[chintu99] Sounan desu ka - 01 [Pre-Air][720p][Eng sub].mkv

> [chintu99] Sounan desu ka - 01 [Pre-Air][720p][Eng sub].mkv

The adventures of Sagara Sousuke (female) on a deserted island is here.

Attached: mpv-shot-[chintu99] Sounan desu ka - 01 [Pre-Air][720p][Eng sub]-0001.jpg (1280x720, 146K)

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>there are guys for no reason
Into the garbage it goes.

picked up

Attached: tasty.gif (600x328, 652K)

The OP is great youtube.com/watch?v=0Ed2aXEqAwA

Hai hai yukkuri dozo! Drink some fish! Make yourself at home!

Google translate?

Attached: [chintu99]_Sounan_desu_ka_-_01_[Pre-Air][720p][Eng_sub].mkv - 0002.jpg (1280x720, 188K)

>everyone has big titties

Attached: [chintu99]_Sounan_desu_ka_-_01_[Pre-Air][720p][Eng_sub].mkv - 0003.jpg (1280x720, 162K)

Looking at that and the filesize I assume it'll be best to wait and see if we get a simulcast.


It explains why they are so gay for each other.

Looks like I'm waiting for official subs. At least those aren't google translate tier.

Shouldn't this setting be a dramatic almost-horror story of survival?
It would have been hilarious if it was a gay version of Lost or something, but nope, it's just Cast Away with girls. The "humor" kind of reminds me of Backstreet Girls.

>this has nothing to do with Sketchbook ~Full Colors~

they're actually very clear and include some notes that clearly didn't come from google translate, even if the formatting and syntax are very bad
just have a look at pic related for example

Attached: mpv-shot_[chintu99] Sounan desu ka - 01 [Pre-Air][720p][Eng sub].mkv-001.jpg (1280x720, 167K)

Is it a shitty remake of 15 beautiful girls adrift?

What is grammer?

Attached: [chintu99]_Sounan_desu_ka_-_01_[Pre-Air][720p][Eng_sub].mkv - 0005.jpg (1280x720, 209K)

You mean the hentai right?

Aside from making fun of the subs, and the fact that they have way too big titties, I hope the survival trivia is fun, and so are the awkward situations.

Attached: [chintu99]_Sounan_desu_ka_-_01_[Pre-Air][720p][Eng_sub].mkv - 0004.jpg (1280x720, 151K)

>ESL-kun subs
No thanks, I'll wait until tomorrow

>get a simulcast
CR is supposedly will be simulcasting soon (tm)

Yeah, that one. Pretty much every aspect, except for animation is worse in this show.

I want the other 3 girls to stop being spoiled brats and start on hardcore survival. I mean shit's real. They're fucked. I hate when characters don't grow up trough the series even if it's done for comedic purposes only.

I want blonde to kill and eat the other 2 girls and start enjoying her only rape slave for the rest of the season. I mean they're totally useless.

It's already 4am in Japan.

They actually do grow up a bit, eventually.

There are boy with reverse trap and MC's father, Snake

Actual TV airing is still about 18 hours from now.

It's jarring how they don't seem to give a shit about all the people and classmates that died on the crash.
I get they're focused on their own survival and there is no reason to mourn the dead but still.

Is this Lord of the Flies: the anime?


I wouldn't care about dead people if I can't roast them.