The Bakemonogatari TV series has an intro which is a recap of the events of Kizumonogatari...

The Bakemonogatari TV series has an intro which is a recap of the events of Kizumonogatari. The only problem is that it doesn't look anything like the Kizumonogatari movies. My solution was to recreate the Bakemonogatari intro by replacing each shot from the TV intro with the corresponding shot from the Kizu movies, frame-for-frame.

In order to watch the full series, you need my edit for episode 1 as well as anyone else's release of the full series. My release includes a patch for Windows users which detects what version of Bakemonogatari you already have and automatically matches the subs with your version (most non-hardsubbed releases are supported).

The patch also enables the option to turn on and off Marathon mode for your existing version of Bakemonogatari, which is a familiar feature from the Madoka Magica v2 fancut that automatically skips the theme songs whenever they're not important (it always plays each one at least once).

Full user manual and FAQ:

1080p torrent:
720p torrent:

Attached: [Fancutfags]_Bakemonogatari_-_01[BD-Fancut][h264-1080p_FLAC].mkv_snapshot_00.09.029.jpg (1920x1080, 115K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Kizu Neko's pantsu on Bake
Beautiful stuff we got here.


Bakemonogatari will be 10 years old in two days
Based tourist

Yeah, Yea Forums is really shitty, not like the superior Yea Forums board where we all get the best fun, care to join me and leave these filthy virgins? let's never come back here.


They went through all the effort of animating it twice and now you've ruined it.

Since when was incel a word that was used here unironically? This place gets more and more Reddit by the day.

>that was used here unironically
It depends on who uses it, in this case we have a petty shitposter who gets hard by his number of replies.

This is a pretty autist thing to do, especially making a manual. Why couldnt you just upload it to youtube or replace the parts in ep 1 and upload a torrent?

>The only problem
I fail to see how that's a problem.

>Why couldnt you just upload it to youtube
>watching anime on youtube, specially when it comes to kizu
>or replace the parts in ep 1 and upload a torrent?
That's actually more work for him I guess.

>watching anime on youtube
I wouldn't expect someone who watches fan-cuts to care about quality.

>anyone does something for fun that requires even the slightest amount of work
>gets called autistic
And people wonder why there's no OC on Yea Forums anymore.

Not necessarily, unless you exclusively watch the fancut version.

>Why couldnt you just upload it to youtube
I could, but YouTube is pretty shitty for watching anime.

>or replace the parts in ep 1 and upload a torrent?
Well, that's what I did. It just comes with a few extra quality of life features, and the manual explains how they work. If you don't care about it, you can literally just torrent the episode and watch it like you would watch any other episode.

I mean, it isn't really a problem. I have a solution anyway.

The word apparently has a connotation like that but I take quality pretty seriously.

>The only problem is that it doesn't look anything like the Kizumonogatari movies

what's the problem with that?

Most of the bake characters only loosely resemble their kizu equivalents, too, you think they should reanimate the entire series with the kizu character designs?

Neat but I don't think it needed to be done lol, the intro to Bake works fine.

>Why is there an offensive word in your name?
Why bother explaining yourself to people who take offense in that? I imagine such person to be the filthiest casual that wouldn't be watching Bake in the frist place

Well, it's not really a big deal, but there's a pretty obvious inconsistency between the vampire hunters' designs for Kizu and the Bake intro. The fact that the visual style keeps changing is a part of the deal in Monogatari and obviously Kizu was supposed to look different than the rest of the series, so overall I don't think they should spend resources going back and making everything look like Kizu, but I do think that making the intro in Bake consistent with Kizu's visuals slightly improves the experience.

Oh, this absolutely doesn't need to exist. But now it does. I was mostly just trying to figure out how to utilize the skills I got from making the Madoka fan cut and this is what came to mind.

I figured it's better to have my ass covered just in case.

>but there's a pretty obvious inconsistency between the vampire hunters' designs for Kizu and the Bake intro
They look fine. Literally no one will have issues for characters that show up for a grand total of 6 seconds.

Attached: 7bRDp4a.jpg (2160x600, 532K)

Sure, it's a minor detail. My Bake rewatching experience was never ruined by it. In my opinion though, the important question to ask here isn't "why", it's "why not".

>why not
Because it is actively distracting

I apologize for having distracted you.

too be honest you can make the same claim in favor of his argument. As someone who perhaps watched Bake after Kizu that Dramaturgy could be distracting even if for a few mere seconds

I admire your dedication.

Attached: bake_089.jpg (1000x1361, 428K)

Do you have a link for Madoka fancut? And is it seeded at all?

Thanks mate. Your efforts arent for nothing

Yes and yes. The 1080p is seeded by several people and the 720p one is at least being seeded by me.


Thanks a lot! I admire your dedication and effort.

Attached: 7146518_p0.jpg (600x733, 394K)

Fucking based. Keep working on whatever you want to release, but I can't think of many shows that have such a unique situation that they require something like this. Madoka and mongatari come to mind, but that's really it. You could try doing it with Code Geass, since it has basically the same situation as Madoka for the first 2 movies.


imagine putting all this effort for a shit pretentious series/anime

No promises but I'll look into that. I actually haven't seen Code Geass yet so I guess I might as well take this chance to check it out.


stay seething autistic fag

Cwnor that filith you /d/egenerate.

>long-awaited fancut of madoka

I think they made that before Nyaa shut down

someone upload to youtube


>Yea Forumsnon makes passion project OC
>gets shut down by shitposting newfags
Keep going OP, you're doing good