Post smiles worth protecting

Post smiles worth protecting

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>gym tranny

>He doesnt know.

Machio is peak performance.

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He left humanity behind

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Your smile.

Attached: 1545776266285.jpg (1920x1080, 180K)

Apparently this lazy fuck's smile is worth more.

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How is a completely average boy so perfect?

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Will he ever be relevant again?

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Can I watch this without knowing anything from Kaiji?

Yeah,you should be fine.Though it can be considered a prequel in the sense that it takes place ~2 years before the events of Kaiji.

It blatantly spoils entire plot points from Kaiji in heavy expositions dumps. You should finish the first two parts of Kaiji at least.

That's a smile worth being punched for.

I'd give it a 5

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