The most wonderful time of the year. Get in here Keionbros.

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I know who I'm fapping to today.

Pfft, who cares... Wake me up when it's pic related's birthday.

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Worst girl

I don't like her eye brows

How old

Old enough

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What's your favorite part of Mugi's deep & interesting personality?

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Her whimsical, impulsive attitude hidden beneath her gentle veneer.

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happy birthday to a beautiful girl and a talented musician

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Mugi is so cute.

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why don't we have keion doujins anymore. wtf jingrock.

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She is a slut

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Mugi a loev.

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Happy birthday Mugi

Ritsu wouldn't be happy if she heard it

Mugi is only cute because she's rich. That said, the pendant thing on her shoulder has no business staying so high - it should slide down seeing as her arm gets narrower in that direction.

Happy birthday Mugi!

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>boob sock

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Happy birthday, cute girl with a cute personality, a cute voice, cute hair and cute legs.

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no ntr

18. She turns 18 every year.

Mugi and her wives.

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mugi berongs to fingoorians

Happy birthday Moog!

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I love Mugi so much!

I want her to give me a checkup.


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Happy birthday, here is a bump for you.

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Wait a second, isn't she the girl who stole the strawberry?

Did you say Mugi?

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Mugi does what she wants.
Mugi takes what she wants.

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Her eyebrows are legitimately fucking disgusting. Shave that shit off please

Best of the best.

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