Kimetsu No Yaiba

Current arc discussion, how do you think the arc has been shaping up?
>Lower moon fodder
>Dimensional fortress
>Akaza scenes
>Zenitsu stuff
>UM4 2
>Douma scenes
>Kokushibou appears

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It is going downhill since after UM3s battle. I liked how he killed himself in the end even if the see-through asspull took a lot away from my enjoyment, the shit after that has been worse and worse, zenitsu pulling a 7th form out of his ass and flower-girl doing the same with her supereye-mode and this despite the fact that the tattoos have been especially made a big deal that could be awakened by anyone with the necessary conditions (which the two in their personal battles (three with inosuke) would have certainly awakened).
I feel like the mangaka is just aiming for the end, the fight with UM4&5 will take 5 chapters each and than we get UM1 who dies in 10 chapters before a long as fuck battle happens with everyone fighting muzan who pulls a new mode out of his ass every 5 chapters.

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Kokushibou is definitely stronger than Muzan dude

Not anymore. Muzan can kill him with just his will.

I think user meant fighting power and skills.

Not that it means much but the last thing the latest chapter said was ' the strongest demon appears! '

>Douma died and now we're seeing the UM4 fight
I feel weird about this.

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I feel you bro.. you would think with the strongest demons around the stakes would be fucking high but the douma battle literally PLUMMETED the stakes

Yes, that's why Kokushibou is Muzan's top retarded minion.

>numbers have to be in order
Don't worry, you just have autism.

I wish Douma was just weakened and actually managed to run away.

I just read a theory why Zenitsu scream so much. Because he hearing is too good, he heard a lot of thing at the same time.Like in a noisy environment, people usually shout to make sure other hear them. For Zenitsu most environment too noisy so he usually shout or scream.

This feel more like Zenitsufags try to justify him being so annoying.

I can't believe Inosuke is fucking dead

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He wasnt even on his best, this can be done at the beginning of the show for a mid-tier enemy in order to show just how big the powergap is but not to one of the final boss enemys who also happens to have such a personal connection to the main chars.
Their victory feels hollow and desu, this series would have benefitted 100 times more from a slower pacing, more build up is what we needed for this fight to make any big impact, we never got any fight from flowergirl until now and suddenly its one about her past and whatever.
Inosuke never showed any interest in his past or his parents and now we got his mother as the motivation.
Both are understandable but woudl have beenfitted a billion times more if there was build up to the importance for the stuff they had/didnt know they have.

Who's going to be Upper Moon 0?


You should slow down a bit when you type.

Tanjiros grandpa, he uses a breath above the Breath of the Sun. Its the Breath of the collapsed Sun, also known as Breath of the Black Hole.

I love Zenitsu which is why I'm so fucking mad at how his fight was managed. Sure the full color chapter was cool but there was so much shit that came out of nowhere and it felt so incredibly rushed and short.
Aside from that I have no complaints, I liked Douma dying because it took the sacrifice of a pillar to get it and it was something that was planned with anticipation which might be less cool but makes more sense than "demon makes me angry I have sad backstory time to overpower them for no reason".

The poor buildup for the battle made 'emotional' aftermath so weak.. like it didn't earned

Zenitsus fight felt almost like a sidenote. A barely mentioned older "sibling", a barely spoken about past, obviously that far more talented sibling was also a prodigy and now he went to the evil side.
This basically is naruto & sasuke but just that it had basically a total count of 10 chapters dedicated to their character and past. Its really strange to see Zenitsu so invested in the problem while i, as a reader, barely remember who the asshole is he is talking to or why i should give a fuck.

Wait he was mentioned before? I remember the old man but I thought that guy was introduced in that fight lol
This shows why buildup is so damn important for moments like this and how actually showing us the contents of the letter and him talking to someone else about this thing back in the training arc instead of making it so Tanjirou centric would've made it so much more impactful

Oh also kind of a nitpick but pig being left alone as basically a toddler but retaining memories from that time was retarded. Why not make the mother abandon him when he was like 4 or 5 years old and give him the good ol amnesia instead?

yeah like 2 times before that but if you speedread through it you probably going to miss it.

In a world where you can somehow hear ghosts/see/feel them and where you get memorys of your acenstors i would say that having memorys asa toddler is far easier acceptable.


> newfag hates based blackhole power
Im not suprised.

It's ok user, I'm a newfag and I love it

How fucking old is the main cast?I know Inosuke is about 15-16 but what about Nezuko,Tanjiro and Zenitsu?

around that. Zen is the oldest then Tanjirou and Inosuke. Nezuko should be 2 years younger than them.

Do you guys think we will reach the train arc? I'm arguing with a guy who keeps saying that spider arc will last for 4 episodes max.

Maybe. It depends on how ufotable decides to set the pace for the following episodes.

Agree. Wani should made more filler arc, those are fun. They don't need to fight top-tier demon everytime, instead have the characters go and find the demon, investigate like in Gaiden. Also Kaigaku should show up more, like the group actually meet him. Make Kaigaku a top ranking demon slayer of the corp but always been an asshole to Zenitsu. That would make the emotioanl payoff more effective. Inosuke could be given more hint about his birth mother, like the cloth that have his name written on it.

Akaza fight > Douma fight > Kaigaku fight.

Akaza have the most build up and the strongest emotional connection with who he fight. Douma only connection before his fight was with Shinobu and by extent Kanao. Kaigaku have some flash back scenes but we have never seen him as an enemy before this arc.