Was it a flop?
Was it a flop?
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No. It did okay.
Reflection and Detonation still did decently well. They didn't pull in Movie 2nd box office numbers but their respective budgets were much lower and it's still a solid showing for a franchise revival film (that isn't a reboot) years down the line. Had they been able to get the original character designer to work on these movies right after Movie 2nd like they always intended to and didn't have to delay them for several years, they would have likely done much better. At the very least, Detonation stayed in theaters for months and months, doing well enough to get plenty of extended and bonus showings.
What they really need to do is get another main installment of the franchise on TV and bring in some new viewer blood that way. I know that stuff like even Vivid Strike managed to make Nanoha fans out of previously unacquainted people, but the last time a primary installment was airing was fucking StrikerS back in 2007, over 10 years ago.
I see people hoping for a StrikerS movie but what they really need is a new season. Either from the story of the movies or a new season for StrikerS doesn't matter.
It was so shit that not even Ron can be bothered to sub it.
not by shaft
Far too early for a StrikerS movie if they are even planning one at all. They already said it's two more TV series next one probably being Vivid or Vivid Strike.
I still don't know why people want a StrikerS movie, the A's one was fucking abysmal because of how much they cut out from it to fit everything into a goddamn 2 hour 30 minute long movie. I can't imagine trying to squeeze the 26 episodes of StrikerS into a movie or even two. The climax section of StrikerS alone is as long as an entire feature film and that was a long string of arc payoffs that had been built up over the entire series. It just wouldn't work.
Even Reflection/Detonation had serious issues from squeezing them into two films. Reflection had to cut almost all exposition out and relegate it to the manga and theater booklets to explain anything. Detonation has so much happening that most of the fights in it start onscreen, are forced to cut away, and then you're shown the eventual resolution like 30 minutes later. I fucking loved the film but it would have been even better to see it as a TV series instead.
>their respective budgets were much lower
You're pulling it out of your ass.
There's no reason for their budgets to be any different.
Movie 2nd is 40 minutes longer than Detonation is while having consistently higher quality animation.
Yes it had a significantly bigger budget, it's clear as day.
Their budgets per minute are most likely the same.
Animation quality and budget are not related, it's a misconception.
Aww, that's kind of upsetting. I couldn't get into vivid at all because It was too much slice of life for me.
>Their budgets per minute are most likely the same.
Even if that were the case, you just agreed with me that the Movie 2nd has a significantly higher budget than Detonation.
I watched Nanoha years ago and dropped it at Strikers, will i miss to much shit if i watch the movies?
Reflection and Detonation take place after A's. You'd be missing nothing.
And Reflection+Detonation had a significantly higher budget than the 2nd. I don't see your point.
>darkness rape right in the start
Okay so two movies with twice as much opportunity to make money off of ticket and BD sales, merchandising, etc over a significantly longer span of relevancy due to the whole sequel thing and a lot of production cost overlap (meaning making the two highly linked films was nowhere near as expensive as making two completely unrelated ones) versus a singular movie and the shorter lived opportunities to make money that came from that.
Surely you can figure this out.
I still don't see any point whatsoever.
Fuck you.
The OP's question was if Detonation was a flop. Put two and two together, here.
Remember when magic was "just stun lmao"?
I still don't see what the movie's budgets have anything to do with it.
Remember when Nanoha was good?
I dunno, i think Nanoha was always MAXIMUM BEFRIENDING and melted shit with her busters.
Magic became just stuns when it become loli MMA shounen tournament arc: the series.
A's was almost 15 years ago.
I feel old.
That's not a magical wound though since it came from a Formula user, and by the end of Reflection everyone in the magic-using cast is utilizing Force-style armaments that cause physical damage.
Even the orig series wasn't this gory.
Why don't she have a hole?
This is stupid.
Some people react strongly to cute girls being shown as too wounded past a point. It'd be a bit much to have Amitie's guts spilling out all over the place. What they should have done is just have Nanoha always covering the wound rather than showing it for a short duration before it gets covered up, no one would even be complaining then.
Showing the guts spilling out would be to much but something similar to this pic would better than a burn left after a huge laser shot her.
Forgot the pic
Even then it'd be weird for her to not be fucking dead with that huge of a hole in her stomach but maybe it's just an extension of idiots not being able to catch colds
Nanomachines can heal everything
Probably because the nanomachines closed up immediately the wound.
In the next scene the cyborg was shown with a hole in the abdomen without censor.
The game wasn't afraid of chopping her arm off and putting a hole in her side
I'll never get you people's obsession with fucking movie sales