>perfect body
>perfect genetics
>basically ready to impregnate
>submissive and kinky
Literally no girl can compete with my aryan waifu
Darkness is best girl
Is it ethical to rape aryans?
oh and I forgot to mention
>"noble" blood (jew)
>basically ready to get impregnated by some random nigger
>acts like a dumb bitch
>kind (will fuck anyone who asks)
>forgiving (lets niggers rape her constantly)
Implying woman in pic rel is an aryan
>noble blood
ok retard
the rest literally applies to all women
>submissive and kinky
Well I hope you plan to keep her chained up inside like the dog she is because otherwise she'd be out there bending over for every monster she stumbles across getting wetter than Atlantis over the thought of being kidnapped and taken away for rape.
Funny how despite claiming that she never was actually raped and the one time she almost was she changed her mind and ran away
She doesn't want to be raped, she wants to be humiliated thats why she says all that shit in front of monsters
she nearly got raped? by whom?
I speedread the whole thing so I might be wrong about that but I think that happened, or I'm getting more demented than I was
Konosuba is a gateway anime of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and DARKNESS.
Yeah she is literally governing an entire province all by herself with no problems
That does not mean she is smart.
>with no problems
Are you for real?
>Aqua is dumb
>Darkness will ntr you for maximum pain
>Megumi will blow up your house when she's moody during pregnancy
There is no correct choice
Liches can't get pregnant
>Darkness will ntr you
It is the other way around retard. She wants YOU to fuck other women and treat her like shit.
>ruling over a province full of idiots who stay in town to protect the succubus
>no problems
Literally noone cares about authority there. More than once they fought with guards and then were released .
I lost count of how many times Dust alone was arrested.
That's why Yunyun is there
>caring about any of these thots when succubi exist
> There is no official Lalatina art showing her rock-hard abs
why even live?
How is that a bad thing?She never gets old either.
I really empathize with Darkness because quite often when I play Japanese porn RPGs where you have a female protagonist the game is just too fucking easy and you won't get raped unless you deliberately go out of your way to fail. That completely destroys the thrill of being overwhelmed and raped.
There have been very long games which I've beaten without being raped once, it's really frustrating.
>play ideology in friction
>beat bosses by just spamming the basic attack
what were they thinking?
There aren't actually that many people or monsters willing and capable of raping Darkness.
I'd bump into Darkness, if you catch my drift
How can other women even compete?
More people should embrace the Darkness
I can't wait for February, even if she and Yunyun will completely break my bank then.
Why do you do this. Would your parents approve?
Just choose Wiz but only if she is able to get pregnant.
She failed to tax Kazuma
Konosuba was a snooze fest but Dustiness Ford Lalatina was definitely best girl. Megushit is flat as a pancake and Aqua is just an annoying little shit.
>basically ready to impregnate
Her defense stat is too high. It would take a sperm equipped with a nuclear warhead to get through that stat.
>literally applies to all women
read again what you have just fucking written there, retard.
>to all women
well, it does not apply to mai waifu.
it's more like
>to all 3DPD women
holy fuck, I really don't particularly like Lalatina, but going as far as to insult her by comparing her to fucking 3D disgusting pigs? holly shit.
Next time think before you write, faggot.
I hate those official illustrations, she looks thin like some sissy mage or your typical anorectic anime heroine.
Darkness deserves some better art!
I agree, lalatina is the best!
the one in the background literally can
There is a lot of best taste in this thread
Darkness is for vanilla-ing the Maso out of and is for handholding procreation with
darkness is for vanilla bdsm
except there is a correct choice.
yunyun, chris, and wiz can all get 2nd place trophies.
still thin, just less body fat except boobs
Darkness is for hardcore BDSM and 24/7 slavery.
Dunno, maybe having a bit more brain tissue?
She a flight risk. She likes being humiliated, even in extreme contexts. What would be more humiliating for her than being a submissive wife who gets raped by another man who's not her husband?
Make her your waifu and it's just a ticking timebomb til you're a cuck.
Virgin alert! Are you gonna marry her? No! Than what do you care what she looks like. LMAO! You're just here to smash pussy! That's one thing virgins don't understand. They wait for the perfect anime girl and ignore all the rest. Guess what? Just smash the pussy and shut the fuck up. Maybe one day you'll learn., But until that day you remain a little virgin boy. I'd smash 90 year old pussy. I'd smash 700 lb pussy. I don't care. At the end of the day. I get laid and you don't.
This is cringy, EVEN AS obvious bait.
She's the most likely of the trio to cuck you.
>not aqua
Nah, if you are already in a position where you are considered "in a relationship", then Darkness is a hard sub in a sadomasochistic relationship. In 3DPD this is actually of all possible gfs you can technically have the one who is least likely to cuck you.
I give you Megumi, though, she is pure even by waifu standards.
no she's not
darkness is a masochist, not a sadist
she's not going to fuck other guys unless you tell her to, which you probably would
Why though?
I would only do so id its some /ss/ or a bunch of pandas.
trying way too hard, shitty bait
It's not rape if they want it
Megumin a shit
>ready to impregnate
if you can pierce through her adamantium hymen of immeasurable defense
Didn't MC practically make her orgasm through verbal abuse alone when he posed as her butler?
>Didn't MC practically make her orgasm
Yes but then again so does any light breeze