[chintu99] Sounan desu ka - 01 [Pre-Air][720p][Eng sub].mkv

> [chintu99] Sounan desu ka - 01 [Pre-Air][720p][Eng sub].mkv

The adventures of Sagara Sousuke (female) on a deserted island is here.

Attached: mpv-shot-[chintu99] Sounan desu ka - 01 [Pre-Air][720p][Eng sub]-0001.jpg (1280x720, 146K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>there are guys for no reason
Into the garbage it goes.

picked up

Attached: tasty.gif (600x328, 652K)

The OP is great youtube.com/watch?v=0Ed2aXEqAwA

Hai hai yukkuri dozo! Drink some fish! Make yourself at home!

Google translate?

Attached: [chintu99]_Sounan_desu_ka_-_01_[Pre-Air][720p][Eng_sub].mkv - 0002.jpg (1280x720, 188K)

>everyone has big titties

Attached: [chintu99]_Sounan_desu_ka_-_01_[Pre-Air][720p][Eng_sub].mkv - 0003.jpg (1280x720, 162K)

Looking at that and the filesize I assume it'll be best to wait and see if we get a simulcast.


It explains why they are so gay for each other.