One Piece

So when luffy finally masters clear haki in the next few chapters what level will he be in Gear Four?

Attached: HE.png (734x758, 195K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Gear 6, just to fuck with you

Gear Four: Clearman

Microsoft please

Shanks showing up in Marineford is the biggest plot devise in the series by far. He shows up with no warning out of nowhere just so the arc could end. Yet no one every even dares complain about this.

Yet when Linlin does anything, even when it’s completely in character and justified it’s always fuckin plot this and plot that. And characters doing things to move the plot forward is a bad thing.

Why is this?

Attached: C8565297-D5AA-4923-B241-2315EACA368D.jpg (1920x1080, 124K)

Post kino ass panels

Attached: Thriller Bark.jpg (986x619, 153K)

Gear 4th: Bishounenman

Old good. New bad.

Why the fuck is Shanks so feared and respected anyway

This, and what the hell did he do to stop Kaido going after Whitebeard?