Kaguya 154 spoilers

Korean with Yea Forumsnon tl: imgur.com/a/6EvcAHs

I'll start dumping so gook user can continue from here if the other thread dies

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Other urls found in this thread:



That one's gonna die soon

TL by gook user:
>All together now
>KP (kanpai)
As expected there's a lot of people
Look like l'll be a pinch from the getgo
But it'll be fine because I've done my research

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KP - Kanpai
KP is an acronym for kanpei
I want to know how some of these words were shortened
KSK - Marry me
YDK - It'll work out
But since these acronyms are really popular, I've done my homework
KSNM: kusonemu
TMNK: doki doki
Singing pop songs and uploading pictures of boba on social media
That is youth and I understand it
>Yu kun KP
>Thank you for coming~
>It's nothing I was completely free
>If you're the one inviting me I'll be there in a second
>Thanks for calling me. So dope. (Insert slang terms here)
>Are you sick or something?

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feel like having some japanese whisky

>I'm perfectly matching the lingo
>I'll earn some points with this for sure
>What's this Yuu Kun? You look different than usual. What's with your hair?
>Yuu kun Majimi jawa (the koreans didn't know what to do with the slang)
>Majimi jawa?
>Cambrian Palace
>it's like Lulu Lala bread

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>You won't find what it means if you look it up
>It's Tsubamenese
>When senpai is happy she starts talking in concepts and abstracts
>So then how am I supposed to communicate?
>The key is not to think but to feel
>Hey guys, is Hachiman park a sub arena?
>It's ok
>What the heck does that mean
>She was asking if the AC was too high

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>Is this for real?
>Only old people say that
>Is this for real??
JKs are hard to understand for Otakus
>Huh, did you take off your makeup?
>Yes, Rei chan told me to take it off
>It really didn't suit her
>Is that so?
>But I liked the red lipstick
>It was chic and cute

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Oh boy there it is
A guy who pretends to understand makeup
We asked men
What do you think about red lipstick
90% of men don't understand the appeal of red lipstick
He's just saying to try and be popular with girls
Don't fall for such a simple trick
>Thank you
I knew it, you completely fell for it

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Ishigami: Damn, what’s next? Are you to praise her black nails? Call yourself a fan of a male singer?

Ishigami: Only people who want a one night stand like content for women.

Senpai: Your perfume smells good.

Ishigami: while that’s true.

Onodera: senpai, give me one more glass

Onodera: Everything here is non alcoholic right?

Tsubame: Yup, everything here is non alcholic

Tsubame: I just wanted a good atmosphere.

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>Only people who want a one night stand like content for women.

Fucking based and chadpilled. Ishi knows what's up.

Staring straight at Ishigami as he looks away, rather than senpai.

Tsubame: If you really want to get drunk, I have chocolate that contains whiskey.
Onodera: chocolate that contains whiskey....
Onodera: Are you okay with that Iino?
Miko: Underage drinking is illegal but we can still eat food that contains alcohol.
Miko: I won’t say anything but don’t overdo it
Tsubame: I know
Ishigami: Tsubame senpai, The waitress uniform suits you
Tsubame: right? I borrowed it from my dad’s shop
Text in the back: the daughter of a world famous bartender and a regional manager of a big food company
Tsubame: I can even make mocktails that tastes like the original

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dont project so hard ishi bro

>Can you do the shaking thing?
>Drink mixing? I'll show you how to do it!
>In mixing drinks you can make cocktails, beautiful blends or even frozen drinks
>You shake it like this, with your thumb on the top
>like this?

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miko's corrupted if she tolerates this and even takes part

>Hold it more firmly
>And shake it up and down 10 times
>Done! Here's your White Lady
>Thank you senpai
>Do you want a refill Miko chan?

Attached: 10 - MTC9JKM.png (720x1054, 656K)

>Piña Colada
>Cut the pineapples thin
>Not crash style but frozen style
>That's a tough order
>If that's too difficult, a regular gin and tonic please
>I accept your challenge
>I need to prepare so give me 10 minutes

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is the lady white because she has cum on her face

Tsubame is not a slut who's leading Ishi on with sudden physical contact. This is literally just her version of stargazing prez.

Why is she jealous?

>going to a party with boys dressed like that


Senpai knows EXACTLY what she is doing

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Homewrecker. Just back the fuck up and let ishi pursue this

Iino sure knows her cocktails. She's living alone, right? And her online presence is very different from how she is irl, almost as if she's writing drunk. What if Iino is already drinking the nights away, only to continue her moralfagging facade in the day?

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obvious theme song for the chapter

imagine the handjobs

Gook user stopped at page 11. I'll continue the dump as is without the translation

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Do lipstick have an appeal? Never understood why women like it so much. It's greasy, smelly and it doesn't look good.

Senpai is just flighty and happy. Hence the made up language and skinship without hesitation.

She's showing him her technique for a handy, there is no other possible meaning behind it

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imagine a drinking contest between tsubame and miko

>What if Iino is already drinking the nights away
I didn't know we had so much in common.

That was fast

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Man she's such a cunt.
Tsubame was cute as fuck this chapter in contrast.

>shaken, not stirred

This is for the page after Tsubame runs off
>Are you an idiot?
>Watching you stand there gawking makes me feel bad
>Iino, are you drunk?
>What? I'm not drunk!
>The person who is drunk gets to say if they're drunk or not
>You are drunk...
>When you're in college, never go to any mixers
>You'll end up in a motel before you know it
>There's no way that'll happen
>I'm saying that because it might happen you idiot

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Aka is deliberately giving her so much innocent sex appeal.

>Stacked (Self-explanatory)
>Gymnast (Positions)
>Bartender (Handjobs)

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if she's good with her tongue for some innocent reason like she loves candies.

I will help you link the page

It's intentional. Look at the panels where she's letting that boy flirt with her and where her attention goes.
She's not paying attention to the boy hitting on her. She's watching Ishigami get irritated with the flirting. No doubt, that's exactly what she wanted.


>you'll end up in a motel before you know it

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Yeah kind of a bitch move to act like this to the host who invited you.
Wonder how the Mikofags are going to defense this though.

>miko knows more about pina coladas than me

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>she's in love!
And whatever. At least with Kaguya you can forgive it because you know they are both into each other so it never comes off as really mean.


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It's funny.

The sheer audacity on this fatty

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miko is so fucking shit

Lino being ultra easy while pretending to be a moralfag has been a running joke for a long time.

>Why do you alway say such hurtful things only to me?
>Every day you treat me like an idiot
>I really hate it
>You treat everyone else nicely
>Why can't you treat me more like the way you did during the Cultural Festival, or the way you treat Tsubame Senpai?

Tsubame a cute. It's a shame Aka will end up fucking everything up to let the the cunt win.

Onodera pretty much looks at Iino and Ishigami the whole freaking time. Has she ever had any of her inner thoughts revealed to the reader yet?

Since a chapter ago i knew im gonna be mad at the midget because the massive cockblock she possibly did

Here we go BOIS!

>deliberately misleads Ishi into being late for his train ride home in the attempts to get him to stay the night
Five bucks says Ishi WAS about to stay but Lino wakes up and insists on going home. Ishi then walks Lino, then they run into trouble in the streets and causes Lino to break her arm trying to escape.

You know the worst part? She's getting away with it and forcing Ishigami to be nice to her after this arc while taking up all his time through a guilt trip.
But it's ok because she's a midget.


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Holy shit, she's basically confessing.

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>insult Ishigami and cockblocked him
>wonder why he treat her like an idiot (which he actually didn't)
Jesus I wonder why

How about being straightforward about it and also not being so obnoxious?

oh she so jelly, more jelly than she could eat in a day

That's why tsunderes are SHIT.

Do I really need to be a Mikofag to not see the problem? Tsubame didn't even care.

We're really doing round 2 of "make things Miko does seem 10 times worse then they are" again huh?

>no one else insults him, takes away his switch for petty reasons, whacks him on the head for no reason
gee i wonder

>Ok Iino here's some alcohol
>It's delicious!
>It's so smooth like water!
>Of course it would
>Excuse me
>Would you like to go somewhere fun?
>I don't really care but where?
>Yup this child must never go to any mixers

>hurtful things
oh man, if ishi really wanted to hurt miko, it'd be devastating

she'd be hanging from the rafters after it

And she's very drunk already. She passed out before she even got the drink.


How is asking for a piña colada being mean?

>behave like shit to a guy
>why doesn't he treat me nicely?

Classic miko
I still ship them

>Tsubame didn't even care.
Even if the other person is nice enough not to care, it was a cunt move for literally no reason and deserves to be called out.



Lino was a mistake

Tsubame doesn't care. All fine and dandy but let Ishi have his moment

>Tsubamefag is literally seething

>onodera distracts miko, stopping her from further embarassingly confessing, and further guilt tripping ishi
what a good friend, to the both of them

Kek, based cheerleaders.

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>two people having fun together
>ask for a complex cocktail that takes up to ten minutes to make so they split up
Yeah, a totally innocent request.

>being THIS easy
You're contender a slut mikeks.

NTR fags BTFO!

>casually accepts a bottle of what she thinks is alcohol
miko is a crazy drunk, one moment she's a mean drunk, the next a crying drunk, and now she's a stupid drunk

user literally everyone in this manga is either a retard or an asshole, I can respect not liking her, but calling it out only when she does it is pretty silly.


>the playboy thinks Lino is way too easy

Fucking kek

My god, those are some good dudes.

>Ishigami chapter


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>like three pieces of chocolate was enough to get her blackout drunk
the lightest of weights


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kaguya, prez, and fuji are old news, its ishigami time

Because it was mean spirited as all fuck to two good people.
When was the last time this happened? Prez and Kaguya fucking over Fujiwara for exams?

>We're going to leave to catch the last train
>Ok Have a Great New Years!
>Well then Ishigami
>Take good care of Iino
>Ok bye
>It's finally over
>I'll help you clean
>Yuu kun is so kind
>Just like your name

How do we admit Miko into Alcoholics Anonymous? She doesn't drink now, but the moment she's legally allowed to get wasted, she'll earn a crippling addiction.

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>just like your name
what did she mean by this

Fine Gentlemen

Yeah, for a couple more of chapters, then it's first date time, or the lesbian experience, whatever floats Aka's boat.

To be fair, her only point of reference regarding the kind of romance she wants is Kaguya, who is an awful, awful example.

the first step is admitting you have a problem and she never would

Is she a slut, or does she just not know how to read the implications?

Iino's so adorable.

>mean spirited as fuck
Come on, now you’re just over exaggerating

>>Just like your name

Yuu literally means kindness.

Honestly, she needs a baby sitter to make sure she doesn't get knocked up the moment she enters college

>onodera hands lino to ishi
>tsubame sees him taking care of lino
oh no

A boy falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess...

>>Yuu kun is so kind
>>Just like your name
優 (Yuu)
>lit: gentle, elegant, classy, superior, skilled, excellent

>Someone shows an interest in Iino
>Ishigami assumes they are taking advantage of her for a one night stand despite being a good person

>Tsubame shows an interest in Ishigami
>Iino makes this face and starts acting bitchy to her and trying to break them up
What did Aka mean by this?

Attached: iino.png (386x185, 55K)

>ishi has gotten two love confessions in a single chapter
the chad

get a spoon because she's jelly

Oh nice, I never thought about that.

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>Ishigami knows Iino is an easy lay
>Iino is a tsundere cunt

Tsubame is such a good girl
Midget can't compete

I guess it would kind of hurt for someone you're actively trying to be friends with to constantly trash you, though in her case she's unable to see her own role in why they haven't been able to get along. Comes with her still being stuck in that really childish mindset where it's always some else's fault, but them sticking together after this should make her see how stupid all this has been.

>I'm not that kind
>I'm just following the example of the role model near me
>Yuu kun look over here
>Tell me more about yourself Yuu kun
>Are you drunk now too senpai?
>There isn't much time until the last train
>I have to escort Miko back to her house

Tsunderes are easy as fuck as long as you don't do the thing that triggers them.

Please Aka, don't make the nice girl lose to the tsundere. Please, you're supposed to be a different author.

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good thing everything ishi does triggers her

Maybe she should stop acting like an annoying cunt over every little thing. Plus, it's not like he's saying that to be mean to her for the sake of it, he's just worried about her because she's way too vulnerable.

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Iino is a nice girl.

>lies to him just to get to know him more
Deredere senpais don't win enough and it's a fucking crime.
Stupid tsunderes I swear.

>Tsubame trying to get Ishigami drunk


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It's no use. Aka is confirmed to have a thing for both tsundere and short girls.

This framing makes it look like some NTR shit
>ne ishi why don't you fuck me
>your girlfriend is asleep right over there, she won't hear a thing

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>tsubame rapes ishi's mouth by lodging a foreign object filled with a drug inside it, intoxicating him and robbing him of his mouth virginity, and shows no remorse
and you all thought miko was a bitch...

>is an easy lay
Is she? It seems to me that she often doesn't quite understand what people are getting at then they hit on her. Which makes her prime rapebait, but that won't be an issue if the dude isn't scum.


people who dont know her well wont understand she's a naive know nothing since its hard to believe anyone could be so unknowing, and they will act accordingly


Like honestly what he said They all shit on each other all the time and even if I'd call this was mean you know she wasn't doing it intentionally. Like I said dislike her if you want but you don't need to be so dramatic about it.

im glad she's pretty /fa/ and she did a nice thing for both of her friends this chapter, and is responsible enough not to get drunk

>that won't be an issue if the dude isn't scum
nigger what other kind of man rapes a girl

Cutest couple of pages in the whole chapter.

Give up. Onodera cemented herself as Miko's Hayasaka this chapter.

Absolutely not. It's half the fun and why she's got some dedicated onoderabros

good chapter

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That's rather my point. If the dude isn't scum, Miko being rapebait won't be an issue. Because they won't force themselves on her.

For all we know she could already be dating someone, there's about as much info on her as there is on Momo

If he takes the hint, he's still not getting uninterrupted alone time with Tsubame. He gets a chance to chat with her until Miko wakes up and starts freaking out about missing the train.

So we can guess that ishigami hurt Miko when tsubame and him jumped into the sofa for some sex ?

>Yuu kun sure thinks about Miko chan a lot
>I rented a guest room, why don't we put her in there for now?
>She can go home when she gets up
>I can't let her go home by herself...
>huhuhu I see
>You're terrified she might get assaulted so you want to properly escort her home right?
>Ah, Yuu kun what time is the last train?
>You might end up running late
>um I think 12:40?
>Sorry I left my phone on the shelf, what time is it?

>Having sex on top of Miko.
Sounds uncomfortable.

Tsundere always wins!

>having sex with a drunk woman is rape

What if Miko is only pretending to be asleep?


Raping someone rven if they're asking for it is still rape, user.

>Right now
>It's still 12: 17

Who has bigger milkers?
Tsubame or Miko?
They both look gigantic

Best girl

tsubame getting jelly

When you're a brainlet and already convinced someone hates you tend to think the worst of them. When he tries to help her all it looks like to her is that he's constantly shitting on her for being stupid or not knowing any better, which is all true but him not being honest about his intentions makes what he does look worse than it is.

Is she testing him to see if he'll stay over or if he walks Miko all the way home?

I'm already starting to get mad.
Ishigami and Tsubame will begin to develop their relationship here but we all know what's going to happen, Iino will butt in and break her arm, cockblocking Ishigami.

>You're terrified she might get assaulted so you want to properly escort her home right?

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>>I rented a guest room, why don't we put her in there for now?
>>She can go home when she gets up

Take the hint Ishigami. TAKE THE FUCKING HINT.

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I dunno, she's probably soft and bouncy.

Because you treat him the same way, god damn it

the obvious solution is to wait the night with tsubame while waiting for miko to wake up

>he misses his chance to score a homerun because of his care for miko
damnit mang

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>rented a guest room
She planned this out, she knew exactly what she wanted

Not my point. Having sex with a woman who hasn't actually agreed to it is rape. When people hit on Miko, is she actually reading their intent as sexual, or just sort of oblivious? It's the difference between a slut and a naive idiot who could easily be taken advantage of.

obviously tsubame since she's like a foot taller than miko

>there are people in this thread who still believe in the tsubamexishigami
this is why the "subvert expectation" meme is popular in Yea Forums

>Love wars: The Geniuses' War of Love and Brains
>Tsubame is the genius all along
How can Kaguya and pres even compete?

uh is renting a guest room for a party a normal thing to do?

i can't stand this
i was never in my life into shipping
it always looked so dumb
now i can't help but wnating these two cunts to get togheter
and the author plays with my heart
So now if they don't i'll be genuinely upset
i hate this.

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>implying if all you anons were back in high school with this interaction you'd be able to take the hint yourselves

when will best girl momo show up again

what did she mean by this?

>why you treat me like shit when I'm always ruining your fun
geez I don't know

>Party ends around midnight
What kind of lame-ass party is this?

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>ishigami doesnt take the hint to stay the night
>so tsubame makes it so he misses his train
and we thought she was so innocent...

She wants him to fate stay night.


Tsubame is working off the idea that she thinks Ishigami already confessed to her and is giving her time to decide on him. While Ishigami has no fucking idea about it, so it's harder for him to get any hints.

Attached: Tsubame's flexible.jpg (731x568, 151K)

I can already tell we will get next chapter spoilers ASAP

Cant wait for the asshurt when lino wins

Poor Tsubame. She can see how good of a person he is, and she is interested in him, but he doesn't understand any of her hints and cares about Miko first and foremost. And she sees that. That's suffering, too, but it's not like Hayasaka. It's different.

She wants him to spend the night. Ishigami is going to walk Iino home gently instead. Like his name.

She wanted to have easy access to a bed, user

imagine the sex

>having sex with a naive idiot is rape
Now this is bait

>They both really want to get along but can't because they can't be honest
Ishigami and Iino are looking more and more like Prez and Kaguya. The main difference is that they are both blaming the other for their current relationship when they are both to blame which is why they are always fighting.

>ishi would be nervous to have sex in her house because of getting it dirty and getting caught
>she rented a guest room just to assuage that potential concern
a sex genius but still a virgin

She is thirsty as fuck.

>people said tsubame was too bland and nice and not funny
>turns out she's weird, and a plotter too

user i'm so sorry... There's a break next week.

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We live in a society in which this is the law

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I don't really think it's suffering at all, what made her change her mind about rejecting him was him caring for Miko so much, she just wants to know more about those sides of him.

I fucking hate rich people parties.

I really hate this Jib Jab style of animation. They look like shadow puppets.

If you rape them it is. If the girl didn't know what the fuck she was getting into and you suddenly fucked her, that'd be rape.

cute background girl who likes prez's rested eyes

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so tsubame likes ishi's hair right

Well, I used to think that, and she really was until this chapter. I'm glad she's different now, it's not like I wanted to hate her.

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They're like 17 but still not allowed to drink alcohol, what's there to be jealous about?


Tsubame>>>>>>>Midget Lino
She is just too strong
Nerf pls.

give her a laptop and show her Yea Forums. there, admitted her to AA

If that were the case, Ishigami would be resenting Iino. Instead he is wiling, if reluctantly to be under her thumb, and unable to deny responsibility.
Definitely it was something stupid he did.

It's just a plot device to fool the government and Lawfags. Just imagine they're drinking alcohol


user majimi jawa

They're upstanding children of responsible adults who at least bothered to instill in their offspring the values which won't leave them vulnerable to ruining their lives in emulation of a trashy youth culture pushed by hollywood.

Which makes it worse. I like the three of them and no matter the outcome, they will suffer a lot.

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>last train is 12.40
>Current time is 12.27
>She says its currently 12.17, even though its 12.27
>Meaning that there's probably not enough time to hop on the train to go back home

What did she mean by this?

>tsubamenese comes out when she's happy
imagine what she'll sound like during sex

She is going to become more obsessive over Yu-kun isn't she

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ishi needs to tell the morals committee miko was drinking alcohol so she gets fired

Did you see how many did she eat ? And she has a tiny body so she really doesn't need a lot to get drunk.

what did she mean by this?

>dressing like that
>putting on make-up
>ordering drinks
Sh-he totally didn't know what's going on! Please, I'm an Ally, I swear!

This arc is not going to end well is it?

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Depends on the liquor and the quantity.
For someone with zero tolerance, eating like 7 or 8 of chocolate with WHISKY, it's entirely possible.

she should just flex on him and suck his cock in a really elaborate 69 position

He walked her home roughly.

Onoedora hype is dead.

miko accidentally ate the wrong type of chocolate, it was meant for ishi to get him drunk so tsubame could have her way with him


piggyback except it was a real piggy so he dropped her because she was so fat

>She's the kind to beg for it because the guy is too dense.

Tsubame got her drunk and gave her chocolates so nobody would suspect her.

>I can even make mocktails that taste like the original

well, alcoholism seems to be a non-problem for japs, nobody cares

ishi will be fluent in tsubamenese after tonight

>Tsubame plans to sober up Iino by fucking so loudly they wake her up

She's also wearing Kaguya's perfume. The twist here is that her drunken speech, and the one she's really watching while blush sticker senpai is flirting with her, shows who she's actually been trying to seduce.
Look at her eyes. She's not aiming for just anyone.

All the couples will probably follow this theme of being pushed apart because they can't be honest.

But yeah I agree, it's not really as onesided as other people make it out to be. They both end up acting in certain ways that make them convinced the other hates them, and why be nice to someone that hates you?

Woman psychology in action. A man becomes a hundred times more attractive for a woman when she has competition.

Desperate boy is cute

If anything he's making Tsubame even more interested in him. Like almost everything that happens between them, it's an incredibly lucky accident.

I always thought she was fine desu, she's not going to win but it's good she's getting some personality other than "nice girl". These things take time after all.

She's testing him. Escort the girl in need home or give up and stay the night. She wants to know more about him, and this is her way of finding out if Ishigami is a good prospect.

Human beings respond to loss far more than they do gain.

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Look at the pile of chocolate wrappers. She's not meme drunk

>Miko: I won’t say anything but don’t overdo it
>She overdoes it and is the only one who's totally drunk
Classic Miko

I cant believe Lino is gonna win bu being an absolute piece of shit that needa everyone to do everything for her.

Also, we respond more to popular things. If others desire it, we begin to do so as well.


When did that ever happen ? If anything it's the opposite, she's trying to do everything herself

>Ishigami and Tsubame become a couple.
>Ishigami and Miko become friends.

Best end.


Tsubame is so adorable, imagine having someone like her to flirt with you and show you the ropes as she figure out if she really loves you or nah

I get it.
I know where the development is going.

Ishigami is going to get a harem of ____dere girls.
Iino : Tsundere
Tsubame : Yandere
Onodera : Dandere

>Needs someone to bail her out out of rapists
>Needs someone to bail them out of saying embarasing things

>Love triangle
>A lot of foreshadowing with the fat midget and Ishi so that's probably endgame
>Tsubame falls for Ishi but she's gonna lose HARD

Man, this wild ride will be so fucking sad.

Onodera clearly doesn't give a fuck. She seems satisfied watching her two autistic classmates trying too hard to fit in.

I can get on board with this.

Dunno this looks like the face of a girl in love to me.

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Maki is the tsundere.
Miko the shitdere.

I'm onodere for onodera


inb4 that panel was foreshadowing

I mean, would 13 minutes be enough to wake up Miko and run to the train station?

Onodera doesn't care.

>Wow, I was drunk and did all that. If it wasn't for Miko breaking her arm, i would have probably gotten it on with him...

Miko literally cvcked Ishigami by wasting herself with alcohol, so he wasn't able to even kiss Tsubasa

Miko a cunt

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Good chapter and all but how does Miko go from sleeping on the couch to breaking her arm?

And Ishigami needs someone to motivate himself to work seriously, needs to be pushed a lot to act in any good way to conquer his crush, and only got so far thanks to pure luck. Your point ?


A cute cunt!

Tune in next time!

imagine stuffing a bottle of whiskey down her mouth

>Why do you alway say such hurtful things only to me?
He talks shit about Fujiwara too.

Tsubame in this pic is my basis.
This was her expression after Ishigami stood her invitation to stay, and insist on escorting Iino back instead.
It marks her fall into yandere characters.

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In two weeks!

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Ishigami grabs her in order to get her home but since he's being late for the train he's going to unintentionally drop the fatty while he's running for it. He's going to be late for the last train and he's going to have a girl with a broken arm on his hands.

Waiting for the resolution to this and Komi-san's love triangles is hard

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It'll definitely be her fault whatever happens.

Tsubame lustfully goes after Ishigami and they fall over the back of the sofa right onto her 4'11 body

That he tries and knows his shortcomings? The fag midget thinks she is perfect and never in the wrong.

miko and ishi were acting super shy about it when asked what happened over the break

yeah but the komi san love triangle isn't really even a contest
this love triangle tho is a nail biter

Eh probably won't be. Tsubame is caught up with deciding whether she wants to pursue a romance or focus on her career so she'll probably shoot him down gently when she picks the latter. The only people upset about it will be Ishigami and Yea Forums

Depends on what happens going forward but idk if it'll get that far when she's still at the point of not knowing whether she even wants to date him. still, wait and see.

>Tsubame-senpai puts the moves on him
>Ishigami spaghettis and quickly want to get the fuck out
>Remember about Miko and quickly pull her by the hand from her sleeping position
>Broke her arm

Something stupid like that

Are you stupid?
You must be, we all know the Komi will win the Tadano and Gyaru will cry like a bitch rivers

That's the wrongest thing you could say about her. She has a terrible self-esteem and thinks she's annoying to everyone especially Ishigami.

What the fuck is this even supposed to the same thing?
Miko literally need someone to babysit her all the time.
You waifufag needs to stop whiteknighting everytime someone pointed out her flaws.
Miko will have her character development soon.

It’s like you don’t even read this manga, user


And we all know Miko will win this one. So ?

She is annoying to everyone, especially Ishigami. But she keeps being herself anyway.

>Take good care of Iino
What did Rei mean by this?

>Miko wakes up drunk and sees Ishigami and Tsubame flirting
>gets jealous and wants to get his attention
>tries to do one of those rhythm gymnastic poses like Tsubame
>trips and breaks her arm

No it's that he's gonna feel guilty for something that may have happened because of him but out of his control.

I'm talking about enjoying the moment when Manbagi gets rejected with komi, just a matter of when really since we all know what's going to happen.
This one's more interesting as it's not exactly clearcut.

user she literally thinks everyone hates her. Come on.

I recall reading that red lipstick is supposed to make the mouth look like an aroused labia. If nothing else, it draws attention to the mouth.

Yeah but he's a japanese boi and should be familiar with the concept of tsunderes you little nigger

>World famous bartender.
The fuck?

That he should walk her home gently.


I don't defend her, I'm just annoyed that people shit on her so much when they are ignoring Ishigami has his own issues too and if he were to win Tsubame he wouldn't deserve it either right now. They both need to change.

Look up terms before using them

that she's on team Miko and the reason she didn't take Miko home was because she knew Miko would stop Ishigami and Tsubame from getting it on.
She is the ultimate wingwoman

tsunderes arent cute in real life

maybe he's like the ramen taxi driver?

found the baka


>Miko a shit
>B-but Ishigami a shit too!

>implying dealing with tsunderes irl is a good thing

Was rushing to made my point.

Actually how easy is for a person to break an arm ? I believe you need to recieve a very hard hit to do so.

Neither are a shit, fuck off.

She's small and has weak muscles. It's probably not that hard to break her bones.

Attached: Strenght chart.jpg (853x902, 116K)

How many times did Maki text Ishigami because she was all alone on Christmas and needed a bro to talk to, only to get zero responses?

Which kaguya charactet has the highest poise ?

Not him but no one is calling Ishigami a shit as much as saying he has things to grow out of just like she does.

I mean it's probably not hard if you fall the wrong way.

She eats a lot though. Surely her bones are very strong

fuck you tsundere you'll die a friendless virgin

From her perspective, Ishigami is the boy who confessed to her (gave a heart during the festival) and then agreed to meet with her on Christmas Eve. In Japan, this is basically like agreeing to a third date ON Valentines Day. In her mind they are, at least, a couple.

Miko also "received" a heart from Ishigami during the festival. It wasn't directly given to her as a gift, but Miko is bullied a lot so when she receives token affection, she gets swayed by it easily. She's also a "prince on a white horse" girl, so in her mind, the lost and found heart symbolizes a lot. Like, "Hey, I'm too nervous to give this to you directly, and I don't want to pressure you... so I'll let you hold onto it until you decide if you want it." She'd fall for that sort of shy boy tsundere play.
Plus he's mean to her, and we know she's a bit of a masochist.

can i get a dictionary of tsubamenese

>t. Maki

What is Kaguya's game here? She helps Ishi with Tsubame, but she also gave Miko a hand with perfume to attract a man.

>half as weak as an average girl

iino's gotta be like top 5 most rapeable manga characters

She doesn't know Miko is into Ishigami. Hell she knows very little if anything about her.

This chapter sets it in stone
Tsubame best waifu, fuck Miko, that jelly cunt
And Yuu really needs to drop his whiteknighting
there's a point where courtesy turns into servitude, and this fag is wayyy past it

God I want Miko to ask me to do something impossible and then step on my face when I fail!

Why is kaguya so buff ?
If i was tsubame i would not take well that the guys that says he likes me paya so much freaking atgetion to another girl infront of him.

Majimi jawa

>Kaguya ruins Ishigami chances
Why you like her again?

Miko soon to become a slut due to her self-esteem issues. I want to fuck her so badly.

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what does it mean

It's at this point when she's already figured out her own feelings but can't find a way to approach with Iino keeping Ishi to herself.

Assuming I'm not that off chart, I bet Iino is doing it on purpose because something happened that night and she discovered some feelings for Ishigami so she doesn't want to let him out of her sight or else he will go to Tsubame.

If Ishigami doesn't cum inside Tsubame RIGHT FUCKING NOW he is no longer /myguy/

Kaguya does archery, you need a lot of arm strength for that shit

Poor Onodera had to sit there and endure this cheesy soap opera.

>Implying normies like us wouldn't screw up chances like this.

>tanks the fucking MP average

Where is her right hand?


What's the matter fellow brother? Our goddess was impeccable this chapter

prostate massage

People seem to have forgotten that Ishigami isn't even aware he "confessed" to Tsubame.

What are the chances that Iino is going to cockblock them in the next 10 minutes? From Yes to Obviously.

excited for the conclusion in chapter 156: Miko Iino has to eat all the eggs

oh no bros...

She is too perfect for Ishigami anyways.

what is onodera thinking on this page

Annoyingly evident.
I feel bad for both Ishi and Tsubame because they were both hitting it off pretty well at the party despite Iino's cockblocking and she was really cute and fun.

I know exactly what's gonna fucking happen.

>Ishi and Tsubame are alone and growing closer.
>Unbeknownst, Miko is awake and eavesdropping on them,
>Thinking she's only a third wheel, Miko decides to leave by herself despite being in no condition.
>Tsubame goes in for the kiss, but Ishigami declines saying as much as he wants to, he can't just leave Miko by herself while he enjoys himself.
>Tsubame starts thinking there's something wrong with her, and Miko is like "Wtf bro, you had it". Ishi reassures its not her fault, but he wants to make sure Miko is safe, saying something genuinely kind about her in the process (keep in mind, she think he hates her)
>Miko is too distracted by Ishi's words to see him coming out, panics and falls over, cue broken arm.

Why would she rent a guest room before she saw Iino was dr... oooooh

Shaking something else up and down for 10 times.

Fuck off with your slander
Tsubame is pure!

>she wasn't doing it intentionally
>if that's too difficult, a regular gin and tonic please
Miko knew what she asked for
and she knew why she asked for that

i thought she's just childish and naive, but that's just a facade for her arrogant, spiteful heart

>miko's so drunk wouldn't it be funny if I kissed her and did stuff to her haha

Probably a mistranslation she probably meant she has a guest room in the house. Actually, is that her house or did she rent an apartment to hold the party? There's no parents so That means she has the master bedroom for herself.

No gift exchange event?


Well again we'll see but I think it's too soon to say that about Tsubame. As for Miko I wouldn't say that all, her problem is her being a dumb child and not understanding why Ishigami isn't nice to her like he is with Tsubame despite her telling him that she wanted to be friends, It is jealously but I wouldn't say she recognizes that or is romantic yet.

You all are too horny to not see the obvious Tsubame heel turn. Lying to someone with the purpose of trying to trap them because you are jealous that they were paying attention to another person when you were hitting on them is obviously a dick move.


I hope Ishigami doe stay the night.
Regardless of shipper faggotry it is more fun this way.

I think it's way more likely Ishigami will pussy out, use Miko as an excuse to get out as fast as he can, and break her arm by forcefully drag her out.

>Ishigami gets deflowered by Tsubame
>Miko is crushed underneath them both
Technical threeway

when's the last time they had a battle? Where's the war? That kinda made the whole thing fun.

>arrogant, spiteful heart
Again, you’re being very over dramatic about this user

Kaguya manga in 2016
>mind games, comedy, and comfy slice of life shenanigans

Kaguya manga in 2019
>yuri, NTR, harems and forced drama

What the fuck happened?

Nothing but sex was on her mind.

Yes yes, whatever you say Mikofag.

pure sex

its a big party, not that kind of party like fujis


She is still a thot for lying

Kek this is literally what this manga is about.
Mind games; and it is pretty harmless compare to the shit Kaguya has done.

Everything I said was objectively true.

This is the answer, Miko cockblocking him wouldn't make Ishi feel guilty. Tsubame looked sad because she felt like she got rejected.

>Hey, user, want to have unprotected vaginal sex with me and ejaculate in my cervix over and over until I get knocked up? We have 10 minutes until the train comes and I'm ovulating RIGHT NOW
>I-I really should be getting home...

is ishigami gonna NWF tsubame at this critical moment

>trying to trap them
>guy confessed to her
>make a way for you both to talk for some more time
Yeah, objectively true.
Iino was an absolute cunt this chapter so stop trying to shift the attention.

This is actually what I'm thinking, they were both embarrassed about what happened so it would be fitting if he broke her arm using her as an excuse to wuss out while she's flustered that she humiliated herself in public...again.

Komi-san has a forced love triangle? Don't regret dropping it now

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What if user stayed?

Ishigami isn't a fag and Aka isn't a hack.

I know most Mikohaters lack objectivity, but damn, you really take the cake. You're the only one who's spiteful.

Piña Colada is a drink for women

Does anyone else feel like now that we're at the apex of confirmed mutual confession time, we're going to have to endure endless chapters until we get anywhere with it?

>Ishigami isn't a fag
Please, he has always been a pussy and if he hadn't had that much help from Kaguya and Maki, and if he hadn't being lucky for once in his life he would have made zero progress.

Thanks for the offer, b-but the new Kaguya-sama chapter could come out tonight so I think I'm gonna go catch that train...

Where is the FUCKING netorare Aka?!

What the hell was this chapter? Gonna be honest, I did not expect this manga to drop in quality so badly this far in.
Aka needs to take a break and really reevaluate his work. To see if this is where he wants to take it.
But I guess it's hard when you have due dates for your chapters.

Not much he could do with the story besides end it as well. I predict a further quality decline until it gets axed.

It's still really fun imo so I would comment on that, but technically I would say the last battle was those three chapters of Kaguya trying to get Prez to kiss her, not that it matters anymore.

Hope you're ready for 2 weeks of this, One side shitting on Tsubame for no reason and the other being comically upset over everything Miko does.

I wonder how many anons will actually be baited by this pasta.


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People project to much into ishigami and then want him to be a chad when he is just a lonely guy

Hi pasta user, haven't seen you in a while.

What is it about miko that lets her live rent free in a lot of user’s heads here?

The mind game is between Miko and Tsubame now.

Oh boy
I feel the same too

The whole reason for the deception is that Ishigami chose to escort Iino home over talking to her. She is lying about what time it is to prevent him from leaving, which is like the dictionary definition of trapping.

Totally doing this on purpose, so Tsubame gets distracted from Ishigami

Wym? This plot is basically fighting for focus with the other two and Prez and Kaguya's segment will probably be the longest one.

>minors ingestign alchohol

I thought japan was super serious about this

>Hey guys, is Hachiman park a sub arena?
How the fuck is that supposed to translate to "Is the AC too high"


Why are people upset about any of this the title literally has “love is war”. None of this shit was gonna be pretty

>Prez is strongest
Based Monster Virgin

>shits on Ishi's tame hairdo while sporting more makeup than Zombieland Saga cast combined
>picks time consuming drink to be made when asked by host and then slaps 'do Y if X is too hard for you' at the end, not even bothering to make it sound nice
>guilt trips him about 'muh mistreatment' when Yuu pulls no punches to anyone whatsoever
>in span of few pages tells him off for treating her like naive idiot and then proves herself to be naive idiot
>in the timeskip chapter guilt trips him even harder

To be absolutely honest if this chapter didn't exist I would accept Miko winning as sad, but inevitable and weep over poor cinnamon roll who got thrown under the bus
Now if Miko wins i'm gonna be fucking livid

So is Ishigami Leon from early days?

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>Miko this
>Meeko that
>Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko
Can you all please talk about other stuff that isn’t Miko? This is getting so annoying and it’s making me angry. Miko is so fucking shit and I seriously can’t understand how you don’t get tired of talking about her without ever stopping. What about Tsubame? What about Rei? WHY ARE YOU IGNORING THE OTHER GIRLS, ITS NOT FAIR. Mikofags are the worst, I hate them and I hate Miko. Miko a shit. A SHIT.

But Ishi still bought her a present right?

It was different with Kaguya and pres because the feelings were mutual and they were both in the game. Neither of them ever tried to prevent the other person from helping someone else because they were jealous.

She wasn't best girl, but she was definitely high tier.

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>Onodera and the rest are backing up Ishigami and they keep Iino calmed down
Those guys are too nice

What the hell was this chapter? Gonna be honest, I did not expect this manga to explode in quality so amazingly this far in.
Aka needs to take a break and relax for working so hard. To see how far he's come in a short time must be a huge amount of pride for him.
But I guess it's hard when you have due dates for your chapters.

Not much he could do with the story besides keep it going till he's 50. I predict a further quality increase till he decides to retire.

why are whiskey chocolates so powerful against the japanese?

I don't get it.

If you want him to stay longer, just say it's 12:37 and it's too late to catch the train, so he'll stay over.
By telling him it's 12:17 all that's going to happen at best is that he'll leave ten minutes too late, out in the freezing cold with a comatose Iino and realize he's been bamboozled

>"I love you"
>Flashback after flashback after flashback etc

I mean we've only been waiting for over 150 chapters to get here, why don't we pump the breaks and take a tangent that will leave us hanging for months until we get back to the point.

It's not particularly forced. Manbagi is a good girl and she's going to be crushed, so it's sad in a way.

Attached: The face of a loser.jpg (836x1200, 222K)

Kaguya sent Hayasaka to stalk Prez at a mixer because she thought he would meet other girls there

She is gonna win user, just accept it like me and be livid now

>Onodera purposely putting herself between those two
She knows.

Last few tls have been so chaotic I didn't know when to drop it

Yep, absolutely over dramatic. Get over your raging hate boner over miko, user. You’re throwing a tantrum over every single little thing she does in this manga. It’s getting pretty sad

Any love triangle in a series where the main pairing is set in stone will always feel forced to me. I'd be pissed if Aka pulled something like that with Kaguya and Prez too

It was incredibly annoying how 'convenient' she was with her feelings regarding her scumbag father and brother. When they originally rescued the Nip girl who got caught during the gate incident they should have popped the son at least. She would have likely had a problem with that, but considering how important peace is to her she should have considered the greater good.

It's a bunch of things really, there's main girl in a love triangle, understandable complaints about her lack of development so far, lots of shitposting, ect.

I'm not really crazy about her myself but you see some of the bickering in the threads recently and have to wonder how some people are even reaching the conclusions that they are.

Because the "War" before, like most romcoms, was cute and harmless to nobody except the participants, and there were no rivals to be mean to. The former is still mostly true though for the Ishibowl.

>I rented a guest room, so why don't we put her in there for now?
C'mon dude, she totally wants some privacy with you. Even if it's just for kisses and/or cuddles

absolute seething energy from Lino here

>Kaguya threads are now as bad as Bokuben and 5-Toubun threads
Thanks a fucking lot, Aka.

>because the feelings were mutual
So is Tsubame and Ishigami.
>Neither of them ever tried to prevent the other person from helping someone else because they were jealous.
Fatty can sleep in the guest room and it is better than having Ishi to spend time walking her during the fucking midnight.

Don't know why you are trying to make it more severe than it is. Your desperate attempt to shift the hate to Tsubame is showing.

Ishigami would've wanted to stay if he didn't feel obligated to take care of Miko.

That is nowhere near as bad as trying to prevent him from escorting his drunk friend home.

Ishigami should've stayed a loveless loner.

I mean, look at her eyes here, I've seen those kind of cold eyes before in an obsessed girl

>I recall reading that red lipstick is supposed to make the mouth look like an aroused labia
amazing, the code is cracked

this post right here is my third one in this thread
just because i find miko's behaviour nasty doesn't mean i am everyone else who does think same
idk if you felt like your waifu was insulted or what, and frankly i don't care, but honest to god, this chapter somehow made my opinion on Miko do a lovely 180 turn

That's a cunt move, Miko-chan.

Ishi will start doing his creepy flower symbolism talk when Tsubame sees the aroma thing
Miko will finally connect the dots and drunkenly confess how much the bookmark means to her which explains why they were blushing when Kashiwagi asked about their break
on the way back, Ishi german suplexes Miko which explains the broken arm

This desu, his character was more endearing then

oh fuck indeed it's iceguya's eyes

I get wanting to see it now but the manga has never just been about that, and as frustrating as it is sometimes I'm fine with getting more of the side characters after how Prez and Kaguya centric the manga has been since the Festival. The tease in 152 was honestly enough for me for a while.

Naah. This isn't even that bad for Kaguya threads at the moment. At least there's some discussion coming out of this topic anyway.

True. Feelings involved or not, at the least, they both realize that they want Ishigami’s attention.

As much as I like Prez and Kaguya, I was getting tired of only seeing them since the culture festival. A change of pace by focusing on the side characters is welcomed.

I don’t get it, either. Maybe it would be too obvious since Onodera just left for the train.

Someone has to take care of alcohol-imbued body.

Not a love triangle but a third wheel.
Tadano isn't romantically involved with her at all


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Before you try to rape someone irl, you need to learn that you can't force someone to stay with you when they say that they want to leave because you think that they secretly want to stay. When the person you are with says that they want to leave, you need to let them leave. It is not your place to decide for them.

>just because i find miko's behaviour nasty doesn't mean i am everyone else who does think same
Yeah you and three other obsessed anons. Honestly this is a comedy and you're taking her flaws way too seriously. Kaguya did far worse things in the past and nobody really cared.

Not him but you're arguing a point that another user was earlier so it's not suprising he thought that.

Anyway regardless of how one feels about Miko, the opinion is being incredibly dramatic over something pretty small and that's all that was being said.

>Those empty eyes

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When did Tsubama fall for Ishigami? Either my memory is shit or it just happened off-screen.

There isn't even a ounce of liquor in a whole box of those chocolates.

Off-screen, I guess. She's moved from "I want to know more about him" to "I'm going to take his virginity whether he likes it or not" really quickly.

The election arc alone proves you wrong. She knows no one gives a shit about her policies and it took Do No Wrong Shirogane to open his hand and make her say anything they'd actually agree with to make her a serious candidate

>It's been 4 or 5 days since Ishi's confession
Way too fast if you ask me

What else do you expect out of a third-year gymnast closet-thot?

our time has come mikobros

>Nobody really cared

I wouldn't go that far, the lesson she took away from the elections was that she needs to get better at presenting her message, this current plot will likely lead to herself maturing past how immature she views people.

The compromise in 140 will probably be where this leads to.

Best VVV.

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I feel like most people have probably known at least one of those kids who was just a super autistic no-fun-allowed stick-in-the-mud. Miko is a very specific type of annoying that I think a lot of people find very easily hateable. Add in the fact that Ishigami is the literally me character and I don't think it's surprising that there are tons of people who just see Miko as a stupid bitch who's constantly mean to Ishigami for no reason whatsoever even though, all moralfaggotry aside, Ishigami actually is pretty lazy and irresponsible and Miko actually is perfectly justified in being annoyed by him constantly breaking rules and not really giving a shit about how much of an inconvenience he's being too her.

I thought it's fairly obvious that Tsubame has rather high opinion on him and their last few interaction he keeps making her dokidoki'd.

It has been way longer than that.

What’s the point of it?
Ishigami would probably walk home when he found out he’s late for train.
If she wanted him to stay, she could and should have just asked him directly.
It’s the only possibility that he would stay.

I kinda have a theory.
After some sweet talk and stuff between Ishigami and Tsubame, they won't do a shit while the lights are on but things will get kinda heated on. Since the last train passed long ago, Ishigami will pussy out and after a little talk, he's going to sleep in the guest room while Tsubame will go to her room to sleep. But they both won't be able to sleep since they still feel hot and can't stop thinking on each other and what they were talking about.
Meanwhile, Iino, still affected by the alcohol, wakes up and remembers that, in some point, she heard about Tsubame having a spare room for her (she kinda heard the talk between Ishigami and Tsubame). She gets inside Ishigami's bed, and since she can't see a shit because it's dark, she hops in. Ishigami will think that the one who jumped into his bed is Tsubame and his heart is racing like hell. Iino realizes that she's with Ishigami but instead of freaking out, she start beign kinda touchy and lovey (because she's sleepy and drunk) without saying a word, all while Ishigami is frozen. After a little while, Ishigami realizes that something is wrong with sempai and realizes that it's actually Iino. He's about to apart her from him but just when he's about to do it, Tsubame turn the lights on (she made up her mind and was about to get into the same bed with Ishigami but she heard some noices).
Ishigami freaks out and pushes Iino away from the bed, thus broking her arm.
While both Tsubame and Ishigami are taking Iino to the hospital, Ishigami tries to explain things. While they are waiting in the hospital, he manages to fix things up with Tsubame (who looked shocked and depressed)

Use paragraphs retard

Oh fuck. Sorry
TL;DR: Tsubame and Ishigami got mutually cockblocked; Iino gets in the same bed as Ishigami; he pushes Iino and broke her arm when Tsubame saw them both; in the end everything is kinda fixed


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I don't know whether I like it or not.


I'm a lot more into this Iino-Tsubame now that it's getting a lot more heated than I expected
It should stay reasonably exciting as long as noone goes snek-levels overboard, so hopefully Tsubame's not gonna do anything too weird with that "extra time"

It's been less than a week since the cultural festival

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The confession was on the 20th, and this is the 24th. So only four days.

This sounds way too lewd for that kind of manga. And it wouldn't explain Miko's change of attitude towards Ishigami after the timeskip or why Tsubame would have such a sad expression after that too.

I mean she is annoying but my personal policy towards annoying characters is that I only start disliking them when the story itself doesn't treat those issues as annoying, which is the opposite with Kaguya, and Miko's issues are constantly called out as being wrong and there for her to learn and develop from them, so I'm mostly cool with her.

It's the extreme reactions to what she does that are just kind of baffling to me.

>It should stay reasonably exciting as long as noone goes snek-levels overboard, so hopefully Tsubame's not gonna do anything too weird with that "extra time"
Is bareback fucking on top of Miko's unconscious body weird?

If he found out he's late for the train it would be too late, it would be 12:37 already, and I think it might even be the last train. It's easier to have him stay if he already missed his schedule, and he didn't want to leave Miko alone, so he wasn't gonna stay if she just asked.

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at this point, its very obvious why Lino got her hand broken and Ishi feels guilty. Next episode is gonna be some massive cockblock.

Mind blown.
You telling me the ice Kaguya arc only lasted for a few days?
Feels like it has been months.

He gave her a heart which she took as a serious confession which no one has ever done to her

Yeah, 3 at max
You just got tricked by Aka's pacing and the breaks he took

Where the fuck do you guys keep seeing "sad" from? She looks like she's thinking about something, like she's reminiscing, with a slight blush on her face.

That's not freaking sad.

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Kek, she's a cute weirdo.
I like it

Very bold of you to assume that half the people here actually pay attention when reading.

Tsubame got those yandere eyes. She ain´t gonna let Miko get away with Ishi.

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I hope this chapter shuts up both the people claiming Iino still doesn't feel anything for Ishi and the ones claiming Tsubame isn't seriously considering him

How do you autists remember details like this; amazing. I'm impressed.

She's totally aiming at Ishigami.
Onodera is helping both Ishigami and Miko.
And why the hell do I feel that she's like Hayasaka helping Kaguya? She even has the same expressionless face there

>Would you like to go somewhere fun?
I was sweating bullets ngl

Based guys. Never take advantage of drunk people.

I think she is way beyond that level. She is definitely trying to bone him right now

I can't imagine Ishigami reacting well if he figures out that she lied. It would probably hurt his image of her a lot to learn that she put Miko in danger to keep him there (at least, he's sure to see it that way since he just said he needs to escort her home)... especially since we already know this ends with Miko getting hurt.

She's totally doing it on purpose.
I bet that she loves seeing him getting all flustered and shy every time she does something like that.
It's like some sort of soft bullying

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>She is definitely trying to bone him right now
Isn't that great?
Twice the amount of 4-pages long possibilities.

It´s called teasing, user.
She won´t bone right away but most likely trying to kiss.

Also Hayasaka love interest when?

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I bet that Onodera told Iino that she should start taking action onto the person she likes (Ishigami) before it's too late. She might even have told her what are Tsubame's
weaknesses, meaning that she totally knows that Iino likes Ishigami

Subject F, user.

I really hope she's Abe. Considering how casually she's treating Prez compared to the NPCs, they already seem to be on good enough terms

How the hell would putting Miko in a guest room put her in danger?
Ishigami would probably be flattered if he learnt that Senpai purposely tell him the wrong time in order to spend more time with him.

>people claiming Iino still doesn't feel anything for Ishi.
They were right until the school festival. She latches onto people way too easily, like Onodera.
Then again, a lot of what Ishigami does to her can be misunderstood as affection under the wrong context, and by context I mean 'Ishigami was trying to give me a heart' context.

>It's the extreme reactions to what she does that are just kind of baffling to me.
They're guys that project themselves onto Ishigami and get butthurt over Iino being mean to him.

Well, if we look at the clues, Miko definitely did her best to look pretty, and deliberately flipped her hair to give Ishigami a whiff of the perfume Kaguya gave her. While the dude is hitting on her, she shifts her gaze to watch Ishigami instead. Her reaction to Tsubame has become decidedly unfriendly, and she drunkenly told Ishigami that she wants him to treat her like he treats Tsubame.

Miko isn't exactly being subtle here.

Around spring

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There's some kind of obsessive dere eyes there but I don't know which kind of dere she is

Onodera is simultaneously a wildcard and a neutral observer, she's helping both sides but in all cases you can write it off as her just being a good friend

The Kaguya kind of yan.

>Onodera backstabbing Tsubame
Thought they are supposed to be friends far longer than Miko.

>How the hell would putting Miko in a guest room put her in danger?
In case she threw up and choked to death.

>Implying wanting the character you liked to not be treated like shit = projection
You are a masochist who project yourself onto Ishigami and wanted to get insulted by tiny girl.
The same can be say to you faggot.

Because he's worried about her and thinks he needs to escort her home, and as he said himself, she'd go without him when she wakes up if she stays over. It's not entirely rational but she is directly sabotaging his plans to protect her. And the fact that she DOES end up getting hurt as a result will only reinforce those feelings.

Here is my pet theory. Tsubame invites Ishigami to tour around the house for a while. That inevitable takes them to her bedroom and then she throws herself in bed saying what a fun day they've had. Ishigami stands shyly while trying to look away but throwing gazes at her. She sits and moves as if to give him space and pat's the bed calling him to her side. When he sits she puts her hand around his shoulders and talks to his ear telling him how she wanted to talk to him like this all this time.
Then she kisses his neck and keeps kissing him going closer and closer to his lips while her hand grabs his thigh. He freaks and puts his hand on hers as if to stop her but she grabs it, lifts it up interlocking fingers and pushes him into the bed. She crosses her leg to kneel over him in the bed and then takes his hand and pushes it into her chest asking him to feel how much her heart is beating. It's beating that hard for you, she says. Ishigami only manages to mutter "senpai" when she dives into him, her lips directly into his lips and gives him a kiss so deep even Nagisa would blush. By this point Ishigami gets a hold of the situation and grabs her back to pull her towards him. Next she sits up removes her vest and starts unbuttoning his shirt. And when she finishes she moves onto unbuttoning hers.
With her bra in full view she gives him another kiss and falls to the bed besides him. He lifts up to finish removing his shirt and begins kissing her. Fist in the belly, then moves up a little towards her chest then the middle of her breasts, meanwhile she's removing her bra and let's if fall on top of his head as he sucks on one of her nipples.
After a bit of playing with her breasts, Ishigami stands and begins to remove his belt but Tsubame holds his hands and moves them to the sides so she can do it herself. He only looks at her as she's doing her best to remove the belt and every now and then she lifts her sight and smiles. And then they have lots and lots of sex.

>ever using reddit spacing

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>They were right until the school festival
Were they? I think there have been signs before then. Ishigami is clearly on Miko's mind more than most people, and she wanted to cheer him on and comfort him back during the race, even if she seemed rather shy and reserved about it.

It seems pretty likely to me that Miko has sort of liked Ishigami for some time now.

>Piña Colada
>Cut the pineapples thin
>Not crash style but frozen style
How the fuck does the "moral" girl know exactly what to ask for when requesting a cocktail?

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>She's living alone, right?
Her bio states she has a house worker that takes care of her. They're probably close.

She would blame on Ishigami for not having told her sooner (or something like what Kaguya did to Shirogane when she had fever).
And maybe Tsubame might be thinking something like "Should I hurry up with the answer or not? Miko-chan clearly feels something for him and maybe Yu-kun too".
Or something like that.

reddit spacing is different

from using paragraphs

or indentations

>replying to the lowest quality bait
user please.

And some people are calling Mikofags delusional.

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She watches a lot of telenovelas

She's helping all of them and she think that would be interesting to see what will happen

Chapter theme?

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I already understood what he said user, I didn't need an example.

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You lost me

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Because the "moral girl" thing is just a facade. When the time comes for her to have her multiple personality arc, "Delinquent girl" Miko will come to the forefront. Her true self.

Right before the sex Miko the sexiest and cutest girl in the world clotheslines the slut bitch cunt Tsubame but Miko breaks her arm in the process,
Ishigami sees this and tears up hugs Miko thanks her for saving him from that ugly rapist kisses her tells her shes a good girl and walks her home gently.

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>When the time comes for her to have her multiple personality arc, "Delinquent girl" Miko will come to the forefront. Her true self.
No, the thirsty slut one.
Her real self.

That is just retarded.
The reason why Ishigami not letting Miko stay over is probably just because he doesn't want to trouble Tsubame senpai.
And in fact letting Miko stay over is much more safer than them going out in the midnight.

>she DOES end up getting hurt
We still don't know exactly what happened and for we know it may be something like It is still unreasonable to blame this on Tsubame when she has no way to foresee this.

>courtroom scenes with delinquent vs gyaru miko
My dick

It's all part of "bad girl" Miko. She'll start smoking and make unladylike delinquent sounds when people bother her, and get a gang of other girls to bully around as she discovers her true talent. Being the worst.

Then she has her gang beat and tie up Ishigami for her and shave his head just the way she likes it.

Aka is just a bad writer.

Miko, stop posting.

>The reason why Ishigami not letting Miko stay over is probably just because he doesn't want to trouble Tsubame senpai.
>And in fact letting Miko stay over is much more safer than them going out in the midnight.
His reasoning is explained in .
>I can't let her go home by herself...
>huhuhu I see
>You're terrified she might get assaulted so you want to properly escort her home right?
He's worried about her, and Tsubame even teases him about it. From his expression he probably got it right.
I don't deny that it's somewhat unreasonable, but she did lie to knowingly stop him from protecting her.

i remember that chapter and posting about her because i wasnt sure if she was a girl or not

>The judge is normal Miko.
>She's bound and gagged while all the scum are running the show and fighting over who is in control.

there's a pose for that

>Repressed slut is actually more knowledgeable in matters she says she's not interested in
It would be bad writing if it was the opposite.

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user, just because she looks like Kaguya doesn´t mean she´s a trap.

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>how does Yea Forums remember cute girls
Might as well ask how you remember to breathe. Its just instinct at this point.

>Then she has her gang beat and tie up Ishigami for her and shave his head just the way she likes it.
You joke, but there is like a 87.4% chance that Ishigami is going to get a hair cut to show off his character developement after his bit with Tsubame is resolved.

fuck off Nisio

hey i thought she was a girl but no one else in the thread was talking about her so i assumed they didnt realize she was a cute girl, otherwise people would be shitposting about how she'd cuck kaguya by taking prez to karaoke

Iino doesn't even know how to dress herself for parties, why would she know anything about cocktails?


So, something like this but even more lewder

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"She can go home when she gets up" as in she can go home if I wake her up now, there is no need to trouble Tsubame senpai.
You are reading this wrong.

Miko don't need escort in the morning, she is not a kindergartener.

she knows a lot about cock

Miko falls off the couch and somehow breaks her arm right as Ishi was going to do something, and she will blame him for taking her somewhere that broke her arm

Miko might wake up early and try heading home on her own if she feels out of place.

She always thought that he's quite cute.
And she wants to corrupt him

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