How did Megalobox timeflop?
How did Megalobox timeflop?
Too much forced animation, it also would've done better as a native isekai.
I think its probably was that it didn't have enough animation amigo
Dishonest animation
>sell it as gear boxing
>main character literally goes gearless
Tried too much on making the character feel like the ones from Ashita no Joe in just 12 episodes.
This is probably one of the most brainlet complaints, the whole point is gears being a gimmick interfering with muh honorable boxing.
culturally appropriated false music left people disconnected
Junkdog was far more levelheaded than OG Joe, regardless it was definitively a story that needed more than 13 episodes, there was countless amount of shit skipped.
being gearless is boring and doesn't make the series stand out from all the other boxing series
Style over substance
Because the boxing was shit, however I ended up liking It anyway because of the characters.
Except his opponents still had gears that played into all the fights and there is hardly a lot of recent boxing anime competition.
Junkdog going gearless was neat and set him up as an underdog well without needing him to go through a basic boxing training arc.
The anime had some pacing issues and clearly didn't have the budget despite really needing it, but the characters and music elevated the experience for me.
That frog and the scorpion episode. Pure unfiltered goodness.
Probably the peak of the anime, although the episode before the last was some emotional shit too.
Anons did and will debate but the core issue is that its basic plot and characters felt like they were lifted from a 1970s series, which Ashita no Joe in fact was.
While that felt refreshing to some and nostalgic to oldfags, it really couldn't connect well with most of today's audience since the pruduction commitee chose not to make an explicit, franchise-like AnJ connection and instead try to get the best of both worlds. Turns out, it didn't really work and sales were bad. Despite all that, I still like the series.
He was already an underdog coming from literally ghetto with barely any experience on pro-boxing scene. He should have gone gearless only on the last fight so it would make higher impact on everything
But then Yuri wouldn't be able to slowly grow attached to the idea of going gearless in an attempt to fight junkdog on equal footing, it was something that required time to develop