Watch the anime or read the manga?

Watch the anime or read the manga?

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Read the anime and watch the manga.

Listen to the manga, play the anime.

fuck you both

Smell the anime, and touch the anime.

read/watch something that isn't generic isekai

Neither and fuck you

Play Civilization with mods

Watch something else.

read the fucking web novel you filthy quatenary

I can't believe Shion is fucking dead!

Attached: ShesDeadRim.jpg (924x871, 460K)


Masturbate to the hentai

Read the Yen Press release of the light novel.

Kill self.

I wish...

Fap to the slime.

Neither, its 4/10

watch the first half of the anime, then read the WN

Fap to Rimuru

Anime has pretty good production value. Go with whatever appeals to you most.

the velda arc was drawn out and got really dull, but its still at least a 6/10 for me

>Watch the anime or read the manga?
Read the Web Novel, watch the anime, read the manga, read the Light Novel.

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