Why is Yea Forums so rampant with pseudo-intellectuals?
Why is Yea Forums so rampant with pseudo-intellectuals?
Not anime & manga.
Every board is
Every board is awful at what they are supposed to be good at and are filled with teenagers
>this again
yes OP, we all know you got BTFO in an argument, but you don't need to create an entire thread for it
It was worse five years ago. Nothing but forced elitism and people pretending to be smart for watching 2deep4u anime.
what the fuck are you talking about
I prefer intellectual esque
I really like Yea Forums as people at other boards are faggots.
Tryhard elitism backfired in the worst way possible and now you have pseuds who can't bring themselves to enjoy anything coexisting with retarded memelords
The philosopher Nietzsche once said "He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." Notice the parallels and symbolism in that quote compared to pic related.
Sorry, I watched GochiUsa.
Funposting is dead.
Summerfags. If you have years here you come to the realization that fun things are fun and everything else is extra
>If you have years here you come to the realization that fun things are fun
>gong on Yea Forums to have fun
I can't even remember the last time Yea Forums didn't make me mad, let alone enjoy myself
Maybe its time to take a break
>Maybe its time to take a break
I don't think I can. Yea Forums's a genuine addiction
dude just stop 4chining, it's not that hard
Yea Forums is full of Yea Forums. Honestly anyone who has been here for the past 10 years can say Yea Forums looks entirely different from what it was even 3 years ago.
>Yea Forums is full of Yea Forums
This has always been the case, neither board just wants to admit there's any crossover. The real issue is Yea Forums. A few years ago Yea Forums became the normalfag board, and's Yea Forums's just about the only place that's still resisting its poison, if even just a little. Its gonna crumble soon; might as well stick it out till the bitter end user
I thought i'd like Yea Forums but it's awful. Just filled with porn. Barely see interesting stuff because of all that porn.
Its been a long time time since Yea Forums was worth browsing. Pretty much around the time it became random, not just anime/random