So how well would Kazuma do in the 203rd Aerial Mage Battalion?

So how well would Kazuma do in the 203rd Aerial Mage Battalion?

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he has suffered more with Aqua and the other bakas than everyone in the Rhine combined.

With his luck, pretty well.

He would be an absolutely AWFUL soldier, because he won't want to follow orders at all.

But, used properly, you give him a bunch of retards and give them a vague direction to go in and do stuff. You won't see them for days, and then something will explode. When you send people to investigate, you will find a very embarrassed Kazuma trying to explain why he blew up a farmhouse that, upon further investigation, turns out to have been a secret listening post as part of an enemy operation that you had previously been unaware of.

You send him out again, and he ends up distracting an entire battalion of enemy tanks. Despite being shelled for three days straight he doesn't actually lose any people and eventually the tanks all run out of ammo, at which point your front line catches up to them and wipes them out.

If you treat him like a soldier, you are wasting him. Use him as a lucky rabbits foot for important operations and just send him out randomly and you will never be disappointed.

Tanya would keep sending him away to be killed and he would just keep coming back alive.

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I don't think his luck works exactly that way, but the basic gist of the post is right: Kazuma doesn't work well as a soldier. You either put him in charge of an operation with the freedom to approach it his way (hoping he sees it through to the end instead of getting sidetracked), or you just accept the fact that before the week ends you'll have him on the run/in front of the firing squad after he deserts the army.

That's in terms of his personality. When it comes to ability alone, he's basically the ultimate sniper regardless of the actual weapon being used, with great stealth and the ability to silent takedown a large variety of human and superhuman foes with drain touch. He's one of the best saboteurs you can ask for.

So basically like captain Tylor.

I don't know. I don't even watch either of these shows. Why did I click on this fucking thread? I have work in 7 hours and I'm still on this stupid website.


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Thanks for the bump bro.

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Where were you when you realized that Tanya was just Strike Witches isekai?

Kazuma's ability as a special forces agent is something that's terribly understated, I think. The scene in the LNs when he infiltrates the royal palace and takes down every guard he comes across comes to mind. He typically relies on his luck, but Kazuma isn't stupid either, and his intelligence combined with his luck can cause him to come up with some real innovative solutions even while in combat.

It's not at all though.

Is Youjo Senki even any good? I know about it vaguely but I don't know anything about the reception to it.

Its fun but not much more than that. Its a power fantasy and if you expect actual tactics at play during battles like me youre gonna be disappointed. That being said if you can look past that and are just going for blind fun its def worthwhile.

Read the novels they are quite good and high iq.

it's the rare kind of good that you can just watch and enjoy regardless of what you are expecting out of it

Does the idea of a genderbent isekai about an MC who refuses to acknowledge the existence of God appeal to you in any way? Or disgust you for that matter Do you like war and magic? How do you feel about a mix of WW1 and WW2 mashed together?

Watched the anime, pretty good and fun. Read the manga, damn 100x better, actual battle planning and 9/10 humor (I love the empire depictions as dogs), actually considering reading WN/LN

Only if you're into the whole war theme, the anime is pretty mediocre, but it was entertaining enough to not make me quit it. Can't say anything about the manga/novels.

The manga is a solid 10/10. Entirely worth reading, regularly gives me chills. Art is amazing. This is in complete contrast to the anime, which is almost unwatchable to me because of some questionable character design choices.

Thanks anons, I'll try the manga out once I'm done catching up with my backlog. The concept is interesting to me at least, I just don't know how I'll feel about the execution.

like the guy from martial king's retired life

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Yeah, I found this series recently. Quite fun.

I just wish the manhua didn't skip so much shit, I can barely piece together the plot because it leaves so much out.

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yeah the TL's comments on how it doesb't follow the novel are often quite strained I gather we miss a lot
I don't know if the novel is translated?

found it.

It's actually being translated by the same scanlation team, and has quite a few chapters available. I just haven't found the time to read it yet.

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Suwen best girl

VN: politics
anime: action scenes
manga: a shoujo manga

>Read the manga
>entire 40 page chapters discussing logistics strategies and war ethics
That my shit, I'll have read the books as some point I only see it doubling down on them aspects.

I do also love the post-war flash forwards like even if the western powers found out who Tanya was, they'll probably just blow it off as false information. I mean who's going believe the most feared special operative commander, one of greatest military geniuses of the war and committed possibly largest massacre in history was a little girl.

It is. Or rather it's Strike Witches without Ayylmao.

Not to forget the duck fetish.

>without Ayylmao
Don't they show up in the WN?

Kazuma has skill but lacks discipline, something I'm sure a few weeks in the mountains would correct.

Probably someone in this thread with a mangaupdates account, would you mind making a page for this series?

Tanya vs Rambo 1?

What did you mean by this?