I think Uranus is ugly and stinks

I think Uranus is ugly and stinks.

Attached: sailor-uranus-haruka-tenoh-pretty-guardian-sailor-moon-crystal-45.8.jpg (210x240, 18K)

Now imagine the SMELL

Shit tastes, even though Jupiter is better.

Attached: Sailor-Jupiter-20.jpg (1024x768, 362K)

I think you're just looking to get SPD'd

I love her stinky hairy anus, she plants it on my face every night.
We don't even buy toilet paper anymore, just extra toothbrushes.

why is she so close we her cousin?


What about Caelus?

Well she is a filthy feminist lesbian.

yeah but those Bang You doujins


Well, the atmosphere does contain large amounts of methane...

Methane is odourless.


I want to sniff Jupiter's anus.

I think mercury is smart and friendly

Attached: mercury_turn.gif (500x300, 801K)

>Enjoy Haruka porn where she gets the dick
>Enjoy it even more if she's the one hunting the dick
Too bad it's so damn rare.

Attached: 1515876494140.jpg (1280x1280, 313K)

Ugly dyke Neptune was wasted on her

Has anyone got a picture of her sword? I need it for reasons.

Michiru is boring, Haruka deserves better.