Which anime studio do you think draws nails the best?

Which anime studio do you think draws nails the best?

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I think you mean to ask which character designer draws nails the best.

What’s the deal with japs and leaving one nail a different color

That's not just a japan thing

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Post gloved hands.

Nail polish thread?

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Well idunno I just see a lot of Asian girls do it

But you can't see fingernails then

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Why are you looking at their hands user you some god damn hand pervert?

Uhhhh user, have you seen a woman under 30 recently?

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I remember a lot of older anime actually tried to give ladies nail polish and stuff however I felt like it stopped for a while however when they did it would just be red nail polish. Nice to see its having a resurgence with different color types currently though

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>this fucking thread

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Do you guys know of any anime that do this consistently?

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WTF? Everyone does it it's not just Asians.
Do you live under a rock?

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boku no vampire buttholes

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