Is he the most well written MC in the past decade?

Is he the most well written MC in the past decade?

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Not even close, that position belongs only to Saike.

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>character is maybe kind of morally ambiguous once or twice
I like Snk and all but this shit is real tiring.

>morally ambiguous
>Eren and friends go off on an adventure to massacre thousands of civilians and diplomats
>morally ambiguous

>declare war while clapping and cheering to kill them all

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>Enemy nation basically declares war by oppressing the Paradise Eldians and then massacring an enormous percentage of their national population through covert titan attacks via Reiner, Zeke, and friends
>Eren retaliates instead of rolling over.
That's what war is, and I can't see a war headed by anybody other than Eren doing anything but fighting a losing battle

Fair enough, but even then. Hell, even if he ends up a 100% irredeemable piece of shit my point doesn't change, it's not some objective scale of quality that your MC isn't necessarily a clean cut good guy.

Who was in the wrong, Zeke/Eren or those who oppose them?

Eren is going to betray Zeke, what are you even saying.

Doesn't he still want every single titan dead?

With the clusterfuck happening I don't even understand what's going on besides Eren wanting to castrate lots of people.

Eren doesn't want that, the only clusterfuck is your brain.
They ARE the titans you stupid retard.

No one is wrong. Eren, Zeke, Karl the cuck, the SC and Marley are all justified in 1 way or another.

lmao snkfags are all attention whores keeping making these threads everyday orther than staying in their cancerous generals, what a surprise!

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Is that the lead singer from that rock band... uhhh... Oasis?


based opchad


fuck Isayama

Zeke is right. His people are inherently flawed and can never be fixed. There will never be a society where eldians and humans can coexist. His solution will peacefully prevent his people from being used as tools, without actually killing them. It is the most purehearted genocide.

>fucks a queen and impregnates her
>single handed reminded marely and restored eldia
>btfos his faggot friend and dog
>loved by his people
absolutely based

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What hasn't been connected so far to warrant this response?

Be honest, would you keep Mikasa at your side even after learning that it was her genetics that love you and not herself?

You misunderstand, or I meme'd wrong.
I hate how he's making everything connected with flashbacks and memories. No good story works like that.
titan killed my mom, bad
titan is actually my grandmother, good, also my grandmother killed my mother
my father killed the Reiss family, bad
he wanted to save Eldians, good

This just means you can't keep up and want everything handed to you in a silver platter.
If you just assumed something and ran with it at first glance then all the blame falls on you.
>titan is actually my grandmother
This alone proves my point 100%

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I stand corrected. The story is still way too connected with this small cast, it's just not believeable. also Isayama flips characters between good and bad so many times, can't he do other types of twists?

>Isayama flips characters between good and bad
You keep embarrassing yourself and you don't even realize.
You don't even understand one of the core points of the series, you are not fit to talk about it.

>source: just trust me bro
yeah if you're not gonna specify anything but only say
>haha you're such a dumb speedreader you don't get the manga
I really won't take you seriously.

>Isayama flips characters between good and bad
>good and bad
are you by chance autistic?

>I really won't take you seriously
What makes you think I want you to? I am the one not taking you serious and goading you to keep embarrassing yourself.
Here, read this very attentively and try to figure out why your post was absolutely retarded, maybe you will stop acting like that from now on.

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ahh a fellow erenchad

the answer is of course yes