Reminder that this will go down as anime of the decade

Reminder that this will go down as anime of the decade.

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Nope, that is still Madoka.

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Yeah no, that was just monogatari for toddlers

someone post the running webm

Rio was the best girl
Tomoe and Kaede were good too
Mai a shit

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Not even the best of it's year.

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>hasn’t even been a year since it aired
>threads die within ten posts
>only “discussions” are about how shit it was
That’s a big nope from me chief

At least post the real best girl.

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someone post the webm of the mc going on an autistic monologue about being a kissless virgin

Hahahaha fuck no m8

>Yea Forumss opinion on anything matters

Mai is best girl

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Mai a shit

Seriously though, what else does this show bring? I couldn't get past episode 2 and it just screamed poor man's Nisio Isin

The first arc is the "best", and by that I mean it's a solid 4/10. It gets much worse after that.

Mai and imouto arcs were the best, the others were fine but not as interesting.

Do people actually think "this guy is totally me" whenever he does or say something cringey?

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>any kind of thread related to this anime
>becomes who is best girl thread.

wtf this people who like this show

how do I get a gf like Mai

That's the only thing they can discuss in this borefest.

i wanked to pictures of mai-san once. now I can't take that slut and her anime seriously

Madoka threads are a joke due to a pair of tripfags, Sci;ADVfags can discuss shit without acting like spergs.

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