The new utawarerumono game is a mobage

And it already has a decent amount of dislikes on the announcement video. underwater ray romano 4 never

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Other urls found in this thread:

Now this is hilarious.

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How did it go so wrong?

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FGO started this

I like how mobage sounds like garbage

I don't get the hate for games on phones, phones are common tools nowadays so it will have a bigger market.
And for fans of the game it would be more convenient since they'll probably carry phones everywhere already.

Should have fucked Eruru last, not first. It made Hakuoro look like a flippant slut plowing every other girl afterward.

utawarerumono itself antagonized mobage.

The better solution would have been to plow them all more than once.

Ok, but where the fuck are the Hakus?

Just take a look at the comments.

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Well obviously one of them can't appear since its a huge spoiler from the end of the third game, and the other can't appear also due to a major spoiler from the end of the third game

Either of them appearing would majorly spoil something, unless this game took place in the past or some shit which it probably will.

>unless this game took place in the past
Well, Oshtor is there...

No pc port

>They lost me the moment they sold out and turned it into a normalfag compatible non-ero game for handheld/console. This is only the continuation of their direction. They simply go where the money is.

Eruru still best utaware.

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Not eve top ten.

Making more money is fine, but I wish these companies would also sell ero versions too with some of their profit instead of abandoning their origins.

You have a phone, right?

KEY did that, they made an ero version of Little Busters later on.

But most eroge companies are trying to go legit you know. The make eroge, but its a means to an end, they're trying to become mainstream eventually. They take the first chance they can get to do so. Fate, Utawarerumono, KEY, they used porn as a launching point and then went legit and stopped doing porn as soon as they caught on a bit. Porn helps you get in the door, but the porn makes up like 5% of the game and isn't really the reason people walked away enjoying it. They create a rich deep story, and add a bit of porn. And once it gets popular enough, they remove the porn and try selling it mainstream more.

>But most eroge companies are trying to go legit you know. The make eroge, but its a means to an end, they're trying to become mainstream eventually.
That's because they want the normalfag money, which is on consoles, where eroge are not permitted. People who were fine with them giving up on their eroge and PC roots shouldn't complain about them abandoning consoles and going after the mobile/gaccha-money now as they're doing the exact same thing they were doing before: sell out for greater profit.

Uta hasn't been porn since the PS2 re-release over ten years ago. Which is strange since you can still kinda tell where the sex scenes were supposed to go in Uta3.

good, despite all the retards, 2 and 3 were actually bad

>video games are getting worse all around the world
I love capitalism. :)

Carrier and Air support are best girls.

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We know you're mad that you're a poorfag that can't afford a console to play 2 and 3.

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>Retards are now turning on Uta sequels which were amazing, now that a new game is coming out
>Slowly becoming an elitism contest where you're not a true fan if you don't only like the first game, and hate everything else.

You know its possible to denounce the mobile game without also going out of your way to say that Yamato Saga was bad, when it was anything but bad.

I already wasn't feeling the announcement when it was rumored to be Uta4 because 3 ended just fine and the series didn't feel like it needed any follow up, but it turning out to be pure series milking with mobileshit is seriously disappointing.

The fact is there have been 3+ different eroge companies in the last year that have shut down due to unsuccessful ventures into the social game market. Copying FGO just for free money is not a legitimate business strategy for these companies.

what companies

Not having AT LEAST a Kuon scene or two was really weird to me. Like you know they really wanted them in certain parts of the story.

I just know about light(that tried to go into the mobage territory and didn't even get to release the game) and sprite(they released a mobage but it wasn't even near as succesful as the original game).
Dunno about the third one though.

It really didn't, it was just the first really big success.

Anime of the third game when?

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It's because games on phones are steaming garbage with a heaping of lootbox bullshit 99% of the time.

We're at the point where a butchered season 3 adaptation would be better than what we're getting right now.

I think the story is cool but I didn't like any of the games. Even for an early 2000s pc game, the original had really weak mechanics and most of the battles were more of a chore than anything actually interesting or tactical.


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user, you're pronouncing one of those wrong

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will Aquaplus die after trying to make gacha like Lght and Sprite? or will they able to tank it like NIS?

Mobage aren't great but that doesn't mean it's okay to be retarded

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How are the ps4 games? I really like the original utawarerumono.

Starts slowly, but later on it gets really intense and blows the original out of the water.

Damn. I'm looking forward to them then.

Why is the pic inside the pic so goddamn relevant to everything these days?

Enjoy the ride, especially the Mask of Truth.
Sadly(?), the first half of the Mask of Deception is comfy SoL and it can bore you to death if you are expecting a lot of action right from the start.

That's alright. Is it on the ps3 store or ps4 only for the west?

This is the world we are living in.
Publishers are milking everything they possible can, killing the whole franchise in the process.
It happens more often than it should.

PS4 and PSVita only.

Yep. I would even accept Zan 2 since it would also adapt MoT.

Post rare rulutiehs and comfy birbs

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They really did this? Wow.
for non moon readers not in the know it and most comments quote. "Taking back games from smartphones".

>Even the japs are hating phone games now
I thought in their culture phone games were better received because of ridiculous work times

They are hating on Aquaplus hipocrisy, not in mobages itself really, but it's a really good thing that they are mad about it as much as us.

>more gacha
Government regulations when.

for Japan. Never ever.

Either way they'll turn basically every franchise into casino by then.

I feel sick.

Right after they properly regulate Pachinko.So never.

Pachinko is an one-off case for mostly Japan.
Gacha is a worldwide phenomenon (gee thanks EPIC), particularly rampant in the entire SEA.
The crackdowns are inevitable.

Bros, I don't feel so good...

Oh lovely, what's next? Eien Shinken? Rance?

Ar Tonelico

ES mechanics do seem to fit well in gacha

Has anything happened with that series since Surge or are they hard on the atelier train these days?

Please no

>ranceverse game set decades/centuries after Rance X
>villain is gele
>players are all descendants of Rance
>PVP toushin toushi
Actually, why am I even thinking about this? Paying for pngs is dumb.

Sorry. I have no more tears left to shed.

Are nips roasting Aquaplus over this?


Let this fail and they'll go back to making proper games again.

>japanese mobage
Those bugmen will eat anything aquaplus will shit out at them. They just need a few whales to keep the game running. It's going to be a success and we can't do anything about it. Nips are angry about it just as much as we are, but they will throw their whole paycheck at it anyway.

>I don't get the hate for games on phones
Because they fucking suck and are filled with predatory monetization practices

>Because they fucking suck and are filled with predatory monetization practices
That's current gaming in general.

>They just need a few whales to keep the game running. It's going to be a success and we can't do anything about it.
That's not true. There's A LOT of failed mobage out there.

There's plenty of mobage that failed and were shut down within a year.

Didn’t the Kabaneru mobage die just a few days ago too?

Only if you go for games that have the latter as a selling point. Not everything has lootbox bullshit

>They just need a few whales to keep the game running
The thing is that you have to actually get the whales though. Dies Irae's company went the mobage route and it didn't even get off the ground and the studios dead

Did anyone ever gave a shit about Kabaneri?

>tfw this game is gonna die 6 months after launch and completely destroy investor confidence in the franchise
I cant beleive Uta is gonna die because of mobile shit.
My boy Haku didnt deserve this sort of death senpai....

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If Aquaplus dies out they owe us a "official" doujin of Haku railing Kuon and the twins

Better for it to die out than be a success and have half-assed sequels and spinoffs forever

I don't know how the PS port of the orginal handled it, but in MoT I think it would have fine with a fade to black, it wasn't neccesary to show the scenes explicitly
When we get a new console game.

Only Kuon. Kuon is perfect.

>Not wanting h-scene with Atui or Rurutie.
1 star post

Late reply but when will they release Eien Shinken 3?

Late this year I heard



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Atuy and Nosuri you mean

>ywn trick Nosuri into having sex with you

I hope so. I want to experience dimension cleaving lolis.

Is best girl(boy) ever gonna get porn?

Nekone did nothing wrong.

Speaking of Atelier, what happened to their Atelier mobage anyway? I've never seen anyone talk about it. Did the game flop really hard or something? I love Atelier series, I don't mind playing mobage but I will not touch any mobage that isn't popular.

Considering that it has the same IP holder as Atelier series and Atelier already has soulless mobage, this is very likely to happen.

Thanks, one less reason to live past this year.

>I don't mind playing mobage
This is a bad mindset and you should feel bad for having it.

Your boy Haku probably don't feel so good.

That's my boy
Any decent doujin? I don't wanna sully my memories trying to search through shit

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Nope. Only Nekone has a half decent one.

There's nothing wrong with playing mobages. most companies that make them are greedy pieces of shit but that doesn't make the game itself a bad thing. Also, fun things are fun.

>fire emblem mobage failed
>zero no kiseki mobage failed
Why are they trying to go in to the mobage market? Do thy really think anyone just be another FGO?

Jap mgmt is always super-stupid on average, see Sony.

Because phones games and phones in general are pure cancer.
>Why do people hate predatory shit games designed to suck your wallet dry with almost no return?
Because most people actually want real games with actual gameplay and a story, instead of glorified gambling with a garbage story to fit as many characters in as possible.
It's even worse because the actual Utaware games are really good, so getting a garbage mobage hurts even more.
>Hurr mobage are real rpgs
No, it's gambling and only designed around exploiting the player.

At least Suara won't disappoint with the new song
I don't know if someone patched the ps3 version.
You'd better be off buying the ps4/psv version


even the 15 second CM is really reminiscent of FGO style CMs

Is the first game worth reading/playing in this age?

It is a decent game, but the remake is getting localized near the start of next year so it might be better to wait

Shut the fuck up Kiuru

I think that it is age, which shut down Muv-Luv: Strike Frontier last year.

Probably trying to bleed it dry before tossing the entire franchise to the side sadly.

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>>fire emblem mobage failed

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>is a useless neet who eats all your food

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Mobage aren't fun though.

pathetic, underwater ray romano can go fuck himself.

Funny enough, Alicesoft was recluting to make a Mobage/Webage. We still don't know if they're gonna touch Rance now that TADA is complete retired.

>Why are they trying to go in to the mobage market? Do thy really think anyone just be another FGO?

Why do you think any trend becomes a trend? Why do you think every LN coming out is an isekai? Why do you think most Western games are either a Battle Royale or have lootboxes (or both)? Why do you think high school battle harems were a thing for so long and almost immediately shifted to isekai after it got popular.

Mobage are no different. They want that FGO/Kancolle money

kancolle has long died

Kuon had a fade to black. Kuon's sex scene was obviously in the ruins after the capital was nuked. All the sex scenes in MoT were implied.

Okay? It still made a lot of money

He wants to fuck Nekone though

They should have said it was a mobage right away. I have no isses with mobage but Aquaplus didnt handle the announcement well

>Because most people actually want real games with actual gameplay and a story, instead of glorified gambling with a garbage

Except even console games are doing this while still also having shit story and gameplay so I don't know what you're on. Most games are trash now. And most mobage don't require you to spend money, people just don because they have no self control and should seek help regardless of whether it's a phone game or not

There's still games with good gameplay and story being released, just certainly not on mobile. The difference is that mobile pretty much confirms it's going to be half-assed garbage.

Kuon is garbage. The worst kind of tsundere in the first game who "Lol I beat up MC during any misunderstanding, so fanny", and violent or psychotic in a different way in the second game.

All true men here can admit that Sarana, Ururu, Nosuri, Rulutie, or Anju are better than her. Kuon's development felt negative by the third game where she actively acted worse over time. Anju started out a brat but you saw her get better over time and become a competant ruler who started to understand the weight of her position. The twins are solid and always there for Haku, they knew everything from the start including how his story would end, and went against their programming to choose him for themselves. Even going against his orders to try to remove the giant egg. Rulu is solid, despite loving Haku from the start she had the strength to keep going and keep helping out the resistance unlike Kuon, she kept her pain hidden each night, and during the day she was a pillar of strength to help out in the castle working herself to exhaustion each day since its the only way she knew how to help. Nosuri is retarded but she's solid and noble despite that, she never really wavered or questioned her path much, she just tried to live up to her family's code.

Atuy and Kuon are in the lower category.

As someone in Japan right now, 90% of people will be pulling out their phones on the train, the rest are either reading or sleeping. What else can you do?

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Well what he wants and what he's gonna get are completely different.

She's a spoiled brat, but war beat a lot of the innocence and stupidity out of her.

Well if he wanted that, he shouldn't have been such a pansy-ass faggot.

god I wish that was me
I'm a useless neet already

What did Nekone do that wasn't a massive fuck up?

Haku definitely fucked Koun atop his cryostasis bed right then there at that scene and impregnated her.

Then it came rushing back after Haku fixed things for her.

She had a sexy voice

She spent months teaching Haku how to run a province and doing basically half of his work.

>The scenario for the game, which is described as an RPG for people who like to enjoy stories, is being written by Tsutomu Washimi

>He also added that there are still many episodes that have not been written, such as the “Episode 0” story set before the first game, or the story between the first and second games.


This mobage seems to be one of the prequels that they were talking about, so maybe it is just a side project and they are working also on a new RPG for consoles?

Damn, the link has a typo:


Man, I know this series is really unknown compared to a lot of games, especially since Mask of Deception/Truth is only on PS4, but I absolutely loved those two games, the first one on PC was just okay. I hope they come to PC one day, if only so there's a bigger audience,

>A tsundere

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I wouldn't mind a mobile game if they didn't half ass the story and gameplay, but they probably will. Hope you're right about it being a side project.

I though it was Love Live School Idol Festival.

Even if it is a side project, I don't like it. A big part of what made 2/3 great is the seemingly large budget they had for them in relation to other VNs which let them have really good production values. While you could argue that the mobage will just generate money for the real game, I have a feeling this isn't going to be a money maker at all and will probably just hurt them, so the real RPG is getting its budget split to a side project that will only hurt it.

It did,but now it's losing revenue.We'll see if all stars will help the matters or not.

serve drinks nanodesu

There's also NIS. They aren't an eroge company, but the disastrous launch of their Disgaea mobage ended up bankrupting them.

Was a dakimakura for Haku.

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Just in time now that E7 is dead.

What animal horns are those, i dont know biology

Probably won't happen. The series' director already has one failed mobage under his belt (Trinary or something like that.)

deer girl

I just can't see how they thought this was a good idea. The market is already full of shit like this, and the series' fanbase seems to play mainly on consoles

Maybe a deer?

Gacha is the cancer killing the VN industry. Someday the big companies like Yuzusoft will succumb to this shit.

The monkey paw situation, if anyone even cared about it at this point, was a gacha featuring ell the characters is pretty much the best possible chance for an adaption of Mask of Truth being funded.

She was sexy

The japanese fans are pretty pissed off too

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All I hear is Chino.

>Kizuna Ai got sold to the chinks.
>Uta sold its soul to gacha a few days later
>both collabed with Azur Lane.
This is all chinkcolle's fault.

So we’re in agreement.


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Let's try to be positive

More Kuon is always a good thing

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My wife Nekone is so cute

She's hotter than her mothers (except Karura) but having more of her after MoT seems like a bad idea, with the only exception being her encounter with Tatari Haku.

Touka was too ugly in 2/3 compared to 1.

You monster

Because these games were actually good.
But instead of working on something actually new and exciting, such as a new series or game, they go for some retarded mobile shit to scam money out of retards with minimal effort.
I swear to god of they dare to fuck the story up their cancer ass mobile shit the series is dead to me.

>fuck up the story
Oshtor is in the trailer.

Save us Carrier.

The only way to save this is to announce a new console that's not Zan2.

Jerk off

Then she could heal him sexually kinda like kissing frogs.

Monmusu quest

But thats already trash that hardly anyone cares about

Seems like the new theme song by Suara is up on iTunes and ototoy (lossless)

All I see in this post is tsundere bad spineless cocksleeve good

Yeah like how can you rate the onahole twins above anything?

You're mean

Can please someone upload it?

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i did until biba

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Chinkcolle is good though.

I still like the designs, too (Mikomoto still being able to flex like that is impressive), but it wasn't anything memorable.

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Play the third game

I did. They still don't get much besides some more backstory.

Why do people hate Aquaplus again?

Its not their backstory that's changed, its that they can show a lot more of themselves without Kuon constantly cock-blocking them and tying them up, and they tend to show more personality. Like the various skits where they embarass Kuon by trying to drug Haku and then trying to get her to explain what aphrodesiacs are, or when they tell her that she's acting slutty by coming to his room at night after taking a bath and getting her clothes ready, which they're fine with in a sense but they're not letting her get a jump start.

The backstory does add to them with them, but what adds even more is seeing them more on the offense in situations rather than one note nuisances that are easily dealt with that Haku gets blamed for like in the first game. Since they're the ones that stuck by him and Kuon left and also feels guilty, they've solidified the spot at his side for the time being, so they're a lot sharper about keeping a wedge between them comedically while shitposting Kuon. You get more scenes of them showing personality and interacting with people, and you even get scenes of them apart from each other that shows off their differences. You start to notice things about them like how Ururu is always a lot more softspoken while Saranna tends to say the most when they're together.

They're no one time gag, they have some good range, and they lead to some of the more interesting scenes in the third game and their dialogue gets better. Yeah they're better than Kuon, and they get better at shitroasting her by the time she rejoins the party. They even let her go first with Haku since they say he'll last longer the second time.

I liked it when VNs had fighting game spin offs instead of microtransaction grind bullshit.

But it already had a fighting game spin off that came out last year, which you instantly forgot about, called Utawarerumono Zan.

Action game = no traction, no attention, no information = you immediately forgot it existed

Mobage = you REEE about it and get angry because you think it ruined it = so you remember about it due to anger = has more traction because of people who get pointlessly outraged about mobages

Ironically more people would be talking about the action game if there was a faction of people that got pointlessly angry that action games exist which ironically caused it to be talked about more.

Big ooof

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I love this defense. "I don't like games now so this justifies my excuse, er, love for mobage and not that I'm obsessed with giving money for gacha rolls

> And most mobage don't require you to spend money
Yeah they just 'influence' you. Don't be fucking daft

The sex scenes don't even add anything shut the fuck up horny teen

i just wondering how the gameplay gonna be, knowing it gacha game most likely it will be standard turn base right ?

>sell 850k units WORLDWIDE
>make a japan only mobage trash


They make the game less appealing to normalfags, which is always a plus.

Your boogeyman ain't a good reason.

Monkeypaw shit

>games are being censored left and right

They saw the numbers of F/GO and they thought:

>...What if...

Clearly nobody learned anything about the NIS fiasco.

I really need to replay MoT.
Gonna wait for the remake and reread it again though

If the game becomes less appealing to you that's good enough.

Well it's japs we're talking about.
Competent or sane mgmt isn't their forte.

Sony would have censored it if it went to PS4, so It's not like they really have a choice outside the phone or the switch.

The Utawarerumono franchise and lore isn't as expansive as Type-Moon. It's own mythos revolves are a few named people that appear in the story. Making the two sequels was already stretching it with its plot conveniences to justify its existence I just can't see a expanded Uta world.

Rationalization would be that we've only explored maybe 5% of the world so far. Japan and a small section of Russia. Yamato isn't even most of Russia as shown during the maps when they talk about the wild untamed lands to the north and west which are ruled by Barbarians. There's gotta be more out there.

But this issue with this is that Utawarerumono pretty much always has the same set up; amnesiac human meets animal girl, meets other animal girls, and becomes a warlord for justice.

How are they going to rationalize yet another new amnesiac human character when it gets harder and harder to justify? Maybe they could do it if they rationalized that he's "one of the humans that Haku managed to successfully turn back into a human" or something, but that doesn't work since its a prequel. Maybe the twist this time is that he's not a human.

Fucking hypocrits. I'm hoping that Alicesoft and Team Shanghai Alice don't do the same thing.

The setting itself is great, the end of MoT leaves the plot at a nice place so they can expand it however they want, I can see the series going to very interesting places in the future

I still don't really get the scene where Hakuro goes into a long bluster about how he can't undo his wish to curse all humanity because the amount of energy needed would far exceed what he used to originally do it in the first place. If the trade he gave in the first place is considered equivalent, then the opposite trade would also have to be considered equivalent in order to undo it. In order to make humans into not slimes, logically an equivalent trade would be making them not immortal, since that was their original wish.

Hell we see him undo the wish he did on Aruru easily as fuck while keeping all the burden on himself, he let her keep all the positive benefits of the wish. We know he can undo wishes easily.

No they can't. Not unless they introduce new mystical elements into the story. The main driving force of the trilogy are Witsuarunemitea (Hakuoro, Kuon) and the Onvitaykayan (Haku, Mikado) and those elements are now fully explored. Mashiro Haku now roams the world with Hakuoro's power and the Onvitaykayan are wiped out since the only genetically modified ones are Haku and the Mikado. There is literally no reason for "expanding the utawarerumono universe" unless they introduce new gods and shit.

>but that doesn't work since its a prequel

In the trailer we see Oshtor and Mikazuchi fighting Benawi and Kurou, maybe it's all just a dream arena and the entire thing occurs outside the main canon

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Well, the tataris are gone and now the proxies have access to the humans' technology. The writers can easily use that to create new mythos

There's no master key and the Mikado's lab is obliterated. The only mythos I could see are Artificial Intelligence and robot related.

Disregard that, I just noticed that Mikazuchi isn't wearing his mask either, so this must be a fucking prequel.

They are going to brute force his way to make this canon, aren't they.

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Why does the protag have to be a human? No reason it can't be a demi human.

Kuon did act as a protagonist /deuteragonist for a while in MoT.
I actually hoped something similar here in LF but I doubt it's gonna happen

I didn't say anything about the protag, I meant the driving forces for a story to happen have been fully explored in the trilogy.

But the world is full of ruins that weren't properly explored due to the tataris, right?

Also if I remember correctly Kuon didn't need the master key to access the facility where Haku was sleeping, so theoretically the proxies should be able to make use of some of them

>The only mythos I could see are Artificial Intelligence and robot related.

That sounds great to me, honestly

Zan is a shitty musou, not a fighting game.
There was Aquapazza a few years back.

The series is extremely confined to the two gods that shaped their world and the trilogy had a conclusive ending. Everything else they plan to make is milking tier trash

That's only for that region in the world. Somewhere else could have some fuckery happening with the old world.

That one region of the world is where everything went to shit though. Anything taking place outside it isn't going to feature any gods or any masks.

Do you think the Mikado hasn't tried contacting other labs? He has access to technology and Amaterasu, a satellite in space. How about justifying the survival of other humans? Haku and Mikado are the only genetically modified humans. Heck, Haku being a supah hacka and stealing the Akuturuka blueprint is bullshit enought to justify their existence, they still haven't explained why the Mikado didn't detect the many times Mutsumi used Amaterasu "the purifying light" throughout the history of Tuskuru. The Utawarerumono lore is super paper thin than I am just glad they got away with it in the sequels even with so much plot inconsistencies and conveniences they introduced for the sake of making a sequel.

Welp it's shit.

Any other humans out there are in cryosleep still. However what you're saying about there being no room for any story, I think you'd say the same after the first game, until the second game expanded "Lol actually another human survived due to a dues ex serum so that another plot could happen". They could easily do the same thing yet again in a different way.

I doesn't have to feature gods or masks does it? Sure Tuskur/Yamato is where the shitstorm began, but other regions might have handled the tragedy differently and affected the new world in other ways.

That's why it might be better to get away a bit from the established region and the the gods/mask and start somewhat fresh in a new region with other old time technologies that humans used to cope with the disaster.

For example, it seems that clones were immune to Hakuro's rage since Woshis and Anju and a few others are just fine in the present, even being able to survive just fine on the surface. I think Woshis didn't even have animal parts like Anju, or else he would know he wasn't human.

So maybe the new protag could be a clone created before the bomb went off in early on experiments, but awoke from cryosleep and didn't know he was a fake.

Clones and demihumans are not affected by the curse, only pure humans. That's why the Mikado and Haku survived, they genetically altered themselves before the tragedy.

Are those numbers real

That's why I said Artificial intelligence and robots are the next possible step for their mythos. Surviving relics of the past with advance AI and technology trying to continue the serving their masters that are now gone and subjugating the demihuman slaves who dominate the current world. Too bad there isn't any indication of the existence of android servants and the like in the Uta world.

whoops it was just 800k my bad

I wish the numbers were more specific, like how fgo made 3 billion but like 2.8 billion was japan alone.

Ironic, isn't it

Twins were best girl

you wish


Fucking investors probably dug into this shit. I was sad hearing this

>underwater ray romano 4 never
It doesnt need a 4

The character descriptions of Eruru, Benawi, Kuon and Rurutie on the game's website are their default descriptions from their premiere game. Ie. Eruru is just a simple village girl, Benawi is the samurai general of kenshikurope or whatever, and Kuon is a traveling girl. So probably some dumb alternate dimensions plot.

Uta doesnt need any more content after Futari.

Been telling this for years. Too bad Aquaplus sees it as their gold mine with how well it sold.

>Onvitaykayan are wiped out since the only genetically modified ones are Haku and the Mikado.
Unmasked Hakuro is out there too

I wonder how well this will do? There does seem to be outcry over this and rightly so. I'm pissed they teased it like a new game/story and now it's a mobile game. But all a mobage needs is a few whales.

Do you guys not have phones? Poor people don't deserve video games.

I have mixed feelings about this. Sure I would like more Uta content. But 1-3 is such a nice, complete story (the only thing bothering me is how fast Woshizu's gay bunny squad is), it does not need any more content. Nothing will take away those titles.

its promo campaign 21.5k retweets so there's some following
plus its Utawarerumono a somewhat classic/legacy series during the jap internet in the early 2000s

Right, I saw that.

The net promoter score is typically this. Those who hate something are always going to be louder than those promoting or passive about it. What matters is how much the 1% of players (whales) pay.

Frankly, I'll play just to see what the story will be and to fap to the new characters. But the lore behind Utaware is already complete. There should not be anything to add.

Woshis was made way after the jellying. He's obviously modded to not turn jelly

see I agree, it's going to be alt dimension shit.

>people thinking this will fail in 6 months

If trash like magia records is doing this well, it wont.

Madoka is way more popular and didn't run an advertising campaign about taking gaming back from smartphones, though.

Really depends on how much budget they are putting into this mobage. If it's on the higher end, that'd soothe more butthurt. but all that matters is a couple whales no matter how many people bitch.

I have, but mobage are usually mind numbingly boring

Got a download for it? Is it a full version?

If it’s a srpg, will it manage to surpass FEH when it comes o how little depth a srpg can have

If the mobage is shit and Aquaplus dies, then so be it. Futari no Hakuoro was the perfect end to the saga.

Attached: oh-well.jpg (454x323, 95K)

Good woman or best woman?

Attached: [DameDesuYo] Utawarerumono - Itsuwari no Kamen - 11 (1280x720 10bit AAC) [B802AEAA].mkv_snapshot_11. (1280x720, 119K)

Not true. Smartphones have it the worst by far.

You get even more scenes of them being annoying, clingy cunts.

"The market will regulate itself!!!!!"

Who thought this was a good idea? This series has nowhere near the amount of characters required to make a successful gacha. The only reason F/GO can do it is because they have almost endless famous people to choose from. Even if this game is a massive success somehow, it's going to hit a brick wall eventually.

High tier, but Atuy and the twins are superior.

You could easily have a 4th game set in the same universe, just make it somewhere else in the world and make the cast all demi-human and focus on the war aspect, maybe make them fight using old weapons like some of the tribes did in the first game.

This is gonna happen. Now Benawi is gonna have a second person to do all the paperwork.

Attached: 20180720_223455.jpg (600x844, 321K)

Atuys localization and battle starved personality are both top cringe material, I can only take so much "hey love lets fight!!!!" in 90% of her dialogue. At least Nosuri is endearing and changes it up occasionally

Don't worry. Carrier will abduct him and break his pelvis before long.

>Giving no fucks about Haku dying
>High tier

>This series has nowhere near the amount of characters required to make a successful gacha. The only reason F/GO can do it is because they have almost endless famous people to choose from
FGO isn't the only existing mobage. There are thousands and of those thousands there are quite a few based on existing franchises that had to come up with tons of new characters for a shitty mobage.

Speedreaders should be gassed.

>I'm hoping that Alicesoft and Team Shanghai Alice don't do the same thing.

Attached: 1539508291632.jpg (600x338, 58K)


Get out.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 55K)

They wilk go full oc
and releasing multiple variations of the same character, including at least 3 or 4 swimsuits

But she did.

Did you even play MoT?

It's a really retarded misconception, but it's not one you'd get unless you read the VN. user just hasn't gotten past a 3rd grade reading level.

It was kind of subtle. Even Atuy didnt notice it at first.

Shit my bad, guess I was suppose to find her autism cute and not cringy. Point is Atuy is probably the lowest tier in the game only higher than Anju.

Atuy is annoying and ugly, Anju is annoying but ero as fuck

Attached: D-IUjGiUEAErtRe.png (526x721, 591K)

You were supposed to comprehend the contents of the story you were reading, dumbfuck.

I like Uta1 girls more than Uta2 girls. Does that make me a bad person?

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Most of the Uta2 girls are just bootlegs of the Uta1 girls. Except Kuon

Say hello to our new MC.

Attached: chr01.png (650x1080, 456K)

You also can't pull out a Vita when you're at work and pretend it's business related. A smartphone, however? People in the office do that all that time.

Is that young Mikazuchi?

I don't expect an utaware mobage to be decent. I also don't expect the NISA translation of 1 and Zan to be decent. This is... kinda painful, after how good 2 and 3 were.

Attached: ZlbFfwG.jpg (1024x768, 140K)

I'm pretty sure that's a human.

Attached: keyvisual.jpg (1920x1080, 340K)

He's got the same antennae and half mask thing and fade to white hair in the back and eyebrows and small pupils and general demeanor. They're at least related.
>The reason Utawarerumono: Lost Flag is a smartphone title is because they want as many people as possible to play. There were also many requests from fans for a smartphone title. Aquaplus sees smartphone as a good platform that should not be ignored in order to lead to future console-based developments for the Utawarerumono series.
>Other projects outside of Utawarerumono: Lost Flag are currently underway. Of course, among them are console-based titles, so please look forward to them.

Attached: Utawarerumono-Latest-Work_2019_06-25-19_001.jpg (800x724, 365K)

>All that talk but at the end of the day it's still some kusoge with a gacha
I really wish more mobage would fail, companies need to burn their fingers and stop producing that garbage.

> Other projects outside of Utawarerumono: Lost Flag are currently underway. Of course, among them are console-based titles, so please look forward to them.
I can physically feel that damage control.

cemented your status as someone with a bad opinion

>I really wish more mobage would fail, companies need to burn their fingers and stop producing that garbage.
A lot of them fail, but all successful ones are big moneymakers.
Asians are easily addicted to anything.

You need to look if he don't have any animal parts, unlike Akuta who looks perfectly human, Mikazuchi has different ears.

Attached: Mikazuchi_Game_Portrait.png (340x416, 176K)

Not a pure human.

That's some other group though, I don't think that ZUN has anything to do with that.

dumb and slutty bird that is only good for breeding

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Wasn't Mask of Truth a pretty complete ending to the saga?

Hakuoro is free of being God, and can actually live his own life for once.

Haku is wandering around setting humanity free of Witsu's curse as the new God.

Witsu itself has been set free of Hakuoro's lust for revenge, and it's merging with Haku is akin to a new spring for the world, the purging of ancient resentments that were left to fester.

Seems pretty complete. The main underplot of Uta has always been 'The remnants of the past/humanity fucking over the new world' and that's finally been put behind them. I'm not sure why we need a new story, unless there's something inane like a cluster of humanity that both escaped the curse and are awake on America or something.

All female birbs are dumb