Not that I think he should be censured, I think most sensible people agreeing it's shit is enough...

Not that I think he should be censured, I think most sensible people agreeing it's shit is enough, but the guy who did the new Evangelion translation may have had a bit more of an agenda than has been let on, even considering Khara's role.

facebook com/story.php?story_fbid=10213227968527975&id=1659093686

Attached: Screenshot_20190701-120741.png (720x1280, 376K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Lol xd facebook X3

Go away

Attached: 132354644-352-k684104.jpg (352x550, 19K)

I'm not going to log in to facebook for this shit.

>social media drama
Fuck off and kill yourself.

Attached: I want v to leave.jpg (548x500, 43K)


based translator. go back to facebook

>posting Facebook screencaps
You're right that the translation is shit and the translation is an agenda-driven fuck, but you're just as much as a faggot for even posting this.

The btfoing of yaoi fags is the best thing to come out of netflix in years. Also the sekuto used in the news broadcast literally means far left group so fuck off and dilate

Link to the nazi lolicon hentai?

lefties deserve to die anyways

so basically you aren't allowed to inject politics in anime dubs if you're /pol/ but it's ok if funimation does it

This. Link or gtfo.

>Natalia Nisan Cohen Shmueli.
Did her mother name father the guys she fucked at an interracial party?

Damn, netflix is based?
Thanks retarded facebook nigger.

>Damn, netflix is based?
No, it's just the retarded facebook nigger doesn't know the ADV translation was fucking awful.

I'm thinking of making a petition to ban Eva threads from Yea Forums
It's become nothing but a gateway anime of the worst kind and should be banned to maintain the quality of this board.

The anti naruto autism is a big part of why Yea Forums is so shit now and you want round 2?

>off topic
>e-celeb drama shit
You're certainly one of the worst posters I've ever seen on this board. Consider cyanide pill for excruciatingly painful death worthy of a shitter like you.

No, letting Narutards in in the first place was what made modern Yea Forums shit.

I bet you watch moeshit faggot.

I bet you only watch gateway anime.

>Nazi lolicon hentai
Where, let's read it

Leftists like them deserve the rope

Naruto and shounen faggotry is the one cancer that destroyed this board. Moot was a faggot for doing what he did, fuck this piece of shit.

>still up

I'm out and on the move, it was the quickest way of starting a new thread.

>you can only watch Shounen or moe

Wanna know how I know you are a shounen shitter?

It's a perfectly valid thread
I could understand getting angry if the Facebook link was the only way to get the information but it is all right there in the image.

I never said ADV was any good, nice assumption. There has never been an adequate official English translation of NGE.

I bet you watch fanservice shit
The people on this board that complain hard about people watching things they don't like are either moefags or ecchifags.

Google Youjo Senki

>caring what westerners think
>caring what leftists think
>caring what women think
>caring what people who need content warnings for loli and strike witches think

Attached: 1561814450674.png (679x810, 935K)

>fanservice shit
You DO know that shounenshit has the highest concentration of fan service out of all the other demographics, right?

>Nazi lolicon hentai
Why did you get my hopes up like that? It's just witches doujinshi.

>prison school subs get changed to mention gamergate in a negative light
>twatter sleep
>evangelion subs get changed in order to mention leftists in a negative light
>twatter implodes

Attached: 1513262141657.jpg (602x655, 122K)

Or you know, the shonen fanbase being inherently shit. MHA is proof of this.

Is there anyway to save all that stuff before he is inevitably forced to take it down?

God I wish SJW's and religious nutjobs could just start killing each other already. The world would be better off. Is there anything these people are not out to ruin?

When people on Yea Forums say shounen they are referring to action shows and you know it.

>cohen shmueli

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why would he be forced to take down because facebook manginas bitches about it?

Because that's how it usually plays out. Political zealots doxx someone and/or harrass them en masse until they eventually vanish off the internet or (if they have an employer) get fired. Pixiv doesn't have to actually do shit against him, nor would they because they obviously don't give a shit about gaijin whining.