Killing Bites

Where were you when the queen of reaction faces got raped AGAIN, Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:!D8dikQrB!TMpetf5cT44n7m1AP_0EXA!apEHzAhA

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I want to be her caretaker and protectorate so she never has a bad day again.

me on the left


It's not fun anymore, she has done nothing wrong.

this is the suffering chapter
alternatively, shh cheetos is sleeping

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Elza's reaction to learning her brother was put in the hospital by a loli

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It's pretty cute that the dyke cares about her bother so much.

>Tiger jobbed
Poor guy can't catch a break

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Why does she look all beaten up?

It's a flashback, so all we know is that someone beat the shit out of her

No penetration. She is just being molested.

Hope she puts Hyena on her new team.

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So, is this the gag now? She gets raped by everything from here on out? Never catch a break...

But I thought those were only allowed in the volume release

That's because this volume has several pages of full penetrative rape.

Is this what Killing Bites is?

Wow going from leo to an optopus is such a downgrade

Why is the guy crying if he was the one that make him battle the loli ?

Soce when nipples are allowed in this manga ?

Probably because Cheetah can literally tear him to shreads with her bare hands if so she wishes


What is this?

Bites that kil

It’s like I’m back in the 90s.

What’s that?

I bet getting raped by Leo was more excting

The one with the sharpest fangs wins or something

What's with the author and rape?

Poor soul. She deserves more tentacles.

>gets raped twice
What a hoe.

Did something happen to tigerbro?

I just want these faces to come back. This isn't helping!

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Smug CEO man arranged a match between Tiger and another one of Shido's ''Uzakis''. It didn't end well for the cat boy

I'm disappointed we never actually got to see Leo raping her

Clearly he didn't go through with it.

This better not be
what I think It be

It would have been censored to hell anyway

Why do Japanese men enjoy watching their women get fucked by monsters for 200 years

Because regular human porn is still censored.


did the bunny omake for the latest volume get translated yet

she just can't catch a brake

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It's just a flashback don't worry

I hate having to wait 6 months for releases

yeah, at least the volume translations came pretty quick this time

I'm ok with not seeing Leo's cock

her hymen got a break

Eh, that doesn't count.

This, it's literally masturbation.

It's time to stop, she doesn't deserve this.

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She actually does not get raped and someone saves her, right ?

He's probably faking the tears, given how deceitful he is.

>Post it

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keep posting

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Cute ratel

So can this author do anything with female characters than rape them as his plot goes?

>creates a manga about hot furry girls fighting in deathmatches
>hottest and edgiest character by far is a non-furry human girl
Pretty based. How did he do it?

>fuck this
>time to become a therianthrope

Where are my Brute Hyena futa doujins?!

Hey Hitomi hasn't been raped yet

Oh no no no no no no.

Where are my Murdering Chomps doujins altogether?

He can make them bully each other.

user I

so what's the deal with the loli? is she like a super bio weapon that only NotBattouga can bring down?


>so what's the deal with the loli?
Another one of Shidou's mistakes

Hitomi wasn't a mistake

This is one of the few battle mangos where women get to shine, you picky assfaggot.

Nah she must be something ridiculous like the first brute insect. One of those insects that would be monsterd if we bring them to human scale.


speaking of which, caterpillar scans still havent reached kabutomushi's arc

t. Nomoto

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Jaguars aren't that impressive compared to other big cats.
Their best feature is their skill at climbing trees so they can safely and slowly eat their prey away from cat predators.

we need a MILF cougar

>Not wanting to see Leo's big barbed cock

post it

We see her get molested by a octopus, yet we don't see her getting raped by Leo? What is this shit?

Is the author actually going to have her raped again, I know its a flashback, or is it going to get stopped midway?

God I hope we see her get raped. Make this go full edge fest so I can jerk of to it.

Is someone actively TL'ing this?

pretty sure an user translated the recent volume. We just gotta wait for the next one, which I assume is where the picture from this one is.

Yes, we have the translations for everything in vol. 60 - 64 except the omake, Wolf trying to help Bunny fulfill the role of Killing Bites Champion without looking ridiculous.

"Deserve" is the wrong word. Decisions have consequences. Youko made a lot of bad decisions. She's getting a lot of bad consequences.

Hentai of Killing Bites are few and far between. The accepted explanation is, there's so much fan service and suggestiveness in the regular pages, artists aren't tempted to go that one extra step.

Or it isn't popular at all.
I just want public humiliation at this point.

Why lie on the internet?

Leo is gay

oh come on! i didn't even like her in the beginning, but she already paid her bitchness with leo, she doesn't need more of that shit


wait, what happened? tiger died?

Regular human porn would still lead them to weird shit

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Tiger got fucked by Shido's patented super loli

>Or it isn't popular at all.
What is Killing Bites?

Ask that question on any board, western or Japanese, and see what response you get.

She's a mythical loli dragon that's actually a thousand years old.

Is it good? I'm getting tired of the trap shota.

>Jaguars aren't that impressive

When will her suffering stop

>left for a wake during lunch
>thread still up
you guys are alright

user the only part confirmed flashback is Elza's

I like Eruza more.

Angry Eruza is cute

Pics of the loli raping Leo?

The loli btfo Tiger, but we don't have any pics of it and magazine raws never.

We don't even have pics of the loli herself?

When she becomes a Brute herself and starts ripping rapists to pieces. Starting with Leo.

The loli appeared at the end of the new volume already translated

Somehow forgot about her.
I guess the shy attitude is just a facade and she gets more vicious during fights.

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Actually, yes. She's frankly adorable.

page 36. She probably turns into something nightmarish...

When will someone stop Shido's sinful hand

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he's either died or is in terminal condition, given elza's reaction (and the suit's, I guess)

Is her husband going to save her?

The bullying continues.

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I just want to know if best and most innocent girl is ok

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user, I...

If by ok you mean six feet under then yeah she's ok

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Fairly sure that's also a flashback for Yoko. It looks like shes back in school. The last time we saw her she was vowing revenge. She looks not dead inside here.

I swear there was a preview pic on Twitter showing Tiger trying to hayai the loli but now I can't find it on any of the manga's related profiles...

>Becomes a lioness and births Leo's superior offspring.

It looks like she's an office lady. She's talking about making copies and telling the guy to go to the meeting room. I have no idea if this is a flashback or what. Did she work before? She seemed to always have been a smug rich girl who never works. Either that or she got a job after running away from Leo and is killing time before the next tournament.
Full raws when?

After killing him, perhaps. Right now I think hate and anger are what's giving her the power to escape slavery. And Leo's the focus.

By who and why?


By me, and for fun

still hoping for s2

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They teased it, so here's to hoping.

Don't hold your breath. Show was fun as hell which means it's not allowed to exist.

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Maybe she is working with Miss Son now.
And she is just smiling and being polite when her inner self is screaming in despair.

Tbh I'm just looking forward to her and nomoto interacting. She seemed to be a little obsessed with him and she found out he became a brute recently so I I wanna see then interact.

The nipples are finally back. I'm home again.

Teased it when? Recently?

At least she isn't dead inside anymore.

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The worst part is that she looks REALLY good with that choker on.
After/If she gets out of this alive she is never gonna wear something like that again.
What a loss...

This shit is true, I had to stop playing Rumble Roses because I realized I was training myself to be aroused by punching and choking women, and that it was short leap to turning myself into something horrible


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While leo raped her he actually keep her safe, daughter of a former rich guy other would have her dead or worse.

oh my goodness

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Leo pls.

Her powers are related with her hair, right?

It is quite possible Shidou would have had her removed as a 'loose end' as he did with Nomoto, if it hadn't been for Leo. On the flip side, the way Leo did that probably had turned her into an implacable enemy who will do anything to kill him. A different approach than 'sex slave' would have had different results.

Octopus is a girl

Weak. Pure's encounter with the frogman was way hotter.

He enjoys making worlds and people so unrealisically shitty that you have to stop reading for a few hours to keep fr going crazy.

>shark brute in latest volume
>octopus brute now
Anko-san crossover when?

Also, we're past Tetrapod Bites and well into Terra Formars territory now, invertebrates are on the table. What brutes do you want to see?

I'll make a completely baseless guess on crown-of-thorns starfish. Pangolin-tier defense, insane regeneration, skin covered with tiny grasping pincers that deliver painful venom, non-centralized nervous system to survive things like beheading and stay in the fight by seeing out of limbs, that trick with the stomach. It's got enough gimmicks and power to rival Sloth and Pangolin, especially if you squeeze in facts from other starfish. There's one that has to fight for its survival before even being born, since it first hatches in an overcrowded brooding pouch and must digest its sisters to live, that could make a good "you merely adopted killing bites, I was born in it" scene.

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this is bullshit I've been fapping to hentai for years and I'm not a tranny

Maybe what Leo really wants is force Youko to improve from a spoiled little girl to a strong woman and the only way is force her to literally kiss the floor, eat her pride and ask for help.

Fucking leo playing 3d chess

What's going on here ? She find a new life only to be rape again ?
What's up with many Japanese male manga artist and otaku seems to love rape so much ?
Especially girls and women that are in office.

its fiction bro

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I don't mind it, but it had better have a plot payoff down the line. So far, the author has been really good at only focusing on characters who are doing something; I hope that doesn't change.

I'm still mad about taz

I hope the Octopus uses his octo-trumpet to suck her boobies. It's so hot when hentai does that.

There are a number of problems with this article, chief among them is the "slippery slope" he keeps mentioning. Also, his answers/reasoning imply male subs, betas and cucks wouldn't have existed pre-porn but that is patently false, there was tons of that deprived shit back then, people were just better about keeping it behind closed doors.

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smug bun

She doesn't deserve this.

I hope she's a smug asshole in battle

He can't be stopped.

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She does, she is a smug cunt who unironically would try to kill you and your waifu just for shit and giggles.

That's what makes her so great, user!

context pages, please?

>great for rape

>Those powers
I feel like it’s too weird and OP to be used right now, like that kind of brute is something you’d save for the endgame and this feels like the 3/5 mark at best. That being said, a fish or invertebrate could be a nice change of pace so something like an archerfish with accuracy and enough water pressure to cut steel, or goliath tigerfish/tiger shark for the irony and power. As for invertebrates, an actual spider with cutting/sticky web would actually work to fuck his tiger cannon bounce or maybe a flea/grasshopper for the leg power and blood drinking/sonic attacks.

Only gentle consensual rape. She deserves to be treated like a princess.
Getting to rape her should be an honour. A privilege you have to earn.
And what good would sex be if you can't get a smug smile out of her?

>Implying Leo hadn’t earned it
He killed the dominant male in her family, by medieval rules and the rules of nature she is his to do with as he pleases.

>what good would sex be if you can't get a smug smile out of her?

If he does it against her will, he only robs himself of a superior pleasure.

Smug smile is only hot if the guy is pathetic and Leo is too CHAD to play that game. She had her time as a smug bitch and now she’s getting her deserved rape and despair.

post moar

Is this what Killing Bites is?

The weak are raped by the strong.

"CHAD" is just a meme word for manchild.
Youko is for actual men with taste. She has personality, and real men find that attractive (and want her to show it).
If you just want to live out your power fantasies, you might as well go out there and fuck the next best boring girl you find. Leave the smug girls to those of us who can appreciate it.

The ride never ends

At least we got nipples back

So paraphonera 2.0

The one with the sharper fang wins

>she beats Ratel so hard she makes her pee herself

That a flashback?

Maybe she’s the octopus going by her hair.

What, I missed the threads, despite looking for one every day at least twice?
And the latest translated chapter uploaded seems to be 61.
Damn it, has anyone a link to the rest? We had a Mega I think.!D8dikQrB!TMpetf5cT44n7m1AP_0EXA!apEHzAhA

Oh wow trying to decide whether to start watching/reading series because rape and seeing the first episode starts with an attempted rape on a really hot tomboy, I'm really diamond hard. Torrenting the rest, what should I expect?

Lesbian undertones, violence, what is killing bites questions, more attempted rape, choice ass, and actual rape

You mean Dinoponera?
Para was her dad.
But I don't think she'll end the same way (brainwashed and fucking everything until she dies of thirst).

Who else thinks he might turn out to be a brute himself?
He's rather bloodthirsty, like many of them.

>ratel effectively weakest, dumbest Uzaki sister
The absolute dilapidated shantytown of shitomi

So, what boss animals are still missing so far?
We had no elephant yet, and with birds and fish we now have additional possibilities.

Most boss brutes would be either something inconspicuous, like Pangolin, or something surprising, like Megatherium.
That being said, the meme "Predators = stronger and more aggressive" is found everywhere in media (hell, even in-universe they're all about Tiger vs Leo), so making an elephant, an agressive and very strong animal with no natural predators, boss would be kinda extraordinary.

what's going on in this scene anyway? Has she flustered her new boss by demonstrating how good she is at her new job?

so, which girl will comfort her?
all potential dyke-ships are out of action.

Report back what you think Killing Bites is, I still don't know.

Killing Bites is the fangs we made on the way.

So am I the only one who likes Himenospia more than KB?

If you crush someone, they very seldom emerge stronger for it. No, Leo is doing what his personality and mindset lead him to. Now, HE'S the one making bad decisions. Bad consequences will probably follow.

She looks younger in the pictures. This might be a flashback, or some sort of nightmare.

>HE'S the one making bad decisions.
He could make it up to her by coming to her help and saving her from that octopus.

Will it dare to feature Cockroach?

Ratel is out the game and probably m fodder tier after losing her limbs.

Even better. Pure is kind of like Alice so it makes sense.

It looks like a cheetah

Eruza is already the closest to having roach girl in this manga.

Himeno is shit, SHIT!

>I had to stop playing Rumble Roses because I realized I was training myself to be aroused by punching and choking women, and that it was short leap to turning myself into something horrible
user, I have some bad news for you.

about that, this girl seems to be a new antagonist

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My boner is ready.

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Not to mention Queen's Mode, "the essence of Japanese eroticism"...

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She was so much better as a smug bitch.

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For the upcoming KB tournament, it all depends on how fast they can reattach her arm and leg and rehabilitate her. If Tiger is in the hospital and they don't want to run the tournament without him, they may delay it long enough for him AND Hitomi to get back on their feet.

why are those binches bullying edgy-chan now

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>Serena wants to kill Himeno and is inserting stealth soldiers in school
goodbye hope for pure yuri himeno/serena love

>trying to rape Leo's personal cocksleeve
Sounds like a really bad idea to be honest

Leo is gonna get destroyed by Uzaki anyway.

She still was pretty bitchy when she went to the bank

>She still was pretty bitchy when she went to the bank
Well, it's part of her character. You can't get that trait out of her. And that's a good thing.

You'd think getting lion dick for a year would humble her a little

Lesser girls, maybe. But not her.

Bumping for bestgirl Youko!


Long. The last volume just released and we won'T get new full chapters until the next one.

Is Tasuku fucking dead or not? I heard she was being healed


What if I get a jap to buy the magazine and upload a scan of smug's rape? I got plenty of catfished slaves.

>Hitomi or Pure threads die after few replies
>Youko is carrying the thread this far
Best girl indeed.

>I heard she was being healed
That was Hitomi. Taz is confirmed dead

Sure. Do so. I'm sure everyone here would appreciate that.

Really she died because of Pure's retardation? How do I cope with this shit?

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>people are getting hyped for octorape instead of loli bunny breaking tiger
Shit taste

>How do I cope with this shit?
That's what killing bites is user

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I hope she fucking dies or gets raped.

She was already raped.

wasn't the final scene of the anime the tazmanian girl walking off somewhere
that's the only thing i know of that could be called a tease although i'm not up to date with this series so i could be wrong

makes you wonder if she's actually a hare brute and just strong as fuck unlke bunny.

if tiger can't land a hit then the kicks would eventually bring him down.

On the one hand, she was cut in two by Megasloth, nobody got her to a hospital in time as Nomoto did Hitomi, she should be dead. On the other, the students seem to believe Taz is still alive but in recovery, which means the KB Agency has not stated she died, and even Pure is going along with that line, even though her hallucination of Taz said (or at least implied) she's dead. So the best bet is, Taz is dead everywhere except in Pure's addled brain (along with Nunupi), and the Agency is engaging in chicanery. Any other answer, no matter how much we may wish it, would be an asspull.

What a poor soul. She can't catch a break

She will prevail, user. She's strong.

Zebrafish when

Tasmania girl is daijoubu?


This bitch is made for raping

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That would be great, especially if you don’t want to wait until November for the next volume.
The magazine it’s in is a cheap-o one from 7/11, so Tell him to buy the previous volume or two too.

She's diejobu

I recall we once got photos of magazine pages when Youko centered chapter was out in Japan.

>Rape girl gets raped again
>Lion jobs again
>Pure is retarded
>Tasuku is f
>Hitomi is still battle crazy
>Nomoto is a love struct retard

Now this is Killing Bites


Because he's gay.

He'll recover, he still has his rivalry with Leo unresolved.

You mean gayness.


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Tusk also had her rivarly with Cheetos unresolved

How would that do anything?

Tusk would fucking destroy cheetos

You mean Taz?

This bitch is made for raping

Yeah that's kinda her first name

Cheets' speed is both her main weapon and defense. If you can't overcome that, you can't overcome her.

You can through her Hagen and cat nip.

I keep forgetting to check 2ch threads for any better info on KB and when I do remember they're already deleted with Google's cache doing nothing.

Hori shito

Nomoto will heal the smug queen with his vanilla bird cock. Their future relationship has been foreshadowed for years now.

>Going after used goods when he's completely love struck with Hitomi

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>not believing in the healing arc

>love struck with Hitomi
That's unhealthy and irrational.

>That's unhealthy and irrational.
Perfectly defines a lot of KB characters

>Perfectly defines a lot of KB characters
Not Youko though. She's perfect the way she is.

>Implying all this buildup and Nomoto’s status as a MC won’t give him a much deserved therianthrope harem
It’s pretty obvious what’s going to happen since Youko was inspired by Nomoto. Also don’t act like you and everyone else wouldn’t some used goods when they always look this good.

Go ahead and try.

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>all my youko bros itt
You guys are alright.

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She's so much better than all those furry girls!

what response would he get?

by who?

>what response would he get?
"Fuck off, baka gaijin!!"

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Put me on the screen cap

it's perfectly healthy and rational

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Not after what she's done. And with better alternatives around.

>unhealthy and irrational
Well to his excuse she pierced his heart. Quite literally.

Inaba's better

Hitomi is shit

Oh, come on: Personality easily goes to Youko!

Inaba is too soft

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I'm not into traumatized girls, sorry.

>the stupid doggo that got her friend killed

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>I'm not into traumatized girls, sorry.
She still has all the smug and cute bitchyness from before. Not much trauma.

gallery link?

Bump for Youko. We are with you, princess. Don't lose your smug!

it'll be all tentacled out of her by the end of this

Nah, she's resilient.

The real question is, did my boy make it out alive?

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More than likely, he's literally survived worse.

Still better than shitomi

He was still conscious when Pure rules of nature'd Nodoka.

Already happened.

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I want dog nipples.

Frogs don't count.

Naw, Taz intervened in time. The start of her and Pure's friendship, even if she didn't realize it or want it.

>She might be useful
for what?

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Roast beef isn't better.

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thanks for the omake

You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

More like Inabest.

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More like Inabass

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How old is Pure again?

Her voice really isn't that deep ...

Yay! The thread is complete!

15 or 16 I think

You have to go back.

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Stop shitposing, please.

Well, given we know Ui's going to wind up running Carrot Fields, an unofficial Killing Field practice grounds, I'd say as a tool and pawn of Shidou's agency.

I kind of hope Wolf gets fond of the baka and keeps her as safe as possible.

Killing Bites, not Killing Field

is it already available in stores?

btw this is my jap slave. He even sent me nudes of his sleeping roommates so getting him to buy me a cheap magazine shouldn't be hard.

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>tentacle rape
How cliché

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Oh no are you going to write more exclamations in your posts like a faggot? You don't even know the difference between full furry and what I have posted. Fuck off and slurp the semen from your torn up, stuck up cunt. Once again you have to go back.

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Do you have nudes of him?!

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it's not cliché, it’s art

The wolf always eat the bunny, user.

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Literally what is the point if you don't even reveal the spoiler?

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Final Scene of the anime was pretty much them introducing Pure + Taz + MC being alive.
They even gave Pure a respectable VA, Minami Tanaka. However all this was done before the final Blu-Ray sales, which to be honest were abysmal.

Other poor selling shows have gotten S2's recently (Tsugumomo comes to mind), so there is a sliver of hope still plus there is now enough content for an S2 if they want to give it one more go.

Pure was already voiced by her in some drama cds before her. I believe Taz had a VA, too. I know for sure Nunuupi did

For all that Wolf is Shidou's agent, I kind of like him. He's an old reprobate, but I hope he's a respectable one and does right by our bunny girl.

And it should be, he just has to go to a 7/11 and buy it or order it off the website.

Now, THIS is Killing Bites!


does the author have a hard on for guro and ryona? I am not judging, I think that's pretty based

It's a classic and one of the staples of the whole hentai genre

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Any dolphins?

It's in his other work so yeah.

Pretty fucking awesome to find mangaka not afraid to put brutal shit out there.

You were an anime-only who self-inserted as Nomoto, weren't you?

Not yet

Shark, octopus, and what’s the third sea creature?
Dolphin, sea otter, sea horse?

Pistol shrimp

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Tell me a good thing about Hitomi.

She says the thing often.

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The one with the fluffiest ears wins.

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She goes all out when she fights. In fact, I don't think she knows how to hold back. That was what made her the heroine for all the first story arc until "SLASH!"

If you guys want gimme your KIKs and I can share the vids and pics of him.

Once I'm done squeezing him, I'll sell the set to a japanese dude who makes college guys to act in his hardcore porn videos.

for what purpose

She loves her surrogate daddy and also sweet things.



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So what is killing bites?

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murder and rape

Semen demons

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Old hag

Kinda hard for me to gauge how popular this series is.
Clearly it’s the most successful work of the Mangaka, but it’s definitely not a massive hit.
Could you call it a cult success?

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Probably? Considering the anime is decently memed despite not selling that well.

Anime was decently made and had a great OST.
Fuck moefags and gachafags

Killing Bites gacha would be easy fucking money though.

>kemono friend edgy edition

But with naked girls also.

The one with the sharpest fangs getting BTFO and losing to a rabbit or a dog.


still would

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but why and how is she a hag

She dress like one

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Is Nomoto the greatest example of someone thinking with their dick?
Even fucking Issei from HS DxD had that cunt Raynare put down after she shanked him while pretending to get sweet on him.

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His dick clearly has a higher IQ than his brain though

>when she overpowers and humiliates a guy
Wish that was me

>infchan garbageposting
You need to go back

>Implying you wouldn't throw everything away yo get a chance to dick hitomi
I know I would, getting stabbed or slashed is a small price to pay.

>>kemono friend edgy edition

she was fucking robbed, even dead she's still the hottest girl in that show

I'm watching and reading pretty much everything in english (except Perry Rhodan), so reading a summary in my native language feels surreal and even a bit wrong.

too bad he didn't listen to the ED song

>tfw caterpillar will never knock you unconscious, strip you, and fuck your surprisingly giant penis

feels bad man

Nice. Since when did they show nipples again?

Since it's Youko. She deserves to be depicted in all her perfection.

for me it's shinozaki, the best killing bites

So is there actual rape in the manga?

Depends on your definition of "rape", "in" and "manga".

Is their full on unwanted penetration in this Japanese work?

how many months until the next volume? I need my rape NOW.

yes, hyena bitches be crazy dog

Is that why Inaba is the champion?

How are we supposed to know whether it's unwanted when the manga's not from those characters' points of view?

Are you a trap?

Nomoto is a high IQ gentleman who's willing to get through some hurdles to get his high quality waifu

>high quality
You mean QUALITY, don't you?

>quality waifu
I can't portrait her having and raising kids. Not even cooking or doing house chores.

that outfit was much hotter than the bunny suit she switched to afterwards

Her high school outfit was better

Good thing Nomoto is becoming a professional brute trainer

>professional brute trainer
Sounds like something straight from the pokemon franchise

I see Seira Son's hand in this. I imagine while he was recovering and adapting to being a fucking crow, she talked to him about Hitomi and made him see she was a victim like him, blindly doing whatever Shidou told her to. And that victory, for him, would be not taking revenge on her, but freeing her, defeating Shidou, and bringing down the KB system. After which he could go on to having stunning sex with her on a constant basis and fathering a bunch of crow / ratel mutants that would terrify the world.

>crow intelligence
>ratel brutality
Fuck I never considered how broken this would be.

I dont remember the this uncensored?

Or ratel intelligence and crow flightiness.

The magazine has dropped its prohibition against nipplage.

I love the bun

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I wonder if the manga will go full nude from now on. This could easily be a top tier borderline H manga. Like imagine the Eruza and Hitomi dry hump session with nudity.

Tiger seems okay to me on this page. So he'll just out of the game for some time I guess. But I wish someone would buy the magazine and scan it already.

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yes please

Figured the Zaibatsu guy was faking it, but this just confirms it for good (since he's going all nuts and treating Shidou as his bitch too)

Or if we see Hitomi jump Nomoto’s bird bone when she wakes up.

Dude, it's Hitomi.

>borderline H manga
Hm, reminds me:
anyone remember Trash.? It REALLY earned it's name because of the ending, but that's beside the point.
It literally became porn halfway through. Entire chapters of explicit fucking. Scenes straight from H-Mangos.
I wonder which magazine that was.

>The magazine has dropped its prohibition against nipplage.
So thats why...thx for the info and cant wait for more high quality art nippleshots.

"okay"? The guy's obviously in ICU, bandaged neck to toe, and being monitored. What the heck did the little girl DO to him? Hopefully she didn't get his eyes. They can't seem to replace eyes yet.

Not to mention, her arm and leg and fingers even if they successfully reattach them aren't going to be working well. I doubt she's going to jump anything. At least without crashing into it. It's probably going to be Nomoto taking care of her for a while. And perhaps THAT intimacy will finally calm her enough for them to go further.

>she is so weak and stupid
rabbit fags btfo

Well he is alive and in one piece. With their level of medicine he'll wake up soon I'm sure. Others got fucked up much worse.

>Well he is alive and in one piece.
>Others got fucked up much worse.
No, he's in Killing Bites. Luckily for him. Because the is no fate worse than being in One Piece!

I want to be BTFO by her big feet

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>Dog’s name is “Pure”
>Her friend is the one who gets blended
Explain this Yea Forums.

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She has her dere side, and I think Nomoto is at least close to earning it.
His save in the last tourney paralleled Shidou’s save when Hitomi was a child; she was even in beast form too.
She’s in a Star Wars style bactatank/bone grafter, so she’ll be perfectly fine.

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Look at that dumb ratel

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We know she is weak because nobody has shown her how to use her considerable strength. And she is less stupid than naive and passive. You look at her in Carrot Fields, it's pretty clear she's an intelligent, wise coach to upcoming Brutes. And a liar of astonishing abilities who thinks really fast on her feet. Ui could be really impressive with the right kind of support behind her.

aint reading your long butthurt post nigga

I wonder who's behind this post

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I still don't get why hitomi has ears that don't look like a honey badger

I like Cheetos best out of a the characters. Honey Badger girl is too much of a Mary Sue imho.

> You know what they say about those kind of girls?
> Doesn't matter because

>>>>>>>>> Thus Killing Bites.

Thus Killing Bites.

Where the fuck do you think you are?

Come on, don't be mean to the newfag.

But if I'm not mean to the newfag, who will be?

The way she completely annihilated Civet was pure gold.

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You consider that long?



Cheetah was luck. Comedy Gold, but luck. Civet, she planned, she lured Smelly Cat over the pitfall with her own body, and once she fell in, Ui launched herself upward, came down with both knees in Civet's face, then buried her. It was really a very impressive performance, and shows what the Bun can do when she uses her brain.

Wait, I don't remember that. Which chapter is it?

It's during the Destroyal, before Cheets.


Someone post the autistic calculation about her massive strength from the old threads

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the bun one

I don't believe I've seen that one, but I can make the following point:

Ui can dig extremely fast underground, moving massive amounts of dirt with ease. That takes tremendous strength and stamina. I doubt Leo or Tiger could do it. But she can. She has obviously never considered this, or been trained in how to throw a punch or kick. If someone who wanted to make Bun a strong warrior could teach her how to fight, I think she'd be pretty formidable. Of course she'd still be a coward and run away from battle. But if she had no other choice, I think anyone fighting her might get a surprise.

The one with the thickest buns wins?

Is there a smug-related version of this with Youko?

This is... Killing Bites!

Warms my heart that KB can still fill a thread well over a year latter.

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All thanks to bestgirl Youko!

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I'm glad KB is the sort of manga to get a sex chapter.

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she and cheetah should've been raped


No fucking way

I see, so this is what "Killing Bites" is.

Nomoto fucking cheetos when?

He's into Hitomi. And Youko might have an off-chance. But that's it.

Cheetah got beat up pretty badly, does that count?

She only gets rape.

Hopefully she gets smug too.

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Oh, she definitely will. She's strong.

Strong vagene that is.

Would you this old lizard?

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Gecko? She's got a compelling backstory - through brains and body she rose from the slums to secretary of the head of one of the corps running Killing Bites - she's a skilled martial artist, she's got a really sexy mature woman vibe, and I bet she can use her Brute ability in all sorts of interesting ways. The thing is, she's such a sadist. I'd be really uneasy getting intimate with her, because there'd be no way to be sure what was going to happen...

Yup, I do not mind being dominated.

I likey.

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It’s not fair bros

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By who? Raws where?