ITT anime only you watched

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I'm pretty sure I'm the only person on Yea Forums whose ever seen Alexander Senki.

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Is it good?

I personally liked it but I've always been a big history buff so that probably shaped my opinion. It's very weird, its artsyle was done by the same guy who did Aeon Flux so unless you like dudes in skin tight chaps and cod pieces you might want to skip it.

Still own this.

I watched it in the year 2000, kid.

Just downloaded this the other day, I see why people don't talk about it much. Its pretty forgettable despite having a pretty sizable amount of doujins, also that loli is god damn annoying.

I have every DVD but the last one. Still can't be assed to buy it online.

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The ED was based.

Argento Soma

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I own this, granted not the best choice to purchase but it was before streaming was a thing.
>"Soil is my power."
Dude needed to get laid.

The only childhood memory I have of this show is of notVincent shooting at a trapjaw-looking motherfucker who catches the bullets in his teeth and chews them up.
I still think that's pretty badass actually, but it's the only thing I cared to remember it seems.

Heat Guy J


That was my very first anime dissapointment, I was a big FF fan back then

Pic related

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I would be surprised if anyone else on Yea Forums saw this.

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Saijuku Muhai no Bahamut.

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>Thinking only you watched Kampfer.
>The show legendary for the densest anime protagonist of all time.

Anyway, real answer, G-On Riders. You can tell no one's watched it because nobody ever posts pictures of smug catgirls in sunglasses and footy pyjamas.

Wouldn't say only one, but I doubt much of nu-Yea Forums has seen this.
>It's been one decade since this released
time flies

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>>Thinking only you watched Kampfer.
>>The show legendary for the densest anime protagonist of all time.
you dont know what you're talking about

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>Full Force Strawberries.

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Oh hey, I was looking for a waste of a thread to hijack. If we're going to do anime recommendations, I'm trying to get someone into watching anime so I have someone to talk about this shit that isn't Yea Forums. (I love you guys, but you all fucking suck somethimes.)

The person in question basically likes Fist of the North Star and Jojo, nothing else. I've tried introducing them to a bunch of shit based on those two series to see if they'll like it, but everything so far has been a miss and I'm out of ideas. How do I cure their shit taste?

Also here's an anime none of you have probably seen. Honda best girl, fight me faggots.

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The original VN is one of my favorites. Wish there's a way to play it without the goddamn DVD format.

everybody watched this nigga. skeleton a shit

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>I went into the MAL page of the character designer of K-on! and Tamako Market.
>I saw this: Ano Hi no Kanojo-tachi
>ONA about an idol group: 22/7
>Watch it unsubbed

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enjoyable series

never forget

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Oh god I rented that from netflix when they still mailed dvds to your fucking house.

I've seen that stupid fucking show like 10 times, and the only other person I've heard talk about it was some youtube anime reviewer who hated it.

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Kurau Phantom Memory


next season when?

I have heard whispers of them, but both Needless and Vandread. I enjoyed both for what they were, but I never hear them talked about

I honestly don't remember anything about it.

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I know I'm not the only one because there were other people in those threads, but I do think I'm the only one who remembers.

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hopefully between now and never

A lot of early 2000's stuff fell through the cracks even as other shows airing in the same season ended up being wildly popular. It's a shame, since they tend to have their own little charm.

I remember those threads, they were pretty chill. Because it was mostly historical based it filtered a lot of shit out.

I didn't watch it myself, but I remember being on an anime forum that had a guy who was a big fan of it

Needless was pretty cool and I remember it having a fairly large fanbase on Yea Forums

I've watched plenty of obscure shows, but there are always a few people here who will have watched them as well.

Anyone here ever watched Trouble Chocolate? I'm working my way through it right now, but the episodes are literally putting me to sleep so I don't remember much.

I miss Miuna Mondays

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I rewatch this anime every November. No one’s talked about it in like 10 years

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I recently finished my rewatch of To Heart, which came out 20 years ago. It's nice to rewatch stuff, especially if it has some kind of personal nostalgic value. A little while back I rewatched Seto no Hanayome to commemorate my 10th year of watching anime since it was the first subbed show I ever watched.

Who is the girl?

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All those series must not be popular

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that's kinda the point of the thread user

Some of them were popular in their time, but it's been many years since they aired so people have left off talking about them and the percentage of people who remember them here dwindles as new people who have not and will never watch them show up.

>when Leon finally understands what a Makai Knights purpose is and duels Al in the next episode instead of succumbing to his own suffering
>based Al acknowledges his worth and hands the armor back with no fuss since he has GAIA anyways
Still one of favorite MAPPA series. Season 4 when.

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I did like Final Fantasy Unlimited

Still think the song that plays while he chants and uses the devil gun is cool.

It was kind of weird though

I remember liking it when I watched it like 15 years ago.
Fapped several times to episode 15.

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I hate it the ending though

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what was the purpose of this post

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here's one from more recent memory, did anyone else watch this? not the best, but pretty fun.

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tegami was pretty popular back in the day, such a shame no one talks about it anymore though.

The first arc was pretty nuts. In general it was quite good; the premise was a bit unique for its type too. I miss those European-themed mystery/thriller/adventure/culture shows. Stuff like Master Keaton, or Gallery Fake.

sachiko chan

the only reason i don't think it was as good as it could have been is because this type of show is more of a slow burner, it really could have used more episodes and fleshed each "miracle" out a bit more. It was still pretty fun though.

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People should talk about the movie more. Miyafuji going absolutely nuts, with a death wish for the duration of the entire movie, was really great to watch.

Never forget

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Older stuff: Banner of the Stars and Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase are horribly overlooked. More recently, High Score Girl and ACCA 13 didn't get the love they deserve.

I watched it as a teenager and like every episode except the last two.

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Really nigga

I completely forgot this anime but I do remember the Baseball Bear op.

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ACCA 13 is criminally underrated for how original and different it is.

I watched the ova just last week

dumb fun. very dumb

i can't even remember how i heard about it

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Oh I watched it, I don't remember what the fuck happened but I watched it.

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I only watch that show for her.

i guess I'll list all the ones i can think of and hope one sticks

Narihero www
Backstage Idol Story
All 8 episodes of Tabechatta tte ii no ni na (because they added more after flying babies)
And two too many episodes of Watanuki san

Yeah nigga.

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I did. Liked it despite AND because of being a Catholicfag.

damn mhafags are truly stupid

Despite the lunacy of the plot, its characterization of Catholicism is closer to reality than any media I've seen. Especially the relationship between faith and reason.

all the xxxHolics back in the day used to be pretty popular, ignored for the most part now though.

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Reminds me of when I would watch anything and enjoy anything

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Can someone hang this guy? Please?

Dude it was Madoka before Madoka and even has the same vocalist, every bandwagonner from Madoka has seen it

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I think it's because there wasn't much choice back in the day in regards to quality and availability. These days even the shittiest show get's subs, and the art and animation is (okay) if nothing else. Still fun to look back on all those older more obscure shows though, they had their own charm.

>Dude it was Madoka before Madoka and even has the same vocalist, every bandwagonner from Madoka has seen it

and still you're a special kind of retard.

really goes downhill in the last arc


This show was AMAZING in EVERY WAY

It was on toonami dipshit

I get this one mixed up with KPM

Isn't boku no picodemia pretty popular amongst redditors?

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With the sudden trend in Mom and Teacher Anime/Manga nowadays, I won't be surprised if it gets a remake with high profile VAs like Kana Hanazawa or Yoko Hikasa

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Even as far as Toonami/Adult Swim shows go, Reign: the Conqueror is hardly ever brought up or even so much as mentioned. Your more likely to hear people mention watching Blue Gender or Pilot Candidate than you are for Alexander Senki.

I don't really see this mentioned but I'm positive other people have seen it but don't feel the need to talk about it. It's a standard harem anime which in a modern setting with people able to use magic. The gimmick for the series is that there's a hard limit for the amount of times a person can cast magic in their life and the main character has a staggeringly low magic cap in a world where people are ranked by their magcal potency. His children will have a high magic cap with particularly powerful magic so all the women want to fuck him.

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I am literally the only user that has seen this anime.

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Just finished watching Sol Bianca Taiyou no Fune. I liked it. I already saw the first OVAs and I wish there were more.


I remember watching this when I was a kid.
MakenshixCrux was my OTP.

I watched it
Also, pic

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Sauce on the image?

Kind of wish they'd made some of the songs from this DLC for Theatrhythm or something.
I found the first volume for sale at a Blockbuster, and didn't see the rest of the series until I bought the DVD box years later.
The biggest sin square ever made was not reusing this even in FFXIV

>Bought box set while visiting my hometown, and me and my sexually confused friend marathoned it
>Got to the episode with the dead painter
>friend makes suck noises at the beginning
>our faces when

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i've given up hope of there ever being a blu-ray release

I remember the second season being much lewder than the first, to the point of being essentially porn.

I love Airmaster for a simple reason.

Every other fighting show, before they fight there's like ten to fifteen minutes of backstory and motivation. In Airmaster, they just go "Hey, Wanna Fight?" "Sure!"

Vandread is my favorite Gonzo series. Even over Full Metal Panic and Last Exile.

The most interesting is watching the early attempts at moeshit from when studios had heard of moe but still weren't quite sure what it is. Like Cosprayers or Yumeria.

The true gimmick of the show is that he only gets a few spells, but they're "Wish" tier compared to everyone else's "Magic Missile" tier.

Not really, most seasons are filled with things forgotten in 6 months, yet alone a decade. The mediocre stuff of now and then tends to get forgotten whilst the cream and shit of both can be remembered/talked about. Helps greatly at least for the western sphere that we can share/talk about series in the same week it airs instead of months/decades/never later.

Petite Princess Yucie

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I’ve watched it on TV but only because I liked the ED song

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If it was not for the wolf girl game it will still be fucking forgotten.

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I have never seen anyone bring this up on Yea Forums.

This and Zone of the Enders were THE vidya who did the most to suck a gaming generation into anime around 15-20 years ago.

>proto-Lain + Pinocchio
This is probably one of the most egregious examples of how cyberpunk's real legacy and strength lay in the philosophical aspects rather than questioning or predicting the influence of technology in society. The whole "make 30k friends" premise now sounds super outdated with the massive presence of social media.

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It's like Mob Psycho but without any positive shit

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Sad. It had better drama than KyoAni could ever pull off.

I watched a couple of episodes years ago on youtube, I just couldn't keep going for some reason.

I remember getting the DVD from a NewType USA.

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This is a classic. Try talking about it on /m/.

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Dude your opening is actually a final scene, lmao

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This was so overhyped back when it was airing. I admit, I teared up at the end.

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Duh, it's Move.

Uh, he posted the first ending actually. But I agree.


Okay. I liked it, but the show wasn't revolutionary or anything. Not even AOTY.

I kinda wish I didn't

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This could've been ten times worse than it was and it would've still been worth it just for YOU'RE ALWAYS SUPER SPECIAL

this is why the
>but it was on toonami/AS
argument doesn't always work. I get why it exists, but it implies shows like DICE, Blue Sub No.6 and Kakurenbo are on the same level of popularity as DBZ or Sailor Moon just for being on Cartoon Network or Adult Swim at some point.

am i the only person alive who has seen binchou-tan
i've been here 4 years and i have not seen a singular mention of it
i don't even have any pics so i'm just using one of the bonus things

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Technically an anime

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I've watched it all,for one the animation is close to nonexistent even if the artstyle is somwhat interesting and has a nice athmosphere.
For two the show is dark and opressive as shit,its like the complete oposite of mob psycho.

There's a few, i'm sure. It was mostly talked about in the infancy of Yea Forums. I never saw it. I want to, but, eh. Effort.

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I might be the only non jap to have seen it.

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I want to murder you

are you actually retarded?

/fit/ plz



This show is the fucking worst.

I'll never forget best boys adventures to save the world and score some half demon pussy on the side. I even read all the LNs that were translated until they got Yen Press'd. (why are LN translators such pussies? sub groups don't give a shit about licenses, or at least they didn't used to).

I not only watched it, I own the box set.

Old and largely forgotten
>Kowarekake no Orgel (OVA)
Sad emotionbait
Best first two episodes.

I also remember an alien cat goddess making a family of civil servant, little girl, gay yakuza heir, robot, and talking tiger. It's crazy/wholesome but the name escapes me somehow.

>that ending

Magipoka has so many great episodes, the one where they travel to another planet to get Aiko a new body was probably the best one. Also Uma's voice is really cute.

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That ending on what? Strange Dawn? It was pretty clear they were going to go back and the princess had something to do with it.

I still love her

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Yes, but they didn't resolve any of their problems. It just ends.

the ed's were all absolute banger as well

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it was meh

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I didn't find it particularly dark, just slow and uneventful.

still listen to the ending songs for this


Definitely didn't see this discussed before

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Try on /m/. Replies guaranteed. It's a good example how to translate an old scifi manga into anime.

I've watched this and I don't even fucking remember why. I wasn't usually one to go out of my way to watch anime that were as obscure or unknown as this one was at the time. And I'd completely forgotten about it until someone mentioned it a few months ago around here. Yet somehow, for some reason, I did. It was probably the MC.

I've never seen Generator Gawl discussed here, but I still imagine that plenty of people have seen it. It also might possibly be more of an /m/ thing too; not really sure.

xxxHolic was one of the first anime I watched subbed online, it was kind of big at the time along with Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles

>Makenshi finally gets serious and uses his sword
>makenshi theme kicks in
I remember getting hyped as fuck

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