Ika-chan heard you went to the market and bought some shrimp. Will you share with Ika-chan? She loves shrimp!

Ika-chan heard you went to the market and bought some shrimp. Will you share with Ika-chan? She loves shrimp!

Attached: 3551031_1405219532420.81res_391_317.jpg (391x317, 87K)

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Please respond...

Attached: Ika.jpg (300x168, 8K)

Yeah, no, get your own

I want to eat tempura with Ika-chan!

I'm giving her my shrimp if you know what I mean

All I have left is squid

Ika musume a shit. I still cannot believe you tricked me into watching this crap

Fuck off tastelet. I'd like to know what you consider a "good" anime then. Probably some overrated shit from MAL.

Please don't curse in Ika's thread kudasai.

I wouldn't if that one shitposter wouldn't make me so fucking angry!

Sharing calamari with her!

bitch i'm vegetarian

Fuck that guy, my dude

>huuuuff.... huuuff... puuuff... huuufff... puuufff....

Attached: [FFF] Shinryaku! Ika Musume S1 - 04 [BD][1080p-FLAC][4C302E89].mkv_snapshot_08.26_[2019.06.29_22.48. (1920x1080, 828K)

Fertilizing Ika Musume's eggs!

Get back to work, squid slave.

Attached: aizawa.jpg (600x338, 54K)

>I give it to Sanae to feed her with

sure, does she like chili shrimp?

Attached: Shrimp.png (550x387, 605K)

How did the manga end? Did she go back to the sea?

How long sex with her would last?

Imagine painting your dick like a shrimp so she tries to eat it haha that would be weird and funny

all day all night

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Ika is my wife!

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big mistake

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This guy gets it.

Attached: ika holy squid.jpg (794x711, 57K)

that's a weird way to become a tranny but ok

don't open

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The ika is a neko?!

it's a costume

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Oh phew, Darwin would've been rolling in his grave.



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I love when she sings that

Feed her too much shrimp and she will plump up.

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god I wish that were me

Attached: [FFFpeeps] Shinryaku! Ika Musume S2 - 10 [BD][1080p-FLAC][1CDE20F7].mkv_snapshot_13.16_[2018.09.01_0 (1920x1080, 954K)


I have some shrimp for her right here

>when she sees your shrimp

Attached: D9Ltb7xVAAAwT5a.jpeg.jpg (1440x810, 134K)