>a fanbase of something you used to care about slightly changes day by day and you realize you don't want to be a part of it anymore
What's its name, Yea Forums?
A fanbase of something you used to care about slightly changes day by day and you realize you don't want to be a part...
Before episode 10, there were very few people on this board who would defend it. Now you can't mention it in any threads without a war breaking out.
Yea Forums
having a life
>leading a normal social life
Shieldbro threads were unironically comfy before the anime.
Any anime about lolis.
Anime. 5 years ago it was small and consisted of people who really liked the medium. Now it's all autists.
Every single manga I’ve ever fucking read. The Dorohedoro fan base is still pretty chill but once the anime airs that’ll end without a doubt. I want stuff I like to be more popular so there’s more people to talk about it with but fuck me I could do without the mongoloids.
Why the fuck would you care about the fanbase. You read/watch something because YOU like it, not because of wanting to be a part of some club
You got what you deserved
>some club
>post on Yea Forums
Because it's nice to talk to people with common interests and share your thoughts on the topic. If the community is shit then you have nobody to talk to.
haha what anime is this?
man those threads used to be fun years ago
Naruto. All the nardo threads have now become waifu oriented shit-flinging fests that breed autism like bacteria with no discussion in sight (wether this is because boruto is all filler or not is unknown).
New chapter threads for JoJolion are still great (in fact they’re probably the most fun JoJo threads have ever been) but outside the one or two threads each month for that they’re pretty fucking awful.
So.. nothing changed.
Came here to post this
Symphogear. Fuck /sgg/ and their bullshit. Yea Forums____
Yea Forums
Newfags are the death of this website
I wish there was a small comfy alternative website where I could discuss with other anons some good manga in peace
Gochiusa right after s2 ended.
Yuyushiki after the tuesday general started.
Yea Forums
Kaguya fanbase deserves to be gassed.
And stay there for the rest of your life.
OPM, reddit discussions are more enjoyable than the shitfest threads here, amd there are so many idiots who don't know how to follow a basic story and think critically
If it’s so fun there why don’t you stay there?
absolute state etc
I’m not gonna claim to be an old flag because I’m definitely not, but even I noticed a significant increase in idiots and shitposters after gamergate and then an even bigger one after the 2016 election. And not the fun kind of shitposting.
I want Chika to sit on my face and gas me
Yea Forums
going from bieng part of a fanbase, to being a fan
isn't that much of a big deal
I have 4 or 5 irl friends that aren't a bunch of retards or "memelords" to talk about anime/ manga, talking about anime/ manga in the net nowadays amounts to nothing but shipfaggotry, irony posting and schizo posting.
>I spend my time in this board with “””people””” that bring /pol/, /leftypol/, and whatever bullshit they could think of just to start flamewars into every thread they could get in all so they could end it with “You Have Been Trolled”
Shit sucks
Most newfags I’ve found don’t even lurk before posting anymore and it’s all so painfully obvious when they try to defend themselves
All the shounen stuff I like, but most of all HXH and BNHA. Absolutely fucking garbage threads and shitposting that stopped being funny the second they started. I really enjoy the manga of both particularly but the shitposting is just too much.
That's bullshit, it had staunch defenders from the get-go.
SNK had ok threads that then became literally tumblr after the anime aired.
I swear anime adaptations ruin everything
There are such websites, but you're not there. Guess why
Well, that's kinda litteraly everything
Nothing last forever user, there's always a golden age and a decline
MAL and Reddit does not count? And other Anons does not go to the other sites as well?
This tbqh senpai
Higurashi and Umineko.
I miss the good ol' times
Every harem series
Oh well, my own fault for reading haremshit anyway
Actually this is pretty true.
A few that came to mind were already posted but Houseki no Kuni and Made in Abyss crashed so hard and fast it's fucking ridiculous.
Some do, most of them get the boot for being obnoxious. You can always tell who the cancer is - they act as if they were still on Yea Forums.