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MC will be the successor to the weather girl
of course she dies.

can't wait for ntr doujins


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Uniqlo revealed T-shirt collaboration with Shinkai. Which one will Yea Forums get?

last 3 look good

Can't wait for the JAV remake

Will this finally earn an oscar to Shinkai?

>It'll be up against Toy Story 4

Now licensed by GKids, and can't be worse than Mirai, so at least he'll finally get nominated.
Winning it though might be impossible

Gkids are distributing it who will put it up for awards but it could children of the sea instead which is the obligatory animated film at film festivals.

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>Children of the Sea
what a kino MV

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similar sounding to fireworks
weird to have a pop song with Hisashi doing the score
I expect a lot of buzz next week about it anyway

It’ll likely get an Oscar-qualifying run before the end of the year.

Pixar is no longer the critical darling it used to be.

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>toy story

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>excited by shrek
>mirai? didn't watch it

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That's not how oscars work

It will be soon enough

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>the movie made about 20 years ago beat the modern one.


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are we even sure that's matoko shinkai??
that guy seem's like an average fgo fan

>imagine being this braindead

The opposite is true. The average fgo fan looks like Makoto Shinkai. Because they got lots of money, apparently.

>Oscars for best animation
>Being Critical

>Toy Story earning lower due to having lower screenings

Didn't this already screened weeks ago?

Yes, and it (kinda) flopped.

Great so another glorified music video. Good job Shinkai, here's your oscar.

What did they mean by this

Mirai was terrible though. Wish I could unwatch that shit.

>weird to have a pop song with Hisashi doing the score
I think that's a plus.
shows his range.
he can get on with the times, dealing with audience who drool for pop music while still being amazing for what he's known for.

Opens next week, only 1 review on RT and its negative though

I thought it already screened in Japan?

Probably at some festivals but publicly on the 7th

A very risky marketing strategy
Makes a good documentary movie for either flop/hit outcome

Way better than Ralph Breaks the Internet though.

Some critics have compared it to 2001: A Space Odyssey.

>another boy meets girl lens flare movie

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Felt weird seeing how mainstream Makoto Shinkai now after Your Name. Before this people only talk about how his films are scenery porn only.

Got too lazy with the production?

looks like he's back to making shit again

5cm and your name are the only good things he's done

Garden > Children > Voices > Your Name > 5cm > Place Promised

7th of last month I was wrong