Any one else hate watching shit like this because you missed out on teenage love?

Any one else hate watching shit like this because you missed out on teenage love?

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>Any one
no in the billions of people on this planet you are the only unique snowflake who thinks a certain way

You cant miss it if you didnt have

I was patiently waiting for my waifu to be created.

well, Ishigami is called "our guy" for a reason, even tho in the manga is gradually becomming a normie.

Not really, because that was my own choice. Besides, it's not like teenage love is usually like that one at all.

You'll absolutely love Tsuki ga Kirei

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>missed out on high school love
>missed out on high school sex
>once in a lifetime opportunities i will never get to experience


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It would be feel worse if you didn't miss out on teenage love and still ended up here with us shut in losers.

If you want something that shows you how even well-intentioned relationships can turn to shit, NANA has your back.

user, when you die you get reborn as someone else. You probably had those experiences in your previous lives.

based buddhist user

but i married my high school sweetheart

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Do you know what missed out means?

Imagine being dumb enough to think that a version of you without memories is "you". Spirituality is the biggest crock of shit out there, and it's even worse when you throw in genetics and realise that your personality is literally linked to your parents. My dad has a short temper, so do I. If I was someone else's son, I'd be a completely different fucking person.

Nope, I love watching shit like this because I can live vicariously through characters with zero risk. The real world is for normalfags.

I was just trying to cheer user up, what did I do to deserve this much hostility?

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That was just banter, posting cryinganime.jpg and playing the victim is something else entirely. Grow the fuck up, man.

You're a meany.

The worst is when a girl is clearly interested in the protag, yet he remains oblivious to all the hints she's dropping. Bonus cringe points if MC-kun ends up alone because of this. Does this hit too close to home for anybody else?

This is how I cope with that fact.

>a girl is clearly interested in the protag

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What they have isn't teenage love, it's some kind of spastic, over dramatic, alien and unhealthy study of a noncommital relationship where nothing ever happens and they never trust each other and we always return to status quo even after a supposed major development happens. It wasn't that bad, given what it is.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai - 11 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_03.46_[2019.03.23_17.33.50].jpg (1920x1080, 627K)

/r9k/ and Yea Forums are sister boards, OP

don't be an autistic twat

The fuck is with that localized title

Figures, in the West confession is only done to priests, God, or the police

No, since I'm not interested in relationships. Also, it's just a fucking comedy.

Are you autistic or something? "Kaguya-sama wants to be confessed to: A love battle of brains between geniuses" is not a good title. You have to make it a bit punchier.

The fact that I missed out on teenage love doesn't mean that I won't enjoy rooting for my likeable 2D characters' teenage love.

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I can understand changing the subtitle, but they really should have kept the "wants to be confessed to". The premise is clearer that way, and keeping just "Kaguya-sama" sounds dumb.

It's explained in the first 2 minutes of the show, and "love is war" covers the premise fine.


I know you've been around for light novels and other Japanese garbage for a long time now, but THE TITLE OF SOMETHING DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THE PREMISE.

Regardless, "Kaguya-sama : love is war" still sounds awful as it is and I probably wouldn't have even picked it up if I didn't know the manga beforehand. Keeping only "Kaguya-sama wants to be confessed to" would have sounded much better and it isn't really a too long title either.

I miss high school, my teachers, my friends...

You guys are super warped on media if you think highschool relationships is anything that most people look particularly fondly of. Unless highschool was like the peak of your life or something.

>the suffering never ends

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Anyone else hate shit like this because you had teenage love but now are lonely?

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>he hasn't made a tulpa of his waifu yet

Look at this raging incel lmao.

Maybe you'll be a huge chad in your next life.

If teenage love was anything like this show, I'm glad I missed out.

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Just find a girl to marry. Teenage love is poison.

No, I hate watching this shit because Kaguya is an intolerable cunt and everyone else has the intelligence of a fucking dinner plate. No offense to dinner plates.

I did miss out, but no. I watch it for the laughs, the stare-downs, and Love Detective Fujiwara. And that one bit with Fujiwara and the ramen patricians is probably the best thing I've seen so far this year.

What's your coping mechanism besides Anime Yea Forums? for me it's pic related

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I'll pass on the pills but stoned anime is pretty fun.
Also dudeweedlmao

your pic related and also heroin. though nowdays i take my suboxone and smoke weed like a good lad

I mainly pop them for pain and the rare time an anxious hikki like me has to leave the house

>anxious hikki
How did you even get the drugs in the first place?

Religion. Without it, I would be an angry deranged man.

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self-reflection attained by syncretic readings of Fichte and Hegel. That being said, drinking and drugging is my favourite pastime. Psychedelics are my top fave.

BTC and Tor Black Markets

and where do you get the money?

Cross faded anime viewing used to be my hikki bread and butter. But after nearly a decade of that I get panic attacks over what a loser I am and can't enjoy it anymore.

Sucking dick and peddling flash drives filled with hentai.

How can you do that when you don't leave the house?

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He peddles them to his younger sister. Duh.

neetbux obv

So you missed it.

do you get by with a VPN and Tails? Asking for a friend.

You can't miss if you don't shoot.

This is true, they have a waifu thread up 24/7.

I'm actually proud of him. He's slowly building his own harem.

one day ill get a cute weeb gf to watch anime with

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I straight up drop anime/shows if theres a lot of people in relationships. It just makes me sad and lonely


Sex with prostitutes,all incels are incels because they poor.

>Sex with prostitutes
same here, but I hate the empty feeling afterwards knowing I'll still be alone at the end of the day

No, I hate it because it's just shit

Not really necessary unless you're buying keys of coke or a dealer yourself, if it's just small personal amounts you'll be fine

thanks user

you're supposed to laugh at the fact bunch of rich spoiled kids are too broken to enjoy the simplest pleasures without suffering mental breakdown (excluding chika)


incels dont want sex itself, they want compaionship, a SO

>Any one else hate watching shit like this because you missed out on teenage love?
I like it because I missed on teenage love
I was a pussy like Shirogane

Both 2D and 3D ones

Hayasaka a best.

You mean like you own a BTS Stan twitter account?

What are you talking about?

I watch it because it's fun and I like seeing their interactions. Not to fufill your lame /r9k/ projection fantasy

Chika a best

I have plenty of money but its illegal here and I will immediately lose my job. That and the cops constantly do stings here because theres so little actual crime.

Talking out of my ass here for obvious reasons, but I doubt for the vast majority of people teenage love is as wholesome as in anime

Oh love me mista

watching others' happiness slowly kills me

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I'm so beyond feeling anything that I'm past caring about that shit. I just want to make money, play video games, buy a dog, occasionally blow my load in some escort and die now.

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Honestly, yes. I can't stand watching light hearted romance like this. I can stand it only when it's paired with much action or adventure because then it seems like a fantastical thing along with the rest of the anime. Alone it only reminds me of what I don't have.

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Since when is this board so full of incels

Careful, they prefer to be called "Monster Virgins" now

Since when was it not?

Music, it's a relatively easy hobby to get into and the hardware required is very inexpensive.

since when is this board so full of women and trannies?

Nah I hate this because blue balling is boring.


What a shithole.

Alcohol and delusions, I often just imagine I was anything but what I am now.

It's worse when you had the potential to have it but you were too autistic to act on anything.