Bloom into me

Do you think we'll get a 2nd season?

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No reason for, since the manga is gonna end soon.

Ah, damn...

They could make it specifically to promote last volumes, plus they'd get to finish the anime version.

How much did you like the anime thus far?

>No reason for, since the manga is gonna end soon.

Sure there is

Have the final season correspond to the final volume

Attack on Titan is doing it as well

Very much. Adaptation was faithful, direction took full advantage of the animated medium, and voice acting was superb.

How long till they fuck?

sasuga satan promoting pro-homosexual manga

That doesn't mean it won't happen. In some cases like HSL they knew the manga was ending and not only made the anime but had the ending in it first.

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They're already fantasizing about it, and we only have a few chapters left, so very soon.

We can only hope

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Happy Sugar Life. As the other great yuri show from last year I just assumed most people here watched it as well.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Happy Sugar Life - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_09.43_[2018.07.20_19.49.52].jpg (1920x1080, 921K)

Sure but the timing would be odd. The final volume is going to be released in november and no information so far about a potential 2nd season. And a 2nd season like ... +6 months after the mangas conclusion seems very unlikely to me?

The director wants another one. Nakatani does, too, but she has less pull than a director, I reckon.

I'll choose to believe your word. Having read several manga chapters back when it was starting I made a conclusion that I don't want to continue. Yanderes scare me verily.

Hopefully that combined with the anime selling well enough on it's own would give hope. Maybe they could cover it in a 10 episode series which would reduce the cost.
It's obviously not for everyone but is a good example of an anime that was made as the manga was ending, and was within a season of Yagakimi.

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That's yuribait, not real yuri.

They could announce a S2 when the final chapter comes out like Shokugeki no Souma did.

>not real yuri

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Yeah, yuribait.
Glad you agree with me.

user just wanna shitpost.
it is real yuri, just bad yuri.

it's alright, I just wanted to post more HSL

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Degenerate Yurifag here.

No. At best, we'll get a Kase-san style OVA.

Yea Forums have more interesting yuri discussion than /u/

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I don't know but I hope so

Different kind of love stories.

is Happy Sugar Life worth the watch

it's nothing deep and meaningful, but it does really well in the entertainment department
definitely give it a try if you're bored

Attached: happysugarlife.jpg (1600x1138, 433K)

Imagine a S2 of a yuri nearly ending with passionate (though keeping it 16+) yuri sex!