Chapter 119 soon! And last event! Any prediction? As for me I can't wait for the BRA flashback in the anime!
Shingeki no Kyojin
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he dead
falco will eat gabi
May I have the attention of Paradiscucks? Yes? Good.
One of the most iconic moral ambiguities in this series is the conflict between Eldians vs the rest of the world. This post solely exists to explain to you why the extinction of the Eldian race is completely justified and their defenders delusional.
>Weapons of mass destruction
This is what Eldians really are. They are merely subjects to the Founding Titan and his whim. The FT can turn anyone with Eldian blood into a huge, brainless, zombified titan. Every single actions will be guided by a simple order of the FT, essentially making every Eldian a slave.
The counter-argument to this is that WMD such as nuclear warheads will be an inevitable technological milestone in-universe. What Paradiscucks are ignoring is the versatility of such strong weapon. There are hundreds of thousands of Eldians who can be sent off undercover into different major enemy cities or military bases and be turned into Colossal Titans. This is a power far, far worse than any hydrogen bomb we have invented in our modern world.
>Eternal Slavery
Unless you are a shifter yourself, Eldians can be brainwashed, genetically edited or be turned into a titan.
Being an Eldian essentially means you CANNOT be free and are entirely dependent on your country's ruler.
There have been more than 150 holders of the FT, but NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM has improved the populus' intelligence or creativity to benefit the race as a whole. Everyone was just cattle playing along the King's wishes.
>Implications of the great RUMBLE
Many EDGERENSELFINSERTERS wish for the destruction of the world because they view Paradis as the defenders, rather than the aggressors of the current war. They think because the whole world will eternally be hostile towards them, they have the perfect justification to end every single nation in existence.
Let me elaborate on the implications of this scenario:
>Almost everyone but the Eldian race is extinct
- The global population is entirely dependent on the inheritor of the FT. If he turns out to be a tyrant, or worse, someone with similiar views as Zeke, he could genetically edit everyone's heart to experience a cardiac infarction and fall to their death, practically EXTINGUISHING human life on Earth, or most of it.
- If he turns out to be just a tyrant, Eldians have to fear for their lives. The FT has a monopoly of power noone else could possess. Other shifters cannot compete against a horde of mindless titans and non-shifters will be brainwiped just for the thought of rebelling.
>b-but you need royal blood for this to work in the future Eldian empire
If you're assuming that EVERY single drop of royal blood will extinguish after the death of Historia's line, then there is still the unpredictably stupid powers of Ymir who is probably going to place royal blood into some idiot through PATHS. Remember that titan powers are inherited by random babies if they're not eaten by other titans. It wouldn't be too farfetched to think that Ymir will somehow reintroduce royalty who can make use of these powers.
>Th-they are strong we must attack and genocide them
The rest of the world will get rightfully destroyed then.
Nothing of concern to the rest of the world, they just want to be left alone on their island.
>150 holders of the FT, but NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM has improved the populus' intelligence or creativity to benefit the race as a whole
We don't have much information about this, discarded.
I'm for peace with the rest of the world but not Marley, Marley should be slaughtered.
Fucking BASED. Too bad it will be ignored by the flood of shiptards and schizos obsessed with their metafaggotry
The rest of the world hates Eldians more than Marley does
The thing is that the world would fight between them with the new resources
>Eren staring out the window
We really are going full Star Wars.
Twins soon.
They will have no choice after Marley is flattened.
too forced
>Did nothing but bitch, cry, and cower in fear; couldn't even do his one job of watching the horses because he was too busy sobbing about dying.
>Only successful role was as decoy fodder and survived just by dumb luck, still gets a medal for it
>Needlessly antagonizes the heroes who actually fought the shifters and upsets a clearly grieving woman
>Angry at Eren for putting his feelings first while ignoring the fact that he wanted Erwin to survive for personal reasons himself
>Angry at Jean and Connie for not defending Levi even though he's the one questioning his superior's decision right now
>Angry at Armin who had no choice in the matter and tells him he should be dead to his face
>Calls out Eren for "always thinking you're right" even though he himself never even considered if Armin was the better decision while Eren actually remarked that he can't know what the right decision was
>Extremely bitter about falling for recruitment propaganda and takes it out on people who had nothing to do with it
"I-I'm just telling it how it is bruh"
>HaJUSTime HACKsayama ripping off Muv-Luv (romcom haremshit VN) Danganronpa 3, (VN) the prequels, and The Eternal Champion
>p-pubehad bad!
So brave
EHfags are mentally ill
I'm so happy he ditched that retarded hairstyle
BAcuck killed 4channel
Someone post that edit with The Mist ending where the MC has Eren's face. Or that copipasta
Congratulations on your achievements, user.
>BAspics are mentally ill*
Bringing back a 15 year old with 3 months of military experience over their commander was a retarded decision and everyone should acknowledge it.
He's worse than the EMautists at this point
>Annie tease at the end of the episode
At this point I'm sure these are your own posts
There are like 12 chapters left and Annie is nowhere near to returning, pedo
Manlet killed Cuckwin to end his suffering, ErwLfujo :)
It wasn't me! Welcome back!
Do I get to kiss her hand now?
>AA confirmed
Realistically speaking, what do you hope to achieve with this? Is it just indulgent self-insertion?
> There have been more than 150 holders of the FT, but NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM has improved the populus' intelligence or creativity to benefit the race as a whole. Everyone was just cattle playing along the King's wishes.
Well, at least they tried, just look at the Ackerman clan.
Very wrong.
BAfag a cute
So why is this autist so obsessed with BA? Bert died before getting a single onscreen interaction with Annie, a long BRA flashback focused nearly entirely on Reiner leading the other two and a fucking joke pairing like NicoloxSasha got better treatment.
I'm not trying to shit on it but what exactly is the appeal?
>Shitren Hunterwalker: DONT MAKE ME KILL YOU
Yaeger bros touch, eren tells titans to wake up, Annie wakes up. That was hard
Who will use the anti titan rifle and on who?
I thought that you'd kill yourself after FG's confirmation
What am I looking at? Is this fanart or is it partially official like those pictures with everyone in the 104th trying to mimic the Eren's title drop?
Damn the episode was amazing, makes the OP even more distasteful.
We live in the worst timeline.
Those minicomics are made after the episode
Partially official
>snk is a metaphor for how the jews are trying to eradicate whites
It's not confirmed, Falco likes her and she got flustered because she's young and impressionable. She didn't reciprocate. If Isayama pairs them up, it's because he's a degenerate (known) that's pandering to a disgusting part of his fan base that like to ship young people.
>ripping off someone else's ending is kino
Best of both worlds, you can just rationalize that scene as from the previous loop where eren failed
>snk is a metaphor for how whites are terrified of the world ending power of black people
Truly inspiring
>they already have the power of giant monsters
>warmongers couldn't get enough and created another warmachine
Eldians are NOT human
>t.desperate darkie
The game will be out soon! Are you going to play it, /snk/?
Stop talking to yourself beruanihaven
>EAfat and BAspic on the same thread
The kid in the final page looks like her.
And Dune and Naruto and GoT and Berserk and The Mist and
fuck you erehis
Edgy selfinserters who want Bort ro get laid and autistic 14yo girls. BA is by far the flattest but since it was teased in non-official spinoffs, people like it.
But i can't if there's no timeloop and "See you later, Eren" and his flashback from 1 Episode are not canon anymore because he chaged his mind
>Monkey Trouble
>Daddy Issues
>King Kuck
>Gone Gonad Gorilla
>Simian Sterility
>Primate Cuckoldry
>Castration Frustration
>Chastity Audacity
>Apeity Jobber
>If you kill your race, you win
>Former Woequeef of Marley
Mikasa will devour Eren with her gaping akkerman cunt but keep him alove to protect him properly
Mature Hisu looks so beautiful. Wish we would have gotten more of that during all this time.
Yelnoid OUT
Say your prayers, Paradiscucks
Well until the manga ends without that scene showing up, i don’t know if I would say it is non-canon
Ep 59 made me hate Floch less, which makes me think that maybe he’s the character that will get killed off in 119.
don't need them
CRINGE, this is cringe. delete this
haha nice xD
M-marley bros?
We still haven't gotten a single POV of how she feels being Queen after Uprising. Is her poker face just for show? How does she feel about everyone leaving her behind when heading out? Does she even know about what happened at Marley with Sasha?
Yelena will die next chapter
That baby is obviously Historia's baby. As for the man.
Will the losers who claim that Annie and Bert have never even talked ever be able to show their faces again?
Don't be so jealous!
>sterilizing one race will save the world and solve all conflict
Predictions for next chapter? Unfortunately I feel like EZ making contact is going to be drawn out.
Sieg is gonna FREAK when he hears about this!
But they never talked to one another
Yeah it's really disappointing Isayama barely gives us anything about her, especially since I was looking forward to her character change. Since only a selected few know about her location I assume she doesn't know about Sasha.
how did an armong scene become one of the most kino in the entire season?
If Eren touches Zeke it will be for the last page. Expect more Gabozzzz shit
Once Eren, The Eternal Champion, wipes out the earth, he will finally achieve freedom for his people.
EAfat and the pedo are the same person?
what's people obsession with dead ships like BA, YH?
that song is great what number on the ost is it?
go back dumblrina
It's an allegory how weak mean threaten to undermine the human race
Because the anime just ended plus shingeki exhibition, I think something major is going to happen. So, Zeke Scream or Eren triggers the Rumbling or both.
It's the pandering from WIT. They just won't stop feeding them.
Yes, the guy is mentally ill as fuck, you should never interact with him.
Zeke screaming at the beginning, ZE touching at the end of the chapter.
Probably. CWL never complains about EA, but complains about pretty much everything else that involves Annie.
That brocon will get BTFO.
>AAspic talking with himself
God I hope so
user thats a song from kingdom hearts
I just still like YH and the moments they had, that's it. A lot of people still like characters, even if they are dead.
Is the man on the right really Eren though?
Isayama you coward
>MikeStolkasa is still here
Next month he will an hero himself
>coping breedercucks
This! Ignore the AAspic
True love never dies
>when you realize that mentally ill ragecuck was always a plebeian choice and the real man was the sweet twink beside him all along
Yes, Chapter 100 shows that scene again from a different angle where you clearly see Eren's face.
YH is understandable while BA gets rheir pandering from 3rd party sources
>you now remember that there were people who thought the hobo wasn't Eren
I want Zeke to put a baby inside me.
>AMfags calling themselves cucks
Yeah, Eren being the 3/10 he is wears his armband on the wrong arm until Falco fixes it
Chapter 100 shows his PoV too
Mantiskasa is a monster who will rape Eren and then kill him.
we know Levi
The only thing he would plant inside you is the seed of antinatalism.
That planned ending sounds terrible
Ships are like comfort food. I try to remind myself of that whenever I get annoyed at shippers. Just their thing.
Is this the moment where Mikasa started to fall for Armin?
i wish mikasa would rape and murder me
s-stupid sexy Bert
>Ronk ronk skraa kreeeeeeeeeee
The mental gymnastics of paradisc*cks...
>implying i ship it
is it too hard for your pea brain to understand someone can take a jab at EMcucks just for a joke? faggot
They never had any single on-panel interaction until flashbacks that take place after Bert's death, and even then all they got was Bert asking Annie if she thought that loyalty was important and then Bert telling her that she is good looking enough to whore herself to old men
Fuck, I missed that. I just read chapter 91-118 today.
>wears his armband on the wrong arm
Holy shit this confirms Eren wasn't long in Marley. I need to reread the chapters again.
AM is endgame.
>dude breed lmao
>just move forward, there's always hope
>muh cycle of hatred and tyranny (totally different than Nardo!)
Isayama should have stuck to SNK's survival horror roots instead of turning it into surface level socio-political and philosophical commentary. The end was spelled when Isayama admitted to changing the ending midway through to appeal to fans after the series exploded in popularity. It turned out to be another breeding propaganda piece by Shinzo Abe. Expect more generic platitudes about muh next generation as the story ends
Kys disgusting ZLwhale, the only thing Levi will do with Zeke is kill him
Armong comes up with a genius plan to save Eren and we get about 20 pages of JMC praising Armin for being so smart and 15 pages of FG blushing at each other
chadminzillas report in
>all ships get torn apart and thrown into a fire except for AM which becomes canon
Imagine the absolute outrage, both here and from normalfags
seek help
>no crutch
>no eye injury
Bros Eren was like a month in Marley. Eren the father
Don't use AM for this.
>Exposes neck and chest to predators as the ultimate form of submission
You're right, to end all conflict we need to sterilize all life on the planet.
They aren't cucks if they win, seething self inserting EMfat
>sneed aka BAwhale aka GEpedo aka AAwhale
Isayama finished the chapter kinda early, so I’ve been thinking maybe it doesn’t have a lot of action panels. More talking.
I believe this sort of proves that Isayama is going for a Dragonball ending where Eren stops the curse. Eldian-dominated world wouldn't work out. Conflict will breed conflict and everyone would be the slave of an FT again.
ok you definitely are illiterate
What pandering? Ymir and Bert are fucking dead and those pairings never got to even first base.
If some random calendar picture or magazine spread with the two characters standing next to each other means they are canon then by that logic Eren has been fucking manlet and Mikasa for ages
Because shipperfags don't care about plot, only about ''muh OTP''
they just keep reading fanfic and being delusional
which chapter lines up with the final episode of season 3 part 2? i want to read the manga up to current
I got a lot of other ships that I like and happened. I just like YH for what it had
>t-totally not an EM shipper who jumped shit after 112 hahahah
>lmao emcucks btfo
could they confirm Eren x Historia already?
hopefully that will shut up the yards for good
Bert deserved a happy ending
Yeah but at least YH did have a built up relationship
What happens if this is true? That crest sure isn't Marley's...
Think about it anons. What keeps this show going? Having children does
"Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." - Matthew 7:14 KJV
If hardly anyone finds the way to life, WHY would you have children and risk them going to hell?
Why would you bring more people into modern day spiritual Egypt? This is a prison planet. STOP having babies! What kind of cruel person are you to bring children into this sick degenerate world??? What are you, selfish or something? A lot of people wish they were never born, yet here you are having children.
Sex is 666 = XXX. Sex is of the devil, 666 is the number of creation. Stop creating
This is really sad. AoT had so much potential
here your happy ending :)
It's Miss Tybur.
No, considering that she spends the next 4 years clinging onto Eren
The Zeke and his animals destroying that statue mother reminds me of that fic of Zeke trying to find Historia
>what happens
LMfags mass suicide, EMfags continue to bury their heads in the sand, HMfags give a nonchalant shrug, AMfags do nothing because they're too modest to rub it in our faces.
There is always more emphasis for YH in the anime than the manga when you look at it. Heck they even got an endcard for a scene that was less than 1 minute.
>BAspics really thought they had a secret romance
Imagine being BTFOd this hard
Marleymong out of words to defend the evil aggressors I see.
Not sure but he's the strongest candidate
A result of her genes and not her free will.
start with chapter 91
She spent most of that time clinging less to him than usual though, considering she built a friendship with Historia and Sasha, and seems to have furthered her bond with Armong.
From my observation, the most popular ships tend to not be canon. Just look at Harry Potter, for example. Years ago, I just promised to myself to let shippers be. Saved me a lot of aggravation.
No, better to go with extermination since there would be counter efforts to create a cure, and chaotic anarchy after realizing they're sterile.
Is this really one guy
That's some god-awful art right there.
Seeing these pages make me think back. Did Eren himself actually cut off his own leg?
>too modest
They've been pretending that Armin had been in love with Mikasa just because they smiled at each other, they say that Armin "deserves Mikasa for being a true gentleman" and bury their heads in the ground to all the AAshit shoved to our faces
Yeah, probably.
I know this is bait, but imagine there is someone actually believing this.
>All the AA
Shit compared to AM
Eren the Mad Queen is based.
The Eren crying poster, not him, not at this time of the day
Absolutely disgusting
Tragic endings > happy endings
Eren = Mad King
Mikasa = Jaime Lannister (literally bound to protect the Mad King)
Can't wait for the betrayal.
>one year to see Bert animated again
Not fair
>Eren will NEVER go to Marley
>Eren will NEVER do a Grim Reminder 2.0
>Eren will NEVER go with the spinefluid wine plan
>Eren will NEVER go for a rumbling and flatten the earth
>Eren will never restore the glorious Eldian Empire and have royal babies with the Queen
Was Willy just a figurehead while she held all the power in the family? The way she reacts to her brother and his families death just seems so cold.
Annie liked Eren more the Bert or Armin.
The manga has 12 more chapters left. How many of these will be Annie chapters?
Get out GoTfags, you guys are so cringe. disgusting
Isayama is a gotfag.
What is that?
Willy held the power because the people loved him and listened to him. She held the literal power and carried the heaviest burden. She wasn't cold, she was proud. He knowingly went to his death, to draw out Eren, to unite the world against him.
>d-don't reference other mainstream media while we're talking about mainstream anime. SEKRIT CLUB!
Am I supposed to type "seeth"? Is that how Yea Forumseddit works?
I actually never ship characters, who are not obviously supposed to be soon to be lovers, since the genre is romance. YH was one of the two exceptions and at least in their case Ymir loving Hisu was confirmed. Otherwise I don't ship.
He didn't like the ending though
6 years and a lot of operations had succes because of Armong
Yeah, I remember when he counted 3 cups
Mantiskasa isn't going to happen with EH but it will happen with EA
Do you anniefags feel like it's now too late for Isayama to do her character justice with the manga confirmed to end next year?
There are literally no parallels between the two situations. Also cringe, get the fuck out.
wtf I love GoT now
Cringe, we were just talking about The Mist
Not an Anniefag but Isayama wasted a lot of time with Gabi. First time I wouldn't mind WIT to rush her shit arc
cheers. i read the manga as far as it went years ago, i think after season 2 and it only went up to about 94 or something so itll be familiar
>Eren is literally gigachad
based isayama
Not a rule
You clearly haven't even watched the show, so I am not sure how to reply to this.
Just got a sneak peak of the new chapter. I can't believe Eren and Zeke french kissed to activate a mini rumbling to scare away the invading Marleyans.
>How does it feel like that papa WIT left you for me?
haha gay XD
>All Erenfags, Arminfags and Zekefags can say about their character is something that includes the word chad.
Now that's pretty pathetic.
Stop forcing your unfunny garbage, Yea Forums.
You think they care about that anymore? They've become so desperate that they could get a single panel of Annie taking a huge shit and they'd declare it the chapter of the century and evidence to why Annie is the real main character of the series and the one true love of whoever their self-insert is
dat YelenASS!
>yfw Season 4 opening will be "Fallen angel" again but this time with Reiner and the warriors
I never can take them serious, because it makes them sound desperate.
It IS desperate.
Flocke was telling the truths like a madman.
Until he became the true madman.
Then how come Mikasa hasn't fucked her sibling?
You can't take a joke YHfag
>Why yes, I'm insecure about my masculinity. How did you know?
She's been trying.
You don't respond to people by doing the @, you have to click on the big number (ex: No. 190027149)
>Implying it's a joke when they literally try to defend it
Some yurifags started pretending that Hisu was in love with Mikasa in chapter 107
Ragnorak soon
>user! What the FUCK did you say about my waifu?!
I was one of the people who said it. You shouldn't take a joke so serious. Although MH would indeed be cute though
>SayriinaBlack is here
Annie an overrated shit
AA is endgame
I have a questions towards shippers:
What exactly makes you a shipper? What do you do as a shipper?
Do you spend time outside of Yea Forums just fantasizing about ships?
I am sorry, but shipping to me appears to be a form of cuckoldry, since you literally want your favorite female character to fuck another favorite character.
Honest answers only pls.
>YonkouProd said Abe will make a surprise appearance at the final exhibition
What the fuck?
I'm not ready bros.
an actual mexican unlike the spanish bafag
>all the AAshit
like what, armong talking to a fucking rock that hasn't been conscious for 5+ years? yeah, real romantic.
Shipping is like cheering for a football team user
AA still genuine and Armin had feelings for ANNIE than MIKASA. MIKASA DESERVES SOMEONE BETTER LIKE JEAN!
Eren will touch Zeke and activate colossal titans, then someone kills Zeke leaving Eren without ability to control them. After 90% of humanity extinct, in order to protect themselves from millions titans humanity builds giant walls..
>Abe is invited to the exhibition along with a few politicians
>he's assuring them that this will finally be the series to motivate Japan's youth to improve the birth rate
>trollsayama BTFOs them by revealing the final panel is Sieg holding Eren's stillborn, telling it it's free from suffering
>fanbase sympathizes with Sieg
>anti-natalism spreads and the birthrates plummet even further
it would be the biggest cucking of a fandom if Sieg wins
AAfags are self inserters who just want to fuck Annie even though Annie has zero say in it. But they're too assblasted to admit that so they seethe at the least offensive shipperfags around. AAwhales are cancer.
>SNK was reproduction propoganda all along
>Abe announces the "born in this world" law which gives parents tax reduction and government benefits for creating children
>Abe: "Our proud people have been suffering from the consequences of modern civilization, but as a race we have to keep advancing, just like the heroes of Paradis."
Isn't that what non-serious shippers think?
If you are naming people from Reddit, that means you're a Redditor and you should fuck off.
If you are naming people from Tumblr, you're a Tumblrina and you should fuck off.
If you're a normie who slings names around because you're a gaped wet cunt that enjoys meta-shit, you should fuck off.
Alright, who will die next chapter?
So far I'm betting on:
- Floch
- Keith
- Nile
- Pixis
- Every poisoned soldier
- Colt
- Pieck since she's out of her titan
- Reiner either this chapter or the next
shut the fuck up chili
Why did they give the titans red eyes in S3 P2?
kek, who are these people?
Of course it's stupid but this is the same series that treated Sasha liking Nicolo's cooking as the start of a beautiful relationship and Bert's autistic background starring as signs of an undying love that trascends lifetimes
We already had two characters calling out Armong's rock cumming sessions as signs of him having the hots for Annie while he doesn't deny it
It's stupid but it's even more stupid to deny it and pretend that Armin is actually in love with Mikasa
Coorindate shit?
>Floche will die the moment he stopped being a fodder character
Actually kino.
they did it in S2 too
I thought that most AAfags just shipped it ironically to laugh at the Anniefags for being stuck with Armong
wasnt it just zeke and his titans?
But you didn't think that.
He stopped being fodder 15 chapters ago though
Armin has done more for Mikasa than for Annie, who is just a friend and he feels as sorry for her as he feels sorry for Onyankopon
Pieck's eyes are red too.
>the ending is Armin using talk no jutsu to achieve world peace then singing Ebony and Ivory with Onyankopon
You know it's coming.
Was Ymir being influenced by Marcel when she decided to save bert and reiner?
>only saw one scene of the sasha/nikolo relationship because it didnt matter much
>thinking that somehow is a valid equation to AM
yeah no fuck off AAcuck
Isayama titan
I'm mainly a fujo. I just like seeing two male characters I like interacting and doing things together. I don't ship hetships as much as I used to
Just ignore the BAspic and the AMfag
AM is cute and endgame
Keith will kill Floch
>AM vs AA vs BA
Well, can't say this is interesting enough for me.
>replying to yourself
Does anyone have sales data on attack on titan? I wonder if it's going to break the 100m mark before the manga ends.
gif related is me, a covert AMfag, trying to ignore this shit
>then singing Ebony and Ivory with Onyankopon
kek. I would die if this happened
t. Shadis still assmad about being called out for his boomer ways
Why is Queen Historia so beautiful? I had a wet dream last night and if memory serves it was about her.
I don't even know what's up with the dumb BA spam lately.
>I die to show Zeke is bad
>EM vs EA turned into AM vs AA
At least we know who got hitched
The BAspic said he finished his studies
>What is google
he should have said that the water could be poisonous
Armin has done more for Eren than he has for Mikasa. Is he in love with him? Of course fucking not
Eren has done more for Mikasa than he has for Hisu and now Armin is pretending that he only told Mikasa that he hated her to protect her. Does that mean that he is in love with her? Of course fucking not
that pixellization of hanji's eye gets me
If i like a girl character i want her to be fucked by a guy character i like. That's it.
>Not at least respecting his role as fodder
Shit on him for everything else but not just anyone could have done that.
>Bert's autistic background starring as signs of an undying love that trascends lifetimes
>undying love
>I job off-panel to show Zeke is strong
How did that even happen, anyway? Did Zeke throw rocks at him?
>I job
EA gang feels content and happy because we feel the EA that has been happening in the manga recently. We're secure and don't need to lash out at anyone
his weird little head always gets me
seriously, look at how little and weird his head is.
>They were destined to love each other
>I job, therefore i am
so is WIT doing season 4 or someone else?
Tragic lovers.
>I job to prove Eren is competent
Eren cums on Annie's crystal when Armin isn't doing it?
Why is Hanji's eye screwed up?
>I found a new job
>I have no (last) name
Post a ship and a song that reminds you of it
Reiner's jobbing transcends purpose
It seems like it, they are also doing the Kabaneri movie and Vinland Chadga as well
And they only have a year and a half tops to makes at least the first cour of S4
Prepare for impact
>S4 delayed
Sasuga WIT
based, i fucking love taylor swift
Everyone cums on Annie's crystal though
>forgetting the part where Eren got the best marks in hand to hand training in the 104th squad
Historia feet
Licky licky
>Reiner finally wins
him dying is winning
Based Abeyama
>Resurrects only to lose again
wit will animate the finale season dum boi
There's nothing wrong with jobbing if you're a good character.
Predict where the first cour of final season will end.
Pregnant Historia
Is this a result of her royal blood? Does zeke have the same ability?
>Taylor Swift
it only works if the person is dead
result of araki being imbecile
It could be, she also saw her father's memories when she murdered him
Anime original scene. If Zeke has the same ability, he would find out about Eren's true plan already.
>I reappear to show Floch is bad
it's a combination of
>Subjects of Ymir
>Royal blood
>Physical touch
>Historia wanting more infomation
He didn't even fight Reiner just tripped over
Annie will act as a deus ex machina mark my fucking words. She will come out of nowhere and turn the tides of battle even if just for a moment. It's gonna be great Yea Forumsnons
also Ymir was one of the nine
Nen becomes stronger after death.
I'm just here for the kino ending soundtrack, has the OST been released yet?
But I don't imagine zeke has touched anything of that nature? As in, something of Eren's? Plus, It gets thrown around pretty often that Isayama uses the anime to "fix" his mistakes, so you gotta wonder.
Eren sent him a letter.
It's missing the JMfags, I guess neither of them is here yet
fuck outta here with that taste
Nobody gives a shit about them or the ship
Eren used Falco to send letters to Zeke and the SC
Zeke also worked with the SC on the plan, manlet even complained he threw more rocks than what they agreed on
now everyone who replied to this post sing the song you posted
Oh jokes. Maybe there are other conditions then. More than likely though, they were just sloppily covering for showing ymir's story too early on
Dumb LHfag
my waifu can not be this autistic!
>Anime manlet: fujobait
>Manga manlet: fujobait and an actual character
How is anime fixing things again?
armin will kill eren
Grim reminder that AA is cute and canon!
Feels good to be finally unbanned
It's the power of love
Bertolt was about to kill Zeke while still being in his human form
Not allowed
If only Jiiku was there before his waifufaggotry got a hold onto his dick.
>they were just sloppily covering for showing ymir's story too early on
That's exactly what happened. Seriously, I don't think using the anime for theory is a good idea.
Remember sleeping dart? If only they used it on Pieck and Porco, their job in Liberio will be much easier.
o my loli paths makes more sense
Well said
Yeah but they are usually among the loudest shitposters when it comes to this kind of shit
he hardened his hands and used those long arms like a mace to pummel the fuck out of Reiner with great speed and power before he could even get close. Either that or he just threw like 1 rock at him which split into pieces causing reiner to get BTFO
Disgusting LHfag...we don't want you here, when will you fuck off?
>he wants another Red Swan fancover situation
Why tho?
Yeah, I know. In terms of which is better, there's no question.
>tfw no titan loli to remold my penis after death
Why do you hate LH?
>shartmongoloidfags have no creativity
like clockwork.
why were you banned?
you are the worst poster on Yea Forums
Hardened punch.
Why are Armin feet so fucking lewd
Calm down, LEfujo.
Armin is so lucky
She's an unhinged fujo who unfortunately made a habit of skipping her therapy sessions. Just ignore.
Reiner can't die you have to accept this reality of the universe
is there any explanation why his titan looks so human and fucked up here?
Fucking this. Not even a footfag but I wanted to do lewd things with his feet
It is because sneed, Amer and BAspic(or probably the other PPfag(a warriorfag from the favela) who also spammed EG shit) ship JM too. Just because they are the loudest doesn't mean people give a shit about JM
Some janny got mad because i posted pic related
I believe that the BAspic is even worse than me
Not cute or pretty
But they’re stubby and they probably stink
Mikasa may have been actual waifu material if she didn't abuse testosterone
>imagine being a cuckren self inserter ...
Take that back
Meta narrative artistic purposes
Pick one character in the series to get their happy ending, then pick one to receive an agonizing death.
Reiner for both
this scene isn't meant to show mikasa's attractiveness. stumbling in the water and that bashful smile is supposed to show a child like side. which is fitting since the armin and mikasa are fulfilling their childhood dream
Annie gets a happy ending and donuts
Zeke gets BTFO
Yes. Remember when Eren was practicing his consecutive transformations, and after each successive transformation his titan was more fucked up? That's because his stamina was low. His titan shifting abilities were hampered by overexertion. If we consider that Reiner was already badly injured, and had already partially transformed once, it makes sense that his full transformation was incomplete (lacking armor)
>Happy ending
Armin, he deserves it
>Agonizing dead
Eren, to pay back for all the harm he has done
did you report me before for posting a picture showing that you're the "Chadren will destroy gabis pussy" poster?
Eren will destroy Armin's boipucci
oh you
So is the only reason Eren's dad gave him the coordinate because of that mixed memory brainfart Owl made in saying Grisha needs to save Armin and Mikasa?
Got it. Thanks
happy end: historia
agonizing death: reiner
Jean and Mikasa
because eren also wanted freedom, remember that he wanted to join the sc as a kid
Slaughter billions and destroy civilization to save a few hundred thousand
Eren also shared his values and he was probably in his last year or two before expiry.
He gave him the coordinate because Eren needs it to survive Marley and Eren's the only person he trust above all
Also Rod escaped and while he didn't know Grisha's name, he could still have MP track him down. Having Eren eats him erase all traces (and it helps they don't look much alike)
>AAfag is the EArfag
>Spends time saying Annie will be raped and insulting Eren
In the end you were the mentally ill
I didn't. And i don't think you'll believe me but i'm not the gabiposter, can you post the picture you are talking about?
the weak should fear the strong
Not him but you clearly are, who would give a shit about the BAfag and you are always the first post, and since the BAfag came back the GE posting disappeared because you are too busy with him
there's a lot of possible reasons
>thought Eren was super special like Mikasa; unlike Shadis
>it was his son
>liked his Eren's curiosity of what's outside the walls
>Grisha had no time left
>mindfucked over losing Carla
>mindfucked over doing what he did to the Reiss family
Everything outside the walls on Paradis was officially Marley territory. Sending the SL, a military force, out onto that land was an act of war and a provocation that could not go ignored. Anyone who blames the warriors for starting the war is ignorant
>mentally ill pedo
Top b8 m8
The pedo never existed, that was you, AAwhale
>armin and mikasa are fulfilling their childhood dream
>Mikasa's dream
EA gang is not Gabi gang
Happy end: Mikasa
Agonizing death only to be resurrected: Reiner
>who would give a shit about the BAfag
I hate that nigger and I'm not an AA/EAfag
Could you be lying
What are you talking about. Look at the second post in this thread, this was posted while i was still banned.
I haven't even posted the AA is cute and canon reminder in the past threads since i was banned, it's clear that whoever posted that is another person.
fuck off pedo²
Why not.
You wanted this right???
created by me
Of course he is, he is the one throwing those tumblrinas names
It feels so fucking good to be an EHCHAD
The way shipperfags act is so fucking deranged it fuels me.
Imagine investing almost a decade acting like this just for Isayama to shit in their mouths
why doesn't my dad trust and praise me like this
That isn't me, in fact that's an obvious falseflag.
Could be another AAposter for all i know, i'm not the only one
happy: GODVI
death: Erwin
You hate him that much, huh?
I rabu AnnieIt's true
Alright, jokes aside,i have to confess thatI sincerely rabu Annie
>to hate the beruanism you must be an AAfag
So is the manga ending next year?
why do you sound like a professional singer intentionally trying to sound shit?
Can someone post the Alex Jones/Zeke meme where he's saying "DESTROY THE CHILD"?
because you're a disappointment and your dad blames himself for the state you're in.
You're still an AA posting dog
Thanks for proving my point user
Boy do I have some news for you, user.
Armin needs to hit that
I don't hate him. I just like to see him suffer
t. EAfat(pedo)
t. EAfat(youtuber)
Based infantcide bro
It has to end before the final season starts so yeah
It's basically confirmed it's going to be someone else
Thanks bro
They might do a split cour again though.
No, it doesn't. FMA, IIRC, ended literally the same month as the anime did.
SnK could be the same. Or it could end while the final season is airing.
So is it safe to say that EMfags are now accepting that their ship will never happen. AM will surely rise, am I right? AM will be more popular than EM in the near future
But last episode may have turned me into a AMfag
Not really, this scene explains why they aren't trying to save annie.
This scene sets up why reiner is so hell bent on his mission.
And of course establishes their relationship and power dynamic to the reader.
please stop posting on Yea Forums and get back to work on this month's chapter, sensei.
EA is /fit/ and mature
Don't listen to him, Zeke. You are a smart and good child.
Too bad, little guy
Jean exist, just give up
user I...
This is foreshadowing his real death
that's not canon unlike the one I posted
he anally raped
EMfags always come back in masses whenever Mikasa gets horny for Eren like they did in chapter 108 after being dead for years
t. deranged shipperfag
>no tripcode
>someone treats him like a human
>dedicates his whole life to their dream
Poor zeke. Does he even need glasses or does he just miss his papa 2.0
everyone is a product of their enviroment
>EMfags accepting that steep of a downgrade
Bye, AAcel
Those are all Arminfags, EMfags either killed themselves, remain delusional or want her to fuck some Hizuru prince
I just self insert to the character I ship them with, user. It's pragmatic.
Shipping is for low IQ people (ie gays and women) They literally cannot comprehend the plot so they have to reduce every character interaction to the most basic trite possible
why do you think a mantis would bang a moth tho in this particular circumstance
With Armin faps on Annie's crystal and Mikasa shlick on Eren's abuses? If you want something to destroy EM then bring JM because this is somewhat realistic.
>a moth and a mantis are the same species
New chapter when
AM is very unlikely but Jean and Mikasa haven't had a real interaction in over a hundred chapters
So mad
>muh ship fags
Why is everyone not a shipfag? It is extremely rare for a story not to have romance in some form, either as a tool for drama or as a method of resolution in the epilogue. In this story, we know based on the final panel that children and creating a world for the next generation is a key theme. This highly implies multiple characters including Eren specifically will have children.
People saying “Endgame right here brothers” or “Coming, Historia!” are actually just people reading the story and recognizing the fairly obvious character traits, themes, and plot devices implying these pairings will happen. Those denying it are constantly screaming “shipfags shipfags are mentally ill”. Really, if you don’t have multiple “ships” you are probably a mentally ill freak who has some aversion to people forming relationships, or you’ve never read s single book and noticed that relationships often form in them.
Anticipating certain characters pairing up is not mentally ill shipfaggotry, it’s just reading the story and anticipating the end based on their character traits and themes involving them.
Shipping is healthy in SNK compared to the other series like Naruto and Bleach
>Shipping is healthy in SNK
You faggots are literally insane, holy shit.