I just watched the PV for this and I cannot help but kringe at the part where it lists the calories for the foodstuffs...

I just watched the PV for this and I cannot help but kringe at the part where it lists the calories for the foodstuffs, since the calories in/calories out meme has long since been debunked

Attached: dumbbell.png (512x512, 291K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Is /fit/ going to use this show as an excuse to shit-post now?

t. fattie

i've seen it and its looks like cringe lowbudget moeshit

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>t. pic related

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Do you even lift?

You don’t care about any of that you just want to jerk off

I just want sweaty doujins

All I care about is that the MCs VA is a cute hafu

>goda kobo
based crossboarder

>calories in/calories out meme has long since been debunked
a thread died for this you know

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I'm not fat though, I'm just telling the truth. For example nuts, despite being one of the highest calorie foodstuffs, there has never been a study showing nuts cause obesity or significant weight gain. Even in control trails.

watch @ 1.5x


Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

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This is what fatfucks actually believe?

People lie. Food manufacturers lie. People miss stuff. Accurately gauging how many calories a person consumed in addition to base functions by moving about is difficult to do accurately.

Last but not least: The hormones probably need to settle for 6 months to 1 whole year AFTER the target weight has been reached.

I'm thinking of watching this anime for the chubby gyaru.

She isn't actually chubby.

Don't actually use this as a legitimate reference, most of the workout explanations are incorrect too.

Calories in, calories out isn't a myth.

why are fat people allowed to live?
noone wants to be around them and in europe they are a strain on socialized medical care (reason why amerifats would struggle to create tax-payer healthcare)


>b-b-but it's not food making me fat
let me guess, your fat genes are what caused that blubbery muffintop

Have threads ever been prematurely ruined by an anime adaptation harder than these ones? I fell so bad for the mangafags.

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you're not even trying anymore


Nice try, !Akemi.

>hurt calories in/calories out is just a myth
Is this bait? Please tell me it is...

Kringe forever fat fuck

Their piggishness fuels the consumer markets which underpin the rest of society. Their gluttony makes possible economies of scale from which healthy individuals benefit by access to cheap goods when they buy in moderation only the things they need. They are human livestock and their identifying brands are their own corpulent bodies which warn others to avoid their inferior genetics.

this is the anime that intimidates Yea Forums

It's not


>youtube science
fat people will say and source anything to avoid low calorie food and exercise.

did you even read op?

>Food manufacturers lie
that's a crime, so it can't be

>since the calories in/calories out meme has long since been debunked
Have weight loss.

Attached: 1560552498733.jpg (720x480, 35K)

Which is worse /fit/, Yea Forums, or Yea Forums?

Post body

The threads for that one daughterwife show are even worse
Yea Forums
pretty sure it's where shit like "cope" and "have sex" comes from.

/fit/ is fun and red-pilled. their board culture comes from fitness forums though.

Are you saying we can generate unlimited energy by putting fatties on a threadmill since thermodynamics doesn't apply to them?

Just watch it for the cute girls, you dumb idiot.

OPs so fat when he walks down stairs people have to evacuate San Fransisco.

Anime adaptations are always the worst thing for the threads

>cute fit girls
>but there are guys around them and msot girls do the fit thing to get a bf
Shame, dropped.
I wonder if we will ever get a cute fit girls show where the girls excercise cause they just like it where the girls aren't sluts.

The manga took a yuri turn recently

>This blatant bait
Are you even trying anymore?

>>Food manufacturers lie
>that's a crime, so it can't be
Their products have +20% calories than actually listed on average due to underestimation.

They also hate providing a unified reference weight like calories / 100 grams or something.

>They also hate providing a unified reference weight like calories / 100 grams or something.
That's also illegal unless you live in some 3rd world country or something.

What ruined the threads for me was the one guy dumping the chapters and writing a quirky joke every fucking page.

The way calories are measured is bollocks as well, the technique used has absolutely nothing to do with how the body works

I went through the manga a few days ago and I have to say I'm excited.

The interactions are great, the characters are top tier, and they blend the exercising, ecchi, and comedy perfectly.

I thought it'd be another "Training with Hinako" but instead I got a comedy series I'd put on par with something like Hinamatsuri

Attached: 16.png (960x1361, 581K)

so many fats are going to hate that people enjoy this show

the threads for the manga have been dead for years, user

I really hope the threads stay about the show and don't devolve into /fit/fags arguing with f/a/tties.

It's not going to happen though

Attached: 13.png (960x1361, 538K)

This show needs to attract people with good tummy/ab shots so they overwhelming the shitposters with sheer numbers.

I'm sure in episode threads it'll be fine. In quite a weak season I'm sure enough people will be watching it to drown out most of the shit.
It's like in one of the previous threads it was pretty obvious one person accounted for the majority of the anti-/fit/ posts, which in a slow pre-airing thread made it stand out a lot more.

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300 pound user here again, getting fit to fit in? kek

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The average Yea Forumsnon can shapeshift into a body appropriate for the material they consume. No need to lose or gain weight.

>tfw nobody has yet made a fitness-based VN app where you romance anime girls in the gym by meeting daily targets and achieving long-term goals

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>The manga took a yuri turn recently
Can you spoil a little?

Never gonna make it

It is honestly insane how much influence Yea Forums has.

Will someone post the webm of the girl getting fat and it showing all the calories in the food she eats?

>anime about cute girls wanting to be fit
>anons triggered because they feel is aimed to them

Please neck yourselves.

Yuri will conquer the universe

If you talk to any educated health professional tell them that calories in/out is debunked, they will let you finish talking then stick you with a TPN

Attached: THIS IS FOR SEDENTARY LIFE STYLE.jpg (900x840, 95K)

We don't need an excuse to shitpost.

I agree that a "calorie" is a fucking stupid unit of measurement, but if you honestly believe that balancing the rate at which you ingest things into your body and the rate of activity you complete throughout the day doesn't achieve positive fitness results, you're even more fucking stupid.

Karla's mom when

main character VA is part japanese

Attached: pbs.twimg.com_media_D-DnZGKVAAArHep.jpg (900x1200, 220K)

What's the other part?

>calories in calories out meme has long since been debunked
>conservation of energy has long since been debunked


>He doesnt know.

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me on the left


is this anime her first VA gig?


I'm sure I've seen that already -- or some kind of rep-counter with carrot-stick anime girls as the gimmick.

I must find this. I need the motivation.

EU Based food tester here here. -In order of preference

Sending your shitty product to a lab for testing.
McCance and Widdowson’s composition of food
US FDA reference values

Calories/joules might be a shit way of measuring intake, but they're simple to understand and let your average pleb understand high number bad.

>since the calories in/calories out meme has long since been debunked

Thermodynamics is debunked now?

I first read it for being also done by Sandwich and the Kengan refrences. I stuck around for it due to the cute girls and their shenanigans.

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Really? I thought have sex came from Yea Forums and brie larson cause she was incel this and incel that in her interviews or something

>enjoys mha
>expects others to respect his opinion

Pick none

Having never read Kengan I at least don't feel like I'm missing out on much, even if it has lots of references. It's just a very fun series on it's own.
I'm very grateful that of the 2 series this one looks like it's getting the better adaption.

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Smokin' hapa.

There are a wider set of dimensions than mere calories in determining whether food intake is going to contribute to fat loss.

>calories debunked
Ok fatass

>the calories in/calories out meme has long since been debunked
ya okay, enjoy those 4k calories a day

she's pretty fluent in arabic too from what i heard on the voice reel on her talent agency's website

feels fucking weird man

based and bread pilled

>consume less calories than you use daily
>lose weight, some of it might be muscle if you don't eat enough protein
>consume more calories than you use daily
>gain weight
this is not hard. this is not hard. say it with me fatty. this is not hard.

macros can make a difference but only if you're autistic enough to go the whole way and measure out the grams of protein, carbs, and fats in everything that you stuff your face with

I'm not overweight, but for equal calories a higher ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fat and a lack of free metallic iron will make more of a difference.

>calories in/calories out has been debunked
eckes dee

>counting everything
Get your protein in and drink your protein shake and eat a multivitamin everyday. Its not hard.

What about the ones who make an effort to lose weight, though? Should they be the exception?

We're just text, though.

>What about the ones who make an effort to lose weight, though?
The ones who say eating healthy food will make you healthy and give you a healthy body? The ones who think eating 3000 calories of fruit is fine because its healthy food?
>Should they be the exception?

Nuts are expensive. Good luck having them as youe staple food.

Never gonna make it

I see /fit/ sometimes has threads with shit as OP post, going in apparently they are discussing shit consistency and if it will affect their bains.

Will danberu have shit comparison between those anime girls?

>since the calories in/calories out meme has long since been debunked
I lost 40kg by cutting my food in half without any exercisestoo bad i'm still fat since i'm too pussy to cut it even more

>Nuts are expensive
Not deez nuts.

Attached: i see.jpg (280x350, 12K)

Remember, Anons, alcohol has calories too! So if you also cut down on your drinking, you'll lose even more weight! I personally cut my alcohol consumption in half and pounds literally fell off of me.

Attached: 1560678378678.gif (454x498, 1.37M)

I've never drunk alcohol in my life.

The top scientists are focusing on stem cells and cures for cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer, etc. Imagine if they focused their efforts on creating diet alcohol. It would be a huge step forward to making the world a healthier place.

Consuming poison was a bad idea in the first place, user.

Now you're being retarded. I meant not only eating healthy and in reasonable proportions, but also actively going to the gym, drinking water, etc.

Get your vitamins naturally, it's better for you.

>Consuming poison was a bad idea
Medicine is poison by default. Even the strongest of poisons can become the greatest of medicines when used properly. Your assertion is invalid.

>since the calories in/calories out meme has long since been debunked
What a fucking retard, yes calories doesn't mean everything but it's a good way to keep track of how much shit you are taking daily

I used an app to count calories when i was on diet, one time did a month of 1200

>since the calories in/calories out meme has long since been debunked
It's funny because the only place where I've heard about this meme was on Yea Forums, one of the stupidest places on the internet.

They're a bunch of fucking queers, which is about as bluepill as it gets.

A penis, judging by that manface.

>US FDA reference values
I don't really trust the FDA, in the same way I don't really trust the CIA.

She won't let you down

Attached: Poster 4.jpg (1024x1024, 255K)

Hate when faggots do that. Just dump the fucking manga and keep your mouth shut.

>all these fatties who complain about how hard it is to lose weight
>while I have to physically force down more food than I can stomach just to avoid being a skeleton lord and actually keep a bit of muscle

This. I don’t mind one comment on a important or dramatic page but when it’s every few pages it gets tiring.

I'm glad to see the manga is still generating new fans based on its content!

Attached: umph.png (960x1361, 617K)

I know your pain brother, I've been stuck at 180 since forever. At least I'm going to hit 2pl8 bench this year

Attached: Hibiki Intro.webm (960x540, 1.31M)

She should appear the episode after Zina is introduced because she's the homeroom teacher for Akemi and Zina. It's her first appearance and is immediately following Zina's first appearance.

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Attached: Press One Out.webm (960x540, 379K)

this actually made me laugh lmao

>thermodynamics is a meme
Let me guess, you're a ketotard.

Just watched the preview and what the fuck this is actually about fat shaming women

>Ai Fairouz as Sakura Hibiki
Is she half-persian?

Attached: 229102.jpg (400x580, 138K)

go back

You only miss the references, which would only add to the experience, or "lore." I can assure you aren't missing anything.

In fact, as much as Sandrovich loves referencing himself, he LOVES referencing other mangas and animes and even real-life celebrities. Many of the jokes he puts in the series are just excuses he's making to mention something he loves.

The B-Movie action flick obsession by the gyarus?
The Yakuza flick obsession by the wheyfu?
An entire chapter titled "Lifts of the North Star?"
Adding in characters like Harnnold, Sgatham or brief glimpses of characters like Ruhl and Petin?
Zina not just embracing her Russian stereotype but doing everything she can to promulgate it?

He has hobbies and he loves putting them in his manga or making them affable traits to his characters. It's a great series on its own, but I promise it improves the more you also appreciate engaging with other things outside. It's fantastic.

Attached: 04.png (715x1013, 262K)

Get with the program fatty. Only degenerates push 'THICCCC' when most of the time the person is just fucking obese.

based falseflagger

Well, you know that and yet still keep consuming more Yea Forums anyway.

That's bullshit, I counted calories and lost 170 pounds. Sure I've gained probably like 30 lbs of fat while bulking but that's mostly because I've stopped tracking calories.

Good, being fat isn't attractive or "thicc".

I know right? It's fantastic.

Can't wait for all the hate articles it's gonna get from fatties


It's a good thing; that's probably the most calorie they've burned in a month.

So how come I burn more calories than I take in but the scale still shows the same thing every day? I'm 5'10" and around the beginning of April I jumped up 25 pounds in the span of a week for no clear reason (150 to 175). My eating habits never changed, I take in maybe 1000-1500 calories a day.

Attached: Girl with Raiden hat.png (440x460, 206K)

Given the amount of data you've provided, the result you've claimed is inexplicable without assumption.

Attached: Macho the Gathering card game.jpg (890x1200, 237K)

1. you overestimated how much calorie you burned
2. you underestimated how much calorie you took in
3. you got old, your metabolism slowed down so you can't retain the same routine and still expect to retain the same change

Nah it started from Kevin Nash posting.
Yea Forums by a long shot
They're basically Yea Forums+Yea Forums rolled into one.
It's honestly harder to tell who is trolling or not than both here and Yea Forums combined.

>I take in maybe 1000-1500 calories a day
no you don't. if i locked you in a cage and fed you 1000 calories of rice veggies and chicken breast daily for a year, you would come out skinnier.


hopefully some of the fat feminists and otakus on Yea Forums see watch these anime girls get chiseled and feel ashamed of themselves.


Attached: C'mon More Energy.webm (960x540, 243K)

180? I'm at like 140 wtf

You also forgot that this anime also promotes toxic masculinity

1. I walk for several hours every day (20k-30k steps) and also do intense exercises for an hour each day, so I should lose at least a thousand calories a day.
2. No, I track my calories closely.
3. I turn 32 on August 1st. I think SSRIs might have fucked my metabolism somehow. I weighed around 135 when I started taking Paxil the December of 2011 (I tended to weigh in the 120s or 130s pre-Paxil), and six months later I was in the 160s. 25 pounds in one week could suggest some kind of health problem like diabetes, but meh, I'm not going to bankrupt myself going to a doctor.



Attached: Akemi sees your gains.webm (1920x924, 224K)

Foods high in natural fats are calorically dense but filling. Your body will quickly tell you when you've had enough nuts. Snack foods, refined carbs, and processed sugars are calorically dense and will keep you eating. Calories in calories out is not a meme, there's just a little nuance to it.

That video is all about this point so you're still a moron.

/fit/ is just Yea Forums that took responsibility
there’s strikingly little difference

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tracking calories & nutrition of food you consume is still important and should be done regardless

Try eating 1kg of nuts a day and get back to us.

You can make it brah.

fucking lol. the Yea Forums version is more lolworthy than the /pol/ version.

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Ok but seriously, who does middle school reunions?

>he never saw the original

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Op is so fat that when fell over, nobody laughed but the ground sure cracked up

>calories in calories out is a myth!
>citations of studies using self-reported calorie intake and activity levels
pick two

>CONCLUSIONS: The failure of some obese subjects to lose weight while eating a diet they report as low in calories is due to an energy intake substantially higher than reported and an overestimation of physical activity, not to an abnormality in thermogenesis.

I'm gonna go ahead and dump the 2 chapters that just went up.

Chapter 63 - 2 Week Abs

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>bankrupt myself going to a doctor
lol you poor american

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I still find it funny the cute girls lifting cute weights meme became real.

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It seems my edit never made it back to the TS, there's still a script error on this page :/
(Do not continue if muscle pain persists.)

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>since the calories in/calories out meme has long since been debunked
although op is obvious bait, the scary shit is there are some people who actually believe this shit. They think their bodies are perpetual matter generation machines that create energy from nothing and break all laws of thermodynamics.

>calories in/calories out meme has long since been debunked
Sounds like a fatty to me

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Or that muh metabolism slows by more than a few percent yet they haven't died from failing to sustain a sufficiently warm core temperature.

It's some serious backwards medieval-era thinking, next thing people will start believing in spontaneous generation again. People already believe in a fucking flat earth. I say that, but even medieval people understood the earth was spherical and that if you ate more than you exercised you got fat, and if you ate less you lost weight.

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Just watch the show and don't visit the threads, I have been doing this since a few years now and it's much better. Yea Forums isn't for peaceful threads anymore, only smaller shows can have them

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Chapter 63 - 2 Week Abs

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I know what the whole point of the manga is but I still love Hibiki in thicc mode.
Hope if the manga ever reaches the point where they have made considerable gains she goes bearmode with visible guns.

Chapter 64 - Bulgarian Split Squats

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>bearmode/strongfat girls

Such a patrician fetish.

Attached: 76c.jpg (672x434, 23K)

Well, she reaches basically every mode at some point or another.

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>since the calories in/calories out meme has long since been debunked
Haven't read the thread yet but this superb b8 OP. Splendidly done. Half the /fit/izens who lurk Yea Forums will now bump your thread to inform you of your stupidity.

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>Please back up maam, i'm an expert from Yea Forums and the internet.
This stupid faggot thinks memes are true

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Fuck you, leatherman

Not that anyone can tell given the context of the page, but adding the "s" for plural is intentional to make her speech incorrect and unrefined. Good eye, though, frère

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are pol and v really that shitty that you've got to come here and talk about shit that only you care about?

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>twist crunches
those are goddamn bicycles and I won’t hear a word otherwise

Attached: 07.jpg (960x1361, 372K)

Holy shit, you’re a legend
you’re throwing genuine love at this with the TWO WEEKS follow-up

Attached: EB226504-8D0D-4264-AD95-78BC80F8338E.jpg (800x450, 62K)

Thing is, they probably will introduce a "cycling" motion style of ab exercise eventually that I'll have to call a BA-I SU RA-I KURU KIIKU so I gotta ask to purizu undastandu

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> I think SSRIs might have fucked my metabolism somehow.
SSRIs definitely do that. Most of them result in weight gain to varying degrees of severity. As someone who's been through the psychiatric grinder, the best advice I can give you is to either get off it or switch to Wellbutrin if it bothered you that much. Antidepressants are definitely useful, but they're one hell of a gains goblin.

Attached: 09.jpg (960x1361, 631K)

I have extreme genuine love for this series. As long as it runs, I'll try to deliver and won't give it up. Thanks for the knowledge love for the series is out there, bromide!

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>No nipples
This is the only reason I won't watch the anime.
It was annoying with the Manga, but the anime could deliver.
It won't though.

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Chapter 64 - Bulgarian Squats

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Who comes onto the internet and lies? Who does this sort of thing, you need help. You also need to drink more water because you're probably retaining every bit of water you take in. Had a fighter almost die because he ballooned up 45 lbs in a week after a fight. reason is because instead of cutting weight properly like we all told him, he used Milk of Magnesia and shit his brains, hydration and all his electrolytes out, and came in 5 lbs underweight. No surprise he got his ass stomped. After the fight his body held onto every electrolyte, calorie and drop of water it could find and boom, 45lbs in 5 days later and ends up in the ER for oedema and severe electrolyte imbalance (180lbs to 225lbs).

25lbs in the span of a week, maybe you should stop starving yourself and drink water, and also get some salt in you.

Why wouldn’t it be バイシクル? Where’s the ライ coming from?
>t. N12
also what exercise would be called bicycle kicks instead of actual “bicycles”? I can only see it coming from taekwondo or soccer but those wouldn’t be calisthenics

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You're Engrish is better than mine, no doubt. And yeah, I imagine there will be a chapter where they do soccer training and end up doing bicycle kicks and whatnot.

It happens a lot in this manga, too, of course. Hell, in an upcoming chapter (68), they literally describe the action of kicking the dumbbell up above above your head (in the seated position)
And I just laughed and changed it.

Hang out around the academy and maybe she will~

Attached: PR14.jpg (720x1020, 104K)

36 hours until "Danberu Nan Kiro Moteru?" "How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift?" airs over national Japanese broadcast.

I think it'll appear on sites like nico video a week after, though

Attached: Macho the Gathering.jpg (921x632, 119K)

Uh, I really don't care. This is hardly bad.

Honestly one of my most anticipated anime for next season. Can't wait to exercise along cute fit anime girls.

And they can't wait for you!

Attached: Danberu Nan Kiro Moteru small.webm (640x360, 796K)

big biiig buuuulk!

>Akemi is voiced by Amamiya

God, I can't wait.

Go forward.

It's probably gonna last for a week and a half (as per usual nontroversies) or so, but it'll be glorious.

who would win in a fight?

I like how Tachibana-sensei conspicuously notices that this web-service program

decided to use CGI for Machio
and it's awful
Machio God God-Awful


Attached: Julius sells Silverman Gym products.png (847x1200, 569K)

>doga kobo
so is this confirmed AOTS then?

Try 120.

Anything that is not by Kyoani do not deserve to be AOTS

no kyoani shows this season tho

This looks so stupid. Some stupid skank lifting what 50 lbs making a serious face like that?

I wonder where people go to find fanart

Attached: Machoo.jpg (1024x640, 195K)

You mean Bugenhagen Split Squats.

Attached: Did you-.png (1366x768, 1.13M)

Attached: Did you just call me FAT.png (1366x768, 1.24M)

You are literally retarded, how can you be this stupid?

>diet alcohol
Just avoid beer, wine and such, go for real drinks that are more alcohol than anything else
Its not that hard

Anyway the other day i read a paper about alzheimer, its really fucking complicated, i mean so many things go wrong in the organizme and they just acumulate and then explode, how is the human body so bad designed?

So what's the best way to watch this, now that Fujitv stopped us from abusing the free trials?

>how is the human body so bad designed
because it wasn't designed, you fucking halfwit.
Amerishit education everyone

There is no prove that alcohol can be use in a beneficial way, only wine is defended because antioxidants, and even than is controvercial
Not like i dont drink, but you dont have an argument, just admit it that you like having fun, like a normal person, or that you have a problem, if you have one

What happens next page?

How much did you weight? I guess that you didnt do any sport and you arent very tall

It's an anime explicitly about fitness.
It'd be more surprising if they didn't.

Or, you could just become a straight edge. It has worked for me for 39 years. You could start right now.

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This is a good question: who's showing this? RAWS? Subs? I've seen so many threads happy it's coming, but I don't have a clue WHERE to see it.


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Holy fuck this is new peak of stupidity, or an excellent bait

Macho pushes her shit in.

>this thread is full of people who believe weight loss marketing memes like calories in calories out
unexpected and also sad
enjoy staying fat and wasting your time

Same. I used to bar-tend and work at spirits seller. I've had most every alcohol product to taste and recommend to others.

Alcohol tastes awful, expensive, is a depressant, interferes with muscle development and gets people addicted for its cool factor.

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i've been doing cossack squats for a few weeks now, but the ero anime girl compels me to start doing bulgarian squats too

Chapter number?

Deku can't even lift.


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Gotta get that rump plump!

Chapter 17 - Arm Wrestling (Part 1)

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>diet alcohol
That technically does exist, it's called MEAI. Seems kinda promising but there isn't a lot of research being done on it right now since some recent patent bullshittery has been getting in the way.

The overall message was that was that overeating + Junkfood adds up to weight gain.

Hard seltzer is my go to right now: 100cals, 0 carbs, 0 sugar.

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>thermodynamics have long since been debunked

>kringe at the part where it lists the calories for the foodstuffs

The more I see MAAM (and Sandrovich) have his way with Akemi, the more I believe he's drawing this class-president machojou ara ara hime yamato nadeshinko model citizen girl beauty into a crazy yandere that is going to be inexplicable to people outside her family and friends in just a few years.

It's obvious an integral part of her character to be lustfully obsessed with muscles, but every so often when it surfaces...it's not just obsession that masquerades as interest, it's outright insanity.

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Fun fact: faggot mods will ban you for telling muh cringe posters to fuck off.

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This has been a thing for years now. Kill la Kill had a six month long shitposting campaign before it aired. Back then it was irc kiddies, now it's just retards on discord.

>implying there aren’t /fit/ Yea Forumsnons
If anything I Hope this gives resolve to some to get /fit/. Your waifu will thank you. Remember Skellys gomad+ss

>>They also hate providing a unified reference weight like calories / 100 grams or something.
>That's also illegal unless you live in some 3rd world country or something.
Like the US.

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So the body can magically extract more energy? I don't think so. If anything, it's an upper bound.

lurk moar, newfriend and that wont happen

>Can't loose weight because the realization that not counting calories properly precludes being aware, of just how much you consume hasn't set in yet.

Get a better scale (At least 1/10 kg as minimum quantity). Even better. Get a food scale too (grams).

Weigh daily in the morning. With time you'll get a feel for daily fluctuations.

I've been here longer than most mods and jannies.

Stop larping, newfriend and just lurk moar. Its just that simple

I'm a fatty though and fasting is hard :3

The irony is there was a point in time where you got banned for typing like a retard and not using capitals or punctuation.
Enjoy your cesspool of yikes and cringe, nigger.

>The irony is there was a point in time where you got banned for typing like a retard and not using capitals or punctuation.

Lurking is a meme. It's just that simple.

>Implying guys don't lift or start lifting to get bitches
Hi dyel

Well enjoy getting b& over and over and complaining about it newfag.

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Was there a Utsunomiya in the Kengan series?


I started lifting because the MC of my waifu's series was fit as fuck. In other words, FUCK YOU.

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I wasn’t him. And people haven’t been banned for not doing so. It’s a loose rule that actual newfags adopted so they can fit in.