Cop Craft

Episode 1 Preview Images:

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>Not Kyoani
Hard pass, thanks

Yeah, pretty much this.

Damn grandpa what are you doing here?

Based and kyoanuslicked

look dat thighs

Murata pussy please don't delete mods

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I really want to fluff up that pussy.

Cautiously hyped for this one.

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Don't we all

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Should be pretty good, bit the fact that there's an attractive loli in it is going to attract shitposters like the ones higher up in the thread.

And that's a good thing

Cock Craft will be a disappointment, right?
I just know it.

Hope that not,and if it is i Will watch It for the loli

Of course I will watch it, just like I watched Shangri La and LAst Exile 2.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mahou Shoujo Ore - 01 [720p].mkv - 0001.jpg (1280x720, 180K)

>Of course I will watch it, just like I watched Shangri La and LAst Exile 2
can relate


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Why is she so smug?

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