How would you scientifically produce the worst girl possible? Is it possible to develop a girl so unlikable that no one will love her?
How would you scientifically produce the worst girl possible...
violent tsundere with no character progression, gets extremely jealous of other girls and has no compatibility with the MC.
Pic unrelated
give her a penis
Some people would like that though. They would see her as dominant and bossy.
No because weebs are lonely faggots who would gladly let a girl literally step on him if it meant he got some female contact. Standards are basically non-existent in the anime community so good luck creating someone repulsive
It's as though you saw the blueprints for her.
>step on them and spit in their mouth*
Sadly this, even would probably he appealing to some self-loathing dipshits
Easy, make her emotionally manipulative and have her NTR the likable MC horribly
The way to make a girl unattractive is by contrast. If you have a show with only one girl, then no matter how annoying she is, men will consider her a valuable prize, because they instinctively realize she is the only chance for gene propagation.
This principle can be seen in many old movies where a group of guys go off on an adventure (e.g. to the centre of the earth). Usually there's an annoying woman tagging along but because she's the ONLY woman, everyone lusts after her, coz what else are they going to do?
So, to make a woman clearly worst girl, just make her obnoxious and put her next to a bunch of other women who are not obnoxious. Or less obnoxious. See this girl for a good example.
Of course this might not work on Yea Forumsnons because they see the worst girl in a group and think "hey, all the other guys will go for the nice girls, so I might get a chance with HER!"
Make her love interest far too good for her.
Complete, boring, doormat with the personality of a brick. And for those that somehow like fucking dead fish, after dating her for a while she starts nagging you about starting a family and getting married, and will keep doing it until you yield. She will pull dumb shit like fake pregnancy along the way too if she needs to.
That works the other way round (if men see a 10 with a 5 guy they get very hot under the collar). But if you see a man going for the wrong woman you just get impatient with HIM for being stupid.
Dios mio
This is cheating. She has to be a normal anime girl, not a gonk or someone intentionally grotesque. Her design and personality just has to be completely unappealing.
Wouldn't work I like desperate girls.
its simple.
make her ugly.
wrong site retard, facebook is down the block
Just make her fat and ugly. No one will like her then.
As long as the girl is slim and cute. Someone will like her.
males are truly sad beings.
Sounds EXACTLY like my sister.
sounds like you need to dick her
It's way to difficult.
You don't need to produce her if she already exists.
is your peepee too small?
Make her fat.
Make her arrogant about it.
Make her a feminist.
Name a single instance of this in anime or manga
fat and arrogant is my fetish though
No I'm more than physically capable, it's rather the ramifications of such an action.
Doesn't exist.
Maybe if they made Myne in Shield Hero fat no one would like her.
Make them a bit ugly and make them dismissive of everything in the way people on the internet tend to do. Then have anything else as contrast.
Well you posted idolshit, so I'd say you're off to a good start.
So every atypical romance ever?
Even worse if the author/writers/director pushes them on you.
Why would she be jealous of other girls?
Like this.
Alisa isn't violent.
Uzannu from Joshiraku
I love my wife Maki
So, Houki from Infinite Stratos.
Give her the personality of Lisa from The Room
Fuck off Nico
No physically attractive women can be bad
Just write Naruto's Sakura and make her a lesbian. Done.
Not as sad as a fat ugly bitch, lmao.