Have /fit/ girl fetish

Damn that bitch is big.

I wouldn't disagree but I can't say that's a particularly rare problem in the mangaka world. As long as you have a distinguishable style and good char design it's worth praising.

Attached: 100.jpg (800x1138, 372K)

Because OPM is ONE's you brainlet kek, Murata just draws he thing
I know it's common, but it's very noticeable in Murata's art which is weird because he's one of the best artists atm, his art is flawless. His male characters don't have the same problem

Attached: 1561250023940.jpg (1411x1200, 485K)

*the thing


Attached: captain_mizuki_completion_1_by_olamiku_dcjquhl-fullview.jpg (1024x447, 136K)

No joke, she's easily close to 7-foot tall. I wonder why she doesn't try women's basketball.

It's not that bad

Attached: SBR Sameface.jpg (398x640, 64K)