Mangaka makes up for lack of well-written plot and story with character design

>mangaka makes up for lack of well-written plot and story with character design

Why is this so commonplace in anime? Is being a skilled storyteller simply not marketable anymore?

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>read nothing but shitty manga
>make a thread talking about how plot isn’t marketable anymore
Read better manga

>read nothing but shitty manga
>make a thread talking about how plot isn’t marketable anymore
Read better manga

This is simply not an argument, and the deliberate use of such retarded mental gymnastics is an insult to your own intelligence

It’s not my fault you enjoy consuming shit and generalize an entire industry as shit because of your own lack of self-awareness and willingness to search for somethng good
Again, read better manga

Again, not an argument

how can it not be an argument
he's arguing that you only care about shitty manga. Is he wrong, I doubt it

Read more Chica Umino

I don't even know what you're talking about. Do you have any specific examples? How does the way characters are designed have anything to do with a plot, let alone make up for not having a good one?

keep reading copy paste my class got transported to another world and I got bertrayed #432

Most good artists who are shitty writers are too prideful to get a partner to write for them. Or the company refuses to give them a partner, probably because people eat their shit up anyway so hiring another person isn't necessary.

That's how you can differentiate a pseud from one that actually knows their shit. When an OP that's actually intelligent makes a claim they don't wait for people to ask for evidence. They would support their shit with evidence and explanations of what they're talking about. I predict that OP is not even going to provide an example, he's probably going keep dodging the question while the rest of the thread is just going to assume he was just reading some shitty isekai series.

Any idiot can learn to draw well. Writing well takes an exceptional intellect.

Manga doesn't need well written plot or story

t. person that doesn't know how to draw or write

Like user said
As long as the characters keep being interesting the rest can be a clusterfuck while still having fans spending on the series

No reason to waste time and effort while you can make do with just good characters

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Yes, it is. It's not our fault that you're too stupid to realise it.

>Stealth BHA thread

but then we have One Piece that does the opposite and became the most popular series ever. Are you sure you are correct OP?


all we need are waifus and MC-bowls

Also have HxH where the mangaka doesn't even draw anymore and is still big. Where's your god now?

Nobody works on an anime thinking "boy, the writer we have is bad, so let's make sure the character designs are good to pick up the slack". The character designer is focused on designing characters and the writer writes.


We can see this in many series that managed to hold a gathering of fans that was or still is ongoing after many years
(Shounen in general really)
Waifu of the Season & MoeBlobs (even after they ended)
and so on

We can see the pattern where the story doesn't really need to go anywhere or make much sense to gather the attention of readers or watchers
The characters themselves are appealing enough for people to find the series attractive to them

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Having appealing characters and only having interesting character designs are different things though. And I don't think people don't like HXH's story. It's slow, sure, but people like all the different sides at play and who's going to come out on top. Characters interacting is a hallmark of slice of life anime so it's obvious that slice of life (including moe) anime is going to focus on characters more than anything. And good character design generally goes along with good characters but they're not the same thing and having good characters that people find interesting enough that they like just seeing them in different situations is hardly something to consider bad.

Isekai process
>some basement dweller posted in Japanese about his fetishes, writing is very low quality because he never written before, gets popular due to people with similar fetishes
>the publishing equivalent to pulp and YA novels picks it up for a quick buck and low cost. gets someone on pixiv to do the illustrations. Pixiv guy is a starving artist that has pretty good art but no connections, good deal
>webmanga site does a semi-official manga of it with just as much cost as making the Webnovel in the first place (barely any). Famous H-artist is put to the task in an effort to go legit. Beautiful art due to years of drawing fap-worthy porn
>2-bit studio wants to fill timeslot and makes a throwaway anime. Doesn't do much to it but gives some animators freedom and it still has some of the design quality from the other two material before it

I don't know dude, why are visuals what get people's attention in a visual medium, it's a real mystery to me

Fair fair
Characters (including design and execution of said design) are still the most important part of most stories outside a few genres
(of course I'm being biased)

Nothing else to add really user, good thread, not inspired to write a wall tonight to say the same thing but more detailed

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>Not realizing OP was only talking about anime
if he was talking about manga it would be really embarrassing for him.

>2-bit studio wants to fill timeslot and makes a throwaway anime
>it becomes an instant hit and a cash cow thanks to lonely basement dwellers desperate for low brow escapism
>entire process repeats

>does well
>manga money

>does poorly
>eh it was just to meet a quota
