Boku no Hero Academia

With nothing else really to discuss, let's have a discussion thread for the Cavalry Battle of the Sports Fest Arc (Chapters 28, 29 and 30 - that's right, a rare Triple Trouble dump). Corresponds to the end half of Episode 17 and the entirety of Episode 18.
Anything stand out Teams-wise? (note the anime shows a few of the 1B teams off much more).
If it were to be repeated for the Second year, who would be some good matchups?

There is apparently news somewhere on the second movie being confirmed for releasing within this year (which considering the profits that the first one made - isn't too surprising) so there may also be something to discuss there depending if there is indeed any news (you can also expect to see more promotional stuff for S4 / M2 now we've entered the >Summer Quarter)

Once again, a quick reminder that the topic is for the discussion of the manga/anime/canon material.
If you want to discuss your shipping, genderbend OC, blogfagging (whatever the fuck goes unmoderated usually) - the best thing for you to do is to click on the 'Start a New Thread' button, put 'Boku no Hero Academia {Insert Subject Here} Thread' in the Subject field and then do that to your hearts content with your amigos over there.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Thanks once again, user!

It's summer. Which means it's yukata season. So which girl has the best?

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Aren’t Yukata traditionally fit better on girls with smaller busts? Considering how Horikoshi draws girls, all of them should have some issue.

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Generals are against the rules nigger.

You know, an all out attack by everyone on Midoriya is pretty stupid. All the teams will get in each other's way and start fighting. Hanging back and picking off the weaker teams would be more effective. I imagine that's what Shinso does.

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Spoilers when? Shouldn't we get them earlier than usual because of the break?

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That isn't true, only shonenshit resemble them and your cringy as fuck ops are indeed generals following daily topics. Fuck off cancerous nigger.

Chapter 29 got 2 colour pages

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>Once again, a quick reminder that the topic is for the discussion of the manga/anime/canon material.
If you want to discuss your shipping, genderbend OC, blogfagging (whatever the fuck goes unmoderated usually) - the best thing for you to do is to click on the 'Start a New Thread' button, put 'Boku no Hero Academia {Insert Subject Here} Thread' in the Subject field and then do that to your hearts content with your amigos over there.
Based as fuck. Also thanks for the dump.

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I wonder how he managed that. If he had Reiko on his team he could have used her power. But she's off with Kendo, and the others don't have powers that could be used for snatching. 'Tis a puzzlement.

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Not him but i agree. Reason why I also stop going into snk threads, they are full of shipping, gay stuff and hunterfags.

Ochako was so cute in this panel.

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She's even cuter when she's getting fucked by Bakugo

There are dumber things than antagonizing Bakugo when he's in position to retaliate. But not much dumber.

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If I were them I would go for the big fish too. Anyways only the strong teams aimed for him.

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And Tokoyami gets Momo's measure, right there.

Kaminari must not have unleashed ALL his power, or he'd be an idiot right now.

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Thanks based dump user.
I would go Ochako.

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I want to make hot chocolate for Aizawa!

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This was the Cover for 29, keeping it in the Extras part of the dump as not to interrupt.

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What is the horse referencing?

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Even in house clothes, Midnight is... enticing.

End of Dump, and in turn the entirety of the Cavalry Battle is done at once

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Cementoss is only 28??? Jeez. He looks older.

>He looks older.
he looks like a fucking golem, how could he look any actual age?

i want some too

Over/under on REEEEdestro whooping Giganto's bitch ass?

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I question Kendo's formation. I would have made diminutive Kinoko the rider, Kendo the horse, and Reiko and Setsuna the wings. I suppose she felt the offensive power being free to use her hands made up for the extra eight, and Reiko was probably using her quirk to lighten Kendo anyway. But still...

I remember people thinking that Redestro was going to pull some secret weapon out of his ass to kill Giganiga, but now that the tower is gone I doubt it. I'm pretty sure Redestro will either lose directly to Giga or get forced to retreat

More like sounds older in the anime.

>Deku being haunted by a cute ghost!

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>Giga arrives at the town's border
>100,000 army got btfo by 6 NEETs
How fucked is he, bros?

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First of all, these dump threads are not 'generals'. I am the only one who makes them, with my own personal resources (as in, not publicly available, I personally edit some of the pages to improve them, on top of the fact they are doubled up to look like pages in a Volume). They aren't linked to any threads, and if they are at any point, I'm not the one doing it and I disapprove of those who do. On top of this, every single OP for the dump threads has been unique outside of the fact it has the name of the chapter, the episode and the word 'diccussion' in it (for archival purposes).
I have made every bit of effort to remove them from being generals. They are not for 'general' discussion, and I actively dissuade people from posting in 'general' terms by outlining what is and isn't welcome. The other threads around the clock are nothing to do with me, shouldn't link to my own threads and shouldn't use any resources regularly.

Secondly, to imply that this series is 'unique' in the fact some autist has a need to constantly make a new thread 20 posts before after the last has died is delusional. I don't even need to look at the catalog to tell you that at the very minimum, 20 are recurring threads, 10 there are in no way designed to be discussed and another 10 have such little content in the OP that nothing could ever be discussed (less than 20 words, if that).
If you want to complain about the quality of OP's while were in the Summer of CY+4, I'd suggest you go after the multitude of threads which are actively breaking rules as oppose to your personal interpretation. I'll give you a tip though, there's a limit to how many posts you can report in a given time - I'd know, since I've tried to report all threads such as those on multiple occasions. Not that the mods ever give a shit, you can ask ABIB on his outlook on board culture if you aren't aware.
Are these thread perfect? No
However, are these threads the problem? No

You fuck off too

Can't Spinner just call his mom to pick him up?

I'd imagine (going off of the fact there was an Ochunko sketch rom a few threads back) it's referring to the turnover of the Year of the Horse from 2015.

>Favorite Things: Steampunk-related things, chocolate
literally me

I see, it makes sense.
Thanks user.

Redestro just fucking clapped Awakened Shiggy in one hit doe

Cavalry battle?


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>favorite things
Ochako x Cementoss confirmed

Take your meds you insufferable cunt

Monoma deserved better

Do we get early spoilers this week?

Wait 3 days fren

Fuck off you fucking incel clown. You and your generals need to fuck off.

Best ship.

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Based eri dabbing on magnetofag

You are the savior of MHA discussion on Yea Forums

Why are you talking about yourself in third person?

I can't believe you cried about being a literal incel in the Mineta thread and actually blamed God for you being so repulsive that no woman wants to have sex with you.
Fucking KEK

Pretty sure that user dumps the chapters and fucks off. Though I don't know why he dumps chapters when right after he does the thread turns into shitflinging and ship wars.

Well and truly said, most righteous and right user.

As to your detractors, remember, as words of praise to the ears of the wise are the curses of fools.

He's a fucking incel clown kek
This is your hero
A disgusting fatass attentionwhore loveless fuck who's only joy comes from getting (you)s.

Someone please screencap this literal incel.
>replying to himself

And then Tokoyami beat her in less than 10 seconds in the tournament.

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That Mineta post is pretty fucking cringe.

OP is really fucking cringe. Don't you notice the way he types? The paragraphs upon paragraphs of worthless shit? He's the very definition of a redditor fatass.

>those posts
what the fuck. He's more mentally ill than togaschizo.
Magnetofag seek help and get yourself locked up in a mental ward.

KEK I'm glad people see trough his bullshit.
Look at this. Who the fuck types like this? Magnetofag. A loveless fuck who thinks he's the thread police.
So fucking cringe.

>chapterdump spammer is a literal whiny incel bitch
You can't make this shit up.

Wasn't it obvious? Look at this OP. He's always been a whiny bitch, no wonder he's a literal incel.

Why the fuck is the OP a copy pasta?
Fuck off back to Yea Forums with your storytimes.


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>As far as Katsuki's concerned, Monoma is a war criminal
apex kek
anyway any nihongo anons know how hori refers to bakugu? would be interested to know if he uses honorifics, given name, etc since it's his self insert

I hope you get ready for when Viz sues your pathetic ass for illegally sharing their property on a public platform.

holy shit can we talk about the fucking manga, 60 posts without shitflinging must be a new record, the people samefagging to call others incels doesn't exactly help
giga held off shiggy AND the rest of the LoV for like one month straight, pretty sure there's no way redestro can win unless he powers up even more somehow
shiggy is stronger but he's still not really that powerful imo alone at least, i don't really see how giga will want to team up with him unless he thinks that being conned into being redestro makes him worthy which personally i think would be dumb but i can't see it going any other way

When was the last time you showered?

>proving OP right
Retards lmao.

Take a shower and have sex you undesirable fatass

>holy shit can we talk about the fucking manga
Can't do. This arc has been abysmal anyway, can't wait for when Hori goes back to the students.

Holy fuck I just want to know where he is going with deku and when the end of this fucking dragged out series will be reaching its conclusion.

True. Deku and OfA are the main plot of this series. Caring about anything else is a waste of time as not even Hori gives a shit about them.
If you don't follow the series for the MC you better bail out and read another series.

>Hori doesn't give a shit
I'd argue against it but then I remember he forgot about Twice measuring toga and I have to agree

I think we can all agree

>call others incels
There are no others, it is only you faggot.

Well, of course.
At least Toga schizo doesn't spam post after post of wall of text.

Classic Horikoshi

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Bless you user, you do know how to funpost.
>that nighteye
Every time

>threads have constantly been nuked throughout the day
>your dumbass starts up another one
wait until spoilers come out.

Well done user, well done

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>storytimeing a four year old chapter of an ongoing manga

For what purpose?

Best girl!

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Attentionwhoring. This guy is desperate for the /bnha/savior title.
He also started the hunger games and is a Yea Forumsfag. Pure cancer.

disgusting mutant.

This is your OP for tonight

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>hunger games

Oh shit that's the same person? How cancerous.
What's with this manga that attracts the worst autists?

Just look at OP, this fucking idiot has been dumping chapters like if he was in a general and he's in charge of these threads. Look at his explanation here
If there's cancer killing Yea Forums, this guy is the greatest example.


Yeah I saw that disgusting mess of a post already. Why are these idiots so entitled that they think they can police threads? I don't want bnha threada to be constant policing like in bc threads.

Because we allow faggots like that to set rules and shit. And other idiots sucking up to them.
Disgusting if you ask me.

You're right. Reminds me of Gigantofag and his white knights. Storytimefag can easily get out of control like that.

I hate that gigafag and his disgusting edits so much. I hate thread personalities with passion, and OP has been desperately wanted to become one for weeks.
Good thing he's too autistic to realize how easy he's to spot.


I hope he crawls back in his cave after his embarrassing display today. This is actually OP Storytimefag?

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Yes. Look at the way he types, nobody is that autistic. He always makes paragraphs like that, and not too long ago he was actually talking to someone here going on about life and how much of a bitter virgin he was. I'll see if I can find that in the archive.

Think my problem with the OP is that he doesn't know when to stop. We had so many threads today that the mods ended up deleting and yet here he comes starting up another one. Even when he pulled out the hunger games, one or two games were enough but OP was too autistic to know when to stop. He kept making games after games until a mod had to move those threads to trash and then automatically deleted the threads other anons had up because he decided to post the games in those threads. This is why OP is friendless inrl, the dude drive people away because he's fucking annoying.

I appreciate this post because it makes bnha threads easy to find.

Oh wow, he was actually blogposting about his personal life? Are you sure this isn't actually Gigantofag? They express extremely similar mannerisms.

Not to mention he bumps his own threads, and gets mad when anons make bnha threads before his and even links them to this one. Dude is fucking insane.
google >> Shi tsukagi dabi Toga ÄŞda deku Todoroki Katsuki yatta a!
so Katsuki

Maybe, though I can't be sure. I choose to think they're both different types of cancer, but you never know.

>pretty sure there's no way redestro can win unless he powers up even more somehow
If stress makes ReDestro stronger, and he sees that Giga is tremendously powerful and he may get beat, I suspect that will generate lots of stress...

As to Shiggy and Giga, keep in mind the situation. Shiggy is AfO's chosen successor. Giga is having major problems with this because the Shig and his LoV are so weak. He's been running them - especially Shiggy - through extreme training to make them either stronger or dead. If Shiggy, though hook, crook, or anything but luck, can beat him, I suspect Giga will then accept him as worthy. Probably not someone to be obeyed blindly, as he would have done with AfO. But worthy of at least a listen.

Discussion, perhaps? After all, we know more about these characters now, we can pick out the traits and events that will be important and see who Hori did setting things up.

>yfw Redestro will stress so much that he wil die of heart failure

This makes me wanna puke

I'm looking forward to seeing how she is in action shots, animated.

Remember, user; it attracted YOU.

Except the chapter OP dumped would have been appropriate during Joint Training arc where we see the same characters, not now. OP needs to learn that everything has its time and place

So much shitposting and spleen.

Probably all the same guy.

OP can't have that because he made an autistic plan to drop every chapter until we get to season 4.
Yes, I wish I was joking.

OP deserves it for trying to make a general.

Didn't you have the same exact thread before?
Template OPs and generals are against the global rules.

Nah, it's different anons getting tired of the OP doing this shit. My camel broke when I was just in a thread that nuked and I see this one up literal seconds later.

Am I supposed to know who that is? Goddamnit why does this series attract absolute fucking troglodytes? Is thirs the result of having threads 24/7?

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Magnetofag is an autistic fag that made straw polls and predictions for the JT arc using magneto as an avatar.
Here he's mad some anons disagreed with him, he went fucking bananas.
Top comedy

Cute and perfect!
Me too! Words cannot describe my excitement

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I think it's the result of popularity. If this were an obscure series there'd be much less drama. But because it's over the top popular right now, it's attracting all the maladjusted from all walks of life.

you're cute and perfect!

That is why funposting is best posting. All obscure series have this fun atmosphere where anons enjoy themselves and have a good time posting nonsense, OC and discussing. All at the same time, all in harmony
Here you must accommodate to the rules set by bubblering retards that want to police all sorts of discussion. It is a very shameful display.

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>Best girl!

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I want to bash bakugo's head in with a sledge hammer

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Kek, are you still mad because of those deku pictures I posted in that deku hate thread? Shall I post them again? I think I will.

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Do you by any chance post in Black Clover threads?
Your temper tantrum and style of post is identical to Norsecuck.

Please, describe their sex life in detail.

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I don't know shit about Norsecuck but if you can link to some examples I might be able to tell if he's the same person.

You too!

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thanks, you're so sweet!

Thanks for the dump herobro

I don't ''fuck off', I simply go back to work because I have a life outside of sperging at made up personalities on the internet. There's no use in lingering to wait for discussion when I've got other shit to do, it's easier to do some work, then return and pick up the discussion where it's leading instead of trying to force it

I don't want to become a 'personality', but it is funny to see that they only return with falsely attributed ad homonyms instead of actual arguements.

I have no idea who made those posts, and judging from the timing, those posts were in the late night/early morning in my time zone making it basically impossible for me. You don't even have proof that all those posts are the same person outside of the ones directly linked to each other.
If you want me to prove that isn't me I'll make a post there in the first thread in a second and you can literally watch the IP count go up by 1. As I said last time you made up a peronality, attributed me to that personality then attacked that personality; you have still yet to prove that I'm the same person outside of 'makes long posts' which is an aspect of following Rule 6.
Now there are countless posts sprialing from your personalityfagging, all completely offtopic and all incorrect. Thanks autist.

God you have no fucking idea what you're on about, you abject newfag. There is a definitive line between funposting and shitposting; and screaming about to imaginary-downvoting your made up leddit profiles for threads on end is most definitely the former.

I'm not sure either would win. Going off of the fact that both Giga and Destro grow in size relative to their quirks capacity, I think the likely scenario is that it's going to get noticed by the outisde world; especially if Dabi and Geten haven't been seen already. The press are on the scene, and the second the breaking news button gets pressed; heroes are going to be crawling the area

>Thanks for the cancerous general, faggot.

Why didn't Deku just aim to become a support hero and then once he made enough gadgets try to transfer to the hero course?

>>mad fucking calm
I don't remember reading this version, but I like this translator's choice

Holy shit

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I'm too lazy to link the archives so I'll post the post number instead.
Here is one of his posts but he would basically spam the threads with walls of text of his Norse or /his/ fan fiction and whenever no one gave him (You)s he would throw a temper tantrum calling everyone brainlets for not responding to him and shit up the threads if people funpisted instead of replying to him.
He appeared over a year ago and would spam non stop but nowadays due to anons at Black Clover threads bullying him so much he rarely appears and only posts a few times before crying and vanishing until the next chapter drops.

He has no inventive skills, at a guess.

Always felt Deku to be a warped personality trying repeatedly to rationalise himself. Look at page 1 chapter 1 again and ask: what kind of kid puts himself between another kid and three bullies? Heroes and villains are two sides of the same coin.

Because his idea of a hero was about jumping into the fray. Even as a child he was racing to someone's side to help them. Support heroes, especially ones like Mei aren't wat he wanted to emulate.

He seems just as autistic. Good thing BCfags know how to deal with their cancer.

Attached: bnha general.png (529x393, 162K)

Have sex loser

That's how I feel. Helping a person in need is the right thing, but Deku jumps in like it's an adrenalin high. It's a shounen series though so I don't think Horikoshi will actually go there

And here's the proofs I said I'd provide, which is still more than anybody else has ever provided to the contrary.
I am not the faggot you seem to think I am, fuck off.

That was actually his original plan from Hori in original designs; it was Monji who 'convinced' him to choose the OfA route with him. I'll see if I can find the

It's the translations from Viz if I remeber correctly (for consistency); however I superimposed the actual translations onto a jap scan of the colour page, since this image right fucking here meant I couldn't search for the highest quality western colour scan (the image clogged up all the searches, with so many tumblr blogs and blogger pages using it as proof for their ebin kiribaku shipping, in turn making it impossible to find the best otherwise). So there is an example of a page I've altered to give the best quality page and best sounding translations.
I'll follow up this post to show the differences.

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And the pages difference

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Fuck off you disgusting clown.

His ideals are painted by his experiences namely from idolizing All Might's escapades

>I don't want to become a 'personality', but it is funny to see that they only return with falsely attributed ad homonyms instead of actual arguements.
They have no arguments. Just rage.

Which member of the cast do you think fucks the most?

I think it's bakugo, bakugo definitely fucks.

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Can you dump the next chapter?

yeah, i fuck him with my strap on

Lemme guess you came from the other tread

Of course

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What's that dekufag? Want me to post a dead pic of deku?

Out of the whole cast? Probably one of the married couples. My money is on the Asui's with how many kids they already have.

Which chapter is this?

Seems familiar but I can't remember which one this is from.

By Hori mostly.

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Bakugou hasn't lost his virginity because he never loses.

Tipically of your kind, classic

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I'm just a normal dekufag. Do you think he would an hero himself if bakugou convinced him enough? Serious question kek.

I dont get it.

Ochako with Bakugo

Of course you don't

Yeah, which brings the question of whether All Might practice of heroism is all that healthy. Again it'll be an intriguing read if Hori goes that way but it's a rather negative subject

Bros... just got my hard broken, could you send me some cute Dekus?

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Oh my

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he's soooo cuuuute

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I don't think even Fairy Tail was this bad.

i'm about to scoop my eyes with a melon baller
thanks user

Noup. He still unbeaten

It seems pretty obvious that it's not.
All Might while well meaning wanted to take all of Japan's burden's onto his back and it both worked him into an early grave and has left the people he sought to save totally complacent upon him. Almost immediately after he's no longer able to perform his duties society begins slowly collapsing.
Ontop of that his attempts to be the perfect hero have painted a flawed image of heroism in most people's eyes, even Deku who's a pretty heroic and altruistic kid has a hard time seeing past any way to be a great hero besides emulating All Might to a tee, his arc is growing self confidence not only in standing up for himself but in stepping beyond his preconceived notions of what he had to be. And Deku is the positive example, other examples like Bakugo and Endeavor are based solely on the aspect of power he put forth.

Wishing Energy!

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Watch rid of me. It's about a woman who was happy until her husband fell back in love with his high school sweetheart and the lady starts to work at a candy shop with a middle aged goth woman. It's a pretty good feels good movie, awkward though.

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Hey OP just wanted to thanks you for the high quality dump as always. Just a reminder to ignore the shitposters. They are most likely the same person and looks very determined to bring you down. Keep doing the great job I support you.

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I think your forget erza and natsu back to back asspulls.

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FT is the nakama power incarnation

Don't ever make an OP again you dumb fatass.

>Literally all it took was believing in himself to change his vision but he couldnt do it

Goddamn Nighteye fucking sucks.

Is OP a bot?

Autistic as one and incapable of critical thinking.

i love everyone in this thread!

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whomst is this on the right

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I wish there was more cool shit and less SoL bullshit in the hero/student chapters.
Its fine with the league because they're supposed to be autistic psycopaths with no direction in life or real purpose but I'm tired of the "tee hee xd " highschool hijinks that just don't fucking matter. They aren't even really learning anything related to active heroism outside of the few training exercises we see.

Let's not get crazy here.
Nothing in MHA has surpassed "Because she's Erza" yet.

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Where's Miriofags


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What about the schizo?

>She started out as a guy, but I made her a girl because I thought that seemed more interesting.
God am I glad Hori decided that

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The non-blacked out person is All Might, it literally says it in the picture

Bro sauce me on that

He did the same switch with Tsuyu and Hagakure. All very wise decisions.

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>minetards are on there but no miriofags


yeah I meant the middle, my bad

Why do you want miriofags so desperately? Do it yourself dude

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I love Mineta

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But toga user, i love you more

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How can he read if he never went to school?

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>Half of these posters are extinct
Board culture continues to change.

How many mental illnesses will Eri develop?

Bakugou's body is literally built for sex, and I'll break it down for you why this is:
>Bakugou is objectively one of the hottest, if not THE most physically attractive characters in the entire series
>He's not only incredibly athletic, but also incredibly flexible
>and he's got a shit ton of stamina, so he can go hard for a long time, in most any conceivable position
>he has big man tits for tiddy-fucking and a small waist with a nice ass that works for grabbing onto when building up momentum
>he has strong arms that could easily hold you up against a wall and throw you around
>with his sweat being nitroglycerin like, it has natural lubricant qualities, and he has the ability to take rough anal sex, since nitroglycerin is a common medicinal substance used for anal fissures
>there's the whole thing about him smelling like caramal or burnt sugar because of his quirk
>his cum and spit most likely tastes sweet and spicy, and has addictive properties because if he sweats nitroglycerin, it's fair to assume he secretes it through his other bodily fluids
>if Bakugou does ever decide to use his sweat for its lubricative properties, whoever is on the receiving end would end up experiencing a tingling sensation due to the spicy qualities of nitroglycerin
>on top of everything, his personality is one that is at first dominant, intense and tsundere-like, which means he is someone who could forcefully dominate and bully you
>but this also means he would be the ultimate challenge to mindbreak into a submissive bottom completely devoted to your pleasure

Bakugou is for lewd.

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He learned watching anime and playing games

thank you so much user!
i love you too, you really make me smile!

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What the actual fuck did Horikoshi mean by this? What was the fucking point of including two spooky shadow ghosts, with one of them looking vaguely like Bakugou? Hori seriously, what the fuck? Why have you done this?

Based and orange pilled, you're most likely a disgusting fujo but I'll let it pass just this once.

>wearing nylon tights in a fucking swimming pool
what kind of degenerate does this

I love Shigaraki, if he dies i will be very sad


>but this also means he would be the ultimate challenge to mindbreak into a submissive bottom completely devoted to your pleasure

imagine mindbreaking bakugou to be your perfect submissive housewife, imagine coming home and having him cook dinner for you and tend to your every need
imagine him being perfectly happy and content with his/her new life and loving you unconditionally

I need more of these, they're so cool

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me too user, i hope he's gonna be okay

This is so vanilla.

hope that nigga dies

vanilla is cute, i want to have bakugou as my wife and live an innocent and vanilla life with her

we'll never know
we're not even at the end of first year and unless a huge timeskip happens it's going to be another 10 years or so until deku finishes school

Purefags are my rivals.

>2 more years until All might finally dies because Hori releases chapters 7 pages at a time

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having enemies isn't fun, we should make up and be friends

That's not very nice

I don’t really know what’s going on in this thread, because some of you guys are kinda weird, but I just finished season 3 (I only watch the anime), and I really like the show! I was worried first going into it because the first season seemed pretty generic and I thought the show was being overhype, but I’m impressed with just how much has changed over the story and how each character has managed to upgrade their powers in different ways. I also really like how the show has a focus on how society in general responds to the events in the story. I also really like Bakugo, especially after he fought Deku and found out about One For All from All Might. Most of my friends don’t really like Bakugo, but I feel like I relate to him a lot. What do you guys think?

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i want to peg bakugo in the ass with my strap on and fuck him until he's kind and gentle

Shut the fuck up and go kill yourself.

we're full already, go away

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I feel nothing for normal male Bakugou, but I will admit Fem Bakugou checks all the right boxes for me. I love me some delinquent tomboys.

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that's a massive total switch schizofag, i thought you didn't like bakugou because he was mean to deku?

the froppy kind

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Fembakugou gets me so hard desu. I want to impregnate her.

i don't like bakugo because he's a bully but if he started being nice and kind i would like him

Why do you insist on enabling that fucking faggot?

he gives good head

that, Deku will become the greatest Hero after cheering on his greatest Hero. Kacchan.

Nigger I don't give a fuck. Thanks to you, we have to keep enduring Togafags mindnumbing fucking cunt posts

hori's steadily getting there. bakugou at least knows how to talk to people without randomly getting triggered. he's also 1% nicer to deku, can't wait for him to be 001.2% nicer to him

>he is unlikable
>i made him unlikable



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Hori needs to seriously tone down on the bakuwank. There is absolutely no reason for bakugou to be there with the other predecessors. I understand that he's important but really?

It's not Bakugo

>threw a frozen snowball at midoriya for no reason
he's still pretty unlikable to me

I laughed a lot harder at this than I had any right to

shut the fuck up, without active enforcement/self-moderation resulted in threads all across the entire website to be absolute dogshit for over 10 years now

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Does Bakugou wear eyeliner?

Yeah, you're probably right.

Probably no one because Japan isnt a total whore shithole like the west.

honestly i could see a situation where deku is about to die then passes ofa on to bakugou who then defeats afo ending the series
it'd be fucking GARBAGE but i can see it happening

that was bakugo you dipshit

Bakugo isn't typically japanese. He is a naturally blonde loud aggressive guy.

It would be better than Deku doing it.

But everyone Deku sees has already HAD OfA

>they still don't realize that the shining part in the lower image is a OFA fueled Stun Grenade shot off by Kacchan

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>tfw can totally see bakugou doing the killing blow to deku's enemy because hori can't stop wanking bakugou


>Implying Bakugo will even be important at the end of the series
He's barely in the story at the moment, and hasn't been important for at least 100 chapters

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Hori's editor here, I'm feeling nice and am going to give you all the choice of one of these for the next arc. The rest will be discarded forever. Make your choice.
>Shiketsu joint training
>Short Bakugou arc, Kirishima and Kaminari are also in it
>Shinsou moving into the dorms and joining 1A arc
>Hagakure and Ojiro arc, they're on patrol at an internship and have a run in with a villain (undecided who, could also be a new one)

I'll see you niggers in 6 years and then we'll see who was right.

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Hori dropped Iida for Tsu. there will only be more characters getting dropped after popular opinion sways him more and despite not being important at all whatsoever he is still wrangled into each non-Deku arc somehow. Bakugo has shown time and again that he'll be the Hero that wins and that Deku will be the Hero that saves and that's okay because being a hero isn't just about Might.

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Shiketsu arc fucking hands down, the others can leave forever

yeah, and? that was my point dum dum

More like he's being wrangled into irrelevancy. He barely exists in the story

This is just like conpress all over again, somehow, without anyone noticing he kidnaps bakugo, and his quirk doesnt even allow him to do so. It just happens because of plot, just like how quirkless mirio survives against OH for 5 minutes.

he along with Shoto do not barely exist in the story. because of them they found out about the shady support items which segued into the current arc.

>Bakugo has shown time and again that he'll be the Hero that wins and that Deku will be the Hero that saves and that's okay because being a hero isn't just about Might.
Bakugo became a hero that saves and
win during the join training arc.

u daft?

>Hori dropped Iida for Tsu

Iida just got a power up fag. He's here to stay.

They didn't 'find out' anything. Slidin' Go already knew about them because he's part of the MLA. They showed up for a single chapter to tie in a new arc, and that's probably all they're going to get for a while. At least Shouto is still somewhat relevant because of Endeavour and his family, Bakugo has literally nothing

>Final boss battle with Shig who has inherited AfO's powers through convoluted nonsense involving Eri, the good doctor, and a steel pipe
>The ground beneath Shig's giant feet(he got a gigantification quirk from Mt. Lady) is falling away and cracks in the earth are opening up
>The city is falling apart at the seams
>Izuku, the pro heroes, and all of his friends gather to make one last desperate push againt the LoV
>Izuku dies but not really and goes inside his own subconscious
>Izuku is visited by the virgin ghost of AfO's bro
>He activates the secret power behind OfA that he was hiding from Izuku and all the other OfA users until this very moment for some reason
>Izuku gets super god deity mangekyou kaioken gear fifthteen bankai One For All(Infinite Percent)
>He runs around at the speed of sound, shoving his tongue down the throats of everyone present
>Now all the heroes have a small percentage of OfA to use for themselves because Izuku can just give demo versions of the quirk away to anyone now
>Bakugou farts and launches himself up towards Shig's big toe before gently kissing it
>The resulting explosion is so large it can be seen from orbit
>The 30% of japan is a smoldering crater but then Eri uses her OfA enhanced rewind to bring the city back to before it was destroyed
>Izuku and the pro heroes attack the LoV and dick slap them before all of the previous shit ever happened
>Izuku gushes over Kacchan
>The End...
>2 years later

I said that bakugou threw a frozen snowball at midoriya and for that he's still pretty unlikable to me. why are you all up my ass?

He’s a minetafag.
>dude anyone who likes hates characters are based lol!!!

You replied to someone talking about monoma you fucking moron

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oh shit

Kek. Gotta add in that bakuwank right at the end.

>bakugo dies

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Describe this character

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fuck that fucking shithead. he ruined shoto.

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Literally his name

How did he ruin Shoto?

Eri's cunny

deku's boypussy

Shouto ruined himself by being shit

I know you're full of shit, but please Hori for the for the love of god bring back Bakugou

>wanting another pointless, filler training arc

Explain this.

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walking gay joke
walking pervert joke

>but please Hori for the for the love of god bring back Bakugou
and kill Deku

Throw Bakugo off a cliff, shinketsu arc

>Throw Bakugo off a cliff
Manga is dead then
both quality and sales wise.

Thanks, i hate it.

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Im suggesting the fifth option of Shinsou dying in a freak accident and not joining the hero course.

Joint arc where Shinsou becomes suicidal and drags Bakugo along with him to die
Problem solved

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Gag character

Gag character
Gag character


Well said.

He also calls him Kacchan from time to time. Here he's even using it as his hero name when he dressed up Muscular as Bakugou in One's Justice kek

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It must be so trippy to play your own videogame that somebody else made. It was surprisingly well made too. Its about 9 months old and it's still relatively active


He used it as a hero name... I'll laugh if it's foreshadowing it so casually

>people will never love your characters as much as you love them
>people will never create mountains of porn of your characters
>people will never care about the story you're creating so much that they constantly create fan content
>there will never be a video game featuring your characters because you won't become famous and have no idea how to make games yourself
it hurts, horikoshi is a lucky man

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Jiro has the hottest looks but Uraraka has the best personality

>ywn kill bakugo in a non-erotic way
why live

how do you kill someone in a erotic way?

he doesn't need to read as long as he has my strap

This. Fuck Hori for regressing Shoto's character to a cliche one-note son of a bitch.

What? What are you talking about?

naked and with the consumption of their blood and flesh

Compress actually made sense, though. All he had to do was sneak up behind the group and compress Tokoyami and Bakugo. He could do that silently, and because they were all focused eyes front, they didn't notice. Mirio was able to last against Overhaul because OH was a crappy physical fighter who relied on his quirk, while Mirio had had to become a superb hand to hand combatant because his quirk had no offensive capacity. Every hit he delivered to OH slowed him down until he healed himself, and he was moving fast enough OH couldn't tag him. Five minutes was probably the max he could last, but it was just long enough.

Let's ask Toga!

Then why did All Might say you can't be a hero without a quirk
The entire beginning and Deku crying about not having power seems completely retarded after Overhaul vs Mirio

Like literally who gives a shit about AfO being "powerful" and being able to pass on quirks
Quirks mean nothing if you look at Mirio

Overhaul could dodge Rappa's bullet fast attacks yet he becomes a drooling idiot with Mirio out of nowhere? Where did his amazing reflex time from Rappa's flashback go?
It's bullshit.

Hori whiles massively improved detail wise his old art felt as if more expressive with how cartoony some expressions were.

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>Then why did All Might say you can't be a hero without a quirk
because he would be DEAD

Mirio wouldn't be.

Well he dodged Mirios surprise attack pretty well whiles Chrono got an amazing slam to the face.
And Rappa isn't that hard if you know how to exploit him seeing as Rappa is insanely top heavy.

he sure wasn't dying right
stop being an idiot user

His old art had more soul. Now he's doing what Kishimoto and Kubo did and he's trying to copy the anime's artstyle.

>he sure wasn't dying right
He beat one of the strongest quirks without a quirk
Quirks mean absolutely nothing
Tiny quirkless Deku should be able to beat All for One if he just works hard enough

That is what Mirio vs. Overhaul showed. It turned Deku, All Might and everyone retroactively into huge retards.

Doesn't matter how heavy Rappa is. Hori himself in the flashback chapter described Rappa's punches being bullet speed due to his quirk's ability.
Overhaul could dodge Rappa's extremely fast quirk punch yet he fell on his ass backwards when confronted by dequirked Mirio's normal punch.
It's inconsistency because the plot demands it. This is why no one will end up giving a shit about any threats because Hori can just pull something out of his ass and go against what he previously established.

stop exaggerating, this is getting ridiculous

Hori did it

I like how you ignore the fact that Mirio is the most skilled/dexterous combatant in the series or the fact that the 5 minutes happened after Mirio shat on him with his quirk.

Mirio is like ten levels underneath bakugo in pure skill/dexterity

Doesn't matter dipshit. Mirio no matter how good of a fighter can't beat a mutant shoulder quirk that allows bullet speed.
Get the fuck out of here. Don't defend inconsistency.

Just because abilities are exploitable or have a gaping weakness doesnt mean quirkless people can measure to others. Cases in which it happens the quirkless person always has some sort of advantage.
If he had a quirk he can totally beat Rappa, its just gonna take a long time. Chisaki just has the ability that just lets him instantly win when there is an opening he can exploit.

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Reminder that Horikoshi gives so little shit about his own manga that he forgot Twice already made a Toga clone before in an extremely important plot point.
Why do you expect him to give a fuck about keeping consistency in his writing?

lol no, there is a reason he wasnt around for class a vs mirio, because hori can't have Bakugo loose

You're trying too hard

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>doesnt mean quirkless people can measure to others
Except Mirio vs Overhaul which proves the opposite.
>Cases in which it happens the quirkless person always has some sort of advantage.
It was 2 against 1
He just lost his quirk and had to adjust to fighting without it
He was still drunk/shaky via the other quirk
He had to protect Eri
Overhaul didn't have to be careful with Eri and could've killed her and simply restore her
just killing eri would've won him the fight.

Mirio still won. Quirks are useless.

>Baiter on another spree of retarded posts

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>Except Mirio vs Overhaul which proves the opposite.
'cept like i said Onaholes' is exploitable to that he has to touch somebody which mirio abused and mirio didnt give chisaki the opening that chisaki needs for the instant win, and i repeat, chisaki has a broken arm, was beaten up prior and was exhausted, also chisaki's two goon that were there were terrible at fighting and spent 99.9% of the time incapacitated

>Onaholes' is exploitable to that he has to touch somebody

Mirio was about to die you stupid nigger, Deku saved his ass after he Kool-aid man his way into Onahole

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Rappa is fast but predictable. It's an anime thing that you can even dodge bullets by knowing where the gun is pointing and moving before they shoot; actually Mirio even perfectly sees Nemoto getting the gun and intercepts a bullet that was going for Eri, his reactions are bullet time.
It was easy for Overhaul to predict Rappa, who is a retard, and put his hand in the way of Rappa's punch. He just needs to make contact to disintegrate whatever comes in.
Also you underestimate the Precognition-Martial arts that Nighteye and Mirio use. Nighteye was correctly predicting every enemy move WITHOUT using his Quirk; he developed real prediction powers and created a martial art out of it, but his real Quirk was predicting the future 1 time per day or something. He taught Mirio said style, so Mirio too can perfectly dodge bullets by some time by seeing its trajectory and moving out of the way, he has the ability and Overhaul praises his style when fighting Deku.

I don't know user, his expression while toned down are still pretty cartoony

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Of course I don't defend the 5 minutes thing because realistically Overhaul could have touched a wall and turned the entire room into spikes... but maybe that needs more concentration and stamina than he had at the moment? If it takes too much time, Mirio would close the gap and break his face.

He has to touch the ground as well, but of course Mirio has to make sure he could or if he managed he couldn't focus on aiming his quirk. Because Chisaki actually has to aim his quirk.
Image related shows that Chisaki has to both aim his quirk and him touching something isnt instant activation.

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That's not series inconsistency, that >Yakuza inconsistency. Anybody with half a brain wouldn't defend Yakushit; it's the worst arc in the series not because of the easily recognisable issues (such as Provisionals) but because of the deeper implications it brings.
It was an arc with no soul, there was no grand idea behind it, there was no real meaning behind it, it was riddled by plot issues, consistency issues and basically every idea/character brought up in Yakushit has been dropped with no real impact or implications to the narrative; anybody who's been an artist and done a request they didn't want to do instantly recognise it as just that. An arc Hori was forced to put out (likely by Monji) tat he didn't particularly feel like getting behind.

I'm the first to say I like the series, but when you've got Villain-tilted arcs such as Stain, Kamino or the current; Yakushit doesn't just trail behind, it fucking falls flat on its face.

I would love to hear how you think Nighteye died
if you think Overhaul has to touch you to win

Good job ignoring what I wrote.

>Onahole is exploitable to that he has to touch somebody

>Mirio beat overhaul
Lmao what? Mirio SURVIVED overhaul, and that was after overhaul had been fucked up

You replied to the post that literally addresses that exact point. You are so fast you speed read posts now.

Reposting in this thread because I accidentally posted it in a wrong thread

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>"this is WAY TOO FAST to be called 'reassembling'"
>literally not fast enough to evade and not get stabbed and only survives because of his quirk

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So if you just trained really hard while being Quirkless you could not only contend but beat people like Mt.Lady High End Geten or ReDestro?

I started creating my own autistic shounen power fantasy a few days ago because of BNHA and while I strongly doubt I'll even try to publish it one day it's a nice source of cathartic release


it's just redestro imo, he looks like pinocchio and is nowhere near as detailed as the others so it's just another AM thing where one character is in a different style

> mountains of porn
Why would you define you character in such a wat? The art for your favorite character should be all about being in a loving relationship with you and marrying you and having a happy family together.

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That looks like the CHAD Bakugou from the ms paint comics, I'm laughing

the redestro pic was entirely unrelated

I'm sorry. I need a drawing of some quirkless guy cqcing a gigantified Mt.Lady.

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Yes just look at Mirio. He's even more talented than Bakugou.

>more talented than Bakugou.
He had no talent
Just hard work

But he lost his Quirk. He also lost his spot as successor to All Might. Kacchan has never had a clear concise loss.

my b he does like look like a clown though imo

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Did you reply to the wrong thread again? Well maybe not. But yes.
All Might has NO DEFENSIVE QUIRK. You read that well. You can still break Deku's face if you hit him with a metal stick or something, even if he's using OFA. And he himself breaks while using it because he can't withstand the power, the Quirk isn't giving him ANY defensive capabilities.
That means that All Might lifted until he could tank AFO's nukes and Endeavor is around that level too. All that as mere humans.
And I mean, Shigaraki just dodged Gigantomachia for a month and now he is doing kinda well against ReDestro who boosts his stats his Quirk and anger. Physical training puts you on par with untrained people with physical Quirks. And that's been a thing since forever, in the USJ invasion some mutant was all like
>Heh he can negate Quirks, but as a mutant he can't do anything about my retard strenght!
and then Aizawa fodderized him saying that he trained martial arts for these cases

>Did you reply to the wrong thread again?
That was a different user
but it really shows you have no argument

OfA also defends you

All Might may have no defensive Quirk but when he was fighting AFO he defended himself by offensively countering AFO's air blast with his strength.

No offense, it's just that on a different thread I was having the exact argument of All Might and Endeavor being that strong due to natural training. So yes humans can match quirked monsters here if they spend a few years at the gym.
There's probably tons of martial artists out there who are overwhelmingly OP but never got interested in the hero business, kinda like Onepunch Man. There that point gets explored; not all strong people join the hero ranks but you can find them practicing martial arts or sports or sumo or whatever else. It recently also got revealed in the Fate franchise that Buddhist monks get absurd powers but you'd never know since they don't stop meditating.
I kinda like those concepts.

The only instance of that I've seen is the movie with bulltets bouncing off Deku, but it seems like a HEAVY outlier. In the actual manga Deku gets cut by knives and swords in Full Cowl, bullets would make him swiss cheese. Meanwhile AM tanks everything with a smile.

>Shigaraki is doing kinda well against ReDestro
Hahaha nigga what? He's done absolutely nothing except have his fucking hand torn off

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But what about USJ Nomu's extra tard strength that has no ties to physical training since its all just stacked body mass which allowed it to fodderize Eraser

So your saying the Mirio that fought Overhaul while Quirkless could take out High End

I am also on the side that people who don't consider the genre of anime and manga and actually think anime and manga characters are not meant to be human strength tier and try to logic some kind of bullshit about the overall peak human in that universe are beyond retarded

So we can have that argument here but we are not even finished with the first one so that might not be a good idea.

He still got sent to hell just fine, by this point Aizawa would be mincemeat.
I really don't know how the hell USJ Nomu worked, honestly. We don't know his Quirks. How the hell did AFO pull out a quirk matching 8 generations of OFA and gave it to it? Maybe it's just many strenght quirks stacked.
He's explicitly just as powerful as All Might... well I think Hori doesn't think about it too much.
USJ Nomu is simply an evil scientist's experiment and he's THAT strong because Ujiko is really good at his job.

He wouldn't have a way to put it down. But if Mirio lifted for another 10 or 20 years maybe he could block some punches.

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This is retarded. Stop being retarded. You faggot retard.

You know what I'll stop trying to make sense of this anime. This gif just left me speechless

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Bakugou is a secret OFA holder

>We don't know his Quirks.
We know that USJ Nomu had hyper regeneration shock absorption and loads of strength quirks you quadruple nigger. Stop being retarded you faggot.

That scene is ironically comedy gold.

You cannot talk sense to one of the "Deku didn't need a quirk!" crowd, because they're senseless to begin with. It's like expecting reason out of someone who is mentally ill.


Well then I was right you dummy, I mentioned tons of stacked strenght quirks but I was confused by the original poster talking as if it was a mystery.
Yeah training can let you match a strenghtening quirk, Stain was much better than Deku at 5% and it was One For All we're talking about. But things get out of hand once you stack too many strenght quirks (even then Endeavor was holding up well to High-End).


y'all arguing about power levels in a shonen again?

>it's shonen therefore it has to be written bad
Fuck off

This makes it harder to believe the bomb girl and her minions died once Toga made them fall from the sky

If you do enough bench pressing you could survive getting stomped on by Mt.Lady or getting your shit squished by ReDestro.

Basically this. But so far only Endeavor and All Might have shown this level of retardedness, it's not a common thing at all.

When does Vigilantes go up?

Who is best 1-B?

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Don't deny it you know it's true

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Best... boy, girl, combatant, schemer, hero?

>Those boots
Lord almighty why do you tempt me

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They'd all trained their quirks, not their bodies. That seems to be a flaw in LA mindset, they focus on power and not all round capacity.

This reminds me Spin is for all intents and purposes Quirkless yet he went full murderer on dozens of people, yeah.

Spinner? "Lizard man, lizard man, does whatever a lizard can..."

After a month and a half of fighting Giga, you're good or you're dead. Also, don't forget, he's extremely strong, as his ability to swing around that 'sword' showed, and he came to the LoV with a bunch skills already learned. I'm hoping the politician sets up some sort of defense where Spinner can't get near him and is gloating when Spin nails him with a thrown knife.

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The best, user. Who is the best 1-B

What happened to paintfag's tumblr? Did he make a new one?

It got nuked after the unbirthing MirioEri comic

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Kendo. Kinoko is best girl, but in terms of fighting, planning, nobility, heroism, appeal, and ability, Kendo is best over all.

Amazing taste

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>hooker boots
>no bra
>literally just a blanket thrown over her
Why does the school allow this?

Hey man, Setsuna is wearing a suit tight enough that you can make out the individual muscles in her midriff

And Hagakure is just straight up naked

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reminder that ibara has very sensitive skin and that is why her costume is a toga

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I don't know why the idea of hypersensitive skin is so hot, but it is

It's like Hori set them up to be prime doujin rape bait with villains

It's a shame the only shit we mostly get is fujo shit over and over and over and over again.

I hate it. Horikoshi delivers with his girls, but this fanbase is pure gayness. If this was Naruto, every single girl would have gotten rape doujins by now.

Well this manga is sort of more appealing for girls than for boys.

God I wish I could draw. The amount of ideas I have swirling around in my head and all we get is gay or vanilla. The quirks, the girls, the scenarios. So much to work with

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hey guys i'm not reading the manga because the best part of the anime for me is the fight scenes + epic music.
i just have 1 question. does deku leave kacchan in the dust or does kacchan continuously get better as i seriously hope he does.

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fujospam was actually based looking back on it

Because they're harmless and decently kind. Imagine actually being furious over some words on a Mongolian basket weaving board.

t. Fujo

>does deku leave kacchan in the dust or does kacchan continuously get better as i seriously hope he does
Neither. Kacchan is still the same and Deku wants to suck his dick more than ever.
Deku is only a hero that saves while Kacchan is not only a hero that saves but one who wins. Deku is destined to be a perma loser.

checkd and kekd thx user

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>tfw miss All Mighttu

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Nope. It just shows all of the incels what their shitposts look like to everyone else.

I like how over the top Mina's is.

Are you animeonly? Because All Might goes full asshole in S4.

ya animeonly. what you mean asshole? i just miss him being a badass.
fuck i need to leave this thread.

He shits all over Deku

for being a pussy? thats fucking rich.

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so learn to draw

Dude just drop the anime
You have seen all the good stuff
From season 4 onwards its 90% shit

Mirio is a new character who's pretty much young All Might. You already saw him, he's the naked blond guy with intangibility. His episodes will be worthy.
But after this season, so in 2020, we'll get to see Endeavor at work and he's every bit as hype as All Might, be sure to tune in once that happens.

The one or two episodes with endeavor will not be worth it to sit through yakuza and festival

Stop over hyping Endeavor's fujobait arc for the animeonly.

Is Kaminari ever improves his quirk usage he'd be in the top 5 in the class.

Fujos make any normal people mad, gay shit is awful or anyone not only incels.

This is probably some of the worst Bakuwank of the story. And the only good scene of Monoma for like 200 chapters.

What does 'Soi Sauce Face' mean anyhow?

Well no shit it's just the incelposts but gay.

Finally. Someone gets it.

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I miss Eri so much. I hope the next arc is about her.

What evidence do you have that DumpAnon is the same as the hunger games guy? There is no reason to think that at all.

Just go back to twitter.

Frogs kill all

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Simple logic.

Fuck off Newfag

Fuck off OPIncel

Nope. Everything belongs to us. At some point you will be completely replaced.

Inasa is a God and the future Number 2 Hero.

Shoto has just become a vehicle for Endeavor's development.

the best parts of the chapter belong to Bakugo as always.

>implying I'm not a fujo
Go back to twitter. Bnha fujos are a special kind of stupid.

I love Inasa.

>merely pretending to be a fujo
Lmao. How can you all fall this hard?

Did Hori forget that Inana is a Endeavor fanboy and that he forgave him? How come we didn't even have a single small panel of Inasa's reaction to Endeavor vs Highend fight? WTF Hori?

Fucking hell, I'm tired.

Proving my point on what kind of stupid you are. Notice how anons been ignoring you except for me giving you this You? And now I'm done.

>Literally 0 spoilers
Yeah... I'm thinking this is the end for BNHA


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Imagine if it was a loli and two baras


Deku is improving constantly, but Bakugo is still ahead in combat ability. And the closer Deku gets, the angrier Bakugo becomes and the harder he works to stay ahead. It's like Endeavor and All Might, but with the positions reversed. Many here insist Bakugo will have to eventually lose, his quirk has limits One for All does not. But I think they may be selling Bakugo's inventiveness and battle savvy short.

And the gap isn't really as unsurmountable as Endeavor told us. Based on his fight, I believe Enji can take a good OFA beating instead of getting instantly splattered like it looked like at the beginning of the manga.
And I see 0 reason to believe All Might can survive the fire lasers, he'll at least get severely injured and Endeavor can also burn the whole place down. AM is still affected by cold and heat, as he was shown relieved that Shoto carefully froze the USJ Nomu while avoiding him, and the USJ Nomu got broken in half while being as strong as AM, so if the ice side of Shoto can affect AM... yeah Endeavor can too with his fire.

It'd be an uphill battle, but Endeavor can potentially think of something and suckerpunch All Might before getting hit 5 times. I take it that's his limit and AM is not fighting bloodlusted as he was against AFO.

You act like this manga is any way consistent
The reason I think Deku will never surpass bakugo is because Hori's bakuboner
Thinking about actual characters is irrelevant

How about a honeymoon with yours truly, eri-chan?

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>What do you guys think?
I think that you write like an over exited 10 year old.
>And then I really like
>And then I really like

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Post cute and canon pls

you x me

Are you a tall, muscular man?

no, i am a tall, skinny woman

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"M-Midoriya? What are we gonna do on the bed...?"

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"You're going to have sex with Bakugo while I watch in the corner."

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i bet deku is really into cuddling

Deku is into watching and cheering on kacchan

i don't know why deku still wants to be kacchan's friend when he's so mean to him

She also has a cameltoe that you can see in the manga, I bet the anime is going to censor it.

Done what? Larping?

Because Deku is an unironic cuck

i don't know about that but i do know that deku was made to be dominated and pegged

Keep it in, keep it subtle, the male fans will go nuts.

We didn't even get the mina ass in the license arc
Bones is turbogay.

You look at Inko in the old days, you have to wonder: AfO, Jack Midoriya, some salariman, a Japanese James Bond constantly saving the world, WHO would spend years away from her?

Must be gay.

Reminder mirioeri is cute and canon

also bnha sucks and everyone who likes it is a cuck