You have probably seen both sides. People blinding hyping stuff disregarding any critical thinking and elitists that shit on most shows. They can never see eye to eye. Why you ask? It is genetics. It is proven that 80% of people go for bottom 20% of shows and there is nothing you can do about it. If you weren't born with supreme intellect, you will never enjoy classics and you are doomed to praise show like MHA for eternity.
The Truth About Anime
Thanks for proving my point.
I know the reality is harsh.
blow it out your ass faggot
If it isn't too much to ask, could you elaborate your point, user? I'm sure the classics were good, but many people watch anime solely because they see it as a hobby or a pastime to do when eating lunch or whatever and not out of a sense of patrician taste. I've watched anime/manga/light novel like Durarara, Natsume Yuujinchou, even Gintama to be emotionally and chemically fulfilling. I wasn't looking for a philosophical uptake from these anime, I watched them because I found their stories engaging and wanted to explore their world alongside them. They didn't appeal to the generic tropes of an anime and in some my interest in Japan was piqued through these anime. I'm not looking for Evangelion level bullshit either. I think there's a subtle line that differentiates anime like Bunny girl or Isekai Slime from the actual good shows( ofcourse, imo) like Oregairu, Log Horizon,Monogatari, Zetsubou Sensei or Re:Monster. It's not like I'm looking for 100% realistic interactions between characters, what I'm rather aiming for is the author to tell me a story about that interaction. Through that story I was able to connect with some anime when watching them. Let me know about your experience with anime too.
p/#s: OP is a baitposter, but I wrote this to convey something to people who'd read this seriously.
Rose of Versailles is better than LotGH.
Utena is better than Rose of Versailles.
Why are pseudointellectuals so rampant on Yea Forums?
oh, look, another pseudo.
>hurrr it talks entry level political stuff its so deep and durrr intelligent like me
No it is not. But anyway, they are so different.
If anything this place is filled with idiots. Afraid of being called out?
Telenovela the anime
LoGH threads are cancer, it's just low IQ amerimutts from /pol/ in all the threads.
Just, except that the average telenovela is 100 worse than RoV.
Seems like i finally can agree with OP.
Point out an anime show for high IQ. I'm waitting.
If you cannot come up with one, I'll consider you as a low IQ monkey.
Shut up lisiada
Nice bait
>You need to be an intellectual to enjoy chinese drawings made by average people.
Calm down community college-kun
Not that I was expecting a refutation.
Reddit tourists.
Utena is just a bunch of prententious mediocrity while rose of Versalles os the Best shoujo in history.